Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3344: , One person is enough! (two

cough! ! ——

Accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air, this spear burning with black flames and flashing purple thunder and lightning with a sharp sound of breaking through the air, like a laser missile, stabbed towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei's heart was shocked, and his thoughts moved, the sword intent washed out from his body, forming dozens of thick prismatic swords and shields directly in front of him!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

With the sound of piercing, Ye Fei discovered that these dozens of swords and shields were as fragile as paper, and they were all pierced in only a few tenths of a second!

Moreover, after piercing through these dozens of swords and shields, this spear approached Ye Fei in the blink of an eye!

Ye Fei had no time to dodge and attack, so he could only set up the giant sword in his hand to resist!

"Dang Cang" sounded like a bell, Ye Fei couldn't stop the impact of this spear at all, his body was like a paper kite with a broken wire, and it flew out directly!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

After Ye Fei's body flew upside down hundreds of meters away, he collided with more than a dozen stone sculptures of 20 to 30 meters high, and then fell into the ruins with a "bang"!

As for the spear burning with black flames and flashing electric lights, it was inserted into the ruins with a click!

Suddenly, the whole from the square became quiet, and the needle drop was audible!

Everyone looked at the ruins in the distance, with different expressions on their faces!

There are surprises, excitement, puzzles and doubts...

"This kid... is defeated?!"

"Isn't it? I saw him so good just now, I thought he could hold on for a while, I didn't expect it to be defeated!"

"But also, even the emperor has made a move, this kid has no reason to be undefeated..."

"It's just a pity that such a talented person..."

Everyone talked about it, but everyone had already expected this scene.

After all, Tuobaye is not only a first-class powerhouse in the Wild Empire, but even the entire True Martial World is a powerhouse at the forefront!

In their hearts, Tuoba Ye is like a god, no one can shake!

The members of the Babuzhong and the Four Wilderness looked at each other, and the corners of their lips showed a vengeful smile.

Ye Fei beat them so badly just now, and now he is revenge, so he is naturally happy.

Even if you are a sword god, in front of the emperor, you still have to surrender!

As for Hua Tuo in the crowd, at this moment, with his fists clenched, his face was full of grief.

However, just as these barbarian warriors were talking, suddenly, a golden red flame suddenly rose into the sky from the ruins!


Accompanied by a dragon roar that shook the world, I saw a three- to four-hundred-meter-long, golden-red flame burning all over the body, and the majestic stegosaurus hovered in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a figure soared up from the ruins and stood under this mighty and domineering stegosaurus like an electric light, with a pair of golden red flames beating eyes, overlooking everyone!

And this stegosaurus, also looking down at the people below, revealed the domineering and long might of the world!

Suddenly, all the barbarians and soldiers on the square had their complexions frozen, and their expressions of surprise appeared!

They thought that Ye Fei was defeated like this, but they didn't know that Ye Fei was not defeated at all, but stood up!

Seeing this scene, Hua Tuo, who was originally extremely sad and indignant, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this kid is stronger than he thought.

However, Tuoba Ye, who stood still in mid-air, had no expression on his face, as if Ye Fei had long been expected to stand up.

"I knew you kid didn't fall so easily..."

Tuoba Ye smiled faintly, and said: "Boy, don't try any more, use your real strength, otherwise, you can lose this battle..."

"Until the end, the outcome is still uncertain!"

Ye Feizhen yelled, and then directly swung the giant sword in his hand!

"Ancient Sword Dragon! Crush him!!"


This huge wild ancient sword dragon made a roar of dragon roar in the air, and then slammed into it, rushing directly towards the distant Tuoba Wild!

However, facing this barren ancient sword dragon rushing over, Tuoba Ye didn't have any expression fluctuations on his face, just looked at the sky indifferently!

At the moment when the stegosaurus rushed in, Tuoba Ye raised his right arm, and the surging true power was mobilized frantically, and he waved directly upward!

"Prisoner Tiansuo!!"

