Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3337: , Completely crushed!

The center of the city of Barbarian King.

A majestic palace with a vast area stands there, like a dragon and tiger, majestic and solemn.

At this time, a dozen people were sitting in the chamber of the imperial palace.

Each of the dozen or so people was tall, burly and sturdy, wearing various animal skin trench coats, full of sturdy momentum.

Moreover, among these dozens of people, eight of them reached the Divine Martial Realm's cultivation base, and four of them reached the Primordial Realm's small cultivation base, which is extremely terrifying!

It is the Barbarian Eight Buddhism that these eight people have achieved great success in the Divine Martial Realm!

The four wild four envoys who have reached the Xiaocheng of the Primordial Realm with their cultivation bases!

These twelve people are considered to be the strongest group of forces in the Wild Empire!

Of course, the most mysterious person with strength and cultivation is undoubtedly a man sitting in the front position!

This man was wearing black animal skin carelessly, with long hair tied in braids and combed behind his head. His figure was majestic and tall, showing a bronzed chest. His facial features were three-dimensional, like a knife and an axe, above the corner of his eye. There is a scar, which makes him full of heroic spirit!

He is the king of the savage empire, the great emperor of the savage-Tuobanye!

"Emperor, today there is news from the border that a young swordsman actually clashed with Huang Fujin in Huben Camp and Xuanyuan Wenbin in Qinglong Camp for a group of ordinary people in the market.

Moreover, in the end, it is said that Huangfujin and Xuanyuan Wenbin actually announced to the public that from now on, no protection fee will be levied, and all the money collected in the past will be returned to the people in the market. "

Said a man wearing white and blue striped animal skins.

Hearing this, everyone present was surprised.

"It's incredible, the two bandits Huangfujin and Xuanyuan Wenbin still have people who are afraid!"

A man in yellow and black animal skins took the sentence in astonishment.

"What is the origin of that young swordsman who can make the two bandits obedient?"

A man in brown animal skin took the sentence curiously.

The man wearing blue and white animal skins replied: "It is said that the young swordsman has crossed the border before, and this is the first time he has come today.

However, since this young swordsman was able to make the two bandits obediently obedient, he must also be a strong man in the hidden world. "

The others nodded and agreed.

However, Tuobaye, who had been silent at this time, raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer, and said faintly: "It seems that the kid should be here..."

"Great Emperor, who is here?"

The man in blue and white animal skins asked suspiciously.

The others also turned their heads to look at Tuoba Ye.

Tuobaye smiled, and asked, "You are young, with superb swordsmanship, and can subdue Huangfujin and Xuanyuan Wenbin. Who else do you think?"

The blue and white animal skin man groaned for a moment, and said in shock: "Great Emperor, are you talking about the sword **** who is now spreading in the entire True Martial Realm, overwhelming the eight major sects, and beheading countless powerful men?"

"Yes, it's him."

Tuoba Ye nodded.

"But why did the sword **** suddenly come to the border?" the man in brown animal skin asked curiously.

"I forced him to come."

Tuobaye replied lightly.

"What?! You forced him to come?!"

"The Great, what is your purpose for doing this?"

"It is said that that kid is very restless and decisive. He may cause a **** storm when he comes to the border!"

Everyone present began to discuss, and their eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension.

"Everyone, in fact, I called you over this time to tell you about this."

Tuoba Ye squinted his eyes and continued: "A few days ago, I sent someone to capture Hua Tuo. As long as Hua Tuo can be persuaded to serve our wild empire, the death rate of our soldiers will plummet and the combat effectiveness will also be reduced. Will explode several times!

Moreover, that sword **** is also Hua Tuo's closed disciple! The friendship between the two of them is very deep!

Therefore, yesterday I sent a letter to the Sword God, asking him to come to my wild empire to talk about it!

If we can rely on Hua Tuo's sword **** to stay, then our wild empire will add another hero! "

"Haha!! Great Emperor, your trick is really clever!"

"Yes, this is killing two birds with one stone! Both Hua Tuo and the Sword God can remain!"

"It's just that young geniuses like this are generally arrogant and will not be restrained by others. Can this negotiation really work?"

For a time, some people were happy, and some were worried.

Tuobaye smiled and said: "It's normal for a young genius like this to be arrogant and unwilling to be restrained by others.

However, when he came to my wild empire, if he was a tiger, he had to lie down for me, and if he was a dragon, he had to lie down for me!

If the negotiation fails, then use force to speak directly! "

"What if the use of force doesn't work?" someone asked.

"Then just kill it!"

Tuobaye's eyes flashed with cold light, and said: "This kid killed several heavenly kings in my wild empire. I have always remembered this hatred!

If he is willing to work for me obediently, then I can bear the blame!

If he is unwilling, then I have to kill him! "


However, as soon as the voice fell, shouts came from outside the door.

I saw that a guard with a knife in animal skins rushed in and knelt on one knee, "Well, see the emperor! You have something important to report to your subordinates!"

Tuoba raised his wild hand, "Say!"

"Emperor, a young swordsman has come to our Barbarian King City like crazy!

The five heavenly kings Urhan, Amur, Qimuge, Narisong, and Jiang Shengling were killed one after another, and more than 1,000 meters of barbarian soldiers also died under his sword!

Today, only Linghu Heavenly King is still fighting against this young swordsman, I am afraid he can't hold it anymore! ! "The guard quickly reported.

Everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and then they slapped the table, completely furious!

"Damn! Is this kid crazy, dare to break into my Man King City to kill someone!!"

"This kid is really lawless, do you really think no one can cure him?!"

"Emperor, this kid killed many of my generals as soon as he came. It's clear that he is not here to negotiate properly!!"

"That's right! Great Emperor, give your order, let us go and kill this kid!!"

Everyone present shouted one after another, full of gunpowder!

Whether it is the Twelve Heavenly Kings, the Eight Tribes, or the Four Envoys, everyone is like brothers and sisters. Now that the Five Heavenly Kings have been killed, the Eight Tribes and the Four Envoys are naturally angry.


Tuobaye's face was gloomy, and he screamed!

Everyone present suddenly became quiet and looked at Tuoba Ye!

Tuobaye was also furious at this time, his chest was fluctuating with anger, and his eyes were full of fire!

However, he still tried to keep himself calm, took a deep breath, and said: "I originally wanted to recruit him for my use... But this kid is too arrogant, dare to kill people in my wild empire!

Don't worry about such a defiant guy!

Everyone listens, let me meet him!

If he dares to come, kill without mercy! "


Everyone responded in unison.

With that said, Tuoba Yechong said to the guard: "You now go and take Hua Tuo to the square!"


The guard responded and left in a hurry.

"let's go!!"

With a big wave of his hand, Tuobaye led the twelve people out of the chamber and came to the square in front of the palace.

The square occupies a huge area, all of which are made of heavy white boulders. Around the square are stone sculptures of rare and exotic animals, majestic!

At this moment, thousands of barbarians and soldiers have gathered on the square, one by one looking into the distance like a big enemy!

When Tuoba Ye led twelve people to the square, these barbarians gave way and retreated to both sides!

Moreover, in the crowd, there are several soldiers standing by Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo blew his beard and stared, and roared: "Tuo Banye, why did you bring me here?"

Tuobaye looked at Hua Tuo with cold eyes and said, "Old Mr. Hua, your good apprentice is here..."


Hua Tuo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "That kid is here?!"

Tuobaye's face was chilly, and he continued: "The kid not only came, but he made trouble in my Manwang City and killed many of my generals, Mr. Hua, how should I settle this account with him? ?"

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