Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3345: , Slaughter against the sky! (two

Everyone in the distance watched this scene blankly, for a long time no one spoke.

This was the second time Ye Fei fell. They didn't know if Ye Fei could stand up.

In fact, they hoped that Ye Fei could stand up again.

Even if they were enemies, they were also moved by Ye Fei's courage and tenacity.

Therefore, they admire the brave like Ye Fei.

Moreover, no matter who wins or loses today, it will be recorded in the annals of Zhenwu world and become one of the most classic battles in Zhenwu world!


At this moment, Ye Fei was lying on the ground, breathing heavily up to the sky, his body was dripping with blood, his arms were bruised, blood seeped out, and it was terrible.

He knew that he was already injured both inside and outside.

Although the body is healing the injury, the wound is too severe, and it can't be cured all at once.

At this time, Tuoba Ye stood still in the sky, overlooking Ye Fei, and said loudly: "Boy, you lost! This is the end of your fight against me!"

I lost……

Did I really lose?

Ye Fei stared at the top of the sky, full of pride and unwillingness!

He is not reconciled!

Not reconciled to fall down like this, just surrender like this!

"I didn't lose... I didn't lose!!"

Ye Fei roared, in full view, but still gritted his teeth and got up from the ground!

The moonlight shone on him, but his small body was as straight as a javelin, and as stalwart as a mountain!

This is an unbent spine, this is unwilling faith! This is unyielding will! !

"Why bother……"

Tuoba Ye sighed softly, then opened his arms to mobilize the endless vast real power!

"Shaking the sky!!!"

Accompanied by a roar from Tuoba Ye!

Klang Klang! ! ——

I saw that within a few seconds, the entire square had become completely clean, and all the rocks and soil had gathered in the sky. It reached more than tens of thousands of tons, and the area covered by it reached the size of a football field!

Ye Fei raised his eyes, and the sky was filled with heavy black rocks and mud. The shadows were shrouded in darkness, and it was as if a mountain hundreds of meters high had been moved!


Everyone thousands of meters away saw this scene, they were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they swallowed their saliva, shaking all over!

This is the power of the emperor... It is terrifying, it is simply not the power that ordinary warriors should have!

"Sword Intent Burns Wasteland!!"

Ye Fei screamed and swung his sword outrageously!

Huh! ! ——

A sword was swung, and the flame of sword intent surged directly up, like a tsunami, heading towards the rocks and mud covering the sky, preparing to destroy it and burn it to ashes!

"Very god!"

At this moment, Tuobaye opened his arms, and then suddenly closed, with a loud shout in his mouth!

In an instant, the heavy, black rock and soil converged in an instant, and in just a few seconds, they directly condensed into a huge three-legged tripod!

Therefore, this giant cauldron is five or six hundred meters high and covers an area of ​​several hundred meters. The whole body is covered with a thick layer of black flame and thunder light, full of ancient barbaric, desolate violent pressure and aura!

As for the sword flame that Ye Fei slapped, after approaching this giant shield, it flashed twice before it went out!

"how so……"

Ye Fei murmured, bit his teeth, and swung a sword again!

The moment a sword was swung, tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords condensed into shape, and then, like tens of thousands of missiles, rose into the sky and slammed into the giant cauldron above!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

This tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords hit the giant cauldron, bursting out sword intent and flame halo, but they couldn't shake this giant cauldron at all!


At this moment, Tuoba Noo let out a burst of shouts, and then raised his hands, pressing down suddenly!

In an instant, this heavy giant cauldron seemed to have obeyed the call, and it smashed directly towards Ye Fei below!

Moreover, this giant cauldron seems to be extremely heavy, but the speed at which it is crushed is surprisingly fast, and it does not give Ye Fei any time to react at all!

not good! !

Ye Fei was shocked in his heart, and quickly rose with his sword, and violently retreated toward the periphery!

It seems that Ye Fei has not escaped several tens of meters, this giant tripod has already been suppressed!

