Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3332: , Kill half in seconds!

Amuer smiled coldly and said, "Smelly boy, as long as I am not dead, I can continuously call in the army of alien beasts. It is impossible for you to kill me!"

With that said, Amur played the flute again!

I saw that the remaining dozens of Northern Territory Golden Eagles, Red Feather Roc, and Black Winged Maniac had no sense of self at all. Instead, they obeyed the control and launched a mad rush towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's eyes were cold, and he directly swung the giant sword in his hand, venting a tyrannical sword intent!

Thousands of sword intents instantly condensed into a wave of swords, tumbling violently in the air, and then bursting out of the air!

Boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a thunderous loud noise, the remaining dozens of strange beasts were instantly wiped out!

After destroying the remaining strange beasts, this sword wave whizzed out again and bombarded Amur himself!

Amuer originally planned to continue playing the flute and summon an army of strange beasts, but after seeing the roaring sword waves, he had to give up, but instead mobilized his true power and burst into a shock!


Klang Klang! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of spatial tremors, I saw that seven dark black doors with the heads of evil spirits stood in front of Ye Fei!

Boom! ! ——

This sword wave hit the first door heavily, and the first giant door was directly destroyed and shattered!

After that, Jianlang continued to rush up like a torrent of torrents, and launched an impact toward the second door!

However, when Ye Fei saw the insidious smile on the corner of Amur's mouth, he knew that the reason why this guy opened seven doors was just to delay time, so that he could call those strange beasts!

How could Ye Fei do as he wished, but directly mobilized the six-burst sword intent, raised the golden-red flame giant in his hand, and swung it down toward the remaining six doors in front of him!


Regardless of your door, no matter what your defenses, and all the swords will break open!

The golden-red flame giant sword destroys and decays, like the Optimus Pillar crushed down, plus the attack of the sword wave, the lethality and destructive power are even more fierce!

boom! ! ! ——

Accompanied by a great sword that shook the sky, the six doors in front of this were all cut to pieces in an instant and disappeared into the air!

Moreover, the crushed golden-red flame giantsword did not dissipate, but continued to slash down towards Amur!

Amuer's heart trembled, and he obviously didn't expect Ye Fei's attack power to suddenly double so much, it completely made him unable to react!

He had no time to play the flute, but his figure flashed, and he quickly avoided this lightsaber!

Boom! ! ——

The golden red flame lightsaber fell heavily, and the earth was shaken!

The entire land was split by a gully that was hundreds of meters long. As for the stone houses erected on the ground, they were cut in half like tofu, and then collapsed!

Amuer looked back at the messy ground below, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face turned pale with fright!


As for the barbarian warriors, they were so scared that they swallowed their saliva and looked at Ye Fei like gods!

"Aren't you going to continue to summon alien beasts?"

Ye Fei looked at Amuer with cold eyes, and said, "You continue to summon!!"

With that said, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and he raised the golden red flame giant sword in his hand and swung it continuously towards Amuer!

Swish! ! ——

The golden and red giant swords that are hundreds of meters long are swung down one after another, like a thunderstorm, blasting down towards Amuer!

At this moment, defenses and attacks are no longer effective. Only evasion and dodge are the means to save lives!

Amur trembled with fright, constantly moving in the air at high speed, trying to avoid Ye Fei's violent attack by virtue of his speed!


At this moment, Amur let out a scream, and saw that one of his right arms holding the flute was cut off!

Blood spewed out, and the flute fell down on the right arm!

"Quick! Go and help King Amur!!"

At this time, those barbarian warriors did not dare to continue watching the battle, but rushed towards Ye Fei desperately!

After all, they take their allegiance to their superiors as their responsibility. Now that King Amur is in trouble, they naturally have to come forward, even if they make sacrifices!

"Get away!!"

Ye Fei roared wildly, and slashed out with a sharp sword!

Huh! ! ——

A golden-red flame light blade tore through the space, bringing out a splendid sword arc, and slashing at the barbarian warriors who rushed towards him!

Puff puff! ! ——

In the next second, blood spurted, and heads shot up, frightened ordinary people in the distance screamed!

"Those who stand in the way of me! Kill without mercy!!"

Ye Fei roared, and the golden red flames in his pupils jumped more violently, as if his eyes were red!

"Hurry up and stop this demon for me!!"

Amuer was frightened mad, hissing loudly.

"Stop him! Kill him!!"

"Kill! Kill him!!"


The remaining hundreds of barbarian warriors suppressed the fear in their hearts forcibly, and continued to rush toward Ye Fei fiercely, wanting to kill Ye Fei by relying on the crowd tactics!

"You dare to stop me while waiting for the ants?"

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth, revealing an evil smile, and then he swung his sword!

The violent sword intent that was vented instantly turned into tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords, and stabled at the hundreds of barbarian warriors who had rushed over!

In less than a few seconds, the remaining hundreds of barbarian warriors were all beaten into sieves and completely dead!

However, at the moment when the remaining hundreds of barbarian warriors died, a roar rang through the sky!

"Netherfigure puppet!!"

I saw that Amur took out a palm-sized wooden doll directly from his arms, and threw it into the sky!

In an instant, this puppet directly expanded and turned into a giant puppet with a height of seven or eighty meters!

A plume of gray-brown poisonous smoke emerged from this giant puppet, and the vegetation on the ground below was shrouded in poisonous smoke, and instantly withered!

"Netherfigure puppet! Kill this kid for me!!"

Amur yelled wildly and gave the order directly!

I saw that this giant puppet seemed to have obeyed the call, opened its mouth wide, and continuously spewed thick grayish-brown smoke toward Ye Fei!

Ye Fei quickly held his breath, waved the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, and slashed away at this giant puppet!

Qiang Qiang! ! ——

However, Ye Fei's slashing giant sword couldn't break this giant puppet at all, as if it had been split on an indestructible steel plate!

"Sun Luo dances wildly!!"

At this time, Amur uttered another shock!

I saw holes in the body of this giant puppet, and vines that were as thick as arms rushed out towards Ye Fei!

"It's numb! There are so many tricks!"

Ye Fei said something coldly, and then constantly waved the giant sword in his hand, cutting off the vines!

However, these vines seemed to have a regeneration function, and they continued to grow after being cut off, pulling away at Ye Fei!

Ye Fei kept moving at a high speed, constantly approaching this giant puppet while constantly swinging his sword to attack and kill!

Happiness! ! ——

These sturdy vines threw down, and the air made a blasting sound. As for the stone houses below, they were like building blocks, and they were broken and collapsed!

Moreover, as soon as Ye Fei approached the puppet, this giant puppet slammed a punch, like a siege hammer, and slammed it towards Ye Fei!

This fist is several times larger than Ye Fei's whole. If an ordinary warrior is hit, it will definitely be smashed into minced meat!

However, Ye Fei quickly raised the giant sword in his hand to resist!

Hearing the sound of "poof", Ye Feilian's sword flew upside down like a cannonball, and it flew upside down for hundreds of meters, crashing several stone towers, and this stabilized his body!

Although there is a body with the ultimate sword intent to protect the body, this punch still makes Ye Fei feel the blood tumbling in his body, which is very uncomfortable!

Nima, although this Amuer's own offensive power is not very good, his tricks are endless, and he is a strange beast and a puppet, and it is really hard to guard against!

Ye Fei originally planned not to use his true strength, after all, the person he really wanted to deal with was Tuoba Ye!

If oneself consumes too much physical strength and true strength right now, then if he fights with Tuoba Ye, there is no chance of winning at all!

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