Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3363: , I am deeply affectionate!

Ye Fei was a little dumbfounded. Sometimes this girl was quite steady, and sometimes she was like a child.

"Well, Linglong, Hanyan is so much bigger than you, and her cultivation base is higher than yours, isn't it normal?"

Ye Fei touched Qin Linglong's head and said with a smile: "Since you refuse to admit defeat, then work harder and try to surpass her!"

"Huh, too, she's an old vixen!"

Qin Linglong waved her pink fist, her beautiful eyes were full of firmness, and said: "Vixen, wait for me, I will definitely catch up with you, even surpass you!"

"Well, ambitious!"

Ye Fei laughed, and then said: "Go, let's go and have a look!"

With that, Ye Fei directly rose with his sword into the sky and swept towards the attic not far away.

Qin Linglong and the others all rose up from the sky one after another, and hurriedly followed.

When Ye Fei and his party arrived at Nalan Hanyan's residence, they saw that the people in the Feihu Palace surrounded the attic were talking lively!

"Big Brother Ye!"

"Good morning, Brother Ye!"

A group of disciples from Feihu Palace greeted Ye Fei and his party one after another.

"Big Brother Ye, do you know what the **** is going on? Why is there such a powerful pressure and aura in the palace lord's room?" The guardian Mei Ruoxuan asked curiously.

The other disciples also looked at Ye Fei suspiciously.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Han Yan said last night that she would try to break through her cultivation base. It seems that her goal should have been achieved."


Mei Ruoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a deep shock on his face, "Ye...Big Brother Ye, do you mean...The Palace Master's cultivation base has broken through?!"

"Has the Palace Master's cultivation base really broken through?!"

"Doesn't the palace master's cultivation level have reached the Great Desolate Realm?!"

"If that's the case... then from now on, our Feihu Palace's strength will be improved, and there is no need to worry about other schools coming to our Feihu Palace to make trouble!"

A group of disciples from the Flying Fox Palace became excited, and looked at the room where Nalan Hanyan was, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

In the next time, everyone chatted quietly while waiting for Nalan Hanyan to leave the customs.

Waited for half an hour.

I saw that the pale flame beam connecting the sky and the attic slowly disappeared.

Until the beam of light disappeared, the door of a room on the second floor of the attic opened.

Wearing a black and purple Lingluo long dress, the temperament is outstanding, like the fairy Nalan Hanyan in the painting came out!

Perhaps because of the breakthrough in cultivation, coupled with the moisture of rain and dew, Nalan Hanyan's whole person looks even more beautiful and moving!

The disciples of Feihu Palace felt that the temperament of the palace owner seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

As for why they feel this way, they can't tell.

"Congratulations to the palace major for the breakthrough!!"

The four guardians of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum knelt down on one knee first.

"Congratulations to the palace major for the breakthrough!!"

All the Feihu Palace disciples present knelt on one knee and looked at Nalan Hanyan with a look of admiration.

"Get up all."

Nalan Hanyan raised his hand, and lightly touched his feet, his light body rose into the air, and then slowly fell in front of everyone.

"Palace Master, what the **** is going on? Why did your cultivation break through after one night?" Hufan Qiugu asked hurriedly.

"It's all thanks to Ye Fei's help, otherwise my cultivation base won't break through so quickly."

Nalan Hanyan smiled calmly, turned to look at Ye Fei, with a gentle look, "Ye Fei, thank you."

Ye Fei gave a dry smile and said, "Hanyan, thank me for what I am doing, I didn't help much.

Your cultivation base can break through, mainly relying on yourself. "

Qin Linglong glanced suspiciously at Nalan Hanyan, then looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Husband, what does she mean, is it because her cultivation level can break through, is it related to you?"

"Of course it's related."

Nalan Hanyan looked at Qin Linglong with a smile, and said, "If it weren't for Ye Fei and me..."

Before Nalan Hanyan finished speaking, Ye Fei was taken aback, and quickly interrupted: "Linglong, maybe it's because I gave a little bit of cold smoke last night, so her cultivation level will break through."

"Is that true?"

Qin Linglong looked at Ye Fei and Nalan Hanyan dubiously, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Really, it's true!"

