Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3356: , Desperate battle!

Seeing his disciples fall into a pool of blood one by one, Yin Xiaofeng's smile disappeared, replaced by a hideous and angry face!

"His Sword God, even if you have the sword intent of the king and the strength to challenge beyond the level, if you really want to fight with us, we are not afraid of you!

Therefore, I advise you to stop here, otherwise we will kill you if we care who you are! ! "

"Is it?"

Ye Fei squinted and smiled, "That's the best, anyway, none of you guys want to leave today..."

With that said, Ye Fei said to Nalan Han flue: "Han Yan, leave it to me next, you go and rest far away!"

"Be careful!"

Nalan Hanyan replied, and then Yukong left the battlefield directly.

Yin Xiaofeng also knew that today's battle must be fought, so he didn't back down anymore!

Moreover, he saw that Ye Fei's cultivation level was only a great accomplishment in the Divine Martial Realm, and his side were three real martial artists in the Primordial Realm Xiaocheng!

Therefore, in his opinion, perhaps the name of the sword **** is not true to its name, they have great hopes to kill the sword god!

Thinking of this, Yin Xiaofeng said loudly to Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng: "Worry-free, Liuzheng! Let's do it today!

As long as we and you can join forces to kill this kid, then our name can spread throughout the real martial arts world! "

"it is good!!"

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng responded loudly.

In a blink of an eye, the bodies of the three Yin Xiaofeng's bodies seemed to have been ignited like a gunpowder barrel, burning flaming cyan-purple evil fire, blood-red evil flame and dark blue evil fire!

The coercion of Xiaocheng in the Three Prestigious Lands spreads, covering the entire square!

Rumble! ! ——

The earth shook, and the surrounding mountains also shook!

Click! ! ——

Moreover, under the erosion of the three waves of Yin Xiaofeng, the stone slabs on the square were also torn deep, and even the halls and buildings of the Flying Fox Palace were washed down and collapsed!

The boulders flew, the smoke rolled, and the stones that rolled into the air were burned to ashes by the flames spreading out of the three people!

Yin Xiaofeng took the lead in the attack, and Xiaocheng's real power instantly rose to its peak state, and a strong storm blew up in the sky, causing his robe to hunt!

He exhausted all his strength and opened his arms, and a monstrous blue-purple evil fire suddenly ignited in front of him. The evil fire rose with the storm, as if it turned into a giant flame-swallowing beast of up to seventy or eighty meters!

The real power of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm has all been increased, and the power is fierce and violent, and it is even more earth-shattering!

At the same time, Shen Wuyou did not idle, after mobilizing the true power of his whole body, his hands opened and closed, condensing a group of burning blood-red magic flames!

Moreover, as the blood-red magic flame continues to compress and condense, it becomes as dazzling as blood, and the power contained in it is even more like a nuclear bomb about to detonate!

Blood-red flames converge in the sky, as if the sky is full of red clouds, full of weird and evil auras!

Chu Liuzhan did not hesitate, with both arms, a dazzling and dazzling blue demon fire was burning in front of him!

After the dark blue demon fire spread out, it instantly condensed into a fire wheel that looked like the sun!

Fire wheels filled the sky, like countless fires covering the night sky!

For a time, the entire night sky seemed to be divided into three parts, and the flames burned wildly, making people unable to see the stars and the moon under the night sky!

At this time, everyone in the Yinhuangjiao on the square in the distance saw that their three hierarchs had used their assassins. They were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they could feel the terrifying pressure even if they were far away.

The point is that the three leaders used their assassins just to deal with one person.

Although they had also heard of the name of the Sword God during this period, they had no idea how strong the Sword God was.

However, after today's war, we will see the results.

As for the disciples of Feihu Palace, they were a little worried. I don't know if Ye Fei can defeat the three Yin Xiaofeng.

After all, the three of Yin Xiaofeng teamed up just now but almost killed their palace lord.

Standing on the steps of the main hall in the distance, Nalan Hanyan, who was healing her body and adjusting her breath, looked closely at the sky above.

