Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3372: , Never let you down!

I saw that a man in a black gown flashed, came to the four of them, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you find it?"

"Find what?"

The man holding the spear subconsciously replied, then squinted his eyes and said: "Interesting, I didn't expect someone to find it..."

The others also nodded, with a playful smile on the corners of their mouths.

At this time, on the top of the hill a few kilometers away.

Ye Fei and his party were watching energetically, but found that the five people in the distance hadn't beaten them.

"What's the matter, why didn't they fight anymore?" Tang Yu asked suspiciously.

"Could it be discovered?" Lu Qinghong said.


Dongfang Xuanqing stunned, and said, "We are so far apart, have we all been discovered?"

"We were indeed discovered."

Ye Fei said lightly, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he didn't know if he was afraid or excited, and his heartbeat speeded up.

Li Xuankong and the others also turned their heads and looked around, and saw that at this time, the five people had already turned around and were looking towards them.

Immediately, Ye Fei and his group saw that these five people had just taken a step forward in the air.

Next second.

These five people crossed thousands of meters and appeared in front of Ye Fei and his party!


Tang Yu subconsciously exploded with a swear word, he was shocked!

At a distance of thousands of meters, these five people will arrive in a blink of an eye. Is this simply a teleportation?

In Tang Yu's mind, Brother Fei was fast enough, but he didn't expect these five people to be faster, they were simply not human!

Not only Tang Yu, but everyone else was shocked!

Ye Fei's brows couldn't help but jump. Although there was no change in expression on his face, the stormy sea had already turned up in his heart!

After the five people arrived, they did not speak, but looked at Ye Fei and his party with interest, and the corners of their mouths showed an arc of a smile.

However, Ye Fei and his party are also looking at these five people.

These five people, wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, were of different shapes, but they couldn't tell their true age. They seemed to be only about 30 or 40 years old.

Moreover, these five people hide their breath very well, and they feel like five ordinary people.

Had it not been for Ye Fei and his party to witness the fierce battle of these five with their own eyes, I am afraid they would really think that these five were just ordinary people, not even warriors.

In other words, these five people have reached the realm of returning to nature.

After a long time.

The man wearing a brown gown, slightly fat, holding a heavy axe smiled evilly, and said, "You guys dare to peek at us and discuss?

Come on, how do you want to die? "

Hearing this, Ye Fei's face sank, and his body was immediately tense, ready to fight at any time!

Li Xuankong and others are also secretly lucky, ready to fight!

The fat man waved his hand and said with a grin: "Okay, don't be lucky, just because of your cultivation base, it's not enough for us to see.

If I really want to kill you, do you think you can stop it? "

Hearing this fat man's words, Li Xuankong and others showed helpless smiles on their faces.

To be honest, if this fat guy really did something, they would definitely be killed by a spike.

Ye Fei dissipated the pressure on his body, but raised his head to meet the gazes of these five people without arrogance, and said: "Seniors, we just happened to be passing by here and heard there is movement here, so I thought of coming over and taking a look. I didn’t mean to offend you all."

The fat man saw that Ye Fei could still be so calm when he saw himself and the others, he couldn't help but glance at Ye Fei more, then squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, how old are you?"

Ye Fei wondered why this fat guy would ask this question, but still truthfully replied: "Twenty-five years old."


Hearing Ye Fei's answer, the slightly fat man's smiling fat face twitched, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Even the four men behind looked at Ye Fei with surprise.

The white-clothed man carrying a guqin smiled faintly, and said: "It's not easy to have such a cultivation level at a young age."

This white-clothed man was very handsome, with red lips and white teeth, fair skin, and a mellow voice.

Ye Fei felt that if this guy was placed on the earth, there would be nothing wrong with those little fresh meats.


The man with the spear stepped forward, looked up and down Ye Fei a few times, and asked, "Boy, are you a sword repairman?"

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Senior, can you see this?"

"Isn't this nonsense?"

The man holding the spear curled his lips and said, "Your kid is born with a body for practicing swords. If you don't take the path of swordsmanship, that's a hell."

After the man finished speaking, he looked at Qin Linglong and the others again, and he couldn't help but chuckle and said, "It's not easy. I didn't expect that in ten years, there will be so many talented young warriors in the real martial arts..."

Ye Fei glanced at the five people and said curiously: "Five seniors, I saw you just now, and I feel that your cultivation seems to have surpassed the prehistoric realm, and the strength is even more unmatched, even compared to the ten sages. Five emperors might as well let more.

But why didn't I hear of your names in the real martial arts world, or even saw them before? "

The fat man with a heavy axe in his hand laughed loudly and said: "Boy, the real martial arts world, it is big or small, the place where ordinary people live is just a few cities and villages on the land.

How many people have been to the vast sea outside, the Nine Nether Abyss, the rolling snow-capped mountains, and the Gobi Desert?

We old guys have always been sloppy, like being unrestrained, free, going wherever we want, having no fixed place, and we don't pursue fame, only to pursue higher martial arts, so no one knows that we are also normal.

As for the Ten Saints and Five Emperors, some of them are pretty good, but the other guys are just average. "

"Boy, the real martial arts world is like a cloud, the ten saints and five emperors are just the strong on the bright side, and there are many strong ones who are swimming in the mountains and playing in the water, some are practicing in retreat, and they are not known to everyone. ."

The man with the halberd took the sentence.

Hearing this, Ye Fei suddenly understood that, like these powerful men, their cultivation has reached the realm of today. In fact, they can go anywhere in the sky and underground. Some are places to visit the mountains and water, and feel the wonders of all things, and they will definitely not be bothered by mundane things. .

"Hey, little children, do you have wine in your hands?"

The fat man with a heavy axe chuckled and said, "We have been thirsty after playing for so long."

"Yes, of course!"

Ye Fei's eyes lit up, and he took out five flasks from the space ring and handed them to the five people.

However, the five people just glanced at the space ring in Ye Fei's hand. Although they were a little surprised, they were not interested. They didn't even ask any questions, but they drank with the hip flask.

"Seniors, is this wine good?"

Ye Fei asked with a smile.


"Just so-so."

"It's okay to quench your thirst."

Five of you, you and I replied.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded, and asked, "By the way, seniors, why did you suddenly appear here and still fight here?"

The fat man laughed loudly and said: "It's just an agreement between the five of us. Ten years ago, we played one game.

So, we agreed to play another game here today, ten years later, but we didn't expect it to be discovered by you little guys. "

Ye Fei smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and said, "The five predecessors, we all know each other now. Dare to ask you Gao's name?"

The fat man with a heavy axe wiped the drink from his mouth, and said, "You kid is quite sensible. Since we met, I will briefly introduce you.

My name is Mo Beiqin, and everyone calls me ‘the ancestor of the wild axe’.

The guy with the spear is Ji Chu, the ‘Tyranian Spear Progenitor’.

The guy with the halberd is Yu Zixi, the ‘indestructible halberd ancestor’.

That guy with a piano on his back, male and female, is Bai Yu, "Jiuyou Qinzu"..."

Bai Yu's face became cold, and said, "Fatty, who do you think is not a man or a woman? Didn't you fight enough just now and want to fight again?"

Fatty Mo Beiqin laughed loudly and said, "I'm not wrong, you are more beautiful than a woman!"

"you wanna die!!"

Bai Yu seemed to dislike other people saying that he was not a man or a woman, so he was furious. He stretched out his hand and took the guqin off his back, and he was about to fight!

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