If you ignore it, but continue to flee, I am afraid that this giant cauldron will directly be crushed into fleshy flesh!

Since you can't escape, you can only carry it hard!

Ye Fei scattered the giant sword, holding the giant cauldron in both hands, and gathered all the strength of his body into his arms, pushing the giant cauldron upward!

However, this giant cauldron is too big, Ye Fei is like supporting a big mountain, and the veins on his forehead, neck, and arms all burst!

If it were just a hundred-meter mountain, Ye Fei felt that he could definitely shake it with his own power!

However, this giant tripod is not only as tall as a mountain, but its weight has already exceeded the mountain, just like a huge meteorite flying from the sky!

If this giant tripod is crushed in a certain city, I don't know how many buildings will be destroyed and how many people will be crushed to death!

Therefore, Ye Fei gathered all the power in his body, but still couldn't shake this giant cauldron. On the contrary, under the pressure of the giant cauldron, he kept falling!


Ye Fei let out a roar, his arms renewed his strength, his whole body was flushed, and the capillaries on his body burst because they couldn't bear the pressure, and the blood stained his clothes red!

However, just under this force, the giant cauldron stopped falling, instead it rose a few meters!

The people in the distance are completely boiling!

"My God...Is this kid still a human? He actually pushed such a big tripod?!"

"Even if all of us here come together, I'm afraid we can't hold this great tripod, right?!"

"It's horrible, this kid is definitely not an ordinary person!!"

When everyone was amazed, Tuobanye's eyes on the top of the giant cauldron also showed a look of astonishment. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei to be able to hold it!

However, just when Ye Fei was about to overthrow the giant cauldron, Tuo Banye's expression sank and he patted the giant cauldron with one hand!

Puff! ! ——

Accompanied by the sound of hitting the golden bell!

The gravity of this giant cauldron has increased a hundredfold once again, and with a loud bang, Ye Fei is directly pressed to the ground!

The whole earth was shaken!

When everyone thought that Ye Fei had been pressed under the tripod, they discovered that Ye Fei was still dragging the tripod with both hands, and his feet were on the ground!

Nah! Nah! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of crackling sounds, the slate under Ye Fei's feet continued to shatter, and his feet continued to sink, and Ye Fei felt that his power seemed to have reached its extreme, as if he had been emptied!

I am afraid that it will not last for another minute, this giant cauldron will be directly pressed down!

What should we do, how can we escape the suppression of this giant cauldron? !

"Boy! As long as you concede defeat, I will keep you a corpse!!"

At this time, Tuoba Ye's voice came from above!

At this moment, Ye Fei's thoughts flew, and suddenly his inspiration flashed!

There is a way!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!!"

Ye Fei let out a loud shout in his mouth!

In an instant, under the control of Ye Fei, the dense golden flame giant swords gathered, and then stood under the earth and the giant cauldron!

Until tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords propped up the giant cauldron, Ye Fei took advantage of this opportunity to loosen his hands and his figure suddenly flashed!

Huh! ! ——

At this moment, Ye Fei had already exploded to the extreme!

Just when Ye Fei fled from below the giant cauldron, and the sword rushed into the sky, the giant cauldron finally sank and was suppressed on the earth!

As for the tens of thousands of giant swords that supported the earth and the giant cauldron, they were all shattered!

Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, but fortunately he finally escaped from under the giant cauldron!


Tuoba Ye saw this scene, and a strong expression of surprise appeared in his eyes, "I didn't expect you to be able to escape..."


Ye Fei stood still in the air, panting, the sword intent flame on his body was dimmed with only a dim golden red light, and the golden red flames in his eyes became weaker and weaker...

Therefore, after the confrontation with the giant cauldron just now, Ye Fei's physical strength was almost exhausted, and the true strength and sword intent were already weak to the extreme!

Tuobaye looked at Ye Fei indifferently, and said indifferently: "Boy, you really lost... The power in your body is already pitiful, let alone deal with me, even if you are a warrior, at this time Can easily kill you...

