Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3362: , Cultivation problems!

Ye Fei glanced at the woman's graceful figure, the flame in his heart still couldn't be completely extinguished, and he couldn't help swallowing his throat.

However, Ye Fei didn't bother the woman anymore, but turned and walked out of the room quietly, closed the door, and then Yujian left.

After returning to the residence, Ye Fei immediately sat cross-legged on the bed, and then began to operate the "Tiantian Good Fortune Secret Art".

With the movement of the mind, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth poured into Ye Fei's body like a tide.

Then, after these auras entered Ye Fei's body, they gathered in Ye Fei's dantian and turned into rich true power.

However, because Ye Fei's true power was more condensed than ordinary martial artists, the true power gathered by the mind's rotation for a week was not enough, as if a well was filled with one-tenth of the water.

Therefore, Ye Fei continued to run his mind, absorbing the spiritual energy from the heaven and the earth, transforming it into true power, and converging in his dantian.

Until late at night, Ye Fei felt that the true power in his dantian had reached a saturated state, as if he was about to burst the dantian at any time!

It's now!

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and then continued to run his mind, continue to absorb spiritual energy and transform it into true power, trying to break through the cultivation base!

Until the end of the eleventh mental movement, Ye Fei suddenly felt like fire in his body, his whole body began to heat up, and sweat was overflowing!

breakthrough! !

Ye Fei shouted in his heart, madly condensing and compressing the true power in the dantian!

Until it is compressed to a pole, then release it instantly!


Ye Fei raised his head and let out a long roar, and suddenly felt that his dantian seemed to be torn apart, making a low muffled noise!

Then, the true power condensed and compressed to the extreme in the dantian rushed out like a torrent of a bank bursting, like tumbling rivers surging wildly in Ye Fei's eight channels of odd meridians!

Moreover, with the frenzied surging of true power, Ye Fei felt like he was burning, as if he was in a stove!

This feeling was very painful, even Ye Fei couldn't bear it!

However, just when Ye Fei felt that his whole body was about to burn, a cool real power spread to Ye Fei's body, and the heat in Ye Fei's body was immediately calmed down, and his body felt much more comfortable!

Ye Fei was overjoyed!

Sure enough, after repairing with Nalan Hanyan, it really helped me!

However, the turbulent tumbling real power in the body lasted for half an hour, but it gradually subsided. Ye Fei felt it, but he didn't find any signs of breakthrough in his cultivation!


Ye Fei let out a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, frowned, and fell into thought.

What is going on, why is there no breakthrough?

Where is the problem?

Ye Fei clearly felt that he seemed to have touched the threshold of the Primordial Realm, but for some reason, he just failed to break through.

In fact, Ye Fei also knew that the Primordial Realm was a brand new realm of martial arts cultivation, and it was definitely not that simple to break through.

However, Ye Fei didn't want to just give up.

It's just a step, if you give up at this time, it would be a pity.

If you can't do it once, then continue to try, and you don't believe that you can't make a breakthrough!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei took off his clothes, then closed his eyes, entered the state of meditation again, and began to try...

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, the night passed.

When the sky was white, Ye Fei's whole body was wet with sweat, and his body was white, as if he had been salvaged from hot water.

Ye Fei took a long breath, slowly opened his eyes, and a golden-red flame flashed away.

However, Ye Fei's face showed a helpless look.

Ye Fei thought that as long as he kept trying, he would be able to break through to the wilderness.

But after a whole night of trying, Ye Fei didn't feel any signs of breakthrough except for feeling refreshed.

Although the dual cultivation of myself and Nalan Hanyan is indeed helpful to my own cultivation, it is still difficult to break through the cultivation base with dual cultivation.

But also, if it is really so easy to break into the wilderness, wouldn't the true martial world have masters in the wilderness all gone?

So, even if it was a little regretful, Ye Fei didn't take this matter too seriously.

