Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3379: , I am the Sword God!

Below, the top of each arched stone door is carved with a large character, from top to bottom, they are Kui, Lou, Wei, Ang, Bi, Zang, and Shen, a total of seven characters!

These seven words represent the seven places in the West!

Ye Fei glanced at the Thunder Tribulation Tower and said: "It seems that the seven doors of this Thunder Tribulation Tower are the entrances to the secret realm. If you want to get close to the Thunder Tribulation Tower, you must first hold the thunder and lightning in this Thunder Valley."

The corner of Tang Yu's mouth twitched, and said, "Although Senior Ye took us to a similar place to practice before coming to the True Martial Realm, the thunder and lightning in this Thunder Valley is too terrifying.

If this is smashed, wouldn't it be broken to pieces? "

"As long as you do a good job of defense, it should be fine." Lu Qinghong said.

"Qinghong is right."

Ye Fei nodded and said solemnly: "Maybe, this is the first trial of the White Tiger Secret Realm.

If even the thunder and lightning of this thundering valley can't be held, I am afraid that entering the secret realm is a dead end. "

"In other words, the trial has already begun?" Dongfang Xuanqing asked.


Ye Fei nodded.

"It's all here, it's definitely impossible to shrink back."

The old beggar grinned, and said: "Poison King, Evil Emperor, Boss...Should we old guys come and clear the way first, how about?"

"No problem, I really didn't pay attention to this point of lightning!"

The Poison King curled his lips, and then immediately mobilized his true power!

Suddenly, a cloud of jet black light enveloped the poison king's body, forming a defensive mask!

The old beggars and evil emperors also mobilized their true powers one after another, forming a defensive mask!

However, just as the old beggar and others were about to enter the Thunder Valley, a scream of screams suddenly came!

Ye Fei and his party turned around and looked around!

I saw that there was a martial artist with a cultivation base in the reincarnation realm that had already swept into the valley, and was directly struck by dozens of thunder and lightning at the same time.

Seeing this scene, the warriors surrounding the valley were shocked and their souls trembled, and their hearts almost exploded!

The warrior of the Reincarnation Realm Dacheng couldn't even get close to the Thunder Tribulation Tower, so he was killed directly? !

Lu Qinghong and the others also felt tensed, their expressions changed drastically, and they were really taken aback.

"Does anyone... dare to try it?"

At this moment someone tremblingly asked.

For a while, no one answered, and no one dared to try again.

After all, no one knows how strong the thunder and lightning lethality of this Thunder Valley is, and at what realm can it be carried down.

"Are you all cowards? Didn't you all have high morale just now, saying that you want to pass the trial of the Secret Realm and get rewards from the emperor? Why are you all turned into turtles now?

It's really a group of gangsters, if you dare not, just go back to the house as soon as possible, don't be ashamed here! "

A burly man holding a big knife screamed disdainfully, and then directly transported the true power of the Imperial God Realm Xiaocheng, condensing a defensive mask around his body, and then directly rushed down the Thunder Valley and swept towards the Thunder Robber Tower. go!

At the moment when the man rushed down the thundering valley, I saw dozens of platinum thunder and lightning in the valley smashed directly at the man!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Thunder and lightning struck the defensive mask on this man's body, bursting with thunder-like vibrations!

However, these dozens of thunder and lightning did not break the man's defense, and was resisted!

The man turned his head and grinned and said: "See, the power of this thunder and lightning is not very good! Haha!"

The man laughed, and then speeded up again. After carrying dozens of thunder and lightning again, he was already close to the Thunder Tribulation Tower!

However, just as he was about to enter the Kuimen of the Thunder Tribulation Tower, suddenly, the platinum lightning that ran in the thunder valley seemed to be attracted by this man. This guy slashed over!

"This...what's going on?!"

The man yelled in horror, and was directly frightened by the scene in front of him.

Boom! ! ——

However, before the man's voice fell, hundreds of thunder and lightning swallowed him directly, and his screaming voice was also covered by thunder!

A few seconds later.

When these hundreds of thousands of lightning disappeared, I saw that this man had no bones left, only a pool of blood was spilled in the air!

