Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3380: , Thirty-six sets!

Moreover, at the moment when this dark cloud converged, a series of platinum thunder and lightning, pale flames and blue hurricanes flashed, burned, and raged wildly inside!

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

Ye Fei's face sank and shouted!

Rumble! ! ——

Although the six Ye Fei had reacted and tried to evade, the platinum thunder and lightning in the dark clouds had already smashed down!

This lightning is very dense, it is like a giant net covering the sky, as if to include the six people of Ye Fei!

Of course, in addition to thunder and lightning, one after another flame beams, one after another tornado storms also impacted down!

Thunder and lightning, flames and tornadoes were intertwined, and they impacted at the same time, covering the sky and the earth in a radius of several miles, and the six Ye Fei couldn't escape at all!


Ye Fei gritted his teeth and screamed, and quickly raised the body of the ultimate sword intent to a state of quadruple explosion!

The five old beggars and Lu Qinghong did not dare to be big, and they mobilized their true powers to form five defensive masks to resist this devastating coercion!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Suddenly, the dense lightning, flames and tornadoes had already impacted, and hit Ye Fei's body and Lu Qinghong's six defensive masks heavily!

However, this destructive power was nothing to Ye Fei's six, so they all carried the first wave of attacks!

The dense thunder and lightning smashed the mountains and the earth below, and the stones were swept up in the air by the tornado storm, and then burned into ashes by the fire pillar that came down!

Electricity and fire, thunder rumbling, it is almost destroying the world!

Such an attack is enough to destroy a city in an instant!

"Nima...This is just the beginning, the trial is already so terrifying?!"

Tang Yu's heart beat wildly, and his voice started to tremble.

The old beggar, Lu Qinghong, and Dongfang Xuanqing were also very frightened. At this moment, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

However, although Zhang Baokun's face also showed a touch of fear, there was an expression of excitement and excitement in his eyes.

Ye Fei frowned, looking at the thunder and lightning, flames and storms that were about to move in the dark clouds above, he said in a deep voice: "The White Tiger Secret Realm ranks second among the five great secret realms. Compared to the three major secret realms of Phoenix, Xuanwu and Suzaku, it is naturally more difficult. Much bigger!

Therefore, everyone must be vigilant and not be distracted at all!

Go, get out of here quickly, the second wave of attacks is coming soon! "

With that said, Ye Fei directly took the sword, accelerated suddenly, and scurried towards the periphery covered by the dark clouds!

All five of Lu Qinghong speeded up and flew out with Ye Fei!

However, just when the six of Ye Fei flew hundreds of meters away...

Rumble! ! ——

Over the dark clouded sky, the platinum thunder, white flames and blue tornado storms are like countless lightning, flames and storm dragons flying through the clouds!

Immediately, thousands of thunder pillars, fire pillars and wind pillars rushed down, and launched a second attack towards the six Ye Fei in mid-air!

Moreover, compared to the first attack, this attack is more ferocious, with greater lethality and destructive power!

Obviously, the Secret Realm has detected that the strength of the six Ye Fei is not weak, so it has increased the difficulty of the trial!

"Dodge! Don't take it hard!!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei gave a burst of gasp.

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the five of Lu Qinghong hurriedly dispersed, relying on the ultimate speed, moving at high speed in the sky, avoiding the impact of thunder, fire and wind pillars!

Ye Fei also dodged while thinking about how to resolve this crisis!

Moreover, Ye Fei could also clearly feel that the trials of the White Tiger Secret Realm were indeed much more difficult than the trials he had experienced the previous three times!

At least, the energy elements in the three secret realms of Phoenix, Xuanwu and Suzaku are relatively monotonous, either fire or ice!

But the White Tiger Secret Realm has as many as three energy elements, including thunder, fire, and wind!

Therefore, the difficulty of trials is undoubtedly multiplied!

However, this also made Ye Fei understand that after awakening the power of the white tiger's bloodline, he could control the three energy elements of thunder, fire, and wind at the same time. The trial of the white tiger's secret realm naturally followed this standard!

