Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3347: , The fighting spirit is immortal! (two

Qin Linglong couldn't take care of the injuries on her body, once again raised her true power and bloodline strength, and then directly rushed towards Tuobanye!

Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu, and Dongfang Xuanqing looked at each other with a touch of decisiveness in their eyes!

"Brother Fei is born to live, and Brother Fei is to die if he dies!!"

"Fight for Fei! What's the fear of death!!"


Lu Qinghong roared and endured the injuries on his body, followed Qin Linglong, and rushed towards Tuoba Ye!

"You guys stop!!!"

"Don't go there! Even if you want revenge, you can't rush for a while!!"

"You are going to die now! Come back soon!!"

The old beggar and others were stunned and shouted in a hurry, confused.

Although they also wanted to avenge Ye Fei, they knew the current situation at a glance, and now this grudge can't be avenged at all!

Tuoba Ye's strength is too strong, they are simply not able to contend!

"Since you must die, then I will fulfill you!!"

Tuoba Ye was furious, shouted, and then raised his mighty real power...

Boom! ! ! ——

However, just as Tuoba Ye was preparing to kill Qin Linglong and the others in one fell swoop, all of a sudden, the entire sky and the earth shook!

Immediately afterwards, a group of blazing golden-red flames soared into the sky from the huge pit in the square, like a rolling sea, rushing into the sky!

The sky, the earth, and the space on all sides seemed to have been ignited, burning with blazing golden red flames!

The raging flames, burning crazily, like a sky fire, illuminating the world, breathtaking!

Immediately after...

Klang Klang! ! ! ——

There was a violent tremor in the space within a few miles, as if the space had been broken by a violent and arrogant force!

Everyone in the distance was dumbfounded, wondering what happened? !

In the sky, Qin Linglong, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu, and Dongfang Xuanqing, who were about to launch an attack, were immediately stunned, staring blankly at the burning flames above!

Even Tuo Banye frowned slightly, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes!

Just when everyone was puzzled...

Whoosh! ! ——

I saw that above the sky, a golden red flame giant sword seemed to penetrate the thick clouds, hung in the sky, and appeared in front of everyone!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

Moreover, with the appearance of the first golden-red flame giant sword, over the sky, dense giant swords broke through the clouds and rushed out, covering all the sky!

The sky was burning with golden red flames, exuding dazzling firelight, making it hard to tell whether it is day or night!

Seeing the golden-red flame giant sword all over the sky, Qin Linglong and others were taken aback for a moment, and then there was a strong expression of excitement and excitement on their faces!

"Husband... is the sword intent of the husband!!"

Qin Linglong burst into tears of joy and yelled loudly.

"Brother Fei is not dead! Brother Fei is not dead! I knew Fei would not be killed so easily!!"

Zhang Baokun's face seemed to cry and smile, and his sturdy body trembled with excitement.

Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing, as well as Li Xuankong and the old beggar in the distance were all excited!

Tuobaye looked at the huge pit below and shook his voice: "Smelly boy! Don't play mystery in front of me! Even if you can't kill you this time, I can still kill you next time!!"

However, at the moment when Tuoba Ye's voice fell!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of ear-piercing sounds, I saw that on the earth, a golden-red flame giant sword sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, bursting out of the ground and rushing to the sky!

In an instant, above and below this space, all were dense golden red flame giant swords, and this dense giant sword had instantly besieged Tuoba Ye inside!

Tuoba Ye's face finally changed!

He was shocked, obviously he didn't expect Ye Fei's move to trap himself!

Of course, Tuoba Ye was surprised and surprised, but there was no fear on his face!

He stood proudly in the air, laughed wildly, and said: "Smelly boy, I didn't expect you to hide such a big killer... It's a pity that even if you are amazing with this trick, you don't want to beat me!!"

As he said, Tuoba Ye's figure flashed, turning into a black and purple lightning, and swiftly rushing towards the distance, preparing to escape this sea of ​​swords first!

However, before he swept a hundred meters away, he only heard a burst of violent breaking through the air!

Buzzing! ! ——

I saw that in all directions, a golden flame giant sword also stabbed out wildly!

For a while, all of this space was occupied by the golden-red flame giant sword, directly trapping Tuoba Ye into it!

There is no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, but that's all!

The people in the distance were completely stunned!

Boom! ! ——

At the moment when countless golden-red flame giant swords filled the sky, accompanied by a deafening roar, I saw a golden-red figure directly rising into the sky from the pit below, like a mad dragon ascending into the sky. Up to the sky!

When everyone looked up, they saw a **** body, golden red flames burning all over the body, and a figure of golden red flames in the twin pupils standing proudly in the sky, like a **** descending from the earth!

Especially Ye Fei's eyes, a strange scarlet appeared at this moment, and the killing intent radiating from his body swept the entire sky and the earth, which was creepy!

"Brother Fei!!"


Qin Linglong, Lu Qinghong and others yelled at Ye Fei excitedly when they saw Ye Fei rushing out of the giant pit.

However, Ye Fei stood still in the air, staring at Tuoba Ye, and ignored Qin Linglong and the others!

