Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3355: , Never surrender!

"Sword Dragon...The King's Sword Intent...Is it Big Brother Ye?!"

"Big Brother Ye must be here! Can't be wrong!"

"Yes! It must be! Big Brother Ye used this trick when he was fighting the palace lord!!"

"But... But why did Big Brother Ye come here suddenly? Also, Big Brother Ye doesn't seem to be so strong?!"

At this time, the four major guardians of plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum at the bottom of the square were all talking, and their eyes were full of shock, doubt, and confusion.

The other disciples of the Flying Fox Palace also looked at the sky with dumbfounded expressions, and did not understand who saved their Palace Master's life at a critical time.

At this moment, accompanied by a force that was so powerful that everyone present was shocked, everyone looked up and saw that a group of people had descended above the square!

Standing in the forefront was a figure that was as tall as a javelin, and his body was exuding blazing golden-red flames. The golden-red flames in his eyes were beating, like the stars of the sun, and his body exuded a kingly aura!

Moreover, above this man, there are six stegosaurus circling hundreds of meters long, the sword intent swept across, and the dragon mighty!

Against the background of these six stegosaurus, this man seemed to be a king looking over the world, like a **** who descended from the nine heavens to the mortal world!

Domineering, mighty, invincible!

For a while, shock, surprise, and incredible looks appeared on everyone's faces...

"Ye Fei... Ye Fei..."

After Nalan Hanyan saw the incoming person clearly, his red lips lightly opened, and he murmured. The countless thoughts, longings, and endless resentment that were out of control like the tide flooded my heart, tears have broken the bank, I See you still...

After parting with the man a few months ago, Nalan Hanyan recalled the bits and pieces of those days with the man countless times.

She thought that she was just a little fond of men, and she couldn't talk about liking or love.

But as time passed, she missed men more and more intensely.

So, she finally understood that she really fell in love with this man.

Just now, a second before facing death, her mind was full of the man's voice and smile, and she only hated herself for not uttering that sentence.

Unexpectedly, the man appeared in front of him like a **** soldier.

How can this keep her from getting excited?

At this moment, Ye Fei, who was standing in the sky, felt a sudden pain in his heart when he saw Nalan Hanyan with pale face and blood flowing on his body.

He did not pay attention to the suspicious look on the faces of the Yin Emperor Cult, but flashed and came to Nalan Hanyan.

The two looked at each other as if they were separated from each other, with countless feelings circulating.

Not far away, Qin Linglong was so angry that she sullied her mouth high when she saw this scene, "I'm so angry! I'm so angry! I knew this fox would hook up my husband, so I won't come to save her!"

Bai Su stared at Qin Linglong, and said, "Little girl, what are you talking about? Our palace lord is beautiful, so how come you are a vixen? I think you are a little vixen!"

"Yes, our palace lord and Big Brother Ye are talented women, what's the matter with you little girl?"

Lotus leaf also took the sentence.

" guys!!!"

Qin Linglong pointed at Lotus Leaf and Bai Su violently, and turned her head, "Huh! I won't tell you anymore!"

At this time, not far away.

"Cold Smoke..."

Ye Fei took a deep breath, her voice trembled, "I'm sorry...I'm late..."

Nalan Hanyan just stared at Ye Fei closely without speaking, but tears kept falling like broken pearls.

At this moment, even if she had a thousand words, she didn't know how to say it...

"Hanyan, what do you want to do with them?" Ye Fei asked softly.

Nalan Hanyan swept his eyes at Yin Xiaofeng and others, and said in a low voice, "Blood debt is paid..."

"Okay, listen to you."

Ye Fei smiled softly and nodded.

At this moment, Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng glanced at each other, and then swept over.

"Your Excellency is the sword **** who recently became famous as Zhenwu?"

Yin Xiaofeng asked with a smile on his face.

Both Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng also looked at Ye Fei with flattering smiles, waiting for a reply.

Therefore, just now, they recognized at a glance that Ye Fei was displaying the sword intent of the king.

Moreover, during this time, they have also heard of the name of the sword god.

