Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3334: , An army of alien beasts!

Ye Fei sighed, and said solemnly: "Since you must stop me, then you all go together!

I want to see Tuoba Ye, but I don’t have time to accompany you! "


"Extremely arrogant!!"

"kill him!!"

When the four of them heard this, they were furious and rushed directly towards Ye Feikang!

"Fighting Demon Fist! Liver Cracking!!"

Qi Mu Ge took the lead in rushing out, directly mobilizing the majestic true power, condensed in his hands, the arm muscles swelled and swelled, and the veins became more prominent like a dragon, and then directly hit Ye Fei with a punch. Down!

boom! !

A punch was blasted out, the force was so powerful, the air burst out, bringing out a silver-gray thunder and lightning!

This punch was not only terrifying, but also fast to the extreme, which made Ye Fei a little surprised!

Ye Fei quickly raised the giant sword in his hand and blocked it suddenly!

Cang Dang! ! ——

Sparks flew everywhere, and the brutal force directly sent Ye Fei out!


Qi Mu Ge laughed wildly and said, "I thought you guys are so powerful, it seems that they are also vulnerable!"

At that time, Song, Linghu Show, and Jiang Shengling all laughed, obviously their eyes were full of contempt, and they obviously didn't put Ye Fei in their eyes!

"Your strength, but so."

Ye Fei looked at Qi Mu Ge and said something lightly.

"Smelly boy! You're looking for death!!"

Qi Mu Ge's complexion flushed, he was furious, and his figure flashed, driving a violent wind, and once again rushed towards Ye Fei!

However, at the moment when Qi Muge rushed over, Ye Fei opened his arms and instantly raised his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to the state of seven bursts!

Therefore, Ye Fei didn't want to waste time with the four guys, and was ready to solve the battle as soon as possible, so one shot was the strongest force!

Anyway, I still have a pill, which can replenish physical strength and true strength, and it is a big deal to take medicine when fighting Tuoba Ye!

Although there is a risk of madness, Ye Fei can no longer manage that much!

After all, there are so many strong players under Tuoba Wilder, if you keep fighting, you will be dragged to death!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei lifted his left hand, condensing a group of golden red sword intent flames, and then directly pushed out toward his wooden grid!

boom! ! ——

In an instant, this sword-inspired flame erupted directly, turning into a flame shock wave, taking its wooden chest directly!

Qi Mu Ge sensed the terrifying power contained in this sword flame, his face changed, and he quickly set up his arms to resist!

With a "bang", the violent power turned Qi Mu Ge's whole body into a straight line and flew out!

However, before Qi Mu Ge could react, Ye Fei's figure instantly caught up with Qi Mu Ge in the inverted flight!

Qi Mu Ge was frightened by Ye Fei's unpredictable speed. This is the speed that an ordinary warrior should have, it is teleportation!

"Aren't you trying to compare my strength with me? Then let you try my strength..."

Before the words fell, Ye Fei lifted his left hand and made a fist. The volley was just a punch, and he swiped towards Qi Mu Ge's head!

"A delusion!!"

Qi Mu Ge burst out and raised his arms again to resist!

哐! ! ——

Accompanied by a shock, although Qi Mu Ge blocked Ye Fei's fist, the power contained in his fist was like a volcanic eruption, which made him unable to resist, and his body fell straight down!

"Boom" with a loud noise, the falling wooden grid was stunned and collapsed a ten-story stone tower below by five floors!

The rubble is flying, and the smoke is surging!

"Ahem... ahem!!"

Qi Mu Ge was lying on a piece of rubble, feeling aching all over, coughing up blood!

He didn't expect that Ye Fei was not only inhuman at speed, but his power was also so violent, it was beyond his imagination!

You know, he has been tempering his body since he was a child, and his melee strength is among the top three border countries, but he didn't expect to be crushed and beaten by a boy!

This really made him unwilling and angry!

However, just when he was about to stand up and resist...

