Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3333: , I am better than you!

But Amur's strength exceeded Ye Fei's estimation, so he could no longer retain his strength. He had to be true, destroy it, and then rush to Tuoba Ye as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei quickly stabilized his body, and then his figure flashed and turned into a golden red sword light, rushing towards the puppet madly!

Huh! !

Ye Fei's speed was so fast that Amur couldn't see it at all, as if a golden-red lightning flashed by!

However, in the process of Ye Fei's rush, thick vines swept out of the giant puppet, slamming down at him!

In the process of flying by, Ye Fei kept dodge, avoiding the attacks of the vines!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

A series of muffled explosions sounded, and I saw that the stone houses below were all shattered!

The stones flew up, smoke and dust enveloped the sky, and people screamed in horror!

However, at the moment when the giant puppet was approaching, Ye Fei swung his sword directly, and there was a scream in his mouth!

"Sword waves are monstrous!!"

Huh! !

In an instant, a golden-red sword wave rushed into the sky, causing the sky to tremble and rolling up the stormy waves!

Immediately, after the sword wave rushed to a height of hundreds of meters, it was like a long waterfall hanging upside down, glowing with golden red light, and washed down towards the giant puppet below, as if to swallow the entire giant puppet!

boom! ! ——

This sword wave rushed down wildly, as if Tianhe water was pouring down from a narrow hole, rushing on the giant puppet with the terrifying pressure that made the entire space begin to tremble!

For a while, there was no other sound between heaven and earth, only the sound of this golden-red long waterfall violently impacting, deafening!

There was a brilliant golden red light in the sky, piercing people's eyes, making it hard to see what happened in the sky!

After a full minute, until the golden red light in the sky disappeared, Ye Fei raised his eyes and found that the giant puppet was intact and not destroyed at all!

As for the sky above the giant puppet, countless vines are interwoven into a thick giant wooden shield. At the moment just now, the impact of the sword wave was blocked!

At this moment, the sword wave has disappeared, and the wooden shield has turned into powder and floated in the air!

At this moment, Amur, who was standing behind the giant puppet, laughed wildly and said: "Smelly boy, wanting to destroy my underworld puppet, it's a dream!

I was going to continue to call the army of alien beasts to help, but now it seems that it is not needed anymore. To deal with you, relying on the underworld puppet is enough! "

"Is it really enough?"

Ye Fei asked faintly, and the corner of his mouth was picked, and a weird smile was outlined.

"What do you mean?"

Amur's face changed, and when he saw Ye Fei's smile at the corner of his mouth, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"I don't mean anything..."

Ye Fei faintly replied, and said with a sarcasm: "I just think you know nothing about real power..."

The voice did not fall.

哐! ! ——

Ye Fei stepped in the air, and his body turned into a laser cannon ball directly into the sky, and instantly jumped to the sky higher than the giant puppet!

Moreover, at the moment of rushing into the sky, Ye Fei instantly raised the sword intent to the state of seven-fold explosion, and a more violent sword intent coercion broke out on his body, and the blazing golden-red flame burned!

Feeling the pressure, Amur trembled, and his face turned pale!

He didn't expect Ye Fei's power to be increased to this level, and it skyrocketed a hundred times in an instant, it was incredible!

"You...what do you want to do?!"

Amur looked at Ye Fei who looked like a **** in the sky, and his voice began to tremble!


Ye Fei let out a burst of shouts, directly holding the sword with both arms, and swiping a sword at the giant puppet below!

Hum! ! ! ——

The deep sound of swords pierced the sky!

A huge golden-red flame lightsaber spanning hundreds of meters and tens of meters wide, like a **** holding a sword and slashing, tearing the sky, and slashing towards the giant puppet below!

When the barbarians in the distance saw this sword, they were all petrified, and couldn't say a word at all!

This is the power that ordinary warriors should have, it is simply a god!

Upon seeing this, Amur was already shocked!

He looked at the sky with a grim look, and hissed: "Don't think about it!!"

"Sun Luo Wooden Shield!!"

In an instant, thick vines swept out of the giant puppet's body and intertwined into a thick wooden shield in the sky to resist Ye Fei's sword!

boom! ! ——

At the moment when the wooden shield was formed, the sword had fallen down, and the sword intent broke out, setting off a golden-red flame of thousands of feet, and there was an earth-shattering explosion in the entire sky!

Until the moment the 100-meter-long golden-red flame lightsaber disappeared, everything was calm again!

The breeze came slowly, and the sky and the ground were quiet. Except for the ruins below, it seemed that nothing had happened.

Ye Fei stood hundreds of meters above the sky, the giant puppet stood proudly below, and Amuer stood behind the giant puppet in a daze, with a look of horror on his face!

However, Ye Fei did not continue to launch an attack, but turned around coolly, and continued to sweep towards the distant palace!

At the moment Ye Fei swept out, a series of "clicks" came from behind!

The barbarian people in the distance looked up at the sky with a puzzled look, and saw that the giant puppet in the sky broke into two halves and collapsed!

Moreover, at the moment this giant puppet fell into two halves and collapsed, Amur, who was standing behind, exploded, and his body was broken to pieces, and he could not die again!

Seeing this scene, all the barbarians were completely sluggish, and a horrible shadow fell in their hearts, but the scene of the young man swinging a sword just appeared in his mind!

The incomparably powerful King Amur was killed by a single sword...Everyone stood there in a daze, the fear of being unable to calm down for a long time...

At this moment, just after Ye Fei skimmed thousands of meters away, he suddenly noticed that a few powerful coercion swept toward him!

Ye Fei's eyes sank, and he looked around for a while, and saw that four figures swept over from the four directions of Barbarian King City!

The four figures were still one mile away for a second, but in the next second, they already appeared in front of Ye Fei!

These four people were of different builds and looks. They were wearing gray, brown, red and white animal skins, and each of them showed strong chests, glowing with bronze light, majestic and domineering!

One of them was holding a silver machete in his hand, one was holding a jet-black mysterious iron long stick, one was wearing a pair of silver-gray steel gloves, and the other was bare-handed!

Ye Fei just glanced, and he sensed that the cultivation bases of these four people were all in the Divine Martial Realm!

Of course, cultivation level does not fully measure a person's strength. Some people have average cultivation level, but their combat effectiveness is very strong, such as the Amur just now!

Ye Fei glanced at the four of them, and said indifferently, "Looking at your cultivation base, it should be the same as the two guys just now. They are both the kings of the wild empire, right?"

The man in a gray animal skin trench coat and a pair of silver-gray steel gloves gave a grin and said, "Boy, you still have some knowledge!

Lao Tzu is the twelve heavenly kings of the wild, its Mu Ge! "

"Lao Tzu is a wild twelve heavenly king, that day Song!"

The man wearing a brown trench coat and holding a long black iron stick took the sentence!

"The twelve wild kings, Linghu Zhao!"

"The Twelve Wilderness Kings, Jiang Shengling!"

The man wearing a white animal skin trench coat with a silver machete and the man wearing a red animal leather trench coat with bare hands all responded!

Ye Fei glanced at the four indifferently, and said, "The two guys who wanted to stop me just now have died in my hands.

Therefore, I advise you not to seek death. This is my grievance with Tuoba Ye and has nothing to do with you. "

A fierce color appeared in Qimu Ge's eyes, and he said angrily: "Smelly boy, you are too arrogant! You kill my barbarian king, kill my barbarian soldiers, it is already a dead end!

You still don’t daydream. If you want to see our emperor, you must pass our level first! "

The other three people also looked at Ye Fei with murderous intent!

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