So, boy, this time, you really lost..."

Ye Fei stared at Tuobaye tightly, panting, and smiled evilly: "Tuobanye...Do you really think I... lost?"

"Isn't it?"

Tuoba Ye looked at Ye Fei calmly, and said faintly: "In your current state, do you think you can compete with me?

The gap between you and me is too big, even if you were a genius at the time, it would not make up the gap between you and me.

Give up, kid, lose in my hands, not ashamed..."

Ye Fei swallowed the blood that was in his throat, and hissed: "I, Ye Fei my whole life...fighting with the sky...fighting with the earth...fighting with the enemy...never easily conceded!

And today... before saving my master... I, Ye Fei, will never give up! ! "

After speaking, Ye Fei thought, and directly took out a few bottles of healing and replenishing elixirs from the space ring!

"Why, do you want to take a pill?"

Tuobaye glanced at the bottles of elixirs in Ye Fei's hands, and jokingly said: "Even if you take the elixirs and temporarily increase your strength, what about it?

I will still knock you down again! "

Ye Fei didn't say anything more, but directly opened the bottle cap, raised his head, poured a few bottles of pills into his mouth, and swallowed it!

At this moment, Hua Tuo in the crowd in the distance was stunned when he saw this scene!

What is this kid doing with so many pills at once? !

Isn't this looking for death? !

However, the distance is too far, even if he wants to dissuade him, it is too late.

Hua Tuo burst into tears, thumped his chest and feet, and felt grief in his heart, but he was helpless.

At this time, Ye Fei had swallowed all the bottles of pills.

Because Ye Fei's body organs are extremely powerful, as soon as the pill enters the body, it starts to be absorbed frantically into the body!

Although it is purely the essence of heaven and earth, it is completely "suicidal" to add so much at one time!

Generally, a warrior can take up to two pills at a time, and he can't hold it anymore!

But Ye Fei took a few bottles at once!

At this moment, Ye Fei felt that the essence of heaven and earth in his body was too abundant, as if it was igniting a pack of powerful explosives, as if to burst Ye Fei's body!


With the transformation of aura, Ye Fei felt that his body had inexhaustible power at this time. He roared, and the raging golden flame burned again on his body, and the flames in his pupils were about to gush out!

Moreover, as the aura continues to spread, even if Ye Fei's body is tougher, the blood vessels in his body will burst open one by one at this time!

However, after exploding again, it will be repaired immediately. After repairing, exploding again, repeating, within a few seconds, Ye Fei has become a blood man!

Ye Fei's mouth, nose, and ears overflowed with blood, terrifying, like a demon crawling out of purgatory!

Ordinary warriors could not support this kind of pain. However, to Ye Fei, this kind of pain was nothing at all!

In the past, every time he grows, he is accompanied by blood and sweat, so as long as he can become stronger, even if he is broken into pieces, what about?

At this time, as Ye Fei's strength increased, he had recovered to the peak, even surpassed the peak! !

Everyone in the distance saw this scene and was completely shocked!

They only knew that Ye Fei seemed to have eaten something, and his strength was restored in the blink of an eye, and it seemed to have become stronger!

However, seeing Ye Fei's state at this time, they felt that Ye Fei had indeed gained strength, but the price paid was not small, it can be described as disastrous!

Of course, they also reacted, knowing that Ye Fei is now ready to fight the emperor desperately!

Is this the so-called not being crazy or being a devil? !

At this moment, not only everyone in the distance, but even Tuoba Ye was shocked. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei to surpass the peak in such a short period of time!

He frowned, holding a spear, and flicking!

Huh! !

I saw that the giant cauldron below flew directly, like a mountain, and slammed into Ye Fei!


Ye Fei roared and turned into a golden red electric light. Huo Ran picked up the golden red flame giant sword and rushed directly towards the giant cauldron!

In the eyes of everyone, it was as if a tiny human being smashed into a big mountain!