Accompanied by a scream from Tuoba Ye!

Nah! Nah! ! ——

I only heard bursts of cracking sound, and saw that black flames were burning, purple thunder and lightning flashed, iron chains as thick as tree trunks broke through the thick stone slabs of the square, and swept into the sky!

In an instant, a full nine chains directly entangled the stegosaurus in the sky, from the dragon head to the dragon, and directly fixed it to the sky!

Stegosaurus was struggling with his body desperately, trying to break free from the shackles of these nine chains, but he couldn't break free at all!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei was immediately stunned. He didn't expect Tuoba Ye's martial arts to be so varied!

From Burning the Sky Shield to Killing the God Arrow, to the Heavenly Slaying Spear, to the Prisoner Sky Lock, in just ten minutes, Tuoba Ye changed four martial arts in a row!

Moreover, each of these four martial arts is incredible!

How many martial arts does this guy have yet to show?

Can you really beat him?

For a moment, Ye Fei had doubts about his own strength.

Also, in the face of such a powerful opponent, I am afraid that anyone will doubt their own strength.

Boom! ! ——

However, a sudden bombing sound awakened Ye Fei!

Ye Fei suddenly raised his eyes and saw that after the nine chains entangled the stegosaurus, they tore it to pieces!


Ye Fei shouted angrily, with both arms, the real power, sword intent, and physical strength in his body were raised again!

"Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!"

Ye Fei let out a roar again!

In an instant, the violent sword intent once again condensed nine huge stegosaurus in the sky!

Each stegosaurus is extremely fierce, hundreds of meters long, covering an area of ​​tens of meters, burning with golden-red flames, and sword intent lingering all over the body!

As soon as the nine stegosaurus appeared, they were stunned to obscure the entire sky above the square, illuminating the whole world!

The barbarian soldiers in the distance saw this scene, and they felt panic, and their breathing became short!

Everyone has a shadow on the Nine You Emperor Dragon!

You know, this is the trick that killed both Brahma and Garuda at the same time!

Especially the remaining five people from the Eight Departments, they are almost crazy!

Doesn't this kid know that he is tired, how can he have such a powerful force? !

However, without waiting for them to think, a shocking shout came from Ye Fei's mouth!


"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho! !"

For a time, the nine stegosaurus swept the wind, boulders and smoke at the same time, and with an inexhaustible momentum, they smashed towards Tuobanye!

Seeing these nine huge stegosaurus attacking him, Tuoba Ye finally showed a touch of shock!

Of course, it was just shock!

Immediately, before the nine stegosaurus approached, Tuoba Ye raised his arms suddenly!

"Prisoner Tiansuo!!"

Nah! Nah! !

Hoop! !

I saw that the thick chains of black flames flashing with purple thunder light were like black blasting thunder dragons, rising from the earth to the sky and swept the nine stegosaurus above!

However, Ye Fei had already prepared, so he controlled nine stegosaurus to avoid the prisoners of these chains!

However, when more and more chains rushed out, no matter how flexibly the nine stegosaurus shuttled, they were still firmly entangled and could not move!

Moreover, waves of violent thunder followed the chain to the nine stegosaurus bodies, and they fought fiercely with the sword intent of the stegosaurus!


The nine stegosaurus struggling frantically, uttered a wailing dragon roar!

The powerful force erupted by these nine stegosaurus struggling is like sweeping away thousands of sword intent storms, spreading out with a force of destruction!

The ground on the square has been crushed by more than half. As for those satisfied soldiers, they resisted this coercion while continuing to retreat. This was not affected!

Tuoba Ye stood still in the sky, looked at Ye Fei with a face of indifference, then lifted his right hand and instantly gathered it!


Falling down with a shock...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ——

The nine entangled stegosaurus couldn't resist at all, they were all blown up to shreds, turned into a little golden red flame, and disappeared into the air...

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei felt sad and indignant in his heart!

Still not enough!

The power is still not enough! !