"What's the matter? Why did Brother Fei ignore us?" Tang Yu said with a puzzled expression.


Qin Linglong suddenly thought of something, and her whole body trembled, her face stuck white, "My husband... I am afraid my husband has gone crazy!!"

"Brother Fei is really crazy..."

Li Xuankong also nodded, and looked at Ye Fei tremblingly.

"Frenzy? What madness? What do you mean?" Dongfang Xuanqing asked.

Lu Qinghong and others also looked at Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong, their faces full of doubts.

Li Xuankong frowned and said, "Not long ago, the reason Fei was able to fight against the powerhouses of the Eight Martial Arts alone was because Fei went into a runaway and madness behind him!

Indeed, the madness of Fei will be much stronger than before, but once he becomes mad, Fei will lose his mind and become disrespectful!

As long as you stand in front of Brother Fei, you will be treated as an enemy by Brother Fei! "

"Then... what should I do?!"

Lu Qinghong asked anxiously and realized the seriousness of the matter.

"no way……"

Li Xuankong smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said, "Last time it was because Zen Master Du'e stopped him, but now that Zen Master Du'e is not there, I don't know who can stop Brother Fei..."

When Lu Qinghong and the others heard this, their expressions sank, but they were helpless.

at this time.

Tuoba Ye smiled coldly and said, "Boy, do you think you can trap me with these swords? What a ignorance!!"


Ye Fei didn't respond to Tuo Banye's words, but only raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a wicked smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Tuobaye frowned, always feeling that something was wrong with Ye Fei.

If Ye Fei was light before, now he represents darkness!

He felt a strong murderous, desolate, and evil spirit from Ye Fei's body!

I feel that it is not a person who is staring at me, but an ancient beast that devours people! !

He also wondered why Ye Fei suddenly changed so much!

However, without waiting for Tuoba Ye to think more about it, Ye Fei had no plan, and he shook the giant sword in his hand suddenly, and let out a howl in his mouth!

"The Emperor's Sword Formation!!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that the countless golden-red flame giant swords that filled the sky instantly began to gather towards Tuoba Ye, forming a huge prismatic sword formation, besieging Tuoba Ye to death, and compressing his activity space. It's the smallest!

Moreover, at the moment when the sword formation was formed, countless golden and red flame giant swords flew through the sword formation, with absolute crushing and killing potential, they all stab at Tuobaye in the sword formation!

Moreover, in addition to the flying golden red flame giant sword, there are also huge stegosaurus flying wildly in the sword formation, and launching a collision towards Tuoba Ye in the sword formation!

The sound of the giant sword breaking through the air, the dragon roar from the stegosaurus resounded across the sky and the earth, shaking people's eardrums!

Tuoba's ambition trembled, and for the first time a trace of fear appeared in his eyes. Obviously, he did not expect that at this last moment, Ye Fei would be able to perform such a terrifying killer move? !

"Savage God Overlord Body!!——"

Tuoba screamed wildly, opened his arms, and directly launched the strong defense!

All of a sudden, a blazing black flame burned on Tuoba Ye's body, and thunder and lightning throbbed all over his body. The coercion exuded was even more terrifying and ancient!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

I saw that in the sword formation, countless golden red flame giant swords and stegosaurus shuttled through, under the control of Ye Fei, they continuously launched a collision towards Tuoba Ye, bursting with thunderous explosions!

These attacks could not destroy Tuoba Ye’s defenses, but under this continuous crushing attack, Tuoba Ye’s whole body was shaking constantly, and he felt that his body was overwhelmed, which was very uncomfortable!

Tuobaye's brows frowned, and he didn't expect Ye Fei's attack to affect him!

Who the **** is this kid?

Why can this kid be able to improve his combat effectiveness step by step in the battle, and it seems that there is no end? !

If you continue to stay in the sword formation, I am afraid that no matter how strong your defense is, you will get injured!

Therefore, you must hurry out!

Thought of this.

Tuoba Ye mobilized even more surging power, and then suddenly opened his arms and let out a scream in his mouth!

"Killing God Arrow!!"

In an instant, with Tuobaye as the center, tens of thousands of arrows flashing with flames and thunder rushing in all directions!

However, when these arrows were halfway down, they were directly blocked by the giant swords and stegosaurus flying in the sword formation, and they couldn't shake the sword formation at all!

Damn it! Can't beat the sword formation! !

A fierce look appeared on Tuoba Ye's face!

"Zhutian Spear!!"

Tuoba Ye shouted again, raising his arms, and hundreds of sturdy spears suddenly appeared around his body!

Immediately, he was shocked, these hundreds of spears, like hundreds of missiles, launched an impact toward the sword formation!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of fierce roars, these hundreds of spears still didn't work!

It's useless!

Still useless!

Tuobaye's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and for the first time a panic appeared on his face!

His figure flashed, holding a spear, and launched a frantic attack towards the sword formation, ready to forcibly break the sword formation!

Boom! !

Rumble! !

However, apart from shaking from time to time, this huge sword formation showed no signs of damage at all!

At this time, the barbarians outside the sword formation were shocked when they saw this scene!

"What's the situation? The emperor couldn't come out of the sword formation?!"