Because of the unprecedented increase in strength, Ye Fei felt that his fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high at this moment, and there was only one thought in his mind!

war! ! !

At this moment, Ye Fei, like a mad beast, drew a golden-red flame in the air, and instantly approached this giant cauldron!

"Get away!!"

Ye Fei roared wildly, and directly waved the giant sword in his hand, and slapped it towards the giant cauldron!

Puff! ! ——

A crash like Hongzhong and Dalu resounded, and under the slap of Ye Fei's sword, the giant tripod was directly shaken out, and slammed toward Tuobaye!

"Haha, it's interesting..."

Tuoba Ye sneered, and when the giant cauldron hit it, he directly waved the spear in his hand!


Suddenly, this giant tripod flew directly into the sky, and then crushed it towards Ye Fei in mid-air!


Ye Fei glanced at the giant cauldron that had been suppressed in the sky, smiled coldly, ignored the giant cauldron, but flashed his figure and rushed directly towards Tuobanye himself!

The distance of hundreds of meters is there in an instant!

"Go to hell!!"

Ye Fei roared, without any extra fancy gestures, just a sword, and slashed towards Tuoba Ye!

"I can't help myself!!"

Tuoba Ye let out a cold cry, and directly raised the spear in his hand, moving it towards the top!

哐! ! ——

The huge sword and the spear collided, a force generated by sword intent and wild power directly shook the shock wave covering hundreds of meters, causing the sky and the earth to tremble, and the square below directly collapsed to a depth of tens of meters!

Tuoba Ye stared at Ye Fei sternly, and said angrily: "Smelly boy, do you really think you can defeat me with your current strength?"

"How can you know if you don't try?"

Ye Fei responded, and then abandoning all unnecessary moves, the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, like a gust of wind and rain, swayed towards Tuobanye!

cut! collapse! tease! prick! cut!

The simple and crude, direct and effective golden-red flame blades are densely packed, so that even the Babu congregation and the four wild four envoys in the distance can't be seen clearly!

However, Tuoba Ye showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, calmly raised the spear in his hand, and kept resisting it up and down!

Klang Klang! ! ——

The golden red flame giant sword stands on the spear, not only is extremely fast, but each sword is capable of breaking mountains and rocks!

The thundering crash sound continued in mid-air, stirring up a wave of violent shock waves!

However, I don't know how many swords he slashed, and Tuobaye slammed with one arm, and the power of the mountain whistling and tsunami erupted instantly, directly sending Ye Fei out!

"Killing God Arrow!!"

Moreover, at the moment when Ye Fei shook, tens of thousands of densely packed black lightning arrows shot towards Ye Fei angrily!

However, facing the dense arrows, Ye Fei was not afraid at all. With a thought, tens of thousands of golden and red flame giants condensed in the sky, and with the sound of howling, greeted the dense arrows!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, tens of thousands of huge swords and arrows slammed into the air, like tens of thousands of missiles exploding in the sky, with amazing power and shocking the world!

However, before Ye Fei could react, Tuoba Ye waved the spear in his hand!

The giant cauldron floating in the sky directly suppressed Ye Fei below!

Seeing that the giant cauldron was suppressed again, Ye Fei's eyes sank, and he decided to destroy the giant cauldron first!

Otherwise, this giant cauldron has been hanging above itself, which would be a lot of trouble!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei opened his arms and continuously mobilized the sword intent, true power and physical strength in his body, and he uttered a shock!

"Nine You Emperor Dragon!!"

"Ho **** ho **** ho **** ho! !"

Accompanied by the deafening sound of dragons, nine huge golden-red flame sword dragons circled around Ye Fei's body!

After that, the nine sword dragons, with their panic Jianwei and Longwei, rushed towards the giant cauldron in the sky together!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ——

In an instant, the Nine Heavens Sword Dragon directly collided with the giant cauldron in the sky, like a collision between stars in the universe, and burst out with the sound of an explosion like the sky falling, as if to shatter the eardrum of a person!

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