Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3378: , High morale!

At this time, everyone in the square found Huangfu Shang to be silent, and seemed to be looking for someone, all felt very strange.

A few minutes later.

Huangfushang retracted his gaze and looked at the four or five thousand warriors in the center of the square who were preparing to participate in the trial of the secret realm. He smiled and said, "Now, I will give you ten minutes. The secret realm will be opened!"

"Yes, the Great!"

Everyone responded, and then began to team up.

In the process of teaming up, someone wanted to team up with Ye Fei and Qin Linglong, but Ye Fei refused.

At this time, the sky above the center of the square.

Huangfushang asked in a low voice, "Have you seen that kid?"

"Report to the emperor, we have searched all the people present, and we didn't see that kid." A guard whispered back.


Huangfushang frowned and said, "Isn't that kid here?"

"Great Emperor, could it be the kid who knew that we were looking at him, so he hid it, or that kid didn't plan to participate in this trial?" a guard said.

"Then kid really didn't plan to participate in this trial?"

Huangfushang's eyes flickered, and he obviously didn't believe it.

There was a moment of silence.

Huangfu squinted his eyes and said, "You have sent additional manpower to patrol Baihu City these days, and you should always pay attention to the movement of the'White Tiger Martial God List'.

As soon as there is news about that kid, let me know immediately. "

"Great Emperor, I think that kid is a bit wicked." A guard said.

"What do you say?" Huangfushang asked.

"After that kid passed the Secret Realm trial not long ago, the Great Suzaku clearly discovered the kid, and he went to stop him, but why did the Great Suzaku let the kid go in the end?" A guard asked in a puzzled manner.

"I also feel very strange about this incident, but I don't know exactly what happened at that time. Ji Qingxuan also kept it secret very well and didn't let out any news."

Huangfu Shang frowned and said, "Of course, no matter why Ji Qingxuan would let this kid go, I don't even bother to take care of it.

In short, as long as this kid dares to come to my White Tiger City and participate in the trial, I will never let him go.

Such talents must be used by me! "

Soon, ten minutes passed, and more than four to five thousand people who decided to participate in the trial also formed a team.

Huangfushang retracted his thoughts and said loudly: "Since everyone has formed a team, now everyone has exited the square and I will open the secret realm!"

When everyone heard it, they all withdrew from the square.

The originally crowded square is now empty.

After the eight guards had also exited the square, Huang Fushang stomped on the air, his body rose again by a hundred meters, and his figure flashed, and he came to the top of the white tiger statue!

Huangfu Shang said in a deep and honest voice: "This emperor is about to start the big formation, so everyone quickly resists. If you accidentally get hurt by me, you will be at your own risk!"

Hearing this, the warriors surrounding the square mobilized their true power to form a defensive mask!

As for ordinary people, how far they can run, how far they can run!

Ye Fei didn't want to attract Huangfushang's attention, so instead of mobilizing his sword intent, he mobilized a wave of true power to form a defensive mask!

After everyone on the periphery of the square condensed the defensive mask, Huang Fushang raised his arms and directly mobilized the vast and powerful real power!

For a moment, Huangfushang's whole body seemed to swell in a circle, his luxurious robe screamed, and his body was burning with platinum flames!

Moreover, at the moment when the flames started to burn, Huangfushang's body began to flicker again with white-gold lightning!

In addition to flames and lightning, a blue storm blew around Huangfushang's body. The storm swept across, as if connecting the sky and the square!

For a time, the flames, thunder and lightning on Huangfushang's body were intertwined with the storm, and the whole person was like a **** of war exuding platinum and blue colors, standing tall in front of everyone!

With just the pressure emitted, everyone felt trembling all over, as if they were pressing on a large mountain, their heartbeat was fast, and their breathing was short of breath, and they were almost out of breath!

Had it not been for a defensive mask to resist this coercion, I am afraid that many people present would be affected by this coercion and vomit blood!