"This sword formation is too terrifying, even the emperor can be trapped?!"

"No, the emperor will be able to get away successfully!"

Just when everyone was talking about it.

I saw that a giant palm covering the sky suddenly appeared above the sword formation, and it was crushed directly toward the sword formation below!

However, at the moment when this giant palm was about to be pressed down, Ye Fei, who was originally standing still in the air, suddenly flickered and turned into a golden red sword light, as if he was mad, and moved towards it. Only the giant palm rushes up!

At the moment when I approached the giant palm...


Ye Fei held the sword in both hands, and instinctively swung the giant sword in his hand!

Huh! ! ——

A slash, there are not many skills to talk about, it is more that Ye Fei is venting this tyrannical sword intent at this time!

I saw that a golden-red giant sword that was hundreds of meters long slashed away, like a giant collapsed, crushing to this giant palm!

This giant palm couldn't be suppressed at all, and it was cut in half by Ye Fei's sword!

Next second.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the giant palm exploded, shattered, and disappeared into the sky!

"This kid is not a human at all... The Great Emperor's "Palm Covering Heaven" was broken!!!"

The crowd let out a cry of horror.

As for Lu Qinghong and others in the sky in the distance, they were even more astonished, completely unable to understand what they were seeing!

The 15 of them were unable to defeat this giant palm just now, but Fei didn't expect that Brother Fei would split it open with just one sword!

Is Brother Fei really so scary after madness? !

As for Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong, they were not surprised.

Ye Fei, who became mad, was not human at all.

At this time, Tuoba Ye in the sword formation also noticed that the "Sky Covering Palm" he had played was destroyed, and his heart was extremely angry!

Moreover, at this moment, his defensive power was also defeated layer by layer, and **** sword marks were cut out on his body!

Tuoba Ye was completely furious, and didn't keep his hands anymore, ready to break the sword formation first!

With one arm, he instantly mobilized his true power to the peak, and even mobilized his own blood!

"Ape Demon Change!! The world and the world!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout of earth-shattering.

I saw an illusion of a monkey demon appeared in Tuoba Ye!

After the appearance of the magic ape phantom, it continued to grow, from one person to three stories high, and then ten stories high!

Moreover, the phantom of this ape is still swelling and getting bigger as the body continues to expand, and there is no intention to stop at all...


Accompanied by the hissing sound of the sape demon...

Boom! ! ! ——

A burst of explosions that shook the sky and the earth resounded immediately!

I saw that this huge sword formation was directly shattered by the huge body of the monkey demon!

The flames blazed all around, and the whole sky and the earth trembled violently!

When the light dissipated, everyone suddenly looked up and saw that a one hundred meters tall, majestic and mighty, with fangs exposed, the phantom of a giant ape like a hundred meters large mountain appeared in the sky and enveloped it. Top notch!

The people on the square in the distance saw this scene, all trembling, and they were speechless!

"Unexpectedly, this kid actually forced the emperor to the point where he had to use the power of blood..." The Heavenly Wind Envoy murmured in fear.

"Unexpectedly, it was the bloodline of the ancient ape demon that the emperor would have awakened... It's amazing... I can feel an oppressive force when I stand here..."

Asura answered with a trembling voice, his face full of shock.

Several other people in Ba Buzhong also had their faces horrified, apparently the first time they saw Tuoba Ye use the power of his blood.

At this moment, not only the barbarians, but also Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others are sluggish!

"This...what the **** is this, ape?!" Tang Yu swallowed and asked.

"No, this is the Ancient Ape Demon!"

Qin Linglong stared at the distance tightly and said, "In Zhenwu Realm, there are many warriors who are born with their own blood, but some have awakened, and some have not awakened.

As long as you can awaken your bloodline, you will be able to conjure the illusions of ancient divine beasts, ancient fierce beasts, and ancient spirit beasts that belong to your own bloodline.

For example, the phoenix bloodline can transform five kinds of phantoms: fire phoenix, blue luan, 醍醐, 鹓鶵, and flock.

Moreover, the stronger the strength of the warrior who awakens the bloodline, the more real the illusion he evokes, and the stronger the combat effectiveness..."

When Lu Qinghong and others heard it, they understood.

"Tsk tusk tusk... the power of blood, this is a plug-in at all! How does this let other warriors play?"

Tang Yu curled his lips and said something quite enviously.

However, at this moment.

When Ye Fei saw Tuoba Ye summon the Ancient Ape Demon, not only was he not afraid, but he became even more excited, dragging his sword directly and rushing towards Tuoba Ye Kuang!

At this time, Tuoba Ye was enveloped in the illusion of the ape demon, and he gasped gently, and his body was covered with **** sword marks everywhere!

Although the sword formation was forcibly broken, Tuoba Ye was also seriously injured!

However, when he saw Ye Fei rushing towards him again, Tuoba Ye was furious!

"Smelly boy! You're looking for death!!"

Tuobaye let out a roar, his figure flashed, and he directly greeted Ye Fei!


The ape magic illusion shrouded in Tuoba Ye was also furious, waving his arms like Optimus Pillars, and smashing towards Ye Fei continuously!

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