Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3330: , Sword God, forgive me!

Immediately, Ye Fei's figure flickered, like a golden red afterimage, so fast that everyone couldn't see it at all!

Moreover, as soon as Ye Fei's figure moved, those golden-red flame giant swords that hovered and flew also moved!

Puff puff! ! ——

The sound of sharp blades entering the flesh sounded, followed by a series of screams!

When Ye Fei's figure appeared in front of Urhan, the bodies of dozens of barbarian warriors behind him had been crushed and completely dead!

"This... is this kid the devil?!"

"It's horrible! It's horrible!"

"He didn't do anything at all, and everyone died!"

Those Barbarian warriors who were going to encircle Ye Fei saw this scene, they were shocked and trembling all over, their hearts were cold!

Enemies of this level are simply not what they can handle!

For a moment, these barbarian warriors stood still in the air, daring not to attack Ye Fei anymore!

"Go to hell!!"

Urhan screamed, slammed the double hammers violently, and slashed golden pistols in the air, blasting towards Ye Fei's head and chest!

"The strength is good, but the speed is too slow!"

Ye Fei responded, and then directly raised the giant sword in his hand, easily blocking the blow of Urhan!

Sparks flew everywhere, and Zhenli and Jianyi shot wildly!

Moreover, the flying sword hovering around Ye Fei's body launched an attack towards Urhan!

Urhan's complexion changed and he directly mobilized his true power, condensing an ancient barbarian golden cauldron, forming a powerful defense!

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! ——

There were bursts of sounds that seemed to be cutting metal, bursting out golden and red fire lights!

Urhan thought that the ancient barbarian golden cauldron could block the attacks of these flying swords, but within a few seconds, this ancient barbaric golden cauldron was cut into cracks!

The sword intent swept in through the cracks, raging wildly on Urhan, cutting out bloodstains!


Urhan grinned in pain, his figure flashed, and he suddenly retreated!

Just tens of meters after the violent exit, Urhan mobilized his true power frantically, and then raised the double hammers and crashed into the air in front of him!

Suddenly, I saw that giant steel mountains emitting brilliant golden light appeared in the sky, directly rolling towards Ye Fei's bag!


Moreover, at this moment, Amur, who had not participated in the war in the distance, suddenly blew the flute in his hand, making a deep sound!

Ye Fei frowned and looked over, wondering what it meant for Amur to play the flute.

Is it calling someone?

However, Ye Fei did not pay much attention to Amur, but directly swung the huge sword in his hand, swaying out the majestic sword intent!

"Sword waves are monstrous!!"

In an instant, a violent sword wave appeared in the sky, emitting a dazzling golden red flame!

Immediately, Ye Fei gently waved the giant sword in his hand, and the giant wave rolled in the air with a violent and turbulent momentum, directly impacting the golden steel giant mountains below!

Boom! ! ——

Under the impact of this sword wave, the golden steel giant mountains directly shattered and disintegrated, spreading out a horrified sword intent and power, and shattering all the stone houses below!

"This... how could this happen?!"

Urhan not far away saw this scene and was so frightened that cold sweat came out.

Moreover, after this sword wave smashed the huge golden mountains, it directly turned around and rushed towards Urhan himself!

Urhan was so scared that his heart trembled, and he had no time to dodge, so he had to dance the double hammers and smash them forward!

"Ancient Barbarian Golden Shield!!"

In an instant, the vigorous real power condensed a golden shield that was tens of meters high and several meters thick, like a huge tower, standing in front of Urhan!

Boom! ! ——

At the moment when this golden shield was formed, the sword wave slammed on it frantically, like a golden-red waterfall scouring on a huge stone slab, spurring out golden circles of true power and golden-red ones. Flame aperture!

Although this golden shield blocked the impact of Jianlang, the golden shield and Jianlang also collapsed and dissipated in the air!

"Sword Intent Burns Wasteland!!"

Then, Ye Fei lifted his left hand, condensing a group of golden red sword intent flames, and then condensed and compressed it, and slammed it toward Urhan!

The moment this golden-red flame was pushed out, its power burst out, forming a sword-inspired flame shock wave, rushing towards Urhan!

"Don't think about it!!"

Urhan yelled, and his whole body was shocked, and his vigorous true power exploded, once again condensing a golden tripod around his body!

Boom! ! ——

This sword-inspired flame hit the golden cauldron fiercely, making a dull sound!

Moreover, under the burning of flames and the cutting of sword intent, this golden tripod collapsed instantly!


Urhan's face changed drastically, and he quickly set up a pair of hammers to resist!

He only heard a "bang" bang, Urhan's body was like a cannonball, and was knocked out by this sword-inspired flame. He kept flying hundreds of meters away, and then hit a building with a "bang". Above the stone buildings!

The boulder flew, the smoke rolled, and Urhan's body was inlaid on the wall!


Urhan was stunned that the bones all over his body seemed to have been smashed into pieces, hissing in a low voice, his blood flowing freely!

However, before Urhan could react, Ye Fei waved his left hand!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

The golden red flame flying sword flying around Ye Fei's body broke out directly, as if forming a vortex of swords, heading towards Urhan hundreds of meters away!


However, at this moment, Amuer, who was not far away, let out a scream, and his hands were sealed!

In an instant, seven huge gray-brown gates suddenly appeared in the sky!

Moreover, on each of these doors there is a hideous ghost face, with a mouth wide open, revealing its fangs, it is terrible!

"Seven evil gates! The seven evil gates of King Amur are the ultimate defense! They are invincible and can block any attack!"

"Even if this kid's offensive power is strong, he won't be able to break the Qisha Gate at all!"

"With the alliance of King Amur and King Urhan, this kid is dead!"

At this time, the barbarian warriors in the distance started talking.

boom! ! ——

At the moment when these seven doors were formed, the flying sword that screamed out slammed heavily on the first door, violently exploding with a frantic explosion!

However, the first door didn't last for a few seconds at all, it just shattered!

Seeing this scene, not only Amur brows, his face is full of incredible color!

As for those barbarian warriors, it's even more like seeing a ghost!

However, what shocked them has just begun...

Boom boom boom! ! ——

There was another series of bombing sounds, and the remaining six doors were directly smashed!

However, just after the seven doors were destroyed, I saw that Urhan was gone hundreds of meters away!

However, Ye Fei only raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a weird smile, then turned around and volleyed, his figure moved, and a deep voice sounded through the world!

"Remote points to the stars!!"

Huh! !

In an instant, Ye Fei's whole person seemed to be transformed into a sword, and a golden-red pike was struck in the air, as if a meteor struck the sky, directly piercing Urhan's body dozens of meters away behind him!


Urhan's chest was pierced, blood poured out wildly, and blood poured out of his mouth.

His eyes widened abruptly, and he looked at Ye Fei with a look of unwillingness to panic, "Why..."

Therefore, he did not understand why Ye Fei would find that he had reached behind him, and could burst out such a powerful attack instantly, so that he did not even have the time to dodge and defend!

Ye Fei smiled faintly, "Because I am better than you..."

The sound hasn't fallen.


With the last miserable cry, Urhan's body exploded directly, was cut to pieces by the sword intent, and floated in the air!

The Amur and the barbarian warriors in the air, as well as the ordinary people of the wild empire hiding in the distance, had already seen their fascination at this moment, and were completely frightened!

The powerful King Urhan was killed in this way? !

This is simply the crushing of strength!

When Amur and the barbarian warriors looked at Ye Fei again, their eyes had changed, and they were full of horror!

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