Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3348: , Not crazy or devil! (two

The giant fist approached, and the shadow shrouded, several times bigger than Ye Fei's whole person!

"Naughty animal!"

Ye Fei snorted coldly, and at the moment a punch came, he suddenly raised the giant sword in his hand to block it!

"Kang Dang" shook, and Ye Fei was stunned that he was hit by a train, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball!

After flying upside down for more than a hundred meters, Ye Fei was able to stabilize his body!

However, before Ye Fei could react, Tuoba Ye and the great ape phantom had already rushed over!

The giant ape directly raised a big hand, from top to bottom, and patted Ye Fei!

At the moment when this palm was taken, Ye Fei thought, and a thick sword and shield appeared in the sky!

Bang! —

When the giant palm fell, the sword and shield was smashed to pieces, and then slapped Ye Fei heavily!


Ye Fei spouted a mouthful of blood, and his body fell like a meteor, and slammed on the ground with a "bang"!

The whole earth was shaken, and a huge pit appeared!

Seeing Ye Fei fall, the giant ape thumped the steel chest with his sturdy arms, then jumped and stepped on the place where Ye Fei fell below!

The barbarian soldiers in the distance, Qin Linglong and others in the sky were shocked to see this scene!

Although this great ape is only an illusion, it is like a real great ape, and it is heart-shaking!

Moreover, if he was stepped on by this great ape, he would be trampled directly into a pool of flesh and blood!

However, as soon as the giant ape stepped on it, Ye Fei slammed to the ground with one hand, and the sword flew out sideways!

Boom! —

At the moment Ye Fei swept horizontally, this great ape stepped heavily on the ground, the ground shook, and it collapsed directly to a depth of several tens of meters!


However, Ye Fei volleyed up the giant sword in his hand and slashed towards the body of the giant ape!

As for the injury suffered by the punch of the giant ape just now, Ye Fei seemed to feel no pain at all, and the sword that he swung had no limit of weakening the sword intent!

Seeing that Ye Fei struck with a sword, Tuobanye framed his arms, and the great ape covering him also set up his arms to resist!

boom! —

A roar and explosion sounded, and Ye Fei's sword directly left a sword mark on the arms of the giant ape!


Because of the injury, the giant ape had a madness, and his thick arm suddenly swept, like an Optimus Pillar, it hit Ye Fei!

However, in the face of the tyrannical attack of the giant ape, Ye Fei did not dodge or retreat, but instead marched forward brazenly!

At this moment, there is no consciousness in Ye Fei's mind! wide awake! think!

In his eyes, only the original fighting instinct exuded to the extreme!

destroy! Kill! Destroying everything in front of him is what he wants to do!

Therefore, in Ye Fei's heart, avoiding and retreating are non-existent, just rush forward without fear of death!

Ye Fei constantly waved the golden red flame giant sword in his hand, like a violent storm, lightning and thunder, slashing towards the ape demon!

Swish! —

Every sword sinks vigorously, every sword lifts the weight lightly, and every sword has the power of breaking mountains and rivers, and breaking the earth!

However, the ape demon that Tuoba Ye summoned was extremely irritable, and he was not afraid of Ye Fei's sword, and blasted a mountain-like giant fist madly!

Boom boom boom! —

Klang Klang! —

There were bursts of crashes and crashes, which sounded continuously, like thunder, and nuclear warheads exploded in the sky!

For a while, everyone present could no longer see Ye Fei and the great ape, only one big and one small light and shadow collided in the sky and the ground!

This two figures, one large and one small, are even more destructive. They appeared on the house, the house collapsed and shattered, appeared on the ground, the ground collapsed, and the stones flew around!

In short, wherever the two figures pass, everything is ruined!

Fighting fiercely for more than ten minutes.

The space on this side began to be unable to withstand such destructive power, and signs of distortion and fragmentation began to appear everywhere!

