Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3339: , No regrets though death!

Boom! ! ——

A roar like the sky and the earth cracked, as if two big mountains collided together, spurring waves of powerful power!

Moreover, at the moment when the waves of power washed out, the huge boulders suspended in the air were directly shattered into slag!

Click! Click! !

As for the ground on which Ye Fei stood, cracks were torn open, the thick stone slabs were shattered inch by inch, and his feet sank dozens of centimeters!

Wind and smoke are everywhere!

Yasha thought that this palm was enough to break Ye Fei's left arm!

After all, he had fought with many swordsmen before. Although those swordsmen were superb in swordsmanship, but their fist skills were very general, they were not his opponents at all, and there were countless sword repairs that died in his hands!

But what he didn't expect was... Ye Fei's follow-up burst of power was like a volcanic eruption, a mountain whistling a tsunami, making his eyes wide open and his face changed!

With a dull sound of "bang", Yasha's body was directly shaken out, and it was shaken to a height of tens of meters before he could stabilize his body!

He looked at Ye Fei on the ground below with horror, his face was full of shock!

The other people present were also surprised, especially the Babu and the Four Envoys, their faces were also full of incredible colors!

"It's really not easy for a sword repairman to have such excellent physical quality, to be able to shake back the sky with a palm..."

"What this kid understands is the sword intent of the king, but he can incorporate the sword intent into his palm. Therefore, the palm he hit contains not only physical power, but also sword intent. The combination of dual powers makes the power naturally terrifying. ..."

"It seems that Tianqiang has encountered an opponent this time, and I don't know if he can beat this kid..."

"Although the cultivation base of Sky Qiong is a great achievement in the Divine Martial Realm, his strength is definitely comparable to that of the Primordial Realm... and this kid has just fought with Amuer and the others, and his physical strength must be greatly exhausted... Therefore, the sky will definitely be able to defeat him... …"

The eight members and the four envoys all discussed.

In their opinion, maybe Ye Fei would be beheaded without them.

At this time, dozens of meters above the sky.

Yasha stood proudly there, overlooking Ye Fei, and said: "Boy, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect your palms to be so powerful...

However, it was just an appetizer just now, and the good show is yet to come..."

As he said, Yasha raised his hands and quickly mobilized the true power of his whole body, condensing a group of blood-red true power between his hands, emitting a scarlet blood-red light under the moonlight!

Moreover, the power contained in this condensed blood-colored light ball is extremely terrifying, even if they are far apart, the soldiers of the Barbarian race still feel terrified!

In less than a few seconds, Yasha directly pushed out the blood-colored ball of light in his hand, and he shook his mouth!

"Blood waves are rushing!!"

Wow! !

At the moment when the blood-colored light ball was pushed out, the power contained in it burst out instantly, as if a blood-colored torrent of anger was formed!

Facing the blood wave that washed down, Ye Fei looked calm and composed, without any fear, but instantly raised his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to the state of six bursts, and then slammed a sword!

Huh! ! ——

With a sword swung, the sword intent that rushed out instantly condensed into countless golden red flame giant swords, and then formed a surging sword wave, like a straight violent water cannon, toward the blood above. The waves roar away!

Boom! ! ——

In an instant, the blood wave and the sword wave collided together, bursting into a thunderous roar!

The blood-colored true power and sword intent surged out, like waves spreading away, lifting the surrounding slabs of stone!

These stone slabs that were lifted into the air, after touching these two energies, they were instantly torn to pieces!

Until the moment the light in the sky disappeared, Yasha looked down, only to find that the attack he had hit was offset by Ye Fei's sword wave!

"Why... how could this happen?!"

Yasha looked puzzled.

Why can this kid wield a sword casually can destroy his ultimate move?

Isn't this kid the same as his own cultivation base, why is his combat effectiveness stronger than himself? !

However, without waiting for him to think about it, Ye Fei stepped on the ground abruptly, his body turned into a gold-red laser cannonball, and it rushed directly to the Yasha in the sky!

Moreover, at the moment of rushing to the sky, Ye Fei made a fist with his left hand, and instantly condensed the six bursts of sword intent, true power, and physical strength in his fist!

The fist lingers around the golden red flame, like a round of scorching sun, dazzling!

An altitude of seventy or eighty meters, it will arrive in an instant!

"L Dragon Fist!!"

Before Yasha could react, Ye Fei made a direct uppercut and drew a golden red arc in the air, like a mad dragon ascending to the sky, and hit Yasha's jaw with a punch!

Yasha's face changed suddenly, and he clearly felt how terrifying the power contained in Ye Fei's punch!

If you are really hit by this punch, let alone the jaws will be shattered, even the head will be blown out of terror!

"Don't think about it!!"

Yasha yelled angrily, instantly condensing heavy **** true power, and then raised his arms to resist!

boom! ! ——

Ye Fei's fist hit Yasha's arms heavily, and there was a burst of muffled thunder!


The true power of Yasha condensed in his arms was directly shattered by a punch, and a scream was made in his mouth. After his body rose to a height of 100 meters like a cannonball, it fell like a meteor again!

With a bang, Yaksha slammed into the ground, and the entire square was shaken. The ground was directly smashed out of a deep human pit!

Suddenly, the entire square was silent!

Everyone stared blankly at the location where Yasha was smashed, with a dumbfounded look!

"My God... what did I see?! This kid punched Lord Yasha?!"

"This...this is too scary? Isn't this kid a sword repairer, how can he be so powerful?!"

"His punch just now was so scary, I even heard a dragon roar..."

At this time, the barbarians in the distance, exclaimed one after another, and the gaze looking at Ye Fei became even more frightened.

Standing still in the sky, Ye Fei looked at the place where the Yasha fell indifferently.

Since you must compete with me, I have to let you try my fist..."

"Smelly boy! Shut me up!!"

Yasha roared and jumped out of the pothole!

His body was covered with dust, bloodstains were everywhere, and blood was flowing on his arms, which gave him a weird aura!

Therefore, if it hadn't been forcibly shielded his arms with real power just now, Yasha felt that his arms would have been broken at this moment!

Because of this, Yasha's anger towards Ye Fei rose to the extreme, and he wished to smash Ye Fei into pieces!

boom! !

He slammed his foot on the ground, and the violent air wave rushed out, shocking the animal skin trench coat on his body to hunt and hunt, and Zenith's shoulders rose to the peak!

"Bloodwashed mountains and rivers!!"

Accompanied by the scream of Yasha!

I saw that the monstrous blood waves formed by the real power spewed out from the ground, and swept up to Ye Fei in the sky like a fountain, as if it caused a strong tsunami!

This burst of blood is not only powerful in lethality, but also has a yin to evil aura. If it is hit, it will instantly melt into a pool of blood!

At this moment, everyone present also knew that Yasha was completely angry and used his true strength!

Although Ye Fei was a little embarrassed when he punched Yasha just now, they still believe that Lord Yasha will win in the end!

Seeing this wave of blood rushing towards the sky, Ye Fei didn't say a word, his arms suddenly opened, and he let out a violent drink!

"Sword Intent Burning Wasteland!!"

Huhuhu! !

In an instant, golden-red sword-inspired flames were like bursting torrents, rushing out of Ye Fei's body frantically, directly facing the blood waves swept up below!


However, at the moment when the blood rushing up close to the flame of sword intent, Ye Fei squeezed his left hand and instantly ran the flame of sword intent in an extreme way!

In an instant, everyone saw that the sword-inspired flame rushing out of Ye Fei's body began to form a flame vortex, and it was like a thick flame tornado storm! !

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