Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3376: , Face the difficulties! (two

The old beggars, the poison king and others also had their eyes gleaming, and their fighting spirits were high!

After all, five days ago, everyone had accepted the instructions of the five hidden world powerhouses, and the gains were not small. Coupled with the five days of day and night cultivation, everyone has made progress.

Therefore, everyone waited for the secret realm to open and passed the secret realm trial in one fell swoop.

However, Ye Fei was not as optimistic as Tang Yu and Dongfang Xuanqing.

He looked at Qin Linglong and the others, and said in a solemn voice: "Everyone, I'm afraid this trial of the White Tiger Secret Realm will be more difficult than the previous trials.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will be mentally prepared. If you can't form a team, I hope that everyone will not enter the secret realm to try, but stay outside to practice. "


Dongfang Xuanqing was stunned, and said inexplicably: "Brother Fei, we have been preparing for so long, and what we are waiting for is today. How can we say that we don't try and don't try?"

Lu Qinghong also looked at Ye Fei, with a firm expression in his eyes: "Brother Fei, we came to the real martial arts world for experience. In order to become stronger, we can't keep holding you back..."

Zhang Baokun also scratched his head, and said: "Brother Fei, I also want to try in the secret realm, and I don't want to stay outside."

Ye Fei sighed and said, "I understand everyone's desire to become stronger and want to enter the secret realm for trials.

However, the trial of the secret realm is not a trivial matter, life and death are only on the line.

If you can team up to enter the Secret Realm, then everyone can take care of each other.

However, if the rules only allow individual trials, the difficulty of the trials is simply unimaginable.

It is a good thing that everyone can become stronger, but everyone can't lose their lives here just to become stronger.

What I hope is that as many of us come to Zhenwu Realm, we will return as many people at that time, and we cannot be less than one! "

Hearing what Ye Fei said, Lu Qinghong and others fell silent.

Although they were a little unwilling, they also knew that Ye Fei was doing them for their good.

If you know that you are not strong enough, and you have to go to force it, it is no different from looking for death.

Moreover, as long as the person is still there, there is hope, if you really die in the secret realm, then there is really nothing left.

Thinking of this, Lu Qinghong let out a foul breath, and said, "Brother Fei is right. If the White Tiger Secret Realm Trial cannot form a team, then let's stay outside."

Tang Yu and the others all nodded and agreed, but their emotions were not as high as before.

Ye Fei smiled faintly and said, "Okay, don't feel depressed, everyone, the Great White Tiger hasn't come yet, how can we know the rules of this year's trial, right?

In case the trial rules of the White Tiger Secret Realm are the same as the Vermillion Bird Secret Realm, then we can enter the Secret Realm trial together. "

"Little brother, have you participated in the trial of the Vermillion Bird Secret Realm?!"

At this moment, a fat man with a round face holding a big knife leaned over and said with excitement: "Then do you know who is the genius warrior who won the first place in the Suzaku Secret Realm?

I heard from others that the genius warrior who won the first place in the Vermillion Bird Secret Realm also won the first place in the Phoenix Secret Realm and the Xuanwu Secret Realm!

Moreover, it is said that this genius warrior may be the sword **** who has recently made a lot of noise in Zhenwu world!

My God, such a genius warrior is simply the idol I am waiting to worship. I want to see Lord Sword God in my dreams! "

As soon as the fat man came over, he snapped a lot of words, and he stunned Ye Fei and his party.

However, after hearing what the fat man was saying, Tang Yu and the others couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, what are you laughing at, don't you worship the Sword God?" The fat man said in an angry manner.

"No, no, of course we worship the Sword God!" Tang Yu nodded repeatedly.

"Well, we also worship the sword god."

Lu Qinghong nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, I really like the sword god, I also dream of seeing what this sword **** looks like, is it romantic, suave, handsome!"

Qin Linglong also smiled and took the sentence.

Ye Fei squinted at Qin Linglong speechlessly. This Nizi knew she would hurt herself.

