Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3377: , Xinyue sincerely convinced! (two

"Do these so-called great emperors have to make such a big movement when they are on the stage? Is it too pretentious?" Tang Yu whispered.

"The great emperor, of course I have to talk about pomp!" Dongfang Xuanqing also took the sentence.

If it were before, Tang Yu and the others might be frightened to hear the names of the Ten Saints and Five Emperors.

But now, following Brother Fei all the way, they have seen too many strong people, the Ten Saints and Five Emperors have also seen them, and even the hidden strong ones.

So, let alone hear about the Five Emperors, even if they see the Five Emperors, they will not react that much.

In just a few seconds, I saw that the black thundercloud with white-gold lightning flashed directly over the square, and then stopped!

When the thunder cloud dispersed, I saw nine people standing in the sky!

Standing behind are eight white tiger guards wearing white gowns and holding sabers!

Standing at the forefront is a mighty man with long silver hair shawl, but his face does not appear to be in his early forties, and his body is more than two meters tall!

The man's eyes glowed with platinum, and he was wearing a white gold robe, with a white tiger embroidered on his back, and a white jade belt around his waist. He looked luxurious and majestic!

Although this robe is relatively loose, it still can't conceal his sturdy body full of explosive power!

This man is the emperor of the White Tiger Empire, the Great White Tiger-Huangfu Shang!

Just seeing this man, everyone in the square felt a lot of pressure, and their whole bodies were trembling!

"Meet the Emperor Baihu!!"

At this moment, everyone in the square knelt down, and everyone standing in the sky bent over and bowed their heads, very pious.

However, in order not to attract Huangfushang's attention, Ye Fei and his group stood in the sky above the periphery of the square, bending over and bowing their heads just like the others.

"Haha! Get up, everyone, don't be polite!"

Huangfu smiled and raised his hand.

"Xie the Great!!"

After getting permission, everyone got up.

Huangfushang glanced at everyone present and said loudly like Hong Zhong, "Today is the day when the secret realm of the White Tiger Empire is opened, and it is also an annual event in this empire!

The emperor thanks you all for coming here to witness the opening of the secret realm and participate in the trial of the secret realm! "

"Great Emperor, you are polite!"

"Yes, it is our honor to be able to witness the opening of the White Tiger Secret Realm and participate in the Secret Realm Trial!"

Everyone present laughed and talked.

Huangfushang nodded and said with a smile: "As far as I know, this year, the three old friends of Emperor Phoenix, Emperor Xuanwu, and Emperor Suzaku have provided generous rewards for the trial of the secret realm!

Therefore, the emperor will naturally not lose to them, and he will prepare generous rewards!

The emperor decided that as long as anyone can pass the trial this year, regardless of rank, the emperor will personally instruct him to practice!

The length of time is determined by your test results, ranging from half a year to a hundred years!

Moreover, anyone who passes the trial can choose a set of exercises from my white tiger clan to practice!

Of course, this emperor will teach him this exercise hand in hand until he learns it! "

As soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly boiled like water in a frying pan!

"Oh my God, the Great White Tiger is too generous? As long as he passes the trial in the secret realm, the Great White Tiger will not only personally guide the cultivation, but also choose a unique cultivation practice of the White Tiger clan?!"

"It is said that the Baihu clan has a total of 36 sets of exercises, and each set of exercises contains a combat skill! As long as you learn one, it is enough to run wild!"

"Isn't it? I heard that the dragon among people like Baihu Great has only learned five sets of exercises!"

"Emperor Baihu is still generous, the three of Emperor Phoenix, Emperor Xuanwu, and Emperor Suzaku are just cultivating instructions. Unexpectedly, Emperor Baihu even took out the exercises of his clan. This is a bloody!"

"In any case, you must pass the Secret Realm Trial this time and get these generous rewards!"

All the people in the square were extremely excited as if they had been beaten with blood.

Ye Fei looked dumbfounded, wondering how excited these guys are?

"Linglong, are these thirty-six exercises of the Baihu clan really awesome? Why are these guys so excited?" Ye Fei asked inexplicably.