Sword God, one person fights eight martial sects alone, kills many powerful men, and saves Fengming Temple from water and fire!

Moreover, there are rumors that the person who has passed through the three secret realms of Phoenix, Xuanwu, and Suzaku one after another, and won the first place in the three secret realms, is the sword **** who is now in full swing!

In addition, in the past few days, they have heard that the Sword God, in order to save his master Hua Tuo, alone invaded the Barbaric Empire, beheaded many powerful men in the Barbaric Empire, and wounded the Barbaric Great Emperor Tuoban!

Each of these things is enough to shake the entire Zhenwu world!

Therefore, nowadays, the name of the sword **** has spread throughout the real martial arts world, and the name even has overshadowed the ten true martial sages!

Being able to injure Takuban and walk out of the wild empire alive is enough to prove that the strength of the Sword God is incredible!

Therefore, no matter how arrogant the three of Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou, and Chu Liuzhen are, they must be respectful at this moment. After all, the young man in front of him is very likely to be the sword god.

"Ye Fei... are they true? You are the sword **** who is famous for Zhenwu?!!!"

When Nalan Hanyan heard the news, her red lips were slightly opened in surprise, and she was really cute.

"Of course! My husband is the sword **** who is now famous, prestigious, and powerful!"

Without waiting for Ye Fei to speak, Qin Linglong raised her head proudly, and took the sentence, her face was full of pride, as if she herself was a sword god.

Hearing this, Nalan Hanyan's gaze towards Ye Fei changed again.

Unexpectedly, in just a few months, this man would grow so fast.

At first, this man couldn't beat himself at all, he could only beg for mercy.

And now, I am afraid that he is no longer his opponent.

After all, she had heard of the name of the sword **** during this period of time. Since the warriors of the true martial world say that this sword **** is powerful, it is definitely not fake.

At that time, she was still thinking, who is this sword **** who turned out to be and why hasn't he heard of it before?

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei turned out to be the famous sword god!

At this time, the three Yin Xiaofeng people who received an accurate answer could not help but shudder, their faces full of horror.

With a smile on Yin Xiaofeng's face that was uglier than crying, he pleased and said: "Your Sword God, I knew that you and Palace Master Nalan were friends, so even if we borrowed 100 courage from us, we would not dare to offend!

Lord Sword God, this matter is pure misunderstanding, we will ask you not to accompany you!

Let's leave here now! Lord Sword God, goodbye! "

After speaking, Yin Xiaofeng rushed into Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng winks, then quickly turned around and prepared to leave!

"Who allowed you to go?"

Suddenly, a low and indifferent voice rang like a voice from Jiuyou Hell.

Immediately, the nine stegosaurus hovering in the sky churned and directly blocked the path of the three Yin Xiaofeng!

Seeing nine sword dragons staring at them, Yin Xiaofeng and the three of them turned pale, trembling all over, and sweating on their foreheads.

They asked themselves that they had fought with many sword repairmen, but they had never seen anyone able to display their sword intent so unpredictably!

This is simply too bad!

Yin Xiaofeng hurriedly turned around and said with a smile: "Your Sword God, this is indeed something we did not do right, we will come to the door to apologize in the future!"


Ye Fei smiled coldly and ignored them. Instead, he turned to Qin Linglong and Li Xuankong and said in a shock: "Anyone who is the Yin Emperor Cult will not stay...Kill! Nothing! Forgive!"


Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and the others responded in unison when they heard it, and then swooped down, rushing towards the doorman of the Yin Emperor Sect!

Those Yinhuangjiao people saw that Feihu Palace had only a dozen helpers, so they didn't put Li Xuankong and others in their eyes!

Unexpectedly, after fighting, I discovered that these guys are fierce one by one, and their cultivation is not high, but their combat effectiveness is non-human!

For a time, fierce fighting broke out, and the screams were endless!

After fighting with Ye Fei for so long, Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and Zhang Baokun's combat effectiveness has also risen in a straight line, so they are not afraid of these sects of the Yin Emperor!

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