Ye Fei didn't give him a chance at all, but with a thought, tens of thousands of golden-red flame giants appeared in the sky instantly!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei waved his hand gently. This tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords were like tens of thousands of meteors, dragging their long tongues of fire to fall, and a carpet-like bombardment came towards the wooden grid below!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, the tens of thousands of gold and red flame giant swords directly engulfed the stone tower below, the fire was everywhere, the sword intent was raging, and pieces of shattered boulders flew up!


At this moment, a scream came out from below, and then I saw Qi Mu Ge dragging his scarred body out of the bombing below!

Because Ye Fei's attack was so fast, the three of Risong, Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling didn't react at all!

Seeing Qimu Ge's broken right arm, the sword marks and blood flowing down his body were still covered, the three of them suddenly became sluggish!

They knew how tough Qi Mu Ge's body was, but they didn't expect it to be completely as thin as paper, completely unable to resist, and he was severely injured in an instant? !

How can there be the slightest face of a strong heavenly king? !

At that time, the three people of Risong were cold and stunned, and their bodies couldn't help trembling!

They thought that Ye Fei, a young junior, shouldn't be so tough, even if they got lucky to kill Amur and Urhan, then he should have consumed a lot of physical strength and true strength!

Unexpectedly, this kid is completely non-human, so he can burst out such terrifying power? !

Ye Fei glanced at Qimu Ge who was screaming and squinted, "The physical fitness is indeed pretty good, and he didn't die in the face of such frenzied bombing..."

With that, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and he continued to rush towards Qi Mu Ge, ready to directly end his Mu Ge!

"Don't think about it!!"

"Smelly boy! Go to hell!!"

At this time, Na Ri Song, Linghu Showa and Jiang Shengling also reacted from the shock, and rushed directly towards Ye Fei!

"Get away!!"

Ye Fei shouted, and the golden-red flame giant sword in his hand slammed towards the rear!

Boom boom boom! !

I saw that the three golden red flames carried violent coercion across the sky and swept directly towards the three people of Risong!

At that time, the three people trembled, and they could only stand still and resist!

However, Ye Fei took advantage of this opportunity to swipe another sword at Qimu Ge in the distance!

Huh! !

A golden red flame of sword intent swept across the sky and swept across its wooden grid with lightning speed!

Qi Mu Ge couldn't care about the pain on his body at this moment, mobilized all the true power in his body, and slammed it toward this golden red sword intent flame!

However, his attack did not have any effect at all, it was directly destroyed by this sword intent flame!

"no no!!--"

In Qimu Ge's short and desperate scream, the heavenly king who possessed the cultivation base of Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm was directly penetrated by his body, and then burned to ashes by this sword of flame!

Until his death, Qi Mu Ge couldn't believe that he was not Ye Fei's opponent at all. He thought he could completely kill Ye Fei, but he didn't know that after shaking Ye Fei back, what was ushered in was like a gust of wind and rain. attack!

Without giving him any chance to breathe, he was directly killed by a spike!

Crush! Completely crushed! !

His cultivation base in the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng had no power to parry, and turned into a cannon fodder in Ye Fei's eyes!

Therefore, Ye Fei is now at his peak, and he doesn't need to pay attention to any tricks or skills at all!

At this time, he only needs pure strength and speed to destroy everything in front of him!

Perhaps Qi Mu Ge's true strength is far more than that, but the reason why Ye Fei can be killed in seconds is that he underestimated Ye Fei's strength, and the other is that Ye Fei's move is a killer move, and he was caught off guard!

Therefore, being killed in a second is what he deserves!

"Smelly boy! The Wild Empire is not your place to behave!"

Seeing Qi Muge's death that day, Song was trembling with anger, and roared at Ye Fei!


Ye Fei screamed, and directly swung the golden-red flame giant sword in his hand, with a seven-burst sword intent, and swung it down toward the three people of Risong!

Boom! ! ——

A golden-red flame sword intent is like a golden-red sky-shielding giant blade, the space is torn apart, and the tall stone houses and stone towers blocking the front are directly split and shattered!

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