Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3357: , If there is an afterlife!

"Is this the strength of Big Brother Ye now? Isn't it too strong?!"

"It's no wonder that the world calls Big Brother Ye the Sword God... Except for Big Brother Ye, I'm afraid no one can afford the name of the Sword God!"

"Sword God! Sword God!!!..."

A group of Feihu Palace disciples looked at Ye Fei with admiration, and yelled out loudly.

Nalan Hanyan above the steps shook his head helplessly. This guy is so provocative. What do you think of these little girls?

Yin Xiaofeng looked at Ye Fei with a grim look, and shouted: "Smelly boy! I don't believe I can't kill you!!"

With that said, he immediately yelled at both Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng: "Worry-free! Liuzheng! We will join forces to destroy the nine stegosaurus and kill this kid!!"


Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng responded loudly!

They know that it is difficult to escape now!

Therefore, unless Ye Fei is killed, their lives will be in danger!

As a result, Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou, and Chu Liuzheng scattered one after another, standing in three positions in the sky, and surrounded Ye Fei and the nine sword dragons!

Immediately, the three of them gritted their teeth and mobilized all the true power in their bodies. The flames burned fiercely from all over their bodies, and their hands condensed fierce and strong evil fire, demon flames and flames. Demon fire!

The three of them used all their strength and energy, and the coercion and aura that erupted were even more terrifying than just now, enough to be comparable to the coercion of the warrior in the prehistoric realm!

Feeling these three powerful pressures and auras, everyone present was already panicked, staring at the sky dumbfounded!

Although everyone felt panic, to Ye Fei, the coercion that these three broke out was really not enough!

Even if the three of them joined forces, the coercion that broke out was comparable to that of the Great Desolate Realm, Ye Fei was not afraid at all!

You know, the wild great emperor Tubanyan exists beyond the prehistoric realm!

I have never been afraid when facing Tuoba Ye. How can I be afraid when facing these three guys?

Therefore, Ye Fei just saw this scene with a joking expression, wanting to see what the three guys still want to do.

After the three of them turned their true powers to the extreme, they all shook, and then suddenly pushed out their hands, and they made a burst of shouts in unison in their mouths!

"Burning Heaven Array!!!"

In an instant, the blue-purple evil fire, the blood-red demon flame and the faint blue demon fire swept into the sky from his body and hands!

Suddenly, the entire sky burst into flames, igniting the sky, and the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​flames!

The four-color fire waves surging in the sky, as if triggering a monstrous tsunami!

Immediately afterwards, the sea of ​​flames in the sky began to spin violently, and a colorful vortex appeared!

"The Burning Heaven Array... It turned out to be the Burning Heaven Array!!"

"Flee! Flee far! The power of the'Burning Sky Great Formation' is extremely terrifying. The higher the cultivation base of the people who use the Great Formation, the greater the power of the Great Formation will lead you!

Now that the cultivation bases of the three leaders are all in the Primordial Realm, they are even the warriors of the Primordial Realm, and they can't resist the crush of the Great Array! "

The disciples of the Yin Emperor Sect screamed in exclamation, and hurriedly continued to evacuate toward the periphery, not daring to approach!

At this time, the disciples of Feihu Palace and Lu Qinghong and others heard the comments made by the disciples of the Emperor Yin Emperor, their expressions changed drastically, and they all raised their throats in their hearts!

Even though Ye Fei has proven his strength, this great formation can't even resist the warriors of the Great Desolate Realm, so can Ye Fei really resist it? !

Under the shocked and worried gazes of everyone, I saw that pillars of fire with a diameter of more than 20 meters rushed down from the sea of ​​fire, and the targets were pointed at Ye Fei and the nine stegosaurus below!

The dense pillars of fire impacted down, like violent fire dragons, as if Ye Fei and the nine stegosaurus in mid-air would be killed in the next second!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The pillar of fire that was the first to strike down directly punched the ground of the square into bottomless holes. The rock was directly burned into coke, and the four-color flames in the pit were not extinguished!

However, seeing the destructive power erupting from this large array, Ye Fei's face was as calm as water, and he was not moved at all, just snapped his fingers with a "pop"!

"Ho **** ho **** ho!!!!!"

