Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3346: , Endlessly! (two

In the sky, nine sword dragons collided with the giant cauldron, and the sword intent, true power and flames bursting out were intertwined together, dazzling like a scorching sun, so that people could not open their eyes!

A full minute passed.

When everyone looked at it again, they saw that the giant cauldron that looked like a big mountain in the sky had disappeared, and the nine stegosaurus had also disappeared!

perish together!

Tuoba Ye was also surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect Ye Fei to surpass the peak with his strength. With every move and style he used, the destructive power and lethality increased a lot!

However, Ye Fei has indeed become stronger, but he is still not afraid!

"Prisoner Tiansuo!!"

Before Ye Fei came back to his senses, Tuoba Ye attacked again!

He was holding a spear and swung it up!

Accompanied by the bursting sound of the huge boulder, I saw chains burning with black flames and flashing purple thunder to the sky, sweeping up towards Ye Fei!

Ye Fei also knows the horror of "Prison Sky Lock", even if his "Nine Nether Emperor Dragon" is entangled, he can't break free!

Therefore, Ye Fei didn't dare to be big, his body flashed and kept moving at a high speed in the air, constantly avoiding these five chains!

However, each of the five chains was as thick as a thousand-year-old tree trunk, rushing to the sky, as if a steel castle had been erected, Ye Fei couldn't break out of this chain for a while!


Ye Fei roared wildly and waved the golden-red flame giant sword in his hand, the seven-epee sword intent burst out, and he swung out toward the several chains in front of him!

Huh! !

I saw that a half-moon sword glow suddenly erupted, and the flames rolled, like skyfire swept through, surging endlessly, instantly rolling up a huge wave of flames!

boom! ! ! ——

This sword slashed heavily on these chains, spurring a circle of flames!

However, what shocked Ye Fei was that this sword of destruction failed to cut these chains!

At the moment Ye Fei was stunned, this chain of chains swept up directly, instantly entangled Ye Fei's arms, legs and body, and was directly imprisoned in the sky!

Moreover, the chains that entangle Ye Fei's body, the black flames and thunder and lightning continue to erode Ye Fei's body, even the body of the ultimate sword intent is difficult to resist!


Ye Fei felt as if his whole body was constantly being penetrated by nails, his flesh was cut and exploded, blood was constantly flying, and a screaming scream was made in his mouth!

The people in the distance just heard the screams, and they felt terrified. What's more, they were suffering from this inhuman torture?

This level of battle has exceeded their imagination, and they are not able to participate in it at all!

"The strength of this kid is really terrifying. He can fight the great emperor so far, and he is still not defeated... I am afraid, his current strength is enough to match the ten sages..." The Heavenly Wind Envoy murmured.

"Is it just like the Ten Saints?"

The Heavenly Lei Envoy took a deep breath and sighed: "I'm afraid, even in the ten sages, this kid's strength can be ranked in the forefront..."

The Heavenly Fire Envoy also nodded and said, "As long as this kid does not die today, there will be Eleven Saints in the True Martial Realm in the future!"

The envoy of Tianming and the members of Ba Buzhong nodded and expressed their agreement, and they were also convinced by Ye Fei.

At this time, the sky in the distance.

Ye Fei, who was trapped in the sky, bit his teeth and slammed his arms, which raised his more violent sword intent, true power, and physical strength!

"Sword intent burns wasteland! Burns all the world!!"

Accompanied by Ye Fei's roar...

I saw that the sword-inspired flames rushed out of Ye Fei's body like mountain torrents, and even more like golden-red flame mad dragons, swept directly toward the chains!

Under the frenzied flame burning and sword intent, the chains that entangled Ye Fei broke directly!


Seeing this scene, Tuoba Ye was shocked and shocked, never thought that Ye Fei could open the restraint at such a fast speed? !

At this time, without the shackles of the iron chain, Ye Fei, like a mad dragon breaking free from the cage, rushed towards Tuoba with endless momentum of killing!