The scene suddenly fell silent.

All the warriors around Thunder Valley watched this scene blankly, their minds trembled, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Just a minute later.

"Ah!! I'm not participating in the trial anymore, I'm not participating in the trial anymore!!!"

One of the warriors who had a cultivation base in the Imperial God Realm collapsed directly, and ran away in fright.

With the first person taking the lead, more and more warriors turned around and ran away, afraid to stay here.

For a time, only half of the original four to five thousand people were less than half of them.

Ye Fei stared at Thunder Valley and Thunder Tribulation Tower, and was silent for a while, saying: "As long as the speed is fast enough, you can enter the secret realm before the lightning strikes, and nothing will happen."

With that said, Ye Fei turned his head and said to Lu Qinghong and others: "Go, I'll take the lead, you guys hurry up to keep up!"


The five of Lu Qinghong responded.

Immediately, Ye Fei directly promoted the body of the ultimate sword intent to the state of triple explosion, and then the Yujian dived down towards the Thunder Valley, and the goal was directed at the Thunder Tribulation Tower!

The five old beggars, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu and Dongfang Xuanqing also mobilized their true powers, condensed a defensive mask, and hurriedly followed!

At this moment, the warriors who were originally considering how to enter the Thunder Tribulation Tower saw this, all of them were dumbfounded!

"My God, these guys are too courageous, don't discuss the plan, just like this?!"

"Follow them, it's just a few dead guys anyway!"

"But the kid who takes the lead has a pretty good sword intent. Maybe he can enter the tower..."

Just as everyone was discussing, Ye Fei and his group had already swept into the Thunder Valley, and they were only a few hundred meters away from the Lei Jie Tower!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The dense lightning strikes Ye Fei's six people like a giant net of thunder and lightning, but even if the power of this thunder and lightning is terrifying, it can't break Ye Fei's defense at all!

"Don't stay, speed up, go in from Kuimen!"

Ye Fei yelled, and then his figure flashed, and it turned into a sword light, swiftly rushing towards the Kuimen of the Thunder Tribulation Tower!

The five old beggars and Lu Qinghong did not linger at all, and they all raised their speed to the extreme, following Ye Fei!

Just one second before the dense thunder and lightning in the Thunder Valley struck Ye Fei's six, Ye Fei's six had already rushed into Kuimen, and suddenly disappeared before everyone's eyes!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Dense violent thunder struck the bottom of the valley, gravel flew up, and dust billowed!

Seeing this scene, everyone present was shocked!

"This...this is also OK?!"

"Yes, why didn't I expect that as long as the speed is fast enough, I won't be struck by lightning!"

"Walk around, we also learn from those six guys, and enter the secret realm in one go!"

At this time, the warriors surrounding the thundering valley were all agitated, and each of them began to perform their exercises to gather the defensive mask.

As for the ten members of Li Xuankong and Qin Linglong, they have already gathered their defenses. Therefore, after the six of Ye Fei entered the secret realm, they looked at each other, and then Yukong rose and swooped down towards Thunder Valley!

Because of Ye Fei’s experience, Li Xuankong’s ten people didn’t experience much thunder and lightning, they entered Loumen and disappeared in front of everyone...


at this time.

After Ye Fei and the six rushed into Rukui Gate, they only felt a flash of white light in front of them. When they opened their eyes again, they found that everything in front of them had changed, which was shocking!

Looking around, the entire sky and the ground are shining with platinum and lightning, and there are also thunder and lightning on the mountains!

Moreover, in addition to thunder and lightning in the sky, the earth, and the mountains, there are also white flames burning!

Blue tornadoes blew up in the sky, and the entire space was made up of lightning, flames and storms!

"I'm going...Is this the White Tiger Secret Realm?" Tang Yu glanced around and asked with a trembling voice.

"It should be."

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "Everyone, be careful, the trial will start at any time!"

However, the voice just fell...

The six Ye Fei suddenly felt that the sky seemed to darken!

When everyone looked up, they found that, at some point, a large cloud of clouds had gathered above their heads!

Dark clouds billowed, covering the sky for several miles...

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