Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3365: , Cultivation base breakthrough!

Feeling this suffocating coercion and aura, all the disciples of the Tiansha Sect were panicked and trembling all over, and their gazes towards Ye Fei also changed.

Just now they saw Ye Fei standing behind Nalan Hanyan, not outstanding, and thought this kid was just a humble follower.

But how did you know that the coercion exuding from this kid was so terrifying, not inferior to Nalan Hanyan? !

Immediately afterwards.

Shoo! ! ——

Only heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air!

The sword intent instantly turned into a golden-red flame giant sword and rushed into the sky, as if thousands of fires ignited the sky!

Buzzing! ! ——

Moreover, just as the tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords rushed into the sky, I saw that the weapons held by the disciples of the Tianshamen also trembled violently, as if they were also given by this supreme sword intent. scared!

"What's the matter?! Why doesn't my sword obey?!"

"I don't even want my knife!!"

"My gun too! Damn it?!"

The disciples of the Tiansha Sect shouted in exclamation, they wanted to grasp their weapons, but they couldn't grasp it at all.

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

Accompanied by the sharp sound of breaking through the air, all the weapons in the hands of the disciples of the Tiansha Sect took off and flew, rushing to the sky!

"Ten Thousand Soldiers surrender...this...what kind of sword intent is this? How could it have such a powerful aura?!"

Fu Yuntian looked at the sky with horror, cold sweat sprang out without consciously.


However, without waiting for the people of Tiansha Gate to think too much, two shocking sounds of ancient dragons resounded through the world!

Everyone raised their eyes to look at the sky, and saw that two huge dragons appeared in the sky!

One of them is four to five hundred meters long, with golden-red flames burning all over the body, and its body is composed of a golden-red flame giant sword!

The other one is more than a hundred meters long, with a metallic luster all over the body, and the body is made up of various weapons such as knives, guns, swords, and halberds!

Now, with the improvement of sword intent, Ye Fei can not only make Wan Jian surrender, but also make Wan Bing surrender!

This is Ye Fei's sword intent, the king's sword intent, the supreme sword intent!

Heaven and earth, I alone dominate, supreme!

A stegosaurus and a dragon of hundreds of soldiers hovered in the sky, and the coercion radiated from it made all the disciples of the Celestial Sect who were present were shocked and dumbfounded for a while!

"Sword Intent... King Sword Intent!!"

Fu Yuntian's face changed drastically, and he said in shock: "This kid actually realized the king's sword intent! Could it be...Is he really the sword god?!"

"This... how is this possible?!"

A martial artist of the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng had a puzzling expression: "It is said that the sword **** was seriously injured after the battle with Tuobaye, and his whereabouts are unknown!

How could the sword **** suddenly appear here? And it doesn't seem to be hurt at all? ! "

"Whether he is the Sword God or not, it is not something we can contend with! Go! Go quickly!"

Another martial artist of the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng screamed.

Immediately, Fu Yuntian led more than three hundred disciples of the Tiansha Sect, and turned around and prepared to flee here first!

Ye Fei looked at these guys with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "I have given you the opportunity to leave to inform the news, but you don't know how to cherish..."

With that, Ye Fei waved his hand gently.


The Stegosaurus and the Dragon of Hundred Soldiers in the sky let out a sky-shaking roar, and then slammed up in the sky, directly rushing down at the more than three hundred disciples of the Tiansha Sect below!

Although these two giant dragons seem to be huge, their speed is not slow at all. In the blink of an eye, they blocked the escape of the more than three hundred disciples of the Tiansha Clan!

Immediately, only a loud crash was heard!

Except for Fu Yuntian's several disciples who were in the Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng barely blocked this impact, the other more than 300 disciples couldn't stop this devastating blow, and they were all killed in seconds!

In an instant, the only disciples of the Tiansha Clan who could stand on the square were Fu Yuntian six!

"Quick! Run! Go back and invite the head and elders!!"

Fu Yuntian roared, he was so frightened that he almost collapsed.