Lu Qinghong and others also looked at Qin Linglong suspiciously.

Qin Linglong nodded and said: "I heard my father said that these 36 sets of exercises of the Baihu clan are indeed very powerful.

Two of the exercises were created by Huangfushang himself, and the other thirty-four exercises seemed to be passed down by the ancestors of the Baihu clan.

In addition to cultivating the "Burning Heaven Tiger Howl Fist" and "Dispersing Soul Tiger Claw" created by himself, Huangfu Shang also practiced three sets of exercises uploaded by his ancestors.

These three sets of exercises are respectively, the body training exercise "thunder flame combat body", the body exercise "wind and thunder nine flashes", and the defensive combat technique "nine sun thunder shield".

Huangfushang also relied on these five sets of exercises to ramp up the world, creating the White Tiger Empire in one fell swoop, and stabilizing the three empires of Phoenix, Xuanwu and Suzaku. "

Ye Fei touched his chin, and asked curiously: "Then do you know who the ancestor of the Baihu clan is?"

"Even my father doesn't know, how can I know."

Qin Linglong shrugged, and then said: "However, after all, this Great Thousand World has many planes. Whether it is the True Martial Realm, the Void Realm, or the Earth, they are just three planes in the Great Thousand World.

Maybe the ancestors of these five empires were on other higher planes, of course, the level of these ancestors is too high, but we can't reach them. "

Ye Fei nodded suddenly.

After all, as his vision improved, Ye Fei also knew that this world was not as small as he had imagined.

For example, this real martial arts world, I have only learned some of the fur.

Moreover, if it hadn't been for the five Tang Yin people a few days ago, he really thought that the Ten Saints and Five Emperors represented the strongest masters in the Zhenwu world.

However, Ye Fei was not very interested in these illusory people and things.

Now, the most important thing for him is to break through the white tiger and blue dragon mysteries, raise his cultivation base and strength, and then return to the earth to fight against the kingdoms of the gods.

Just as Ye Fei was thinking, Huangfushang who stood still in the sky spoke again.

"Everyone, I will announce the rules of the trial now! For this year's trial, I decided to adopt the trial rules of the Suzaku Secret Realm!

You can form a team to participate in the trial, and the number of each group must not exceed ten!

So, those who want to participate in this year's Secret Realm Trial, come to the center of the square now! "

Hearing Huangfushang's words, for a time, a large crowd of people crowded into the center of the square, a total of four to five thousand people.

In previous years, not so many people were actually willing to participate in the trial, but this year, Huangfushang’s rewards were too generous, so he was able to form a team, so many people who were unwilling to participate in the trial temporarily changed their minds and prepared. Take the risk and give it a try.

As for Li Xuankong and others hearing this rule, they were suddenly excited!

They thought that they would not be able to enter the White Tiger Secret Realm trial this time, but they didn't expect that Huangfushang also changed the rules, everyone can form a team!

"Haha, Brother Fei, you can't leave us behind this time, right?" Tang Yu laughed.

Ye Fei also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Since we are allowed to form a team, then we are still like the last time. I, eldest brother, Bao Kun, Qing Hong, Tang Yu, Xuan Qing, a group of six, Linglong, Xuankong, Poison King ...You are in groups of ten."

Everyone naturally had no objection to Ye Fei's personnel assignment, so they all nodded and agreed.

Later, Ye Fei and his party came to the center of the square.

Huangfushang scanned the four to five thousand people in the center of the square several times, the doubts in his eyes flashed away, and he asked with a trembling voice: "Who else wants to participate in the trial?"

No one answered.

Although everyone on the scene wanted to participate in the trial and get rewards, many of them knew that even if they could form a team, their strength was too weak. If they entered the secret realm trial, there was no possibility of surviving besides seeking death.

Huangfu squinted his eyes, then glanced back and forth in the square again, as if to sweep everyone present.

Standing in the center of the square, Ye Fei felt funny in his heart when he saw Huangfushang's strange behavior.

Sure enough, he guessed right, this old guy must be looking for himself.

Fortunately, I changed my face, otherwise I would really be discovered by this old guy.

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