"Cut, you have an **** for worship, as if you can see the sword god!"

A horse-faced man next to him said something disdainfully.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

The fat man squinted at the horse-faced man and said, "Don't you worship the sword god, don't you want to see the sword god?"

"Of course I worship the Sword God, and of course I want to see the Sword God. However, I still know myself.

A big person like the Sword God is naturally a dragon who sees the head but not the tail, and has a arrogant personality. He will definitely only associate with those who are strong. How can he meet ordinary people like us casually? "The horse face man said.

Ye Fei said amusedly: "Brother, how do you know that the Sword God has a very arrogant personality and only associates with the strong? Have you ever seen the Sword God?"

"I... I haven't seen it... I listened to what others said..."

The horse-faced man replied hesitantly, and then said unhappily, "What a smile, it makes you look like you have seen a sword god."

"I've seen it before."

Ye Fei nodded seriously. He is the Sword God, do you want to say that he has never seen himself?

"Hehe, you really brag, why don't you say that the Ten Saints are your friends and the Five Emperors are your relatives!" The horse-faced man sneered.


Ye Fei thought for a moment, and then truthfully said: "There are some seniors in the Ten Saints who are really my friends, and the Suzaku Great Emperor Ji Qingxuan really has some relatives with me."

The horse-faced man looked at Ye Fei for a while like an idiot, and then sneered: "Neuropathy!"

After finishing speaking, the Ma Lian man turned around and left. He didn't want to stay with someone like Ye Fei because he felt that he would insult his IQ.

When the horse-faced man left, the fat man gave Ye Fei a thumbs-up, and said with a smile: "Brother, it's not that I said, your cowhide is so big, one set of one set, almost bluffed me. .

If you continue blowing, I think you are the sword god. "

"Brother, I don't want to lie to each other, I am the sword god."

Ye Fei said with a serious look: "Didn't you want to see me? Now that you see it, you should be able to make up for your regrets?"


The fat man couldn't help laughing, tears came out, he patted Ye Fei on the shoulder, and said: "Okay, brother, you are the sword god, I will tell people later, I have seen the sword **** !

Okay, Brother Sword God, my friend is here, then I will leave first, we will have a period later! "

After speaking, the fat man also left.

Ye Fei shrugged at Qin Linglong and the others, looking helpless, and said, "Yes, I didn't expect that I would admit that nobody believed it."

Qin Linglong also joked: "Husband, let me just say we don't need to change your face. Look, no one believes you are the sword god, okay?"

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "They don't know me, but it doesn't mean that Emperor Baihu Huangfu doesn't know me.

I am afraid that like Ji Qingxuan, Huangfushang has found my information a long time ago and even knows what I look like. I am afraid that Huangfushang is now waiting for me to enter the white tiger secret realm.

So, let's be careful not to be targeted again like last time. "

"Well, it makes sense."

Qin Linglong nodded.

However, at this moment, Ye Fei's heart suddenly trembled, and he felt a terrifying coercion sweeping toward this side!

This coercion, compared to Ji Qingxuan before, is only strong but not weak!

There is no doubt that it must be the Great Emperor Baihu Huangfu who is here!

Not only Ye Fei, but the people in the entire square seemed to have noticed this coercion, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the coercion!

Rumble! ! ——

Zi Zi Zi! ! ——

I saw a black thundercloud appeared in the sky in the distance, and it was swept toward this side!

And in the process of swept across this thundercloud, there were thick white-gold lightning throbbing inside, and the thunder was rolling, resounding in the sky!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the square felt an unprecedented pressure and trembled as if they were about to suffocate!

"Baihu...The Great Baihu is here! The Great Baihu is here!"

"As expected to be the number one person in the White Tiger Empire, he is really terrifyingly strong, and the coercion that only exudes is palpitating!"

"If I can have half the strength of the Baihu Great Emperor, then I can walk sideways in the True Martial Realm!"

"Do you still need half? Give me one-third of the strength is enough!"

For a while, everyone in the square was amazed and talked, and their faces were full of awe.

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