Therefore, in addition to using absolute power to destroy the dark clouds containing the three energy elements of thunder, fire, and wind, blindly avoiding it is definitely useless!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Klang Klang! ! ——

However, when Ye Fei was thinking, the thunder pillar, fire pillar and wind pillar that impacted directly smashed down the mountains below, and huge scorched pits appeared on the ground!

Moreover, at this moment, even if the five of Lu Qinghong dodge faster, the attacks in the sky are wave after wave, constantly impacting, and there is no intention to stop!

Therefore, Lu Qinghong and several people were also hit several times, and the condensed defensive mask gradually became weak. I am afraid that if you do more and withstand a few more attacks, the defensive mask will be defeated!

"Brother Fei, if this continues, we can't hold it at all, or we can work together to destroy the dark cloud in the sky!"

Dongfang Xuanqing suggested.

"I agree with this method!"

Lu Qinghong also nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's get started!"

Tang Yu yelled, then took the lead and rose into the sky, rushing toward the dark clouds above!

The old beggar, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, and Dongfang Xuanqing also hurriedly followed and rushed towards the sky!

After approaching the dark clouds above, the five Tang Yu mobilized their true powers and launched a counterattack!

"Qinglian Sword Song! Lotus grows every step of the way!!"

Lu Qinghong took the lead in attacking and pierced the black cloud above with a sharp sword!

call out! ! ——

A sword pierced out, and the sky-level sword intent burst out in an instant, and the huge green lotus in the sword intent continuously rushed towards the dark clouds above!

"Pangu Tomahawk! Open up the world!!"

Zhang Baokun also slammed the Vermillion Bird's Axe in his hand, as if Pangu God opened the world, he struck out an axe toward the dark clouds above!

The "Pangu Battle Axe" was given to Zhang Baokun by Ye Fei. During this time, Zhang Baokun used the Vermillion Bird God Axe under the guidance of Zhang Baokun himself and Mo Beiqin, the "Wild Axe ancestor" a few days ago. Also getting more and more adept!

哐! ! ——

An axe slashed out, the air was torn apart, and the space seemed to have been chopped out with a gap of 100 meters long, and there was a burst of sound like glass being broken!

"Death-crazed knives! Endless flying knives!!"

Under Tang Yin's guidance, Tang Yu also improved his concealed weapon kung fu a lot. With a wave of his hands, the tens of thousands of flying knives condensed by true power swept toward the dark clouds above!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

The sky full of purple sword lights flickered in the sky, and the power that erupted was quite terrifying!

"Five Dragon Dao Code! True Dragon Kill!!"

"Drop the palm of the dragon! The dragon fights in the wild!!"

At this time, Dongfang Xuanqing and the old beggar both launched an attack at the same time!

The flood dragons condensed by the true power of the universe and the scarlet fire dragons ascend to the sky like crazy dragons, slamming into the dark clouds above!

boom! ! ! ——

In an instant, the attacks of the five people slammed up, slamming heavily on the solid and heavy black clouds above, erupting with a thunderous roar, and the sky and the earth seemed to tremble!

Moreover, under the joint attack of the five people, it did have an effect. A hundred-meter-long hole appeared in the sky, as if a hole had been punched in the sky!


Tang Yu looked at the scene towards the sky with joy.

The faces of Lu Qinghong and the four of them also showed surprises.

However, at this moment, the opening in the sky began to condense crazily, and in just a few seconds, the 100-meter-long opening was half restored!

"This... how could this happen?!"

Dongfang Xuanqing tremblingly asked, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Not only Dongfang Xuanqing, but Lu Qinghong's four were also dumbfounded. Obviously, they didn't expect this dark cloud to recover on their own? !

In less than half a minute, the 100-meter-long gap in the sky had all been restored!

Moreover, just after this gap was restored, the thunder and lightning, flames, and storms throbbing in the dark clouds became more violent, like a ferocious beast that covered the sky and the sun, and would devour Lu Qinghong and others!

Ye Fei also realized what was wrong, and shouted: "Get out of the way! Hurry up!!!"

