Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3336: , Four Great Tenno!

It was also the thunder and fire shield that Jiang Shengling played at the moment of his death, and this was worthy of saving Linghuzhao's life!

"Yes, the cooperation is quite tacit..."

Ye Fei smiled coldly and continued: "However, can you save one person, can you save two?"

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei slammed his sword, and an overbearing sword intent burst out instantly, venting out!

Suddenly, thousands of golden and red giant swords appeared on the earth, with the hilt facing down and the tip of the sword facing up, like a rocket rising into the sky, whistling toward the sky!

It's just that the target of this intensive Bengtian Jianyu was not directed at Linghu Zhao and Jiang Shengling, but Ye Fei himself!

At this time, Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling in the distance were stunned for a moment, and they didn't understand what Ye Fei wanted to do!

"What is this kid doing? Suicide?"

Linghu Zhao asked in a daze.

However, his voice just fell...

Puff puff! ! ——

A dull sound of sharp cutting into the flesh rang!


Immediately afterwards, a scream like howling ghosts and wolves rang!

Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling hurriedly looked down, and saw that at a distance of more than ten meters below Ye Fei, Na Risong held the posture of waving the black iron long stick, but the body had been beaten by the sword rain that swept up. Hornet's nest!

That day, the blood surged in the loose mouth, and the dense blood holes on his body shot out blood, horrible and terrifying!

After a while, she died of breath that day, and then fell heavily!

At this moment, Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling came back to their senses...

It turned out that Song was preparing to attack Ye Fei that day, but he didn't expect that the attack would fail and he would be killed!

Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling were silent, the fear of Ye Fei in their hearts rose again!

Especially Linghu Zhao, who was injured, was even more frightened!

He never expected that Ye Fei would be distracted to notice the movement of Song that day while fighting against him and Jiang Shengling!

Is this kid still a human? !

"It's up to you..."

Ye Fei looked at Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling indifferently, and then waved the giant sword in his hand, as if the king of Qin was waving the sword of the emperor, sweeping through the wilds!

In an instant, the tens of thousands of golden-red flame giantswords that rose up into the sky turned one direction, like a mighty army, swept towards the two Linghu Showa and Jiang Shengling in the distance!

Seeing the sky full of giant swords shooting towards the two of them, Linghu Showa and Jiang Shengling were shocked and trembled all over, before he had time to adjust his body, he directly launched a counterattack!

"Magic Shadow Blade Technique! Ten Thousand Demon Roars!!"

Linghu Zhao couldn't take care of the pain on his body, and raised his true power and sword intent to the strongest state, struggling to swipe a knife forward!

Huh! ! ——

Cut out with a single knife, the fierce true power and brutal blade intent turned into thousands of hideous demon remnants, with a sharp cry of ghosts and wolves, greeted the violent sword rain!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by the sound of bombardment, the remnants of the demons were crushed and torn apart, and a huge sword was broken and destroyed!

"True Fire and Thunder!" Heaven and Earth Thunder and Fire Array!!"

Jiang Shengling mobilized the true power of his whole body, and quickly formed a complicated knot in his hands!

In an instant, with Ye Fei as the center, two huge circular formations appeared below and above, directly covering Ye Fei and the tens of thousands of golden red flame giant swords!

The formation below, the flame lines interlaced each other, exuding a dazzling crimson fire light!

In the formation above, purple lightning lines interlaced each other, emitting purple thunder light!

Immediately afterwards, the two large formations above and below echoed each other, and crimson flames rose up into the sky, like pillars of flame, while purple thunder and lightning struck down wildly!

For a while, where Ye Fei was, there were burning flames and billowing lightning everywhere, and the sky-shattering killing array took shape!

Facing this terrifying killing array, Ye Fei's mouth raised, his face was calm, and he was not afraid at all!

"Just relying on such a small formation, you want to trap me?"

Ye Fei smiled jokingly, and said something lightly.

