Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3329: , I must do it!

"This...what the **** is going on? Why doesn't my sword obey?!"

"Mine too! Why does my sword tremble?!"

"Who is this kid? What a hell!!"

At this time, the barbarian warriors with swords shouted loudly, either depressed, or frightened, or confused!

Next second.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

I only heard a sharp whistling sound tearing through the sky. I saw that all the swords in the hands of the barbarian warriors flew away, rushing to the sky, and gathered together with the thousands of golden-red flame giant swords!

At this time, the barbarian warriors looked at their empty hands, and then glanced at the sky above. Everyone was completely sluggish, completely stunned, and couldn't understand why this was happening at all? !

For a moment, in addition to the burning golden red flame giant sword, there was also the cold flashing steel sword in the entire sky, like ten thousand cold stars blending in the nine-day galaxy!

Not only the satisfied soldiers in the sky were stunned, but even the ordinary people of the barbarians hiding in the house were also stunned!

Looking at the scene above, they all felt like dreams and illusions, very gorgeous!

It's just that the supreme coercion revealed by these thousands of swords standing proudly in the sky makes everyone's heart palpitating even more! !

At this moment, the thin man's eyes shrank suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he trembled: "Surrender...Ten thousand swords surrender...This...this kid is a sword repairer! And he also understood the supreme sword intent of the king!! "

"Is it really the king's sword intent?!"

The bald giant Han was immediately stunned, and said: "You know, the entire True Martial Realm has been repaired by thousands of swords, but there are only a few swordsmen who have understood the sword intent of the king. This kid is so young, how could he have understood the sword intent of the king? ?!"

Therefore, not only the bald man did not believe it, but the other soldiers present did not believe it at all. To be precise, he could not believe it! !

"I can't go wrong... What this kid understands is the sword intent of the king!"

The lean man frowned and said, "Once, I followed the Great to participate in the battle with the Azure Dragon Empire. At that time, the Qinglong Emperor Xuanyuan Zhantian understood the king's sword intent!

However, it is also the king's sword intent. Although this kid's sword intent is very powerful, it is still a bit worse than Xuanyuan Zhantian, so don't be afraid!

Everyone listened and quickly dispersed, all showing me defensive resistance! ! "

When everyone heard it, they dispersed, and then mobilized their true power to form a defensive mask!

Ye Fei smiled indifferently, did not speak, but directly swung the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, really like the king of the world! !

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

In an instant, the tens of thousands of golden red flame giant swords and dense swords in the sky carried a violent whistling sound, like a meteor descending, and Bengtian Sword Rain launched an impact on all the barbarians below! !

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Suddenly, bursts of earth-shattering bombing sounded resoundingly, and the dense Sword Rain of Bengtian resembled missiles, slamming heavily on the defensive masks, surging out a fierce sword intent and true power!

As for those giant swords that failed, they pierced and shattered the stone houses below!

However, fortunately, the people below have already escaped far, and they have not hurt ordinary people!


Along with this fierce impact, the light shields of the barbarian warriors were shattered, and then they were directly pierced by the flame giant sword and the Gang sword, and they let out a scream!

In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand barbarian warriors have been reduced by half!

"How could this kid's sword intent be so powerful?!"

The bald giant exclaimed, and constantly wielded the double hammers, smashing the huge sword that was pierced by the handle, but it was also dangerous.

The sturdy man kept dodge, and then hit the grey-brown true power, smashing the huge sword that rushed towards him.

"Urhan! You and I join forces to show defense and block the sword rain! Otherwise, all our soldiers will die!" the thin man said loudly.

"Yes, Amur!!"

Urhan responded with a vibrating sound, and then mobilized the steady flow of true power, emitting a fiery golden light from his body!

"Ancient Barbarian Jinding!!"

In an instant, I saw a huge golden cauldron appeared in the sky, covering all the barbarian warriors in it!

Klang Klang! ! ——

A golden-red flame giant sword and a gang sword hit the golden cauldron, as if hitting a profound bell, with a burst of crisp roars, agitating a series of majestic sword intent and true power!

"Seven evil shields of the underworld!!"

Amur yelled, and after mobilizing the true power in his body, his arms suddenly opened!

In an instant, a gray-brown light mask formed two layers of defense outside the golden ding!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The impact of this tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant sword and the Gang sword lasted for a few minutes before stopping!

However, because Urhan and Amur joined forces to defend, the remaining five hundred barbarian fighters survived!

One move, kill half of the people in a second!

But this is the case, Urhan, Amur and others still feel lingering fears!

If it were not for their defense, I am afraid, except for the two of them, everyone else here would die!

At this moment, Urhan and Amur knew that they had underestimated Ye Fei's strength.

Sure enough, the king's sword intent was powerful, no wonder the emperor would lose to Xuanyuan Zhantian.

At this time, Ye Fei stood quietly in the sky, looked at Urhan and Amur with interest, and said: "Your defense is quite strong. It seems that your status in the Wild Empire should not be low. Bar?"


Urhan replied proudly: "I am Urhan, one of the twelve wild kings!"

"I am Amur of the Twelve Heavenly Kings in the Wild!"

Amur also replied in a shock.

"It turns out to be the Twelve Heavenly Kings of the Wild, no wonder..."

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "I am here today just to end my grievances with Tuoba. It has nothing to do with you!

Of course, if you must stop me, then I have to say sorry to you! "


Amur yelled and said, "Smelly boy, this is a wild empire, not a place where you can be presumptuous!

If you dare to be against the emperor, then you are an enemy of our barbarians and thousands of warriors! "

Urhan stared at Ye Fei coldly and said, "Boy, you are not worthy to fight against our emperor! Let me meet you!"

With that, Urhan's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Ye Fei directly!

Although he is huge, his speed is not slow, he has already approached Ye Fei in the blink of an eye!

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei sighed.

Since these guys don't know good or bad, then kill them all the way!

"Ancient Barbarian Skyburst Hammer! Broken River!!"

Urhan directly swung the double hammers, condensing the solid golden true power, and smashed directly at Ye Fei!

With a cold snort, Ye Fei directly raised the golden-red flame giant sword in his hand, and slammed it toward the top!

Cang Dang! ! ——

There was a loud noise, as if two mountains had hit, and the power of the debut was rippled!

Urhan thought that this hammer could knock down Ye Fei, but he didn't expect Ye Fei to carry it down!

This is really incredible!

After all, the warriors of their wild empire have been cruelly training and forging their bodies since they were young. The strength, strength, and explosive power of their bodies are far from comparable to those of ordinary warriors!

But what he didn't expect was that the physical quality of this thin and weak boy in front of him was so powerful, which really surprised him!

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth and said, "Well, the strength is good, but it's only good..."

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei's arm holding the sword shook suddenly!

He only heard a tremor of "Dang Cang", Urhan suddenly felt a wave of power like a mountain whistling and tsunami swept toward him, and the huge body was directly shaken out!

"The King of Heaven!!"

The barbarian warriors were shocked when they saw this. Obviously, they did not expect that someone could beat Urhan in strength!

Urhan flushed, and roared in shame: "Kill me this kid!!"


The barbarian warriors yelled, holding weapons, and rushed directly towards Ye Feikang!

"Sword Dance in the Sky..."

Ye Fei spit out four words lightly.

In an instant, I saw a golden-red flame giant sword hovering around Ye Fei's body, and the fierce killing sword intent spread out!

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