Hearing Ye Fei's words, the five people in Lu Qinghong "cocked" in their hearts, and they didn't dare to support them any more. They hurriedly mobilized their true power, accelerated their speed, and fled in all directions!

However, even though the five of Lu Qinghong reacted, they still took a long time!

At the moment when the five of them dispersed, the thousands of pillars of thunder, pillars of fire and pillars of wind in the sky rushed down frantically, as if to destroy everything below!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, the dense pillars of thunder, fire and light slammed on the defensive masks of Lu Qinghong's five!

Titicaca! ! ——

Accompanied by bursts of crackling sounds, the defensive masks gathered on the five of Lu Qinghong were instantly defeated!

"how so?!"

Tang Yu was silly when he saw this!

He thought that his defense would still be able to withstand several waves of attacks, but when he thought that he couldn't stop even a wave of attacks, he just fell apart!

"Could it be that... the intensity of the trial has increased again?!"

Dongfang Xuanqing swallowed and murmured to himself.

"The strength of the trial has indeed been strengthened, otherwise, our defense would not be so fragile!"

Lu Qinghong frowned closely.

However, in just a few seconds, the first wave of offense has just ended, and the second wave of offense has already arrived!

Rumble! ! ——

Accompanied by a roar like the collapse of the sky, thousands of pillars of thunder, fire and wind, like a downpour, impacted downward!

The splendid light seemed to illuminate the entire secret space. Thousands of thunder pillars, fire pillars and wind pillars all rushed down, as if they were about to penetrate the earth!

"Quick! Counterattack!!"

Dongfang Xuanqing lifted his spirits, yelled, and then began to fight back!

Lu Qinghong and the others also recovered from their shock, mobilizing their true powers one after another, and launched a counterattack!

However, the counterattack of the five of them faced the impact of thousands of pillars of thunder, pillars of fire and pillars of wind.

Seeing that his attack didn't work, a look of horror suddenly appeared on the faces of the five of Lu Qinghong!

Offense is useless, defense is useless!

Just when there was despair in the hearts of the five of Lu Qinghong, they only heard a burst of shouts like Hong Zhong!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

The voice fell.

I saw that dozens of huge prismatic swords and shields suddenly appeared above Lu Qinghong's five people, shining with golden-red fire, dazzling and dazzling!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Thousands of thunder pillars, fire pillars and wind pillars hit the sword and shield, making a deafening noise!

Although these dozens of swords and shields were smashed, but fortunately, they helped Lu Qinghong and the five people withstand this devastating blow!

The five of Lu Qinghong also knew that Ye Fei had made the move, and they were suddenly relieved!

Ye Fei directly approached Lu Qinghong and the others, and said in a deep voice, "You did a great job just now, leave it to me next!

You quickly evacuate here to adjust your breath, the trial has just begun, you can't fall here! "

"Yes, Brother Fei!!"

Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu and Dongfang Xuanqing nodded and agreed.

"Brother, be careful!!"

The old beggar said something solemnly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

With that said, Ye Fei was holding the golden-red flame giant sword, and his whole person turned into a golden-red sword light, rushing directly toward the dark cloud above!

"let's go!"

The old beggar glanced at the sky again. Although he was unwilling, he led Lu Qinghong and the four of them hurriedly evacuated here!

At this moment, at the moment when the five old beggars evacuated, Ye Fei also approached the dark clouds above!

Moreover, at the moment of approaching, Ye Fei directly raised his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to a state of five bursts!

In Ye Fei's view, his five-burst state was enough to destroy this cloud of thunder, fire, and wind!

However, just as Ye Fei raised his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to a state of five-fold explosion, dense pillars of thunder, fire, and wind descended in the sky again!

However, Ye Fei was not afraid of the attacks of the thunder pillar, fire pillar and wind pillar at all.

"The sword dominates the world!! Destroy!!!!!"

The golden-red flame in Ye Fei's eyes was about to roll out in anger. He held the sword with one hand and took a volley into the air. He suddenly lifted the giant sword and drew an obliquely long slashing light towards the dark clouds above!

