Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3353: , Caring bug tricks!


Nalan Hanyan cried out in pain, and his body flew upside down a hundred meters away!


Just when Nalan Hanyan stabilized his body, the blood in his body rolled, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed out.

"Palace Master!!"

At this moment, the people from the Flying Fox Palace below saw this, they were taken aback and exclaimed.

"I'm fine! Keep fighting!!"

Nalan Hanyan waved her hand and snorted.

The eyes of the doormen of the Feihu Palace were red, and tears were streaming down. It was the first time they saw the palace owner suffering such a serious injury!

They only hate that their strength is too weak and can't help the palace owner!

"Everyone will follow me and kill all these beasts!!"

The guardian Mei Ruoxuan screamed sternly, leading a group of disciples, and continued to rush towards the doorman of the Yin Emperor Sect.

At this time, the sky is above.

Nalan Hanyan's face paled again.

She clutched her chest, trying to calm down the tumbling blood.

If it's just fighting a warrior in the prehistoric realm, it's nothing to her.

Because she has already awakened the power of blood, even if she fights against martial artists of the same cultivation level, she can still have the upper hand.

However, the opponent is a warrior of three Xiaocheng in the prehistoric realm. Even if he has the blessing of blood, he has no chance of winning at all!

However, Nalan Hanyan did not think about giving up!

If you give up, the Flying Fox Palace will fall completely, and your doorman will become the plaything of the Yinhuangjiaomen and be insulted!

Therefore, even if you try your last breath, you definitely can't fall down!

"Tsk tut..."

Yin Xiaofeng tweeted his lips and said, "I said Nalan Hanyan, why are you doing this?

As long as you surrender, I promise not to kill you or your doorman. Why do you resist? "


Nalan Hanyan snorted coldly, and said, "Yin Xiaofeng, you think I don't know that the exercises practiced by your Yin Emperor Sect are extremely evil, and you need to use women to practice the exercises!

Moreover, once a woman you have taken care of will not live for a few years at all, she will die!

If my disciple falls into your hands, there is no chance of surviving! "

Yin Xiaofeng squinted his eyes, and said, "Nalan Hanyan, it seems that you understand our practice very well.

However, can you defeat the three of us alone? "

"If you don't try, how can you know?"

Nalan Hanyan stared at Yin Xiaofeng indifferently, and responded.

"very good!"

Yin Xiaofeng laughed furiously, "I originally wanted to give you a chance to survive, since you don't know how to cherish, then I'm sorry!

Worry-free, sloppy, all in one go, kill this stinky lady! "

With that, Yin Xiaofeng raised his arms, and Xiao Cheng's true power burst out instantly!

"Yin Emperor's Divine Art! Swallowing Heaven and Evil Fire!!!"

Wow! !

In an instant, dark clouds condensed in the sky, and a group of blue-purple flames that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky, and with a wicked atmosphere, they quickly suppressed the place where Nalan Hanyan was!

"Black Fiend Flame! Tornado!!!"

Shen Wuyou also continuously mobilized the real power of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, and suddenly waved his hands!

I saw, blood-red flame tornadoes swept up, as if they were connecting the sky and the square, and surrounded by cold smoke toward Nalan!

"Nine You Demon Fire! Biting the Sun!!"

Chu Liuzhang also quickly mobilized the real power of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, his hands were burning with blazing blue flames, and then his hands became palms, and he slapped out!

Suddenly, this faint blue flame formed a round of fire wheels, raging towards Nalan Hanyan!

Moreover, these steamers are rising against the storm, like the scorching sun, which makes the heart tremble!

The warriors of the three great realm Xiaocheng shot at the same time, and the movement was huge, and most of the people in the square were directly affected!

Whether it was the gatekeeper of the Flying Fox Palace or the gatekeeper of the Yinhuangjiao, one by one was engulfed in the sky by the flame tornado, and then burned to ashes in an instant!

The bones are gone, even the blood has been roasted!

"The leaders are really moving! Quickly withdraw! Withdraw!!"

