Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3371: , All go in!

Moreover, what this man is holding is not a weapon, but a black guqin!

The white-clothed man held the black guqin and said loudly, "Lao Ji, Lao Mo, I'll join in the fun too!"

As he said, the man in white stretched out a pair of white hands with long fingers, rubbing, picking, hooking, picking, and hitting on the guqin, his playing skills are like squally storms!

"Jiuyou Moqin! The wind has passed without a trace!!"

In an instant, the air circulated violently, and thousands of strong tornadoes blew up in the sky!

These thousands of tornadoes directly connected the sky and the earth. The mountains, the trees, and the water of the rivers were all swept up into the sky, converging with the thousands of tornadoes!


The white-clothed man chuckled the strings with a soft sigh and a "clam"!

In an instant, these thousands of tornadoes that gathered gravel, vegetation, and running water swept directly toward the two men who used guns and axes, and directly surrounded the two of them!

"Ah! Old Bai, how dare you sneak attack!!"

The fat man screamed, slammed an axe, and directly split hundreds of tornado storms, and then his fat body flashed suddenly, and he rushed out of the encirclement!

Just as the fat man withdrew from the encirclement, the thin man holding a spear laughed and said, "Haha! Old Bai, let me see how much your strength has increased after ten years of absence!"

With that said, the thin man directly waved the spear in his hand, swept out towards the thousands of tornadoes that came from the double, with a burst of shout in his mouth!

"Tyrannosaurus Spear Technique! Dragon Fight Hoshino!!!"

Huh! !

A shot was swept out, and suddenly, the dark red flame that spread out directly turned into thousands of blazing mad dragons, rushing up against these thousands of tornadoes!

In an instant.

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Thousands of blazing mad dragons directly collided with these thousands of tornadoes, erupting loudly!

The collision of the two real powers, the energy bursting out like a nuclear bomb exploded, rushing out, causing the world to shake!

However, no matter how fierce the power that these two broke out, it would not affect the other three at all!

The world shook for half a minute before it stopped.

I saw that thousands of tornadoes and thousands of blazing mad dragons had disappeared in the sky, and the two of them fought five to five!

However, after this move, the white-clothed man plucked the strings again, and his true power beyond the prehistoric realm suddenly increased!

"The Firebirds follow the sun!!"

"Heavy snow is flying!!"

For a time, the true power released by the man in white turned into thousands of huge bright yellow firebirds, soaring and spreading their wings, attacking the thin man!

Moreover, at the moment when thousands of firebirds were soaring away, white frost was suddenly swept up in the sky, forming a series of ice and snow storms, crushing them towards the thin man!

At this moment, the flames and ice melted perfectly, without any rejection!

The places where thousands of firebirds and ice storms passed are extremely destructive!

The mountains were knocked down by the firebirds, and the huge boulders that were flying up were frozen by the snow storm, and then suddenly shattered into ice crystals!

"Good job!!"

When the thin man saw this, he didn't mean to be afraid at all. Instead, he danced his spear and mobilized a steady stream of true power, and swept towards the firebirds and snow storms that swept away!

"Dragon swallows the world!"

Boom! ! ——

The whole world was shaken!


Accompanied by a screaming dragon, I saw that the dark red flame swept by a shot turned into a huge fire dragon with a length of one thousand meters and a width of one hundred meters!

This dragon of fire rushed up wildly, with a huge mouth, and directly swallowed the tens of thousands of firebirds and ice storms that swept away!

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei in the distance was shocked and shocked, almost exclaiming!

He could feel how terrifying the energy released by the white-clothed man holding the guqin was probably much stronger than Zen Master Du'e, Senior Qigong, and Ye Guhan!

Unexpectedly, such a powerful energy would be swallowed by the fire dragon shot out by that thin man!

This is beyond Ye Fei's cognition!

Ye Fei thought to himself, what would be the winning rate if he was against this thin man?

I'm afraid it's not even three times!

At this moment, not only Ye Fei, but Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others were also stunned. They were shaking all over, and they were obviously shocked!

Qin Linglong tugged at Ye Fei's clothes, and said in a trembled voice: "Husband...I...Let's go quickly!

The strength of these people is too terrifying...I don't know if they are good people or bad people.

If they find out... we are peeking at them fighting... will they kill people? "

When Li Xuankong, Tang Yu and others heard it, their expressions changed drastically. Obviously they felt that it was possible, so their eyes were full of horror!

"Yes, brother, let's go quickly, we can't afford these people!"

The old beggar, who has always been fearless and fearless, also admits at this moment.

"No, I think we should stay!"

Ye Fei stared closely at the sky in the distance, and said: "We can see these hidden powerhouses today. The opportunity is too rare!

If we can let these predecessors point us to a trick, it will definitely benefit us infinitely! "

Lu Qinghong frowned, and said, "Brother Fei, the temperaments of these high hermits are usually very weird. How could they point us?"

"Yes, Brother Fei, let's not have such unrealistic ideas."

Dongfang Xuanqing also took the sentence.

"If you don't try, how can you know that they won't give pointers?"

Ye Fei sighed deeply and said: "In a few days, the White Tiger Secret Realm will be opened. If we can get the guidance of these seniors, then we will have a greater certainty to pass the trial of the Secret Realm.

Did everyone forget that we came to Zhenwu Realm to experience and become stronger!

Now that there is such a good opportunity, how can we miss it? "

Dongfang Xuanqing gritted his teeth and said, "Well, let's stay!"

Lu Qinghong and the others didn't say much, nodded, and decided to stay and try their luck.

at this time.

Over the distance.

The figure of a man holding a black halberd flashed, and he rushed towards the man holding a spear!

"Lao Ji! Your trick "Dragon Swallows Four Seas" seems to have become a lot stronger again, I'll fight with you!"

The man holding the halberd screamed and stabbed a halberd directly at the fire dragon!

"The Immortal Halberd! Wu Broken Xinghe!!"

cough! !

A halberd stabbed out, and the domineering halberd intent burst out suddenly, and a thick golden lightning rushed out like a golden meteorite across the sky, dividing the night sky into two halves!

Boom! ! ——

In an instant, this golden lightning directly collided with the fire dragon!

The dark red flames and golden true power spread out in all directions like waves of water, and the power that bursts out is extremely violent!

The dozens of mountains around the two were all shattered, as if the dozens of mountains were moved away in an instant!

However, after the golden lightning collided with the fire dragon, it did not dissipate. The two forces continued to blast, making the sound of muffled thunder!

Originally, the fat man holding the heavy axe and the white man holding the guqin were preparing to join the battle, but seeing this situation, they couldn't join the battle at all, they could only stand not far away and watch the battle!

"Stop it for now!!"

At this moment, a deep voice came!

Immediately after...

cough! ! ——

A purple electric light swiftly came from not far away, like a purple aurora, across the sky, and then slammed into the middle of this fire dragon and this golden lightning!

Boom! ! ! ——

Accompanied by a blast of earth-shattering, purple, gold and dark red real power rays intertwined together, turning into a group of colorful apertures, spreading out, like an atomic bomb explosion!

It took a few minutes.

The colorful halo in the sky suddenly disappeared!

As for the hundreds of mountains below and around, they all turned into rubble under the collision of the three forces just now, only the billowing smoke floating in the sky!

"Old Tang, what the **** are you doing? Lao Ji and I are playing happily!"

The man with the halberd complained displeasedly.

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