Even if he has the cultivation base of Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm, he has no idea of ​​resisting at all in the face of this king's sword intent!

He had only heard about the powerful sword intent of the king, but after seeing it with his own eyes today, he knew that the sword intent of the king was stronger than he had imagined!

At this moment, there is only one thought in his heart, and that is to escape, run away!

However, Ye Fei didn't give them a chance to escape at all, and waved his hand again!

The Stegosaurus and the Dragon of Hundred Soldiers churned violently in the air, rushing directly toward Fu Yuntian and the six!

As soon as the six talents of Fu Yuntian flew into the air, they had no time to escape, they were already surrounded again!

At the moment when the Stegosaurus and the Dragon of Hundred Soldiers collided, the six Fu Yuntian used all their energy to mobilize all their true powers to counterattack, but they didn't have any effect at all!


Accompanied by a series of screams, Fu Yuntian's six people were directly twisted into a pool of flesh and blood by the sword intent, and they were scattered in the air, completely dead!

The moment the stegosaurus and the dragon of a hundred soldiers disappeared in the sky, the entire square became quiet again!

It took less than a minute from Ye Fei's shot to closing, and all the more than 300 Tianshamen disciples died!

Nalan Hanyan and Feihu Palace disciples who were present were dumbfounded and speechless when they saw the scene in front of them!

Although they already knew Ye Fei's power last night, they felt Ye Fei's power and horror even more at such a close distance!

In the blink of a finger, hundreds of warriors were wiped out in ashes. Such strength, they are simply unheard of!

"Fu Hufa, the remnants of the Yinhuangjiao have run away..."

At this moment, a voice came out from the hall, but halfway through, the voice stopped abruptly.

Ye Fei and the others looked up and saw a Tiansha Clan disciple standing at the door trembling all over, his face was pale, his eyes were wide-eyed, as if he had seen a ghost!

Just now, when he was about to come out to report to Fu Yuntian, he saw the tragic death of Fu Yuntian's six people, so he was frightened!

"Oh, there seems to be a fish that slipped through the net!"

Tang Yu glanced at this guy and said something jokingly.


This Tianshamen disciple turned pale with fright, and knelt directly on the ground, crying and shouting: "Fair... forgive me! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

Ye Fei stepped forward and came to this guy. He looked at the disciple with an indifferent expression, and said, "You can survive if you want, but you have to promise me one thing."

" say!" The Tianshamen disciple swallowed and said.

"Now you go back to your Tiansha Gate immediately, tell your Elder Mitian truthfully what happened here, and ask him to come over quickly, saying that the Sword God has something to do with him.

Of course, if he can't come, then I will visit him personally later. "

Ye Fei smiled and patted this guy on the shoulder, "Do you remember what I said?"


This Tiansha Clan disciple nodded repeatedly.

"Well, now that you remember it, go report it as soon as possible."

Ye Fei waved his hand.

"Yes Yes!"

This Tianshamen disciple, if he received a pardon, quickly stood up, fearing that Ye Fei would suddenly change his mind, quickly rose up from the sky, and left the Yin Emperor Church.

When the disciple of the Tiansha Clan left, Nalan Hanyan quickly walked up and said, "That old fellow Mitian will really listen to you, come here?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry, he will definitely come."

Nalan Hanyan frowned and said, "Even if the old man is here, but if they want them to return to our Flying Fox Palace, I am afraid this old man will not agree at all, and it will inevitably be another one. A fierce battle..."

"Let's wait until they come. If this old guy is willing to submit, then I will spare his life, otherwise, I will kill him..."

Ye Fei replied faintly, his voice was full of solemnity.

Ye Fei understood very well that now Feihu Palace has been guilty of the Tiansha Sect, so he must take advantage of this time to make the Tiansha Sect completely surrender to the Flying Fox Palace.

If this matter is not resolved, once he leaves here, I am afraid that Tiansha Gate will be disadvantageous to Feihu Palace, which is not what Ye Fei wants to see.

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