Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3340: , Let's talk about killing!

Moreover, the vortex of this sword-inspired flame produced a strong adsorption force, directly absorbing all the blood waves that burst up!

With the absorption of the blood wave, this sword-inspired flame expanded several times, and it exuded a thick blood-colored light, which was dazzling and dazzling!

When everyone present saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded. They didn't understand what Ye Fei wanted to do? !

Even Yasha didn't understand. After all, Ye Fei's move was too weird. How could ordinary sword repairmen use such a move? !

However, within a few seconds of effort, the skyrocketing blood waves from Yasha disappeared from the square without a trace, and were all swallowed by the flames of sword intent!

I saw that the group of sword-inspired flames in the sky had expanded several times compared to before, and it felt like a heavy fireball suspended in the air!

However, at the moment when the huge fireball that had absorbed the **** true power condensed and formed, Ye Fei didn't say a word, lifted his left hand, and pushed it out!

"Fight back!!"

boom! ! ——

In an instant, the sky and the earth shook, and this huge fireball suddenly formed a huge flame wave covering 100 meters, like a billowing mountain torrent, washed down towards the Yasha below!

In this rushing torrent, not only the sword intent and flame are contained, but also the majestic **** true power is contained, and its destructive power can be imagined!


Yasha's eyes were splitting suddenly, and his eyes were full of trembling!

He didn't expect Ye Fei to swallow his true power with such thoughts, and then counterattack!

Although Yasha had already reacted, Ye Fei's counterattack was too fast, and the area covered by this sword-intent flame torrent was too large, even if he wanted to hide, he couldn't hide it!

Since you can't avoid it, you can only resist forcibly!

"Bloodwashed mountains and rivers!!"

Yasha slammed forward with one foot, and a thick wall of **** true power condensed up from the ground, rising to a height of several tens of meters, and directly blocking him!

boom! ! ——

At the moment when the blood-colored city wall was condensed and formed, this surging flame of sword intent rushed directly on it, making a dull clash!

A series of **** power, sword intent, and flames shot out, and the stone sculptures erected on the square collapsed one after another, and the earth tore deep rifts!

However, at the moment when the bursting energy approached Tuobaye and those barbarians, Tuobaye lightly waved his right hand, and a jet black defensive mask immediately enveloped everyone, directly flushing out the energy. Blocked out!

The barbarians immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the great emperor was present, otherwise the surging power alone would be enough to injure them!

However, the blood-colored city wall that Yasha struck was not supported for a few seconds at all, and was torn apart by the brutal sword intent, and the defense suddenly collapsed!


Yasha yelled angrily, although he was unwilling, he could only avoid it before talking!

Thinking of this, Yasha slammed his feet to the ground, directly rose from the sky, and rushed to the sky!

Boom! ! ——

The moment Yasha rushed into the sky, the blood-colored city wall shattered directly!

Without hindrance, this sword-inspired flame that had absorbed **** true power rushed on the ground fiercely!

A deep hole with a diameter of one hundred meters and a depth of forty to fifty meters was punched out of the ground!

The stones in the pit were all twisted to shreds, and they were also charred with black smoke!

Standing in the sky, Yasha saw this scene and took a lingering breath.

If it hadn't been for the time to evade, I'm afraid that this sword-inspired flame would be washed away by this sword-inspired flame, and immortality would be crippled!

Ye Fei glanced at the pothole below his eyes, then raised his eyes to look at Yasha, and said with a sarcasm: "I'm hiding pretty fast."

Seeing the ironic smile at the corner of Ye Fei's mouth, Yasha was furious, and instantly mobilized all the true power in his body!

"Blood shadow clone!!"

Yasha screamed, the **** true power on his body quickly dispersed, and hundreds of avatars of **** true power were directly transformed into it!

In an instant, these hundreds of blood shadow clones and the body of Yasha directly encircled Ye Fei in all directions!

"Blood palm breaks the sky!!"

Yasha yelled, hundreds of avatars, turned into dozens of swiftly moving **** afterimages, one after another raised their blood palms and bombarded Ye Fei!

Ye Fei was not afraid of the hundreds of blood shadow clones that Yasha turned into!

You know, even if it is the main body of the Yasha, Ye Fei is not afraid, but will he be afraid of these clones?

Therefore, Ye Fei kept moving at a high speed in the air, constantly waving the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, and slashed towards the blood shadow clone that had come from the culling!

Swish! ! ——

A round of golden and red flame sword blades slashed out, with the momentum of destroying the dead, and crushing the blood shadow clones one by one!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The sword light swept across, the sword intent was vertical and horizontal, and there were bursts of surging noises!

Although Ye Fei's sword intent was fierce and violent, he could kill a large blood shadow clone with a single sword, but Yasha is constantly transforming the blood shadow clone, so it is difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a time!

At this time, Tuobaye looked at the battlefield in the distance, frowned, and said, "It seems that Yasha cannot be supported for a long time. Burning Heaven, Dragon King, Garuda, Asura, you are going to meet Yasha!"

"Great Emperor, do you think Yasha will lose?!"

Brahma, who is slender, taller than 1.8 meters, with a golden flame totem pierced between his brows, asked suspiciously.

"No, Yasha obviously has to be separated from that kid, so how can you lose?"

The dragon king, who is majestic and sturdy, two meters high, with a black dragon pierced in his chest, also echoed the sentence.

The other people in Babuzhong, as well as the Four Savage Envoys looked at Tuoba Ye, very puzzled.

Tuoba Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Now, Yasha has used all his strength, but that kid hasn't used his true strength at all, so this battle has already been decided..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and they obviously didn't believe it!

However, since even the emperor said so, they had to believe it again!

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the distant sky again.

"Smelly boy! Take it to death!!"

At this time, Yasha had already mobilized all his true powers, and transformed thousands of blood shadow clones, and once again rushed towards Ye Fei!

However, Ye Fei instantly dissipated the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, vacated two hands, and his back figure flashed, avoiding these thousands of blood shadow clones, and instantly came to the main body of Yasha!

" do you want to do?!"

Yasha was shocked, his face changed drastically, he didn't expect Ye Fei's speed to increase so much? !

However, before Yasha came back to his senses, Ye Fei's mouth had a cold smile, and there was a shocking cry in his mouth!

"L Dragon Fist!!"

The voice hasn't fallen...

Ye Fei clenched a fist with his right hand, condensing the six bursts of sword intent, true power and physical strength, and directly bombarded Yasha!

Yasha's heart shuddered, and he quickly raised a **** palm and greeted him!

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a dull explosion, the **** true power condensed in the night scene was shattered, and even the palm of the hand was shattered!


The night scene screamed in pain, and felt that the right palm was not his own anymore. It was so soft that he couldn't lift it anymore!

However, Ye Fei did not stop because of this, but clenched his fists with both hands, constantly bombarding Yasha!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The power contained in each punch is terrifying, crushing this space, making bursts of explosions!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

One punch after another, as fast as lightning, hit Yasha's face and chest heavily, and the intensive boxing sound made it hard to tell how many punches had been blasted!

Under the heavy fist bombardment of this squally rain, Yasha was beaten up like a sandbag!

Moreover, because Ye Fei's fist was too fast and his strength was too strong, he couldn't fall off the night field at all, so he could only be beaten passively!

The blood shoots violently and falls into the sky, like a rain of blood!

At this moment, everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, trembling all over, and their hearts were terrified!

"Quick! Go and help!!"

Seeing this scene, Fen Tian understood what Tuoba Ye had just said, so he didn't care about watching the battle, so he shouted and took the Dragon King, Garuda, and Asura to help!

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