Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3335: , You wait for ants!

At this moment, that Risong, Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling already knew Ye Fei's powerful strength, so they didn't dare to hold it up anymore, and dodge quickly when Ye Fei struck with a sword!

When the golden-red giant blade disappeared, Risong looked down at that moment, and the buildings were riddled with holes and mess!

The three people's faces were full of horror, and they gasped!

"Two, this kid is much stronger than we thought. If we want to kill him, the three of us must join hands!" Na Ri Song said loudly.

"Okay! Just do it!"

Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling nodded and agreed.

However, Ye Fei looked at that Risong three people indifferently, his eyes were full of pride and disdain!

Moreover, as soon as Ye Fei's gaze was stared at, the three of Risong were stunned that they felt cold all over, and the blood seemed to be solidified, as if they were being stared at by a demon!

Without waiting for the Risong trio to react, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and it turned into a golden red lightning, and took the lead in attacking the Risong trio!

At the moment when the three people of Risong were approaching, Ye Fei swung his sword directly!

Hum! ! ——

The sword body cried long and shook the world, but it was still going to crack the world!

Moreover, when Ye Fei wielded this sword, he also condensed a flame of sword intent. If the two moves are used together, the lethality will be even greater!

Seeing Ye Fei's sword swing, the three of Song's expressions sank that day, and they reacted instantly!

"Seven-fowl stick method! The tiger is out of the gate!!"

That day, he let out a loud shout, and directly waved the Xuantie long stick in his hand!

A gray fan-shaped horse swept out, and the real power instantly condensed into a gray tiger that was seven or eight meters high and more than ten meters long, and then rushed toward Ye Fei!

"Magic Shadow Blade Technique! Magic Light Glimpse!!"

Ling Hu Zhao shouted, and directly swung the silver broadsword in his hand!

A ferocious black true power swept out, as if forming the afterimage of a demon, rushing towards Ye Fei!

"True Fire and Thunder! Lei Ying Huo Xiao!!"

Jiang Shengling lifted his hands and mobilized a steady stream of true power, forming a handprint, condensing a group of red-purple true power, and pushed it towards Ye Fei!

Suddenly, a crimson soaring flame surrounded by purple violent thunder, spewing out, like a huge wave, rushing towards Ye Fei!

Boom! ! ——

In an instant, a golden-red sword-inspired flame from Ye Fei collided with the attack from the three of them, making an earth-shattering explosion!

The sky burst out with brilliant rays of true power, like fireworks blooming!

However, the power erupted by the interweaving of sword intent and these four forces is also extremely terrifying, and all the buildings with a radius of several thousand meters are razed to the ground!

When the light in the sky dissipated, the Risong trio looked up, only to find that Ye Fei tightly counteracted the attack of the three of them with a single sword, but Ye Fei was completely unscathed!

For a while, the three of them's expressions became gloomy, and a thought of anxiety suddenly appeared in their hearts!

I'm afraid, even with the power of the three of them, they can't kill this kid!

However, even if they are uneasy, they must block this kid!

They can feel the anger in this kid's heart!

Since this kid came rushing to the emperor, he must be trying to disadvantage the emperor!

As the twelve heavenly kings under the emperor, they must kill the threat in the cradle!


That day, Song yelled, and directly mobilized all the true power of his body, raising his combat effectiveness to its peak state!

"The viper is waving its tail!!"

Accompanied by a roar of anger, Risong directly waved the long black iron stick in his hand and pierced it towards a stick!

Boom! ! ——

The air was crushed, and there was a blasting sound, and the stick pierced out, as if it had penetrated the space in front of you!

I saw that a dark gray real power swept out from the long stick, and instantly turned into a tens of meters long ferocious python, exposing sharp fangs, and biting towards Ye Fei!

"Sword Intent Burns Wasteland!!"

Ye Fei lifted his left hand, and a scorching golden red sword flame appeared in his hand!

Immediately, Ye Fei waved his left hand!