For a time, everyone could only see a golden-red figure and a black figure, in the sky above the square, like two thunders, constantly colliding and fighting each other fiercely and fiercely fighting together after separation, and so on!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Klang Klang! ! ——

Under the constant collision, most of the entire square has been shattered, collapsed, and completely turned into rubble!

For everyone present, this is an amazing feast of battle, one by one, holding their breath, watching fascinatingly, and their souls agitating!

After fighting against each other for thousands of moves, the bodies of the two were bounced once again!

After the confrontation of these thousands of moves, Ye Fei felt the unprecedented physical exertion, and gasped for breath!

If it hadn't been for swallowing so many pills, I'm afraid I would have lost strength a long time ago!

However, after this fierce battle, Tuobaye also felt that his breath was in disorder, and a few beads of sweat appeared on his forehead!

Tuobaye stared at Ye Fei with scorching eyes, no longer contemptuously!

He constantly mobilized the true power in his body, and even mobilized a trace of blood!

Immediately, he raised his left hand and let out a burst of shouts in his mouth!

"Nine Heavens Killing Magic Skill! Covering Heaven's Palm!!"

In an instant, the color of the wind and clouds changed, dark clouds shrouded, the sky trembled, the wind swept, and the huge rocks and dust flew up, as if the end is coming!

I saw that a huge black palm of flame suddenly appeared in the sky, and above the palm of the flame, flickering, throbbing with terrifying thunder and lightning!

This palm really seems to cover the sky, covering an area of ​​several thousand meters, reaching the size of half a square!

Even everyone in the distance was shrouded in the shadow of the palm!

As for the power contained in this palm, everyone present felt an unprecedented panic!

"Quick! Run away!!"

"My God! The emperor is really moving!!"

"Escape! If we don't escape, we will really die!!"

At this time, the Four Wilderness envoys took the lead in reacting, regardless of their image, hissing loudly, leading everyone to rush toward the other side of the square in a frantic manner!

At the moment when everyone ran out, Tuobaye's eyes were filled with murderous intent. Without a word, he lifted his right arm and pressed it down suddenly!

In an instant, the black flame was burning in the sky, and the big palm of the beating and thunder and lightning smashed directly towards Ye Fei below!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

Under the pressure of this palm, this space seemed to be unable to withstand this pressure, and there were bursts of bursts!

As for the sculptures erected in the square, they were all shattered under the pressure of this palm force. As for the buildings close to the square, they also collapsed one after another!

Facing this giant palm like the sky collapsed, Ye Fei knew that it was impossible to avoid it, so he could only carry it hard!

"Seven bursts of sword intent! The body of sword intent!!"

Ye Fei opened his arms and uttered a violent howl to the sky!

This time, Ye Fei was not compressing the body of the sword intent, but spreading it wildly!

In an instant, a huge golden red flame lightsaber over a hundred meters shrouded Ye Fei, making Ye Fei a giant sword, standing in the sky!

At the moment when the body of the sword intent stood up, this giant palm was also pressed down, and it fought fiercely with the huge, hundred-meter-long sword that was shrouded in Ye Fei's body!

However, although the body of this sword intent is huge, and the sword intent is also extremely sharp, but facing the oppressive force of this giant palm, it still can't bear it!

The huge sword-intent body also lasted for half a minute...

Nah! Nah! ! ——

There was a burst of cracking and cracking!

I saw that this huge body of sword intent began to crumble and disintegrate, and could not stop the terrifying pressure of this palm!

Boom! ! ! ——

The body of sword intent lasted for half a minute, and this giant palm was suppressed with the momentum of looking over the world, and directly engulfed Ye Fei, and hit the earth heavily!

In an instant, everything in the entire square was razed to the ground! !

Stone slabs, sculptures, and buildings are all fragmented and even turned into dust! !

Nah! Nah! ! ——

Moreover, after this giant palm was pressed down, the ground of several thousand meters in radius collapsed every inch!

The huge boulders and soil flew up, blowing up thousands of gusts!

