Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3364: , Yin and Yang reconciliation!

"This Tiansha gate is really funny. Their head is dead, and Elder Mitian was seriously injured. They dare to jump like this. Are they not afraid of being destroyed?" Qin Linglong jokingly said.

"This is normal."

Li Xuankong took the conversation and said, "If the Shamen were hit hard today, their strength was greatly reduced, and because of this, they would want to annex other sects in order to strengthen their own strength."

"It's a pity that their luck is really not so good. When they met Brother Fei, there was only one dead end!" Tang Yu smiled and said authentically.

Ye Fei just smiled faintly, didn't say anything, but decided to check it out first.

Now, with the improvement of his strength and the improvement of his vision, Ye Fei can't take any interest in the small fights between these sects.

As long as the people of the Tiansha Sect were willing to cooperate obediently and leave the Yin Emperor Cult, he could spare them their lives.

After all, these little people really look down on him.

Fly all the way, ten minutes later, Ye Fei and his party arrived at the Yin Emperor's Religious Domain with black and red as the main color.

Dozens of hills are undulating, and many simple houses and buildings have been built on the hills, which look very grand and magnificent.

At this moment, in the square of the main hall, hundreds of Tianshamen wearing black and white gowns and holding various weapons are facing off against the disciples of Feihu Palace wearing various Lingluo long skirts, and the atmosphere is tense.

Ye Fei's party directly landed on the square.

"Palace Master!!"

At this time, the disciples of Feihu Palace saw Nalan Hanyan and the others coming, and they greeted them one after another.

As for the hundreds of warriors from the Tiansha Gate, most of them were warriors from the Reincarnation Realm to the Imperial God Realm, and a few warriors had achieved Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm.

The warriors of these Heavenly Devil Sects all looked arrogant and aggressive, and didn't put the people of Feihu Palace in their eyes.

"Who dares to trespass into my Tiansha Gate territory?!"

A fierce-looking middle-aged man wearing a gray-black gown, a shawl with messy long hair, a burly figure and a scar on his face, walked out of the hall.

The man's left hand carried a steel claw made of black profound iron, which shone with metallic luster in the sun, and was sharp and sharp.

But soon, the middle-aged man recognized Nalan Hanyan and said with a smile, "Hey, it turns out that it is the Lord of Palace Nalan who is here. He is really a rare visitor."

Nalan Hanyan's face became cold, and said, "Fu Yuntian, what do you mean? When did the Yin Emperor teach you the domain of the Heavenly Shaman?"

This middle-aged man was Fu Yuntian, the Tianshamen's "Skyhawk Guardian", ranked third among the Tianshamen's six great guardians, and his cultivation was small in the Divine Martial Realm, and his strength was good.

Fu Yuntian smiled faintly, and said proudly: "Now that the leader Yin Xiaofeng, and the two deputy leaders of Shen Wuyou and Chu Liuzheng are dead, the elder and the leader specially sent us to take over this territory.

Yinhuangjiao has become a land of no owner, so naturally it is first-come, first-served. Do you Feihu Palace still want to fight against our Tianshamen? "

Nalan Han Yan had a pretty face and said, "Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou, and Chu Liuzhen were not killed by you. Why do you occupy the Yin Emperor's Church?"

"Why, Palace Master Nalan, listening to your words, is it possible that you killed the three of Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou, and Chu Liuzheng?"

Fu Yuntian asked with a weird look, and then sneered: "Palace Master Nalan, even if your cultivation is in the prehistoric realm, but you want to kill the three master Yin, that is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

I said Palace Lord Nalan, you better wake up, don't have this kind of daydreaming. "

"Okay, you should leave now, don't make trouble!"

"If you dare to make trouble again, if our heads and elders know about it, you will be dead!"

"Hurry up, a group of young ladies also want to learn from others to grab turf. It's good to be able to hold their own turf!"

A group of Tianshamen laughed mockingly, and looked at Nalan Hanyan and the others with disdain.

In fact, they knew that Yin Xiaofeng, Shen Wuyou, and Chu Liuzhen had been killed last night at the Tianshamen, but they didn't know who had killed Yin Xiaofeng.

But no matter who killed them, they would not believe that Nalan Hanyan killed the three Yin Xiaofeng.

