Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3354: , One trick to kill!

Under this huge impact, the blue-purple flame that permeated the sky was directly knocked out of a hole with a diameter of 100 meters, as if the sky was knocked out of a hole!

"Qingqiu Nine Tails! Tear it apart!!"

Nalan Hanyan yelled, and her jade hand suddenly waved!


This Qingqiu Nine Tails seemed to have spirituality, and they had the same spirit as Nalan Hanyan. They let out a sharp roar, and swung the sword's claws and nine sword tails vigorously!

Swish! ! ——

A series of pale claw marks cut across the sky, with a sharp howling sound, as if tearing the sky apart!

As for the flame above, it was directly torn into flame fragments! !

"Qingqiu Nine Tails... the power of blood..."

A look of horror appeared on Yin Xiaofeng's face. He knew that with his own strength, he might not be able to subdue Nalan Hanyan!

Therefore, he shouted at Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng: "Quick! Worry-free! Liuzheng! Get started!!"


Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng nodded in response, and then continuously mobilized their true power!

"Black Fiend Flame! Havoc!!"

Shen Wuyou screamed, his hands condensed the flaming blood-red magic flame, and then he waved into the air!

Two groups of blood-red demon flames burst out, like a whirlpool, with a force of ruining the sky and destroying the earth, they rushed towards the nine-tailed demon fox in the sky!

"Nine You Demon Fire! Killing the Sky!!"

Along with a shocking sound, Chu Liuzheng also launched an attack!

His arms slammed, and then they closed in an instant!

In an instant, in his hands, there was a group of blazing dark blue demon fire, carrying the power of a nuclear bomb, which made the heart palpitating!

When this group of dark blue demon fire condensed to the extreme, Chu Liuzhen directly pushed it towards the nine-tailed demon fox in the sky!

"Boom" with a loud noise, this group of dark blue demon fire erupted like a flash flood, turned into a torrent of raging flames, and swept into the sky!

For a time, the entire square was enveloped by the coercion of the four people, making all the disciples of the Feihu Palace and the Yin Emperor Sect feel blood boiled and tremble all over!

boom! ! ——

In an instant, two blood-colored demon flames and a faint blue demon fire hit the nine-tailed demon fox in the sky, directly engulfing it, and bursting into a loud thunder-like noise!

The blue-purple evil fire, the blood-colored demon flame and the faint blue demon fire ignited the sky instantly, covering the sky in the entire square!

As for the nine-tailed demon fox composed of countless long swords with pale flames, it shattered directly under the impact of these two flames, and then burned to ashes by these three intertwined flames!


Nalan Hanyan was also hit hard by the combined attack of these three people, with a sandal mouth, spewing a mouthful of bright red blood!

Due to the continuous use of nirvana, Nalan Hanyan's physical strength and true power were also on the verge of exhaustion, and his face became paler!

"Palace Master!!!"

All the disciples of the Flying Fox Palace in the distance saw this scene, tears flowed, and screamed.

They knew that with the strength of the palace lord, there was no problem at all if they wanted to escape here.

However, in order to protect them, in order to hold the Flying Fox Palace, the palace owner used one person to forcibly oppose the warriors of the three great prehistoric realms. It is really not easy to be able to survive until now.

They only hate that their cultivation base is too low and their strength is too weak to help.

At this moment, all Feihu Palace disciples felt a sense of helplessness and despair...

Nalan Hanyan looked at his disciples with a weak face, twitching at the corner of his mouth, revealing a touching smile, and said: "Don't cry...As the lord of the Flying Fox Palace, I don't have the power to protect you, it's me. inability……

I hope you can all have your own perfect life in the next life and stop being my disciple..."

"Palace Lord! We are born in Feihu Palace, and die are the ghosts of Feihu Palace! We are with you!!"

"If there is an afterlife, we will still be your disciples!!"

"Today, it is the glory of all of us to be able to accompany the palace lord to the death together!!"

Suddenly, all the disciples of Feihu Palace wiped away their tears, and their pretty faces were full of perseverance and indomitable colors!

"Tsk tusk, it's so touching fellowship..."

