Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3349: , Never make a living! (two

Ye Fei looked at Qin Linglong suspiciously, and asked, "Linglong, what kind of strange signs will there be before the bloodline awakens?"


Qin Linglong pursed her red lips, tilted her head for a moment, and said, "Actually, this also varies from person to person. The bloodline is different, and the signs that appear are different.

Take me as an example. When I want to awaken the blood of Huofeng and Qingluan, my body will no longer repel the flames. No matter what the flames are, they can no longer hurt me, but will be absorbed by my body.

Moreover, before the bloodline awakens, my cultivation base and strength can advance by leaps and bounds, which is why I am stronger than the cultivation base and strength of my peers. "

"so it is……"

Ye Fei nodded, and then smiled bitterly: "Linglong, then do you know what bloodline is in my body?

Why did you guys be so awesome before awakening the bloodline, but when I awakened the bloodline, I would go mad and become unrecognized by my six relatives? "

"Husband, I don't know this anymore."

Qin Linglong shook her head and said, "Master Du'e also said that your blood is too rare, and the entire Zhenwu world has never seen it before..."

"Brother Fei, your bloodline is so awesome before it awakens, and you can instantly increase your strength several times.

If your blood is really awakened, then it's worth it. Isn't it going to be against the sky? "

Tang Yu took the conversation with a smile.

Ye Fei sighed and said, "If the blood awakening can increase my strength, I will naturally be happy.

But the point is that not only do I not know what bloodline I am about to awaken, but I will also be mad, runaway, and lose my mind. This is too dangerous..."

Hearing Ye Fei's words, everyone was also silent.

Indeed, after seeing Ye Fei's mad state, they were indeed shocked.

At that time, if it weren't for Tuoba Ye to block, I'm afraid that no one on the scene could survive Ye Fei's hands.

Qin Linglong smiled sweetly and said, "Husband, don't worry, if your blood is awakened, you can control your mind and body, right?"

"I hope so..."

Ye Fei shook his head and decided to take one step at a time.

"By the way, listening to what you just said, although Tuobaye was injured by me at the time, I seemed to be injured more severely, right?

Then why did Tuoba Ye not kill us, but instead let us go? "

Ye Fei suddenly thought of something and asked again.


Tang Yu curled his lips and said, "Brother Fei, don't you know, I saw you and Tuobaye looking at each other affectionately for a long time, and then Tuobaye seemed to have said something. After speaking, he left. NS."

"Bah, I have been beaten up by him for all kinds of affectionateness. If I don't have enough strength, I have to kill that guy!"

Ye Fei replied, and then said: "However, since Tuoba Ye is willing to let us go, there must be a reason."

With that, Ye Fei looked at Hua Tuo and said, "Master, don't you tell Tuoba Ye about my identity as an old man?"

"I wanted to say it, but watching Tuo Banye wished to smash you into pieces at the time, I thought he would not listen to it, so I didn't say it at all." Hua Tuo replied.

"Since it's not for fear of my old man, could it be..."

Ye Fei was halfway talking, thinking for a moment, his eyes narrowed, "I seem to understand..."

"Husband, what do you understand, tell us quickly!" Qin Linglong said quickly.

Ye Fei touched his chin and analyzed: "As the saying goes, people who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes...I am barefoot, and Tuobaye wears shoes.

I was able to fight Tuoba Ye desperately, but Tuoba Ye did not dare to fight me hard.

After all, he is the king of a country no matter what, he has ambitions and ambitions, and he will not die with me as a last resort.

In fact, no matter if it is on earth or in the real martial arts world, some big people are very spared their lives.

Because there is only one life, if you are alive, you can have some, and if you die, you will have nothing. "

"so it is……"

"It makes sense."

"It seems that Tuobanye is just like that, and it's not as aggressive as I thought!"

Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others, you said and I answered.

Ye Fei nodded and said, "This time everyone is okay. It's the best result, so in the future, it's better for us not to talk to others.

No matter what, Tuoba Ye is also a strong man with the same fame as the Five Emperors. If he really wants to kill us, it is still very easy. "

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"By the way, Linglong, how long will it take to open the White Tiger Secret Realm?"

Ye Fei hurriedly asked, what he cares most about the time when the White Tiger Secret Realm opens.

"There is one week left." Qin Linglong replied.

"There is only one week left, we have to hurry to White Tiger City, we can't stay here anymore," Ye Fei said.

"Boy, are you really not staying here for two more days?" Hua Tuo asked.

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "Master, I want to stay for two more days, but the White Tiger Secret Realm is about to open. I'm afraid I will miss the time to enter the Secret Realm."


Hua Tuo nodded and said, "Since you have decided, then I won't keep you."

Ye Fei nodded, and suddenly thought of something. He raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smirk: "Master, in the past few months, your old man should have refined a lot of high-grade pills, right?"

When Hua Tuo heard this, he suddenly "cocked" in his heart, and shook his head again and again: "No, absolutely not."

"Really not?"

Ye Fei smiled badly and said, "Master, I'm going to leave soon. Before I leave, I will take a little pill. I promise to take a little. Will it be my compensation for saving you?"

"No, absolutely not!"

Hua Tuo blew his beard and stared: "Your kid said the same last time, but in the end you ransacked all the medicine in my medicine store. I won't believe you anymore if I kill you!"

"Master, the disciple managed to rescue you after all the hardships. Even if there is no credit, there will be hard work, right?"

Ye Fei pretended to be sad, and said, "Is the friendship between us as a teacher and apprentice not as good as these pills?"


Hua Tuo frowned and hesitated.

Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu and others on the side covered their faces and looked at them embarrassedly.

They knew that Brother Fei was going to cheat people again.

"Master, I promise to take a little, never more!"

Ye Fei quickly hit the iron while it was hot.

"Let's do it."

Hua Tuo felt soft and said, "Boy, this is what you said, so I won't take more."

"Hmm, don't take more!"

Ye Fei nodded repeatedly.

Immediately, under the leadership of Hua Tuo, Ye Fei and his party came to a pill pharmacy upstairs.

The pill pharmacy is spacious and bright, and there are many antique shelves inside, and on the shelves are many porcelain bottles and gourds filled with pill.

Moreover, there are many bamboo baskets in the pill pharmacy, which contain all kinds of spiritual flowers and grasses.

As soon as I entered the room, the aura was pungent and refreshing.

Ye Fei glanced around the room, his eyes lit up, and then he walked forward, and threw the pill, spirit flower and spirit grass that he found useful into the space ring.

Hua Tuo originally thought that Ye Fei would take a little pill and spirit flower and spirit grass, but Ye Fei didn't mean to stop at all, and directly activated the sweep mode.

Until Ye Fei wiped out a large part of the pill and Linghua Lingcao in the pill pharmacy, Hua Tuo burst into tears without tears, regretting why he had agreed to this kid's request.

This kid is simply a rascal!

However, Ye Fei had already taken it all, and it was definitely impossible to take it out again, so Hua Tuo had to accept this fact.

After taking the pill, Hua Tuo was sulking on the way to send Ye Fei and his group down the mountain, and Ye Fei coaxed it for a long time.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, Hua Tuo patted Ye Fei on the shoulder and said, "Boy, although your strength has become stronger now, your reputation has spread throughout the Zhenwu world.

However, I still hope that you will try not to be impulsive and think twice when encountering things later.

Take this incident as an example, although you are brave enough to single-handedly kill King City.

But, have you ever thought that if Tuoba Ye didn't think so much at the time, he just wanted to die with you, not only you, but even your friends would be dead.

You have to remember that you came to Zhenwu Realm to temper yourself, to become stronger, not to cause trouble. "

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