The ground in the square collapsed to a depth of 100 meters before it stopped!

Under the crush of this giant palm covering the sky, I am afraid that no one can survive!

After a full ten seconds, when the smoke disappeared, everyone in the distance looked up at the past!

Everyone shuddered involuntarily, their faces turned pale, and their breathing seemed to be stagnant!

There was a crater-like cave, thousands of square meters in front. As for how deep it was, they didn't even know how deep they were, and they didn't dare to look closer!

Moreover, because of the emergence of this huge pit, it shows that the horror picture that happened just now is by no means an illusion!

Therefore, even though Ye Fei had struggled just now, he couldn't bear the crush of this giant palm!

"This time, I'm afraid this kid is really dead..."

The envoy of the sky wind looked at the pit in the distance and murmured. He didn't even have the pleasure of revenge, but felt a little regretful.

The Heavenly Fire Envoy also trembled: "I have been following the emperor for so many years. Except for the use of the'Zhangtian Palm' in the battle against Xuanyuan, I have never used such a powerful force in hundreds of years.

You know, back then, the palm of the Great Emperor instantly killed thousands of warriors of the Azure Dragon Empire, and the power can be imagined...

No matter how strong this kid is, facing this palm, there is only one dead end..."

"It's a shame that such an outstanding genius has fallen like this..."

The envoy of Tianming took the sentence with some pity.

"No way, he asked for this, who can be blamed if he died?"

The envoy of Tianlei shook his head and took the sentence.

After hearing the conversation of the Four Wildernesses, Hua Tuo felt his legs soft, and fell to the ground feebly, tears running in tears.

Yes, facing this palm, even if Ye Fei this kid is strong, I am afraid he will be dead.

Tuoba Ye is a strong man who does not lose to the Five Emperors, how can this kid contend?

However, at this moment, bursts of shouts came from a distance!

"Brother Fei!!"


When everyone looked up, they saw more than a dozen blood-stained figures coming from a distance from the sky, and they reached the square in the blink of an eye.

Those who came were Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others!

When they saw the messy square, they all took a sigh of relief, and they didn't understand what kind of battle they had experienced just now...

"Husband... Where's your husband?!"

Qin Linglong looked around for a while, but didn't see Ye Fei's figure at all, and couldn't help but panic.

"Brother Fei!!"

"Brother Fei, where are you?!"

Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others also screamed.

Tuobaye glanced at Qin Linglong and the others faintly, and said, "Don't shout, that kid is right below. I'm afraid he is already dead by now..."

With that, Tuoba Ye pointed to a huge pit below!

Qin Linglong and the others heard it, and quickly glanced at the huge pit below!

I saw that this huge pit was bottomless, black flames were burning inside, and the thunder light of the beating color, but Ye Fei could not be seen, and even Ye Fei's breath could not be felt!

Everyone trembled, their complexion instantly turned pale, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them!

Qin Linglong's eyes were red, staring at Tuoba Ye, hissing: " are lying! My husband is not dead! My husband is not going to die!!"

Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun and others also stared at Tuoba Ye fiercely, their eyes were red, and they were angry!

"Believe it or not, he is dead."

Tuobaye glanced at Qin Linglong and the others coldly, and said, "You don't want to mess around here, otherwise, I will kill you together!"

"You killed my husband... I want you to pay for my life!!!"

Qin Linglong screamed, instantly boosting the true power of the Divine Martial Realm!

All of a sudden, Qin Linglong's scarlet phoenix flames, and her long black hair became fiery red, and on her hands, there was a cloud of phoenix flame and a cloud of Luan flame!

"Fengluan robbers the fire!!"

Qin Linglong let out a long and sharp howl, her figure flashed, and she rushed towards Tuoba Wild!

At the moment when he approached Tuoba Ye, Qin Linglong raised his arms, and pushed Feng Yan and Luan Yan condensed in his hands towards Tuoba Ye!

Wow! !

A crimson flame and a cyan flame directly spewed out, like a volcanic eruption, surging up with the momentum of burning everything to kill!