Ye Fei originally thought that even if he couldn't kill Tuoba Ye by relying on the Jiuyou Emperor Dragon, he could still hurt him!

However, the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is so cruel!

The ultimate move that he is proud of, in Tuobaye's eyes, is like a child playing house, there is no threat at all!

There is no doubt that Tuoba Ye’s cultivation base has already surpassed the prehistoric realm and reached the heaven-recovering realm!

Moreover, it may be a great achievement!

Facing such a strong man, does he really have a chance to defeat him?

This is no longer a leapfrog challenge, but a two-level challenge!

Desolate Realm, World Suppressing Realm... Except for fighting for life, Ye Fei couldn't think of a better way!


Ye Fei had already planned to do his best, with both arms, he lifted up all the remaining sword intent, true power and physical power in his body!

Rumble! ! ——

With the increase in all power, the world shook violently again!

The ground on the square collapsed in large areas, and the buildings around the square also collapsed. Even some stone houses a kilometer away have also collapsed!

All the barbarians in the distance were completely sluggish, looking at Ye Fei like a god!

"How is it possible?! He... He is only at the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm, how can he have the power of the Primordial Realm?!"

"No... it's his sword intent! But even if it's in sword intent, how could... the power soared so much in a short time?!"

"Does he still have a hole card?!!!"

The Four Savage Envoys all showed horror, apparently shocked by the power that Ye Fei burst out again!

There is no doubt that if Ye Fei fights them in their current state, they will have no chance of winning at all, only being beheaded!

Fortunately, there is a great emperor, otherwise, no one present can control him!

As for the five members of Babuzhong and other barbarians, they only know that Ye Fei's strength has increased sharply again, but they don't know how much it has soared!

Hum! ! ——

At this time, the golden-red flame giant sword in Ye Fei's hand made trembling sounds!

It was not because of fear, but because of excitement, as if it could sense the powerful power coming from the master's hand!

At this moment, Ye Fei's eyes, the golden-red flame burned more vigorously, bright as a torch, as if to gush out!

And Ye Fei's whole body, it seems that there is a solid, burning sword shadow, as if Ye Fei's whole person has turned into a sword!

Ye Fei could feel that his heart, blood vessels, and blood were surging at an unprecedented speed, and his body was full of power!

However, Ye Fei also knew that this explosive power was only short-lived, after all, there was only this power left in his body!

From the time he came to the city of Barbarian King to fight all the way to the present, even if his body was beaten with iron, his strength was almost consumed!

The reason why I can continue to the present is entirely dependent on the fighting spirit and perseverance of not admitting defeat!

Because, with the improvement of cultivation base and strength, Ye Fei also knows more about his body!

The body of God of War!

As long as the fighting spirit is not extinguished, the strength will not be extinguished!

Therefore, even if you encounter a strong opponent, you must fight to the death, and you must not let the fighting spirit go out!

"Sword God Huanyu!!"

Ye Fei let out a burst of shouts, and his entire body turned into a golden-red flame giant sword, and shot towards Tuobanye!

Huh! ! ——

The golden-red flames flashed across the sky, like a meteorite falling down, bright and gorgeous!

Tuoba Ye also noticed Ye Fei's explosive power, his face sank, and his right arm lifted by himself!

"Zhutian Spear!!"

In an instant, a spear more than three meters long, burning with black flames, and flashing with thunder light appeared in his hands!

Immediately, Tuobaye didn't retreat and dodge, instead holding a spear, he met Ye Fei!

If they were replaced by the Eight Tribes or the Wild Four Envoys, they wouldn't dare to compete with them at all!

However, Tuobaye has the pride of being the king of a country and the top powerhouse!

Avoidance is not his style!

Whoosh! ! ——

cough! ! ——

A golden-red flame and a black-purple flame crossed the sky, and the distance of hundreds of meters was shortened instantly!

Immediately, Ye Fei pierced out with a sword and took Tuo Banye's chest!