Ye Fei nodded repeatedly, then squeezed his eyes at Nalan Hanyan, and asked the woman to cooperate with him.

If Nalan Hanyan really told what happened last night, I'm afraid Qin Linglong would really fight with her.

At that time, I'm afraid I can't persuade him.

Don't look at Qin Linglong, who is gentle and considerate on weekdays, just like Xiaojiabiyu.

But no matter what, this Nizi is also a princess of the Phoenix Empire, it would be terrifying if she really had a temper.

Nalan Hanyan obviously didn't want to make trouble with Qin Linglong either, so Ye Fei only blanked his eyes and didn't go on.

The more Qin Linglong thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Liu frowned and said, "Husband, you have nothing to hide from me, right?"

Ye Fei smiled and said, "How could it be, how can I hide anything from you."

"Huh, there is no best!"

Qin Linglong snorted softly and said, "If you let me know what you are hiding from me, I...I will ignore you!"

Without waiting for Ye Fei to speak, Nalan Hanyan accepted the stubbornness, curled her mouth, and joked: "It's best to ignore it, so no one will fight Ye Fei with me."


Qin Linglong stomped with anger, "You want to be beautiful!"

Seeing that these two women were about to quarrel again, Ye Fei was stunned to feel that the first two were big, and quickly interrupted: "Hanyan, since the Yinhuangjiao issue has been resolved, then we are going to leave here today and go to White Tiger City."

"Ye Fei, are you leaving so soon? Don't stay a few more days?"

When Nalan Hanyan heard it, her face dimmed.

Ye Fei sighed lightly and said, "I want to stay here for a few more days, but the time is too tight. It's less than a week since the White Tiger Secret Realm opens, so we have to hurry up."


Nalan Hanyan nodded, enduring the reluctance in his heart, and said: "Then you should leave after lunch. You are not in a hurry on your way."

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded and agreed.

But at this moment, I saw a few disciples of Flying Fox Palace Yukong coming from a distance. After landing on the ground, they quickly ran towards Nalan Hanyan.

These Feihu Palace disciples suffered some injuries, their long skirts were stained with blood, and their complexions were a little pale, and at first glance they had just fought fiercely.

Nalan Hanyan glanced at these disciples, and asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong with you, why are you injured?"

One of the disciples hurriedly replied: "Palace Master, we will take people to subdue the Yin Emperor Church this morning according to your instructions.

However, when we arrived, Tianshamen had sent people to take the lead in occupying the territory of Yinhuangjiao.

We argued with them, and instead of evacuating, they fought us.

They also said that even if the Palace Master goes there in person, they will not leave..."


"These guys at the Tiansha Gate are too shameless? We defeated the Emperor Yin Emperor, but they took it?!"

"Palace Master, let's kill it now, let them know that our Flying Fox Palace is not so messy!!"

"Yes! Kill it!!"

A group of disciples from the Flying Fox Palace all yelled, and the sentiment was exciting.

Nalan Hanyan sneered, her eyes flickering, "Yin Emperor Church, Tiansha Gate...hehe, now anyone really dares to provoke our Flying Fox Palace, it seems they should let them see our Flying Fox Palace. incredible……"

As he said, Nalan Hanyan waved his hand, "Listen, everyone, kill with me!"


The disciples of Feihu Palace responded in unison.

"Hanyan, let's go with you." Ye Fei said.

Nalan Hanyan stared at Ye Fei softly. He wanted to refuse, but when he thought that he was now his woman, he didn't have to rely on himself for everything, so he nodded and said: "Okay."

Afterwards, Nalan Hanyan took a group of Feihu Palace disciples up from the sky and rushed to the Yin Emperor Church.

Ye Fei and his party also quickly followed.

On the way to the Yin Emperor Sect, Ye Fei thought for a while, looked at Li Xuankong, and said, "Why do I sound familiar with this Tiansha Gate?"

Li Xuankong shrugged and said, "Brother Fei, not long ago, the eight major sects besieged Fengming Temple, and one of the sects is the Tiansha Gate."

Ye Fei smiled and said, "So, how come I am so familiar."

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