The scorching fire light illuminates the sky, and dyes the sky half red and half blue, gorgeous and dazzling!

Even though they were far away, the barbarians and soldiers in the distance felt the burning temperature!

"Oh? It turns out to be a female doll of the Phoenix clan. She has also awakened two bloodlines. She has a good talent..."

A look of surprise appeared in Tuobaye's eyes, and then he shook his head and said, "It's a pity that your cultivation base is too low..."

As he said, Tuoba Ye waved his hand directly, and a black flame throbbing with thunder and lightning was half like a fierce behemoth, greeted him, and directly washed away Feng Yan and Luan Yan!


Qin Linglong's Silver Teeth bit and scolded, and Feng Yan and Luan Yan were mobilized again!

"Fengluan Fire Lotus!!"

Before the voice fell, Qin Linglong was not afraid of life and death, and rushed forward again!

"Kill this guy! Revenge Fei Ge!!"


As soon as Qin Linglong launched an attack, Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others also roared, and they performed their stunts and rushed towards Tuobanye!

"Weeping Blood Knife Technique! Blood waves are monstrous!!"

"Green Lotus Sword Song! Infinite Lotus Ring!!"

"Five Dragon Dao Code! True Dragon Kill!!"

"Jianlong Zhang! Kang Long has regrets!!"

"Rainbow pear flower needle!!"

"Crimson Emperor God Palm!!"


Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong fifteen people raised their true powers to the peak at the same time, and at the same time displayed their killer skills towards Tuoba Ye!

Rumble! ! ——

Rays of radiant true power flickered in the sky, and the sky and the earth made a loud noise like thunder!

The barbarians in the distance were all dumbfounded, feeling their legs trembling!

Although Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others are not too high as a cultivation base, the lethality and destructive power that fifteen people join together is quite terrifying!

Tuoba Ye stood quietly in the sky, looking at the fifteen attacks that swept toward him with an indifferent expression. He raised his right arm calmly, and instantly mobilized the steady flow of true power. Immediately slapped it out!

"Covering the palm of the sky!!"

In an instant, a huge black flame, throbbing with thunder and lightning, was crushed by a huge palm!

boom! ! ——

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The real power energy impact that was like the end of the world, the dazzling light that burst out, made everyone almost unable to open their eyes!

The shock wave that swelled away made many people in the distance feel turbulent and even injured!

However, in the face of the crush of this giant palm, the attacks from Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others were like clay cows entering the sea, and they couldn't make any waves, they were directly photographed and shattered!

The violent power surged forward, and after crushing fifteen true power attacks, it smashed directly towards Qin Linglong and the others!

"Quick defense! Quick!"

Seeing this, Li Xuankong let out a loud roar.

For a time, everyone mobilized their true powers and shot a defensive mask to resist the crush of this palm!

However, the destructive power of this giant palm was too terrifying. Qin Linglong and the others couldn't support it for long. The defensive mask was directly crushed, and then fifteen people were shot and flew away!

Qin Linglong's fifteen people have been flying upside down for hundreds of meters before they can stabilize their body!

"Puff puff!!--"

After receiving this palm, everyone vomited a mouthful of blood and suffered various degrees of injury!


Lu Qinghong held the Qinglian sword tightly, his face was full of sorrow.

Tang Yu was covering his chest, blood gushing out of his mouth, bitterly said: "If only I could be stronger, I won't be beaten away..."

"Vengeance... can we really get revenge based on us?"

Dongfang Xuanqing murmured, his face full of despair and pain.

At this time, Tuobaye in the distance had already dissipated his giant palm, looked at Qin Linglong and the others indifferently, and said loudly: "You will listen to me! This is my grievance with Ye Fei, and it has nothing to do with you!

I just taught you a lesson, if you are still entangled, then don't blame me for being impolite! "

"My husband is dead, and I will never survive! I will kill you even if I fight for my life!!"

Qin Linglong screamed sternly, her pretty face already blurred by tears!

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