Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3370: , Two choices!

Tang Yu shrank his neck and smiled dryly: "Brother Fei, let's go. These coercive and auras are too terrifying. Even if they are compared with Senior Ye, Ji Qingxuan and Tuoba Ye, they are not much worse. !"

"Yeah, Brother Fei, let's just take care of our nostalgia, lest we get involved in unnecessary trouble."

Dongfang Xuanqing also took the sentence.

"Why, are you scared?" Ye Fei asked with interest.


Tang Yu immediately raised his chest and raised his head, "I, Tang Yu, have never been afraid of anyone?"


Dongfang Xuanqing also scratched his neck and said, "Go and go, who is afraid of whom!"

Ye Fei couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, let's just go and take a look, don't make it seem like going to the battlefield."

"Well, I'm also very curious about who made such a big movement. It's not impossible to go and see." Li Xuankong squinted.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Fei smiled and waved his hand, and then his sword flew away in the direction of the sound source!

Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others also hurriedly followed Yukong.

After flying a full dozens of miles away, Ye Fei and his party arrived in a deserted area with little travellers.

The terrain here is steep, the mountains and rivers are undulating, the climate is harsh, and there is no one inhabited.

Moreover, when Ye Fei and his party arrived here, the world changed color on the mountains and rivers ahead!

Blocks of boulders were flying in the sky, and thick tornadoes roared in the sky and on the top of the mountain!

The colorful rays of true power are constantly flashing and whistling between the heaven and the earth!

This real power continuously collided fiercely between the heaven and the earth, and the roar that burst out was like the thunder billowing in the sky!

The mountains were quashed, and the water in the rivers below the mountains was swept up to the sky, like a water dragon!

The sky is filled with energy elements such as flames, lightning, ice and snow, dazzling, making it difficult to see what is going on!

However, at this moment, Ye Fei saw five figures colliding in the sky!

Although he only saw the five afterimages, Ye Fei also saw that five people were fighting fiercely!

Moreover, Ye Fei clearly felt that each of the five people's cultivation bases surpassed the prehistoric realm!

After all, along the way, Ye Fei also fought against many powerful people in the prehistoric realm, and even fought against several of the Ten Saints and Five Emperors!

Therefore, Ye Fei can clearly feel that the strength of these five people is probably not weaker than the ten sages and five emperors!

Moreover, the breath of these five people made Ye Fei feel very strange!

In other words, these five people are definitely not those of the ten saints!

So who are these five people, why do they appear here, and why do they fight?

However, when he thought of what Hua Tuo had said to himself, the real martial arts world was like a cloud. Although the Ten Saints and Five Emperors were strong on the bright side, there were also many hidden powers, but they were just unknown!

Perhaps, these five are the legendary powerhouses in the hidden world!

For a moment, Ye Fei was stunned, feeling excited and passionate!

I didn't expect that I could accidentally encounter a strong man in the hidden world by accident. How could this make Ye Fei not excited?

At this time, Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others were also shocked by the battle of these five people. They stared into the distance one by one, and they were all stunned!

Li Xuankong swallowed his saliva and trembled: "Brother Fei, who are these five people, are they too strong?"

"I am not sure as well."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "It is very likely that these five people are the hidden powerhouses in the True Martial Realm.

It is a rare opportunity for us to see this earth-shattering battle. Let's find a place to observe and learn. This will definitely help our martial arts comprehension. "

Later, Ye Fei and his group found a mountain far away from the battlefield, and then landed on the mountain, watching the battle unblinkingly.

"Burning Heaven Tyrant Dragon Spear! Burning all over the world!!"

At this time, a strong voice resounded through the air!

I saw a thin figure, burning with dark red flames, and violently waved the black spear in his hand!

With a shot, a domineering and mighty spear intent swept out, and the dark red flame spread out, covering an area of ​​1,000 meters, like a rolling tsunami, swept toward one of the fat figures!

"Haha! Old Ji, good come!!"

The chubby figure laughed, and directly swung a heavy black axe in his hand, and cleaved an axe toward the tumbling flames!

"Sky Tomahawk! Broken Yellow Spring!!"

Huh! ! ——

An axe fell, the axe's intent burst, and a white-gold lightning flashed across the sky, as if tearing apart a piece of sky in the distance!

I only heard a "bang" explosion, and the tsunami-like flames that swept across were directly split in half!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Immediately afterwards, a burst of explosions resounded from the sky, and I saw that dozens of mountains below collapsed and collapsed one after another!

"Hey! Old Mo, amazing, you broke this?"

The thin man exclaimed and said loudly: "Then try this trick of mine!"

With that said, this thin man rose directly into the sky, his body suspended, and with a sudden shot, he stabbed the fat man below!

"Tyrannos kills the sky!!"

cough! ! ——

A shot stabbed, and the dark red flame roar swept down, as if it turned into a huge blazing mad dragon six to seven hundred meters long, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and bite towards the fat man below!

Seeing this violent fire dragon rushing down towards him, the fat man screamed "Ahhh", and then directly waved the black giant axe in his hand and slashed towards the fire dragon above!

"Broken Qingming!!"

With a shocking shout from the fat man, an axe slashed out, and the platinum true power directly transformed into a giant axe as big as a mountain, and slashed towards the fire dragon!

Boom! ! ——

The giant axe collided with the fire dragon and made a loud noise!

The spear intent and the axe intent are like layers of waves, spreading out, shaking the surrounding mountains!

Moreover, because the power that the two erupted was too fierce, the entire sky and the earth swayed, and Ye Fei and his party, who were thousands of meters away, felt that they could stand unsteady!

Ye Fei was able to bear the impact of these two coercive forces, but Lu Qinghong and the others, who had a weaker cultivation base, felt the blood boil in their bodies, their faces turned pale, and they almost vomited blood!

"Everyone quickly resist!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei gave a low voice.

As a result, Lu Qinghong and others hurriedly mobilized their minds, mobilized their true powers, formed a defensive mask to resist, and only then barely managed to withstand these two coercive forces!

"Brother Fei, these guys are too perverted, can we be affected even if we are so far apart?" Tang Yu swallowed his throat and said in horror.

"These guys are simply non-human!"

The old beggar calmed down the tumbling blood and took the sentence.

Ye Fei looked into the distance with scorching eyes, and sighed: "I am afraid that the axe and spear intent that these two people have comprehended have exceeded the scope of the heavenly level and reached the level of the king!

Because what I understand is the sword intent of the king, I have a deeper understanding of the meaning of ‘meaning’!

Therefore, the power erupted from their battles is so terrifying! "

Dongfang Xuanqing looked at Ye Fei in astonishment, and said, "The king's axe...the king's spear...this...isn't it too scary?"

The Poison King sighed: "No wonder Senior Ye said that the real martial arts masters are like clouds, and repeatedly warned us to be careful. Now that we look at it, it really isn't fake..."

In fact, when Ye Fei felt the ax and spear intent erupted by the two men, he was really shocked.

After all, along the way, apart from the sword intent of the king, he has never found anyone who has comprehended the "intention" of other weapons to the realm of kings.

However, no one understands, it does not mean that there is no.

In Ye Fei's view, since there is a king's sword intent, it naturally has the king's sword intent, the king's spear intent, and the king's halberd...

Sure enough, there are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky.

Ye Fei always felt that he knew enough about the True Martial Realm, but when he saw it now, he realized that what he knew was far from enough.

For example, if you didn't come here today, how could you know that there is such a master in Zhenwu Realm?

At this time, the sky is far away.

Just when the two men who used the axe and the gun were fighting, another thin and tall man wearing a white gown joined the battle!

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