As for everyone present, they are even more dazzled, their eardrums humming!

boom! ! —

Accompanied by the last explosion sounded like a cosmic star impact!

Waves of destructive power spread out like shock waves!

Rumble! —

Half of the palace near the square, dozens of halls, houses, and buildings, all were shaken and collapsed!

Spread on the square, all the stone slabs up to fifty or sixty meters in thickness were lifted up, and then they were smashed into pieces, exposing the bare surface!

Until the wind and smoke dissipated, the light disappeared, and the explosion stopped.

Everyone looked up and saw that Ye Fei and the giant ape were no longer in the sky.

I saw, above the bare earth.

Ye Fei and Tuoba Ye stood in a confrontation and had stopped fighting.

Ye Fei shattered the magical illusion of the ancient ape that enveloped Tuoba Ye and disappeared.

Tuoba Ye himself, with cold sweat on his forehead, his face paled, and dense scars appeared on his body, and blood was flowing.

As for Ye Fei, it was even more terrible. He was bloody, his eyes were red and swollen, his eye sockets were bruised, and one of his left arms was drooping down, obviously interrupted.


However, Ye Fei was panting, holding the sword in his right hand, inserting it on the ground, supporting his body, and still did not let himself fall.

Although the pressure and breath on his body were fading like the tide, and the burning golden red flame on his body was slowly dissipating, but Ye Fei's dual model was still full of fighting spirit!

Tuo Banye's face was extremely gloomy, and the expression in Ye Fei's eyes was extremely complicated.

It has been more than 500 years, and apart from being seriously injured by Xuanyuan Zhantian that year, he has never been injured again.

After all, over the past five hundred years, anyone who provokes him has been easily killed by him, and there is no one who can hurt him.

But today, I was actually injured by a young junior? !

It’s unimaginable...

The scene suddenly became quiet, only the whimper of the night breeze and Ye Fei's gasping sound.

"Come on! Come again!"

Ye Fei held the giant sword in his hand, supported himself, and roared at Tuoba Ye hiss.

Because of the serious injury, Ye Fei's voice trembled.

Tuoba Ye looked at Ye Fei quietly, frowning, his thoughts flying.

Although Ye Fei's breath and coercion continued to weaken now, he couldn't guarantee that Ye Fei would have left behind.

After all, this kid had been knocked down by himself many times before, but he stood up again and again.

Moreover, every time he stands up, his strength will increase a lot, just like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten.

Therefore, he was hesitating whether to continue fighting with Ye Fei.

If he continues to fight, he may be able to kill Ye Fei, but he may also pay a high price.

After all, until now, he has suffered serious injuries, and it will take at least half a month to recover.

He is the prince of a country and the emperor of a wild empire. He can't let himself be seriously injured in order to fight a hairy boy who is not afraid of death.

If the news of oneself being seriously injured spreads to the White Tiger Empire and the Azure Dragon Empire, it is possible that the White Tiger Empire and the Azure Dragon Empire will take this opportunity to fight against them.

In order to kill Ye Fei and trap the Wild Empire in danger, this was obviously an unwise decision.

He is the prince of a country and a strong man who is comparable to the five emperors. If he is forced to do so, he definitely does not want to bet his fate and the country.

The more you have, the less naturally you don’t want to die.

Even if he knows that Ye Fei may be bluffing, but if this kid really still has the bottom-of-the-box assassin's skill and die with him, it would be too worthwhile for him.

After weighing the pros and cons, Tuoba Ye also made the final decision.

Tuoba Ye took a deep breath, staring at Ye Fei with scorching eyes, and said solemnly: "Ye Fei, the grievance between you and me has ended!

Don't let me see you next time, if I see you next time, I will definitely kill you! "

As he said, Tuobaye turned his head and rushed towards the approaching barbarian soldiers in the distance and said in a shock: "Let Hua Tuo go!"

The voice fell.

Tuoba Ye directly rose from the sky, rushing towards the palace!

"The Great!"