Since I can't break through right now, it's definitely not a chance, so I can't force it.

However, what Ye Fei cared more about was whether Nalan Hanyan had a breakthrough?

Nalan Hanyan is different from herself. She has been stuck in Xiaocheng for too long. I'm afraid it's time for a breakthrough long ago. It's just that she has been missing an opportunity.

I hope that this time, women can step into the realm of great success in one fell swoop. In this case, women have the ability to protect themselves in the real martial world, and they don't need to worry too much.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei decided to take a shower first, and then to see how the woman's cultivation progressed.

Ye Fei turned over and got out of bed, took a shower in the bathroom, changed into dry clothes, and then prepared to go out.

However, at the moment when Ye Fei just stepped out of the house, his mind suddenly trembled, and he felt a powerful pressure and aura swept over him!

Moreover, the martial artist who can exude this breath has a cultivation base that is absolutely above the prehistoric realm, and the martial artist who is Xiaocheng in the prehistoric realm will definitely not be able to reach this level of horror!

In other words, the warrior who exudes this coercion and aura is definitely the warrior of the great realm!

A great success in the wilderness? !

Could it be that……

Ye Fei "cocked" in his heart, swallowed his throat, and looked up at a loft in the distance!

That attic is where Nalan Hanyan lives!

At this moment, Ye Fei clearly saw a pale flame rising from the attic, piercing the firmament, as if connecting the attic with the sky!

As for this powerful coercion and aura, it is also exuding from that attic!

A smile appeared at the corner of Ye Fei's mouth. It seems that after a night of cultivation, the woman's cultivation has really broken through!

At this moment, footsteps came from upstairs and downstairs!

I saw that Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others all ran out of the house, looking a little panicked!

"Husband, do you... do you feel it? Such a powerful pressure and aura, it seems that there is a master nearby!!"

Qin Linglong, who ran out of the next room, walked towards Ye Fei.

"Brother Fei, is this master an enemy or a friend?!"

"Couldn't Gao be the emperor of Yin coming here?!"

"It must be! The Yin Emperor Church killed so many people last night, it must have alarmed the other masters of the Yin Emperor Church!"

Li Xuankong and others all began to discuss, as if they were facing an enemy.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Okay, don't be nervous. The master you mentioned is a friend and not an enemy, and you all know him."

"Who the **** is it?" Qin Linglong asked hurriedly.

Ye Fei shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't you feel where this pressure and breath comes from?"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the three-story attic in the distance at the same time!

"Isn't it?! Could it be that vixen?!"

Qin Linglong suddenly exclaimed.

Li Xuankong, Lu Qinghong and others also looked at Ye Fei in shock, obviously feeling a little weird.

Although they had seen the strength of Nalan Hanyan last night, today, they clearly felt that this coercion and aura were stronger than last night.

"Yes, it's cold smoke."

Ye Fei nodded and said, "It seems that Hanyan's cultivation base should be a breakthrough."

"This... how is this possible?!"

Qin Linglong's beautiful eyes widened, her red lips pursed, and said: "Last night her cultivation level was only a small achievement in the Desolate Realm. Why did her cultivation level break through after a night?!"


Ye Fei's expression froze. Naturally, he wouldn't say that the reason for Nalan Hanyan's breakthrough in cultivation was related to him. Instead, he said with a dry smile: "Hanyan, as the palace lord of Feihu Palace, has a high cultivation talent.

Moreover, she has stayed in the realm of Xiaocheng for so long, it is time to break through..."

"Oh! I am angry! I am angry!"

Qin Linglong stomped her feet with anger.

"What are you angry about?"

Ye Fei asked a little speechlessly.

Qin Linglong drooped her small face and pouted: "I and this vixen are only one level behind in cultivation. As long as I work hard, I will be able to catch up with her!

But I didn't expect her to break through so quickly, now it's alright, this vixen has thrown away my two realms, how can I catch up! "

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