Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3352: , Wear shoes barefoot!

Thinking of this, Bai Su gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then we will kill them together!

Anyway, it's too late to find rescue anymore. When we find rescue, I'm afraid the palace owner and the guardian will not be able to hold it long. "

"The big deal is to die in battle, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

He Ye also took the sentence, and then solemnly said: "Brother Ye, if we lose to the people of the Yin Emperor Cult later, please take the palace lord and flee the Flying Fox Palace!

As long as you can save our palace lord, all members of our Feihu Palace will be willing to serve you in the next life and repay your kindness! "

"Good, good."

Ye Fei shook his head amused, and said to his heart, it seems that these two sisters still can't believe me.

But it is also true that his cultivation base is no more than a great achievement in the Divine Martial Realm, compared with Xiao Cheng in the Primordial Realm.

However, what they don't know is that even if they are only the cultivation base of the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng, they are more than enough to fight the Primordial Realm Martial Artist.

"Since Nalan Hanyan's vixen is in trouble now, I will help her reluctantly!"

At this time, Qin Linglong's voice came over.

As soon as He Ye and Bai Su turned their heads, they saw Qin Linglong bringing Li Xuankong and others to Yukong.

"Miss Qing?"

Seeing Qin Linglong's arrival, He Ye and Bai Su were shocked.

"Don't call me Miss Qing anymore, my surname is Qin." Qin Linglong replied.

They are very strange, why did this girl change her surname?

However, at this moment, they were concerned about the safety of the palace owner and the sisters, so they didn't think much about it.

"Then who are these?"

Bai Su glanced at Li Xuankong and others and asked.

"They are all my friends, and they are not weak."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "With their help, it should be able to share a lot of pressure for Feihu Palace."

"Thank you for your help!!"

He Ye and Bai Su arched their hands at Li Xuankong and the others.

"It's not too late, let's go back to Feihu Palace as soon as possible!"

Ye Fei was worried about Nalan Hanyan and said something.

"it is good!!"

The two women nodded, then took Ye Fei and the others, and flew towards the Feihu Palace...


at this time.

On the square in front of the main hall of Feihu Palace.

The doorman of Yinhuangjiao is fighting with the doorman of Feihu Palace.

The screams, roars, and screams were endless.

The square was full of blood, and there were corpses lying on the ground, most of them were young women in skirts. The scene was messy and terrible!

The sky above the center of the square.

Three men surrounded a woman in the middle.

The woman was wearing a black-purple long skirt, tall and graceful, her skin was fair and snow-skinned, her Qiong nose was upright, and her slightly opened lips were like petals, delicate and beautiful.

This woman is Nalan Hanyan, the lord of the Flying Fox Palace.

However, at this time, Nalan Hanyan's face was a little pale, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body was also injured in many places.

And of the three men, one of them was wearing a black robe with gold rims and a shawl with long gray hair, looking like an old man.

However, this man has a fair face, smooth skin without wrinkles, with a sense of evil charm, and he looks as if he is only in his 20s or 30s.

Yin Xiaofeng, the leader of the male Yinhuang Sect.

Two other men, one of them was wearing a red robe, the other was wearing a purple robe, both of them revealed an evil spirit.

These two are the vice-masters of Yinhuangjiao, Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng.

The cultivation bases of the three of them are all in the prehistoric realm, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Yin Xiaofeng looked at Nalan Hanyan greedily, and said with a wicked smile: "Nalan Hanyan, surrender. If you don't surrender again, your disciples will be dead. Don't you feel heartache?

As long as you surrender, from now on, your Flying Fox Palace will be protected by our Yin Emperor Church!

And you, will also become my wife of Yin Xiaofeng! If you become my wife, I will love you well! "

"Nalan Hanyan, our leader has supernatural powers, and it is absolutely your honor to be the wife of our leader!" Shen Wuyou said to help.

Nalan Hanyan stared at Yin Xiaofeng coldly, and said coldly: "All the people in my Feihu Palace are not greedy for life and death. We would rather fight to death than surrender!