Yin Xiaofeng tweeted, smiled evilly, and said: "Nalan Hanyan, don't worry, after you die, we will treat your disciple well...

It is also their honour to make them a cultivation resource for my Yinhuangjiao..."


Nalan Hanyan roared at Yin Xiaofeng, and then yelled at all the disciples of Feihu Palace: "All Feihu Palace disciples listen to orders!

Even if you die, don't let yourself fall into the hands of these beasts!

This is my last request of you as the Palace Master of Flying Fox! "


All the disciples of the Flying Fox Palace responded with a shock, and they were ready to die in battle!

When Yin Xiaofeng heard this, he was furious!

If these women in the Flying Fox Palace really choose to die in battle, it would be too wasteful for them!

You know, what they practice in the Yin Emperor teaches is the method of harvesting yin and replenishing yang, and these women are the training resources they need!

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaofeng said loudly to all the followers of the Yin Emperor Sect: "Listen to all the disciples of the Yin Emperor Sect! Don't kill them, you must catch them alive!"

"Yes, the leader!!"

All the disciples of the Yin Emperor Sect responded in unison, and then rushed towards the disciples of Feihu Palace!

Suddenly, a fierce battle started again!

"Nalan Hanyan! Go to hell!!"

After Yin Xiaofeng finished his explanation, he lifted his hands and pressed down suddenly!

Wow! ! ——

I saw that, covering the sky above, the intertwined blue-purple evil fire, blood red demon flame, and dark blue demon fire instantly turned into a thick and colorful pillar of fire, directly impacting the cold Nalan smoke below!

"Palace Master!!"

The disciples in Feihu Palace screamed, their hearts beat to their throats, they couldn't help, and they couldn't escape, their faces were full of grief and despair!

Nalan Hanyan wanted to resist, the exhaustion of her physical strength and true strength made her unable to resist at all, and she could only wait to die!

"Hahaha!!...Nalan Hanyan, don't you always feel that you are aloof, despise our Yin Emperor Church, despise me?

what about now? You are my plaything in the palm of Yin Xiaofeng! It's ants! It's the existence that I step on and kill if I want to kill! "

Yin Xiaofeng laughed frantically, his white face was full of rosy color, and his heart was full of the pleasure of revenge!

Looking at the colorful pillars of fire that washed down from above, tears were left in the corners of Nalan Hanyan's eyes, and the face of a man appeared in his mind for the first time!

The face slowly became clear from blurry...She finally saw this face clearly...

Ye Fei...

Yes, the first thing she thought of was Ye Fei...

Nalan Hanyan was sour in her heart, tears filled her heart, and muttered in her heart: "Ye Fei...I'm sorry...I am not brave enough to say what I want to you...

If there is a future life... I must tell you what I am in my heart... I hope that the next life will not miss it again..."

However, just at this critical moment!

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

Three desolate, ancient, and domineering dragon roars came over, shocking everyone's hearts, and directly pulling Nalan Hanyan's thoughts back!

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's stunned eyes...

I saw that three sword dragons with a length of hundreds of meters, with golden-red sword-inspired flames burning all over their bodies, shuttled in, and with the force of destroying the dryness and decay, they directly and brazenly hit the colorful pillar of fire!

boom! ! ! ——

This gorgeous pillar of fire couldn't withstand the impact of these three stegosaurus at all, it broke and disintegrated directly, turned into sparks, and disappeared in the sky!

The impact of the fierceness spread, and the three of Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng were shaken out to a hundred meters away before they could stabilize their bodies!


Yin Xiaofeng's face was pale, and he turned around and looked over!

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng also trembled all over, and quickly turned around!

"The king's sword intent... how is it possible?!"

Nalan Hanyan looked at the three mighty and domineering stegosaurus hovering in the sky, and her body trembled, as if suddenly thinking of something, her eyes suddenly red!

Could it be him? !

Is he really here? !

Are you really dreaming? !

Therefore, this sword intent couldn't be more familiar, familiar enough to make her unforgettable!

However, she still couldn't believe it...

Didn't he go to the secret realm, how could he come back suddenly?

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