Therefore, while they sent people to continue investigating the matter, the Tianshamen sent people over to take over the Yin Emperor Church.

After all, the Yin Emperor Cult is also the martial art of the Phoenix Empire, and the reserves of cultivation resources are very rich.

As long as they can subdue the Yin Emperor's Cult, then the strength of their Tiansha Gate will grow again to make up for the heavy damage suffered during the last siege of Fengming Temple.

When the disciples of Feihu Palace heard this, they were furious and drew out their swords one after another!

Nalan Hanyan was also furious, and the coercion and aura of a prehistoric realm was immediately released, covering the entire main hall square!

Fu Yuntian and everyone at Tianshamen felt the pressure, their hearts were shocked, and their expressions changed!

"Nalan Hanyan!"

Fu Yuntian yelled and said cruelly: "What do you mean? Don't you want to do it?!

Let me tell you, even if your cultivation is small in the realm, our Heavenly Devil Sect is not afraid of you! "

The guardian Mei Ruoxuan smiled disdainfully and said, "As far as I know, your elder Metian was seriously injured long ago. What are you fighting against our Flying Fox Palace?"


Fu Yuntian laughed wildly, and said: "I told you the truth, our elder Mitian's injury has been healed, and the cultivation of our elder Tiandao has also stepped into the prehistoric Xiaocheng in one fell swoop during this time!

Now, the overall strength of our Tianshamen is much higher than your Flying Fox Palace!

I want to ask, what are you fighting against us in Flying Fox Palace? "

The disciples of the Tianshamen were even more proud, with mocking smiles at the corners of their mouths, nostrils facing the sky, so proud!

"Is it?"

Nalan Hanyan smiled coldly, and said, "Even if the two old things like Meotian and Heavenly Dao are here, what can they do?

I want to kill you, neither of these two old things can stop you! "

As he said, Nalan Hanyan raised his right hand, and a group of pale flames condensed, and the palpitating power contained in this pale flame could be felt far away!

As soon as Nalan Hanyan was about to do it, Ye Fei walked forward and held the woman, "Hanyan, wait a minute."


Nalan Hanyan said strangely: "I'm not afraid of them, why are you stopping me?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and said, "Hanyan, do you just want to subdue the Yin Emperor's Church?"

"What's the meaning?"

Nalan Hanyan didn't understand what Ye Fei wanted to say.

Ye Fei picked up the corner of his mouth and said, "I mean, since the Tiansha Gate has been mixed in this time, why not take the Tiansha Gate for you?"

Hearing this, Nalan Hanyan's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded without hesitation: "Okay! I have this intention too!"


Fu Yuntian yelled, glared at Ye Fei, and said, "Boy, what the **** are you?

Do you dare to speak out and say to subdue us?

Do you think you are the Ten Saints, the Five Emperors, or the Sword God? "

"This kid shouldn't wake up yet, right?"

"Definitely, how else would you say such stupid things?"

"Where did this kid come out? Is he crazy?"

The disciples of the Tiansha Sect laughed, looking at Ye Fei like an idiot.

Ye Fei ignored these guys, but looked at Fu Yuntian with a faint smile, and said, "I am neither the Ten Saints nor the Five Emperors.

However, you are right about one thing, I am the Sword God.

So, I will give you a chance now, and now hurry up to inform your elder Whetian, let him come over, I have something to talk to him..."

The voice did not fall.

All the disciples of Tianshamen burst into laughter.

"Hahaha!!... Amusing me, this kid is here to be funny, right?"

"What did I hear? Who said he was? Sword God?!"

"Puff... if he is the Sword God, then I am the Great Emperor Qinglong, and I am the Martial Saint!"

Seeing that these guys didn't mean to leave, Ye Fei's smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a cold and solemn expression!

The tyrannical and unparalleled sword intent rushed out of Ye Fei's body instantly, like a raging anger!

In an instant, Ye Fei burned with golden red flames all over his body, and the flames that throbbed in his eyes seemed to burst out of his eyes!

An extremely powerful pressure and aura instantly enveloped the entire square, and then spread directly, enveloping the entire territory of Yinhuangjiao, and the 28 hilltops...

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