Want me to be your wife, even more impossible! "

With that said, Nalan Hanyan's eyes actually jumped with two groups of white flames, and the whole body was also burning with white flames!

Suddenly, the temperature in this area dropped down, and it made people feel the bone-chilling cold!

"Fox heart cold and fire" can freeze everything, but also burn everything!

With the burning of this white flame, a violent, devastating pressure and aura spread from Nalan Hanyan's body, covering the entire square!

Just this coercive and aura has already caused all the followers of the Yin Emperor Sect to be trembling, and they almost lose their feet!

The coercion of the wilderness is not something that ordinary warriors can contend!

However, when he thought of the presence of his own leader and two vice leaders, the followers of the Yinhuang Sect were confident again!

No matter how strong Nalan Hanyan is, she is only one person, and the three leaders will soon be able to defeat her!

"Nalan Hanyan, since you're toasting and not eating fine wine, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Yin Xiaofeng screamed, and an angry blue-purple flame burst up all over his body, and the coercion and breath of Xiaocheng in the prehistoric realm spread directly!

"Yin Emperor's magical skill! Possessing spirit and evil fire!!"

Accompanied by Yin Xiaofeng's loud shout, he waved his arm!

The blue-violet flames spread out with an evil and decayed aura, like a monstrous huge flood, covering one third of the square in it!


The surrounding members of the Feihu Palace who were fighting fiercely with the Yinhuangjiamen were burned by the flames, screamed, and directly turned into a pool of blood!

"Everyone! Disperse!!"

Nalan Hanyan yelled, and directly lifted his right hand, condensing a group of pale flames, facing the engulfing blue and purple evil fire!

The moment this white flame swept out, it spread out, as if forming a tumbling white river, the pressure and breath were not weaker than the blue-purple evil fire!

boom! ! ——

In an instant, two flames that looked like a mountain torrent collided together, making a sound of rushing thunder!

The two forces collide, and the bursting force is even more terrifying, causing violent winds and shaking the mountains!

The strong vibration caused everyone below to be unsteady!

At this time, Shen Wuyou also quickly mobilized the real power of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, a blood-red flame burned on his body, and the **** breath of killing and coercion spread out, making everyone in the square terrified!

"Tian Demon Dafa! Ancient Spirit Demon Fire!!!"

Shen Wuyou yelled, waved his arms, and blood-red flames swept out, instantly turning into a ferocious beast in the sky!

This fierce beast turned into a blood-red flame rose with the storm, swelled to a height of fifty or sixty meters, and rushed towards Nalan Hanyan, wanting to swallow it!

At this moment, Chu Liuzheng also launched an attack!

He directly mobilized the real power of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, raised his hands, condensing a group of faint blue flames, and then directly pushed out!

Wow! !

The faint blue flame rushed out, as if it turned into a demon dragon tens of meters long, rushing towards Nalan Hanyan in anger!

"Flying Fox Sword Technique! Moon Shifting Star Swap!!"

Nalan Hanyan, Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng both shot at the same time. With a furrowed eyebrow, they directly swung the silver long sword in their hands!

In an instant, Qingqiu's sword intent vented out, directly turning into thousands of white flame swords!

Immediately, these thousands of long swords with white flames, like a cold moon, whizzed out towards the attacks of Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng, like a douzhuan star, and instantly hit the blood red flame and the blue flame. superior!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by waves of earth-shattering bombings, the attacks from Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng were directly shattered and disintegrated!

However, at this moment, Nalan Hanyan suddenly noticed a cold feeling behind her, she turned around subconsciously, and directly condensed a sword and shield!

At the moment when the pale flame sword and shield were burning on this side, a blue-violet flame resembled a shock wave and hit the sword and shield heavily!

With a "bang", this sword and shield shattered directly!

After smashing the sword and shield, the powerful flame shock wave directly hit Nalan Hanyan's body!

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