As soon as the sound fell, the nine stegosaurus roared sharply, shook the world, and rushed directly toward the "burning sky formation" in the sky!

Next second.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ——

Nine stegosaurus slammed into the "burning sky array", bursting out loud noises that shook the sky, as if it had smashed the sky!

Shattering! ! ——

A series of colorful flame apertures and sword intent burst out, directly smashing dozens of surrounding mountains!

The rocks flew, and in a flash, dozens of mountains were turned into ruins and completely razed to the ground! !

The light of this flame is too dazzling, and it makes everyone in the distance feel hot in their eyes, tears are rolling, and they can't open their eyes!

The intense flame lasted for a few minutes before it slowly disappeared!

When everyone slowly opened their eyes and looked towards the sky, everyone was dumbfounded and could not believe what they were seeing!

The sea of ​​fire that permeated the sky has disappeared, but only nine stegosaurus flying and hovering in the sky, domineering, like a real nine-day dragon descending into the world!

"Not a human... this kid is not a human at all!!"

"This is the'Burning Heaven Great Array'...This is the'Burning Heaven Great Array' that can kill the great masters in the prehistoric realm... unexpectedly... it was easily destroyed by this kid?!"

At this moment, all the disciples of the Yin Emperor Sect were stupid, their legs were soft, and they wanted to kneel directly to Ye Fei!

However, all the disciples of Feihu Palace and Lu Qinghong and others were ecstatic in their hearts, and their eyes on Ye Fei were full of admiration!

They were still worried about whether Ye Fei would be the opponent of Yin Xiaofeng's trio, but now, they are not worried at all!

Even if the three of them work together, they are not Fei's opponents at all!

Fei Ge slaps all those who are not convinced!

Ye Fei glanced at the sky very casually, then turned to look at the three of Yin Xiaofeng, and said faintly: "Are you over?"

The three of Yin Xiaofeng swallowed their throats, did not speak, trembling all over, they were almost crazy!

"Impossible... it is absolutely impossible!!"

Yin Xiaofeng roared with exhaustion, even his voice changed.

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng just opened their mouths and couldn't say a word.

Domineering, powerful, terrifying, against the sky... this is the sword god! !

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Since you are over, it's my turn now, right?

Well, I just thought of a new sword move, how about practicing with you? "

Seeing the smile on Ye Fei's face, the three of Yin Xiaofeng were so frightened that their hearts burst. This was simply the smile of the devil!


Yin Xiaofeng was already scared at this moment, and he roared, turning around and preparing to run.

Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng were also frightened crazy, turning around and preparing to flee here.

As for their disciples, they can't control it now.

Now that they are already unable to protect themselves, how can they care about the life and death of other people?

However, at the moment the three of them escaped, Ye Fei waved his arm and let out a wild drink!

"Sword Intent Reorganization! Nine Dragon Sword Tripod!!"

Accompanied by Ye Fei's scream...

I saw that the nine stegosaurus hovering in the sky rose up into the sky at the same time, and then directly condensed and reorganized in the sky!

It takes less than a few seconds.

I saw that these nine stegosaurus directly turned into a huge, 700-800-meter-high, covering an area of ​​300-400 meters, covered with golden-red flames all over!

This giant tripod has nine ears, replaced by nine stegosaurus heads!

There are nine legs, all replaced by stegosaurus tails!

The entire giant cauldron is composed of nine stegosaurus heads, dragon bodies, dragon claws, and dragon tails!

This giant ding is majestic and majestic and domineering!

Full of desolation, vicissitudes and ancient barbaric coercion and aura!

And this trick was also realized by Ye Fei when he was fighting Tuoba Ye.

The nine stegosaurus are scattered, and it may be able to spread the damage range, and the warriors under the Divine Martial Realm cannot withstand the crush of the stegosaurus!

However, the lethality of a single stegosaurus is not too strong after all, it may be more difficult to kill the warriors in the prehistoric realm in one fell swoop!

Therefore, Ye Fei thought of this trick. He merged and reorganized the nine stegosaurus into a giant cauldron, which undoubtedly brought the sword intent and power of the nine stegosaurus together, and the lethality and destructive power will undoubtedly become geometric multiples of violence. increase!

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