Although Ye Fei did not use sword intent to contend, but with his true strength and body, it was enough to resist Huangfushang's coercion!

As for Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others, although it was difficult to resist this coercion, fortunately they managed to survive!

Immediately afterwards, Huangfushang's eyes began to sparkle with blue and white dazzling brilliance!

There was a huge cloud of blue and black in the sky, and the white-gold thunder and lightning flashed in it, as if it turned into a huge thunder beast that seemed to swallow the sky!

Suddenly, over the entire square, thick clouds were rolling, thundering, violent winds, sand and dust were all swept into the sky!

Just after his strength had risen to the extreme, Huangfushang folded his hands into palms and slammed his palms toward the bottom of the square!

"Baidi Grand Formation! Open!!"

boom! ! ——

When both palms fell, the entire square was shocked, and even the people who carried the entire White Tiger City felt the shock!

Immediately after...

Boom! !

Rumble! !

In the blue-black dark clouds that filled the square above the square, rows of white-gold thunder and lightning smashed down like a row of thunderous dragons, directly connected to the square below!

In a flash, a large formation appeared on the square, with the white tiger statue as its eye. Seven solid white tiger phantoms appeared in the seven directions around the large formation, echoing the white tiger statue in the middle!

The people standing on the periphery of the square did not react much to those who had seen the secret realm open, but those who had never seen the secret realm opened were all amazed and stunned!

This big formation in the square lasted for a few minutes.

It wasn't until the thunderclouds above and the large array on the square disappeared that everything returned to calm.

Huangfu Shang let out a suffocating breath, dissipated the coercion from his body, and said loudly: "Everyone, now the White Tiger Secret Realm has been opened!

Everyone can go to the secret realm now and participate in the trial. I am here waiting for everyone to return in triumph! "

"Yes, the Great!"

All the people who decided to participate in the trial of the secret realm responded, and then one after another rose from the sky and rushed to the outside of White Tiger City!


Ye Fei waved his hand, took Qin Linglong and the others, rose from the sky and followed.

Fly all the way, and soon Ye Fei and his group flew out of White Tiger City.

"Linglong, where is the White Tiger Secret Realm?" Ye Fei asked.

"The Baihu Secret Realm is in the Thunder Valley, eighty miles west of Baihu City."

Qin Linglong replied, and then said: "It is said that there is a stone tower named'Thunder Tribulation Tower' in Thunder Valley, and the Lei Tribulation Tower is the entrance to the secret realm."

Ye Fei said "Oh", and he didn't know where the thundering valley was, let alone what the stone tower looked like.

However, as long as you follow the person in front, you should be able to find it.

So Ye Fei didn’t think about it anymore. Instead, he took out some healing and aura replenishing pills from the space ring and handed them to Qin Linglong and others. Cultivation is more difficult, so everyone must be careful.

Moreover, after everyone passed the trial in the secret realm, they quickly came out. After coming out, we can't stay here and leave the White Tiger Empire directly. "

Everyone collected the pill, nodded and agreed.

Ye Fei and his party followed the large army in front, galloping all the way, after a full half an hour, they arrived in a barren mountain area.

The hills here are undulating, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and the surrounding area is uninhabited.

After jumping over hundreds of mountains, Ye Fei and his team finally arrived at a vast valley.

However, when they saw this valley, everyone present was so frightened that their faces were pale, and they sucked in cold air and shivered!

Because, in this vast valley, white and gold thunder and lightning are beating in all directions, like a mad dragon with thousands of electric currents, and it seems that it will not stop!

Rumble! ! ——

The thunder sounded constantly, deafening!

Moreover, in the middle of the valley is a stone tower as high as a mountain!

The entire stone tower is four to five hundred meters high and is divided into seven floors. Each floor has an arched stone door!

On the top of the stone tower is the big characters "Thunder Jie Tower" carved with three iron paintings and silver hooks!

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