Wow! !

This group of sword-inspired flames rushed out, like a roaring ocean wave, directly burning the ferocious python that flew by to ashes!

Seeing this scene, Song's expression changed that day, and he did not expect that his attack would be so vulnerable in front of Ye Fei!

However, before the burning sea of ​​fire dissipated, I saw a golden-red figure directly penetrated the sea of ​​fire and appeared in front of Na Risatsu!

Moreover, before Na Risong could react, what greeted him was a vigorous slash, and the flame of sword intent spread out wildly, as if to swallow Na Risong's whole person!

"not good!"

Naimatsu realized the terrifying sword intent of this sword, and hurriedly flashed to the side before avoiding the sword in front of him!

Even so, violent golden red flames swept across his body, directly causing bloodstains!


Song screamed in pain that day, and the skin on his body was carbonized on a large scale, making him unhappy, and his body was a little shaky!

However, Ye Fei did not give Risong any time to breathe. Taking advantage of his illness, he killed him. He flashed forward, holding a sword with both arms, and slashed down towards that Risong!

Huh! ! ——

Cut down with a sword, and a thousand-meter-high golden-red flame swept over the sky, like a sky fire!

"Don't want to kill me!!"

Risong's face was ruthless, and he quickly raised the Xuantie long stick in his hand to resist!

"Dang Cang" rang, and even though Risong blocked the sword, the flame that swept through the sword was swept up, as if to burn the Risong to ashes!


Risong let out a scream, clenched the profound iron long stick, and shook suddenly, and his body fell downward like a meteorite, thus avoiding the burning of the sword flame!

Just when Ye Fei was about to continue chasing and killing that Risong, he felt a vigorous murderous intent coming from the sky!

Relying on the fighting instinct, Ye Fei suddenly raised the sword in his hand to block, and with a "cangdang" sound, this blocked the sword that Linghuzhao had taken!

However, as soon as Ye Fei blocked the sword, Linghu Zhao's arms shook, and the intent of a pre-level sword broke out instantly!

"Magic light!!"

A loud shout fell.

I saw that the traces of black blade intent formed thousands of black blades, raging towards Ye Fei's body!

However, Linghu Zhao was shocked that the dense black blades that looked like squally showers did not penetrate Ye Fei's body at all. Instead, they made a "ding-dang-dang-dang" impact, as if hitting a steel plate. Was blocked!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Ling Hu Zhao's face changed drastically, and he looked at Ye Fei with a ghostly expression on his face.

"You want to hurt me with this level of attack?"

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile, "Thinking too much, right?"

The voice hasn't fallen...

Linghu Zhao's heartbeat suddenly speeded up, feeling like a man on his back, and a deep fear came to his heart!

I saw that Ye Fei's body suddenly condensed a dense golden red long sword light and shadow, with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, whistling towards Linghu Zhao!

Linghu Zhao looked astonished, and instantly mobilized his true power to form a thick black true power mask around his immediate body to resist it!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, thousands of lightsabers hit the mask on Linghuzhao like a violent storm, and the violent power directly shook Linghuzhao away like a mountain whistling a tsunami!

Just when Linghu Zhao was shaken back a hundred meters away, the defensive mask on his body was shattered like an eggshell!

Puff puff! ! ——

Although a large part of the golden red lightsaber was blocked and destroyed by the defensive mask, the remaining lightsaber swept up, leaving blood holes in Linghu Zhao's body!


Although the fighting instinct allowed him to avoid the vital parts, the piercing pain from his body made him feel unhappy!


Ye Fei screamed, and slammed a sword out, bringing out an overwhelming sword intent, and headed towards Linghu Zhao!

However, at the moment when the golden-red sword slashed towards Linghu Zhao, suddenly, a huge thunder and fire shield appeared in front of him!

This sword was directly blocked, slashing and slashing on the huge thunder and fire shield, bursting with a "booming" explosion, shining brightly, shining on the world!

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