"Boy, don't be arrogant! Trapped in my ‘Heaven, Earth Thunder and Fire Array’, you can’t even get out of your body!!"

Jiang Shengling sneered and said something, and then he sealed the seal with his hands, bringing the ever-increasing true power into the formation!

For a time, in this formation, the flames burned more flaming, and the thunder and lightning that smashed down wildly became stronger!

However, Ye Fei didn't say anything more, but with a pair of arms, bursting out the continuous power in his body!

A wave of fierce sword-inspired flames burst the bank, rushing out violently from his body, and directly dyed the big formation a golden red!

Standing outside the big formation, Jiang Shengling's expression suddenly changed when he saw this scene!

He could feel that Ye Fei's power had increased so much, he didn't know how many times, that supreme sword intent made him feel palpitations! !

not good!

Jiang Shengling's heart trembled, and he dared not stay anymore, but retreated directly toward the distance!

However, at the moment Jiang Sheng Lingbao withdrew!

A loud and earth-shattering shout came from the big array!

"Sword intent burns wasteland!! The holy flame destroys the world!!!!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout, I saw that the golden red sword intent flames washed out from Ye Fei directly turned into thick sword intent flame dragons, centered on him, rushing out in all directions! !

Boom boom boom! ! ! ——

There were waves of crashes that pierced the valley, and the bombings resounded endlessly! !

I saw that the burning flames in the large array and the raging lightning bolts directly collided with the golden-red flame dragons, as if supernovae collided together!

However, compared with this tyrannical and unparalleled sword intent, the flames and thunder and lightning in this great formation were still a little worse, so they were directly crushed and burned by the golden red sword intent mad dragons!

This large formation also trembled violently, and in a blink of an eye, the entire formation collapsed! collapse! !

Without the hindrance of the big formation, this golden red sword-intent mad dragon is even more unscrupulous, carrying a violent flame, rushing out in all directions!

As for the roaring demon remnants, they were instantly crushed and burned by the sword-inspired flame mad dragons, and they rushed directly towards the distant two Linghu Show and Jiang Shengling!

"No! Get out of the way!!"

Ling Huzhao reacted first, yelled, and then directly resorted to all his strengths, and violently retreated toward the rear!

Although Jiang Shengling also reacted, he was closer to Ye Fei because he wanted to maintain a large formation. When he wanted to escape, it was too late!


A quick and short scream resounded, and Jiang Shengling was directly engulfed by those golden red flames and thunder!

Billowing flames burned in the sky, and violent sword intent raged in the sky, almost destroying the world!

It took a few minutes before everything subsided.

Even if Ling Huzhao escaped the violent blow, he was still injured by the sword intent and flames. He was covered with blood and gasped for breath!

The extreme horror appeared on his face, and when he looked at Ye Fei, his whole body shuddered!

The original four, but now he is the only one left!

The three powerhouses of the Divine Martial Realm, the three heavenly kings, died so easily in the hands of this kid? !

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe such a thing!

The key is that he felt that Ye Fei's physical strength did not seem to consume too much, but still maintained its peak state!

This is the most terrifying!

After beheading Amur, Urhan, Qimuge, Narisong, Jiang Shengling, and more than a thousand barbarian warriors, this kid was able to maintain his peak state. This is simply not the physique that humans should have!

I am afraid that only the Eight Savage Tribes and the Four Savage Envoys can kill this kid!

"Why, scared?"

Ye Fei stood quietly in the sky and asked.

Linghu Zhao suppressed the fear in his heart and roared angrily: "As long as I can die for the emperor, I will die without regrets! Come on!!!"

After a roar, Ling Huzhao rushed towards Ye Fei directly and fearlessly!


Ye Fei did not hesitate, like a beast with mad hair, and like a mad swordsman who walked away, his body moved like a golden red light and shadow, the giant sword dragged a long golden red tail, and greeted Linghu Zhao...

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