The people of Yinhuangjiao were shocked and fled in all directions in horror.

As for the people in Feihu Palace, although they were frightened, they were even more worried about Nalan Hanyan!

"The attack of these three guys... is really terrifying... Can the Palace Master really bear it?" Mei Ruoxuan frowned and said in a trembled voice.

"If even the Palace Master can't bear it, let's not even mention it! Go, leave here quickly, don't make fearless sacrifices!"

Although Lan Qiugu was worried, but now he can only take everyone to flee the battlefield.

At this moment, the Nalan Hanyan in the sky was double-teamed by the three forces, like a lone boat in the sea, as if it would be overturned at any time!

Facing the attack from the three of Yin Xiaofeng, Nalan Hanyan took a deep breath and instantly mobilized the sword intent of "Qingqiu"!

In an instant, Nalan Hanyan's enchanting pair of pupils, a blazing pale flame throbbed, and even that long jet black hair was dyed with a silver-white flame!

Then, Nalan Hanyan suddenly threw the white flame sword in his hand into the sky, his arms stretched out suddenly, and he let out an indifferent soft drink!


In an instant, with Nalan Hanyan as the center, countless long swords burning with white flames were condensed around them, dyeing the entire world into a dreamlike white!

Tens of thousands of white flame swords surround Nalan Hanyan's body, dreamlike and full of violent killing intent!


Immediately afterwards, Nalan Hanyan shouted again, tens of thousands of white flame swords centered on him, exploded with violent sword intent, and rushed in anger in all directions!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ——

The sound of earth-shaking bombing sounded one after another, bursting out colorful fire light, true power and sword intent, spreading in all directions like a tide!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Click! ! ——

The earth collapsed, the stones flew around, all the surrounding buildings collapsed, and even the mountains a kilometer away were crushed several times!

The disciples of the Flying Fox Palace and the Emperor Yin Emperor who had been evacuated thousands of meters away were so stunned that they couldn't open their eyes because of the flash of light from the sky above!

Some disciples with a lower cultivation level were directly shocked to vomit blood!

However, even if Nalan Hanyan's move was powerful, it would only destroy Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuqi's offense!

However, the blue-purple flames in the sky that covered the sky and the sun were torn apart by those white flame swords that soared up into the sky, but they quickly merged together and continued to be crushed by the cold smoke of Nalan below. !

Seeing the flames in the sky crushing down like the sky, Nalan Hanyan's heart sank, and a touch of decisiveness appeared in his eyes!

Now that he has been seriously injured, coupled with the rapid consumption of physical strength and true strength, I am afraid that it will not last long!

That being the case, even if he tried desperately, he would have to pull one or two of Yin Xiaofeng's three backs!

Thought of this.

Nalan Hanyan threw the silver long sword in his hand into the sky, and then mobilized all the true power and bloodline power, preparing for a desperate battle!

"Qingqiu Nine Tails!!"

Accompanied by Nalan Hanyan's heart-piercing roar!

In an instant, the flame sword in the sky above was the center, and the sword intent and flame spread wildly in all directions at the same time!

In a short while, this fierce sword intent condensed countless flame swords!

These countless long swords of flame filled the sky, uncountable, illuminating all the dark clouds in the sky, making it difficult to distinguish whether it is night or day!

Then, under everyone's gaze, these countless white flame swords quickly condensed into a huge nine-tailed demon fox!

This nine-tailed demon fox is burning with white flames up and down, with nine tails, each one hundred meters long, and is composed of tens of thousands of long swords!

As for the nine-tailed body, the four claws are also made up of long swords. They are unparalleled sharp and seem to be able to tear everything in the world!

Just the size of this nine-tailed demon fox, like a mountain, shocked everyone present!

Immediately, this nine-tailed demon fox, composed of thousands of white flame swords, rushed directly toward the blue-purple swallowing sky-sweeping anger that was crushed from above!

Boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a crashing sound like the sky, this nine-tailed demon fox directly slammed into the heavy blue-purple flame!

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