Although she was also worried, what she revealed in the beautiful eyes was more of believing.

She believed that a man would be able to defeat the three of Yin Xiaofeng.

At this moment, Ye Fei did not have those people outside, so nervous, so scared.

His brain is calmer than ever before, and his heart is as waveless as an ancient well.

Not long ago, he had just fought against many powerful men in the wild empire, even Tuoba Ye.

Even if the cultivation base has not been improved, the combat effectiveness has already been unprecedentedly increased.

Therefore, even in the face of three warriors who are Xiaocheng in the prehistoric realm, he is not afraid at all.

"Swallowing Heaven Evil Fire!!"

Yin Xiaofeng continuously poured true power into the condensed sky-swallowing evil fire behemoth in front of him, and then directly waved his hand and issued the order!


In an instant, this sky-swallowing evil fire behemoth rushed towards Ye Feikang!

Moreover, when this behemoth of flame rushed past, the body of flame expanded a few times and became even bigger!

The flame behemoth suddenly opened its mouth in the blood basin, as if it was about to swallow Ye Fei!

"Black evil demon flame! Moving sky!!"

Shen Wuyou also pushed out the blood-red fireball like a nuclear bomb condensed between his hands!

This blood-red fireball exploded directly in the air, and the whirlpool light ball revolved, turning into a huge blood-red wave, roaring towards Ye Fei!

"Nine You Demon Fire! Burning Sun!!"

Chu Liuzhan also raised his right arm and waved abruptly!

Cough cough! ! ——

I saw that the dense fire wheels that filled the sky resembled violent storms, whizzing towards Ye Fei!

In an instant, the entire square exudes colorful flames of true power, rendering the sky over a few miles brilliant!

The sky and the earth shook, and the buildings around the square and the mountains in the distance shook with it!

The power spread out by this true power flame is like a scourge of fierce beasts. It makes all the disciples of the Flying Fox Palace and Yin Emperor Sect in the distance feel qi and blood boil. Shocked to vomit blood.

However, in the face of this fierce attack, Ye Fei's face was calm, not surprised, but gently waved!

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The three stegosaurus roared directly, and ran into the past in the face of the attack of the three of Yin Xiaofeng!

boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a thunderous loud noise, the first stegosaurus slammed into the body of the behemoth that was burning with blue and purple flames!

This behemoth of Heaven-swallowing Evil Fire didn't support it for a few seconds at all, before it broke into pieces, turned into dots of flame, and disappeared into the sky!

Boom! ! ! ——

Two more thunderous bombing sounds sounded!

I saw that the other two stegosaurus directly smashed the rushing fire waves and the dense fire wheels that swept away!

"Puff puff!!--"

Moreover, after the three stegosaurus smashed the attack of the three, the sword intent and flames that shook them out shocked them to vomit blood, and their bodies were cut with sword marks, leaving a piece of it. Carbonized skin!

As for the three stegosaurus, still flying in the sky, there is no sign of damage at all!

"How could it be... how could this be..."

Yin Xiaofeng stared at Ye Fei in the distance, his eyes full of horror.

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng were the chests of the warriors, and their faces were full of pain.

They couldn't imagine that a kid of the great martial art realm would hurt the three of them with one move!

At this moment, they were shocked to wake up, even if the three of them had the cultivation base of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, they were still not the opponents of this young man!

"Is this the strength of the sword god?"

"It's terrifying... he actually used his sword intent to forcibly increase his strength to the prehistoric realm, even beyond..."

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng murmured, looking at Ye Fei as if they had seen a ghost.

Ye Fei's sword intent has long surpassed their cognition, and its lethality and destructive power have reached an extreme!

The disciple of the Yin Emperor in the distance looked at Ye Fei in the sky blankly, as if looking at the gods! !

This kid actually defeated the ultimate move of the three leaders in one move? !

Too bad, right? !

At this moment, the disciples of the Yin Emperor who were still full of confidence felt panic in their hearts!

If the three leaders really can't kill this kid, then they will probably lose their lives too!

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