Huh! ! ——

A sword was cut out, and a golden-red lightsaber that couldn't be seen dashed across the sky, and then slashed heavily on the solid and heavy dark clouds in the sky!

laugh! ! ——

Accompanied by a sharp cutting sound, Ye Fei's sword abruptly cut out the black cloud in the sky with a gap of seven or eight hundred meters long!

It was as if the sky was cut in half by Ye Fei!

At this moment, Lu Qinghong and the others in the distance were shocked when they saw this scene.

After all, the five of them teamed up to only make a gap of a hundred meters long.

However, Ye Fei didn't stop there after he cleaved a sword. Instead of waiting for the cracks he had seen to recover, he swung the giant sword in his hand again, and swung several swords towards the top in a row!

Swish! ! ——

One sword after another, the length covered by each sword reached seven or eight hundred meters, and the width covered by each sword reached two or three hundred meters!

After swinging eighty-one swords in a row, the black cloud in the sky covering an area of ​​several miles, there have been eighty-one cracks, as if it would break at any time!

Immediately, Ye Fei lifted his left hand, constantly mobilizing the sword intent, condensing a group of sword intent flames, and turning and compressing it to the limit!

After being compressed to the extreme, Ye Fei pushed his left hand to the sky!

With a loud "bang", this sword-inspired flame instantly turned into a strong flame shock wave, rushing towards the dark cloud that had been fragmented in the sky!

Next second.

boom! ! ! ——

This sword-inspired flame shock wave directly knocked out a hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters from the already fragmented dark cloud in the sky!

After this dark cloud was knocked out of a giant hole, it could no longer condense and recover. With a "bang", it instantly collapsed and disintegrated!

Moreover, the moment this dark cloud collapsed, the three energy elements of thunder, fire, and wind contained in it rushed out frantically, dyeing the sky blue and white, dazzling, and very dazzling!

The impact of the three energy elements is too fierce, and Ye Fei's sword is directly impacted to fall downward!

Just when Ye Fei was about to fall to the ground, Ye Fei tumbled in the air, and his feet steadily stepped on the ground!

Boom! !

The whole earth was shaken, and the ground was directly shattered and cracked!

When everything was calm, the five of Lu Qinghong raised their eyes and looked at the sky above, and they saw that the dark cloud in the sky had disappeared without a trace!

The five of Lu Qinghong trembled in their hearts and looked at Ye Fei's back, full of awe and admiration.

Ye Fei also raised his head and glanced at the sky above. After seeing that dark cloud disappeared, he was slightly relieved.

However, just when Ye Fei turned around and was about to rendezvous with the five of Lu Qinghong, suddenly, the entire sky and the earth shook violently!

Boom! ! ——

Rumble! ! ——

The earth cracked, and the proudly standing mountains collapsed directly!

"This...what the **** is going on? Could it be that the second trial has come?!!!"

"But... but the first trial has just ended!!"

"Nima...This is just to put people to death!!"

The five of Lu Qinghong looked stunned. They looked around, their heartbeats quickened, and they didn't know what he and the others were about to face!

"Everyone is more vigilant! I'm afraid the second trial is coming!"

Ye Fei frowned and yelled at the five Lu Qinghong.

The five of Lu Qinghong nodded their heads, their bodies tensed, and quickly mobilized their true power, ready to meet the challenge at any time!

At this moment, I saw that above the earth, giants with a height of one hundred meters and strong limbs like pillars stood up!

Ye Fei and the others looked around and found that some of these giants were condensed from lightning energy elements, some were condensed from flame energy elements, and some were condensed from storm energy elements!

In other words, the thunder giants, flame giants, and storm giants stood up!

Moreover, not only these giants appeared on the earth, but also some giants gathered and formed in the sky!

For a time, the entire sky and the earth were full of lightning giants, flame giants, and storm giants, densely densely packed, and a large area was crushed by nothing, almost tens of thousands!

The five of Lu Qinghong were completely dumbfounded, so frightened that they couldn't even say a word!

What the **** is this? !

However, these tens of thousands of lightning giants, flame giants and storm giants rushed towards Ye Fei without any hesitation after they condensed and formed!

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