"What happened to the emperor, why didn't you kill this kid and chose to release Hua Tuo?!"

"Since it is the emperor's order, let's do it!"

"Yes, yes, the emperor seems to be injured, go, hurry up and have a look!"

A group of barbarian soldiers discussed a few words, and then one after another rose up from the sky and followed.

At the moment when Tuoba Ye and the barbarians left, the pressure and aura on Ye Fei's body, as well as the golden red sword flame burning on his body, dissipated...

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei felt as if his strength had been emptied, and his head was completely blank. Then, with a "plop", he fell directly to the ground...


"Brother Fei!"

Seeing Ye Fei fall to the ground, Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others screamed and rushed up...

In a blink of an eye, four days passed.

In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth and everything recovers.

Within the Phoenix Empire, a place isolated from the world.

Here, the towering mountains are undulating, surrounded by green trees and red flowers, and the streams are gurgling. The beauty is indescribable, just like a paradise on earth.

And on one of the peaks, which reached an altitude of one thousand meters, a bamboo building covering a vast area was built with smoky smoke.

In front of the bamboo building, a piece of spiritual flower and grass planted with aura.

The whole bamboo building is like being built in the clouds, like a dream.

At this time, in a room on the second floor of the bamboo building.

"Mr. Hua, are your medical skills good or not? My brother Fei has been in a coma for five days, why haven't you woken up yet?

Isn't your title of "medical saint" self-proclaimed? "

Tang Yu glanced at Ye Fei lying on the bed, curled his lips and said something.

"Well, it should be self-styled."

Dongfang Xuanqing also nodded and took the sentence.

"Go go, if my medical skills are not good, can your injuries heal so quickly?"

Hua Tuo, who was sitting on the chair decocting the medicine, replied in an angry tone.

"Mr. Hua, when will my husband wake up?"

Qin Linglong looked at Hua Tuo and asked expectantly.

Hua Tuo tilted his eyes at Ye Fei on the bed, and said, "This kid has a very strong recovery ability. Besides, he has taken the medicine I boiled, and his injury is almost healed.

So, I guess it won’t take long for this kid to wake up. "

When everyone heard Hua Tuo say this, they were a little relieved.

Although ridicule belongs to ridicule, they also have to admit that Hua Tuo's medical skills are indeed very powerful.

They were all injured by Tuoba Ye, but after four days of treatment, their injuries did heal.

"By the way, on the night four days ago, why did Tuoba Ye let us go?"

Lu Qinghong groaned: "Even if Fei had gone mad at the time and his strength had increased sharply, seeing the situation at the time, Fei still seemed to be no match for Tuoba Ye."

Hearing Lu Qinghong's words, everyone was lost in thought.

Indeed, they have thought about this issue in the past four days, but in the end they still didn't figure out what was going on.

After all, Tuoba Ye did have the upper hand at the time.

"Could it be that Tuobaye was injured at the time, so he was unable to kill Brother Fei and us?"

Li Xuankong took the sentence.

"It's possible."

Dongfang Xuanqing nodded, then touched his chin, and said, "However, I still don't think it's right.

Even though Tuoba Ye was injured at that time, his coercion and breath had indeed weakened a lot.

However, if he really wants to kill Brother Fei and us, it's actually not difficult. "

"Okay, don't guess."

Tang Yu waved his hand and said, "When Brother Fei wakes up, we'll know if we ask."

Everyone nodded.

However, at this moment, Qin Linglong suddenly thought of something and asked, "Mr. Hua, do you have a way to help your husband restrain his frenzy?"

"Once Fei becomes frenzied, his six relatives simply don't recognize him. In his eyes, there are only enemies and no friends.

Fortunately, Brother Fei's physical strength was exhausted, otherwise, we would all be in danger. "

Li Xuankong frowned and took the sentence.

Lu Qinghong and others had also seen Ye Fei's state at the time, and it was indeed terrifying, so when they thought about it, they had lingering fears.