Tuoba Ye also stabbed the spear in his hand and met Ye Fei's sword!

Boom! ! ——

Between the lightning and flint, there was a head-to-head collision between the giant sword and the spear, as if the fire crashed together, exploding like thunder!

Under this powerful attack, Tuoba Ye was shocked back several tens of meters!

But Ye Fei once again shook back a hundred meters away!

However, compared to before, there has been a significant improvement!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not hesitate, his figure flashed, and he attacked Tuoba Ye again!

"Shaking the sky!!"

However, at the moment Ye Fei rushed towards him, Tuoba Ye directly waved the spear in his hand!

In an instant, hundreds of tons or even thousands of tons of soil and rocks on the square were moved to the sky by the power of the Tuobanyan, and they were bombed directly at Ye Fei!

Thousands of tons of rock and soil, it is completely as if several big mountains have been moved, crushed to Ye Fei!

Moreover, every piece of rock weighing several tons is wrapped in black and purple true power, becoming more heavy and full of devastating pressure!

Therefore, this is also one of the great skills in the "Nine Heavens Killing Skills" practiced by Tuo Ba Ye-Shaan Tian Yin!

This combat skill can control everything in the world for your own use!

Seeing these thousands of tons of rocks and soil rolling towards him, Ye Fei couldn't avoid it at all. He could only wave the giant sword in his hand to block these rocks and soil abruptly!

Klang Klang! ! ——

The dense huge flying stones bombarded Ye Fei's body wildly, stupefied to make Ye Fei roll full of energy and blood!

If it was just an ordinary rock, it would not be able to shake Ye Fei half a minute!

However, because this rock has wrapped the supernatural power of Tuoba Ye, its lethality and destructive power have been increased by hundreds of times, which is naturally extremely terrifying!

Ye Fei also knew that if it weren't for the ultimate sword-intent body guard, I'm afraid at this moment, even if his body is strong, he would have to be smashed into blood and blood!

However, even if the body of the ultimate sword intent is strong, but with the tight bowstring, there will always be times when it can't be stretched!

Therefore, when a large piece of black boulder soil was crushed again, Ye Fei braced his arms and directly released the flame of sword intent!

Huhuhu! !

In an instant, the flames of sword intent spread and rushed like a sky fire, wrapping all the boulders and mud flying in the sky!

Under the raging sword intent and the frenzied burning of flames, the boulders and soil that had been crushed were all burned to ashes and floated in the air!

Tuoba Ye smiled faintly, and said: "It's interesting, it seems that you did use your true strength..."

Ye Fei's eyes sank and his thoughts moved, and the golden red flame giant sword appeared around his body!

Immediately, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and he rushed towards Tuoba Wild, and those golden-red flame giant swords followed Ye Fei and swept up!

It was as if Ye Fei led a thousand troops to attack Tuoba Ye!

However, Tuobanye's face was not shocked, there was no change in his expression, but his figure flashed, and Ye Fei's attack was greeted!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Qiang Qiang! ! ——

The two figures kept flashing in the air, and the huge sword and the spear made a dense collision!

A shock wave of sword intent and true power roared at high altitude, low altitude, and even palaces!

Although Ye Fei instantly increased his power to the peak, his speed also increased sharply, but he was able to barely keep up with Tuoba Ye's speed, and could even contend with it in strength!

However, in the process of constant collision, Ye Fei clearly felt that Tuoba Ye's strength was constantly rising!

Even if Ye Fei's supreme sword intent is strong, his body is still too different from Tuoba Ye!

Coupled with the constant exhaustion of physical strength, Ye Fei felt more and more strenuous, and his arms were numb!

Puff! ! ——

Tuoba Ye was another crit, and the spear in his hand smashed heavily on Ye Fei's giant sword!

"Boom" with a loud noise, Ye Fei's whole body with a sword, fell from a hundred meters high, and smashed the ground into a deep pit!

The rubble was flying, the smoke was surging, and the scene fell into silence again!

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