Hua Tuo sighed deeply and said, "The reason why Ye Fei this kid is going crazy is completely related to his natural blood.

Therefore, apart from relying on his own control, I have no way to help him curb frenzy. "

"Then what if Brother Fei becomes mad again next time?"

Tang Yu twitched his mouth and said, "If Brother Fei wants to kill us by that time, then even if we join forces, we are not Fei's opponent?"

Dongfang Xuanqing frowned and said, "If Fei becomes mad again next time, becomes irrational, and the six relatives don't recognize him, then we will knock him unconsciously..."

"What are you talking about, who are you going to stun?"

Suddenly, a voice came over.

Qin Linglong and the others were taken aback for a moment, then quickly turned their heads and looked at the bed, and saw that Ye Fei was already awake.

"Husband, you are awake!"

"Great, Brother Fei, you finally woke up!"

Qin Linglong and others hurriedly surrounded them, ecstatic.

Ye Fei let out a deep breath, sat up, rubbed his head, and said, "Where is this? And, why are you all here?"

"Boy, this is my house."

Hua Tuo came over with a smile, and passed the bowl of medicine in his hand, "Drink this medicine."

Ye Fei took the bowl with a dazed expression, "Master, you... why did Tuoba Ye let you go?"

Qin Linglong patted her bright and white forehead, and said, "Husband, don't you remember what happened that night?"

Ye Fei drank the medicine in one breath, frowned for a while, and said, "I only remember that I was fighting with Tuoba Ye, and then that guy slapped me to the ground.

As for what happened later, I really don’t remember..."

After speaking, Ye Fei quickly asked, "Linglong, tell me what happened at that time?"

Qin Linglong nodded, and in the next half an hour, told Ye Fei what had happened four days ago.

In addition, Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others added from the side, Ye Fei finally understood.

Ye Fei sighed, looked at Qin Linglong and others, and said, "Actually, I knew that this wild trip would be dangerous, so I didn't tell you, but I didn't expect you to come here..."

"Brother Fei, you are too unjust, you don't tell us if such a big thing happens!" Tang Yu curled his lips.

Dongfang Xuanqing also changed from his previous teasing appearance, and said seriously: "Yeah, Brother Fei, let's solve and face things together in the future.

Even if our cultivation base is not as good as yours, at least we can share some pressure for you. "

"Husband, if you encounter problems in the future, everyone will find a solution together, but you can't be a hero by yourself, you know?" Qin Linglong said.

"Well, I'll listen to you, and I will discuss with you if I have anything in the future."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and then said helplessly: "I didn't expect that this time I would go crazy again. Fortunately, my stamina was overdrawn, otherwise I wouldn't know what I would do again.

I have never imagined madness before, but during this period of time, I have been mad twice in a row, and the time interval is so short, I really don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing..."

Qin Linglong squinted her beautiful eyes, folded her hands on her chest, and analyzed: "Husband, Zen Master Du'e said before that the reason why you have crazy imagination is because of your blood, and Mr. Hua said the same. …

Therefore, I think, husband, you may not be far from the awakening of blood..."


When Ye Fei heard this, he was stunned, "Blood awakening?!"

The others also looked at Ye Fei dumbfounded, shocked in their hearts!

Qin Linglong explained to them about bloodline issues before.

Therefore, they know that once the bloodline awakens, the strength of the martial artist will get a qualitative leap.

Take Tuobaye for example, Tuobaye awakened the blood of the ancient ape demon, so he was so powerful.

The Five Emperors also became the top powerhouses surpassing the real martial arts because they awakened the power of the bloodline.

If Brother Fei really awakens the blood, how strong should it be?

But the question is, what kind of blood does Brother Fei have?

This is also a question that has always puzzled Ye Fei.

Qin Linglong smiled slightly and said, "Husband, this is just my guess. After all, the warriors in the true martial world will have some strange signs before awakening their blood, so I have this kind of guess..."

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