Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3381: , Baidi Great Array!

These tens of thousands of giants rushed from the sky, the earth, and all directions, smashing the mountains to pieces, causing the entire sky and the earth to tremble violently!

The earth is shattered every inch, and the cracks continue to spread!

The boulder flew, the smoke and dust surged, ruining the world, but that's it!

Seeing the thunder and lightning giants, flame giants, and storm giants, Ye Fei's eyes jumped wildly with Jin Yan's complexion, knowing that it would be useless to avoid it!

The only way to pass the second trial is to eliminate all these tens of thousands of giants!

If you can't even pass the second trial, then wanting to get out of the secret realm is undoubtedly a fantasy!

Therefore, Ye Fei was also ready to give it a go, shouting loudly: "War! ——"


The five of Lu Qinghong also suppressed the shock and fear in their hearts, and roared in anger!

Immediately, Ye Fei was holding a giant sword, and his sword soared into the sky, facing the thunder and lightning giants, flame giants and storm giants who rushed madly!

The five of Lu Qinghong didn't back down anymore, they were not afraid of death, and they rushed forward too!

"Haha! Good come! I want to have a good time!!"

Zhang Baokun let out a roar, instantly mobilizing all his true power and physical power!

Moreover, at the moment Zhang Baokun mobilized his true power and physical strength, the muscles on his body swelled and swelled, and his body, which was originally more than 1.9 meters tall, rose to more than two meters at this moment!

Although Zhang Baokun's body is considered a small giant to ordinary people, Zhang Baokun is as small as an ant in the face of these giants of lightning, flames and storms up to 100 meters!

However, Zhang Baokun was not afraid at all, and he slammed his feet on the ground!

With a loud "bang", a huge crater was exploded on the ground, but Zhang Baokun's body rose into the sky like a missile, leaping to an altitude of several hundred meters!

"Pangu Tomahawk! Open the mountains and break the river!!"

Zhang Baokun roared, holding the Vermillion Bird's Axe in both hands, bending his body backwards in the air, and then the muscles of his waist and abdomen exploded, and then the giant axe was smashed down fiercely! !

Cang Dang! ! ——

A thunderous muffled sound erupted in the air, and I saw that this axe slashed out, and a soaring Suzaku God fire rolled out in anger, and directly smashed down dozens of lightning, flames and storm giants rushing forward. !

When the giant axe fell, dozens of rushing lightning, flames and storm giants were directly split in half, and then burned to ashes by the Suzaku divine fire spreading out of the giant axe!

An axe wiped out dozens of giants. This explosive force was unprecedentedly terrifying, and it shocked the four of Lu Qinghong who rushed behind!

"Bao Kun is mighty!!"

"The humble goods are good!!"

"Haha! This foolish guy is really awesome!!"

Tang Yu all laughed and exaggerated Baokun.


Zhang Baokun smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head when he saw that everyone was complimenting himself.

But at this moment, a thunder and lightning giant rushed directly from behind Zhang Baokun, and suddenly it was a thunderous punch, smashing towards Zhang Baokun's back!

"Bao Kun, be careful!!!"

When Lu Qinghong saw this, they were startled and reminded loudly.

At this moment, Zhang Baokun also sensed the threat behind him, twisted his waist and abdomen, suddenly turned around, set up the giant axe in his hand, and blocked it horizontally!

Puff! ! ——

A sound like a bell struck, and the lightning was transmitted to Zhang Baokun along the giant axe!


Zhang Baokun snorted, and his huge body was smashed upside down and flew out. With a "bang," he crashed a mountain and was instantly buried in the ruins!

"Bao Kun!!"

Seeing Zhang Baokun being smashed into the air with a punch, Lu Qinghong was taken aback by surprise.

However, just at this moment, I only heard a sound of "Boo La La", and saw that the rubble flew up from the ruins, and a small tower-like figure rushed out of the ruins. It was Zhang Baokun!

At this moment, although Zhang Baokun's body was hacked, fortunately, it was fine.

He wiped off the stone and dust from his face, grinned slyly, "I'm fine! Keep fighting!!"

With that said, Zhang Baokun shook his giant axe directly, and rose from the sky, like an okay person, and rushed toward the giants of thunder, fire, and storm!

Seeing this scene, Lu Qinghong and others were relieved.

"It should have been known that this idiot is resistant to beatings, it will be fine." Tang Yu curled his lips and said.

"Okay, it's time for us to fuck!"

Lu Qinghong said something, and then directly rose from the sky, and greeted the giants of thunder, flames and storms that rushed over!

Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing and the old beggar didn't hesitate anymore, they followed closely and joined the battle!

However, the moment Lu Qinghong rushed over, dozens of giants directly surrounded him!

After being surrounded, these dozens of giants directly attacked Lu Qinghong!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The thunder and lightning, the giant flame fist and the giant storm fist slammed down one by one, wishing to smash Lu Qinghong into fleshy flesh!

Lu Qinghong's face sank, and he knew that ordinary offenses would definitely not be of much help!

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly mobilized his true power and sword intent at the same time!

Immediately, Lu Qinghong twisted his waist and abdomen, and his body spun in the sky, and the green lotus sword in his hand was directly drawn out!

"Qinglian Sword Song! A lotus withered!"

Huh! ! ——

Following Lu Qinghong's revolving, Qinglian Jianyi draws a three-hundred-sixty-degree blue sword light in the sky, like a huge green lotus blooming instantly!

The sharp and unparalleled sword intent is cutting away in all directions at the moment when the green lotus blooms!

Just when Lu Qinghong stopped in mid-air, the dozens of thunder and lightning, flames, and storm giants that had surrounded him also stopped, and his fists froze in mid-air!

Next second.

I saw that the waists of these dozens of giants were severed by sword intent, and then they shattered directly and disappeared into the sky!

However, just as Lu Qinghong wiped out the dozens of lightning, flame, and storm giants, the hundreds of giants below slammed their feet on the ground, and their bodies rose directly into the sky, towards the sky above Lu Qinghong. Rushed up!


Lu Qinghong snorted coldly, not afraid at all, but continued to continuously mobilize his sword intent!

Immediately, Lu Qinghong's body hung upside down in the sky, and then with a sharp sword, he stabbed a sword towards the hundreds of giants that rushed up below!

"Qinglian Sword Song!!"

"A little bit of cold light in nineteen states!!"

call out! ! ——

Stabbed with a sword, a mighty cyan sword intent surge followed the impact, bringing out waves of cyan sword intent, as if forming a huge mountain-like green lotus, rolling down towards those giants. !

Boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a loud noise, these hundreds of giants rushed into the air. Before they could get close to Lu Qinghong, they were torn apart by this strong and soft sword intent, and then they fell apart!

After solving these hundreds of giants, Lu Qinghong didn't stay any longer, his figure flashed, and once again rushed toward the giants of thunder, lightning, and storm!

the other side.

"There are endless flying knives!!"

Tang Yu stood still in the sky, mobilizing the steady flow of true power instantly!

In an instant, I saw that the real power condensed into tens of thousands of purple flying knives, circling and flying around Tang Yu's body!


Tang Yu's arms suddenly pressed down!

These tens of thousands of flying knives directly impacted down, directly sifting the bodies of hundreds of lightning, flames and storm giants below!

In just a few tenths of a second, only a series of "boom boom boom" bursts of thunder were heard, and these hundreds of giants fell apart in an instant!

At this time, Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, Zhang Baokun, the old beggar, and Dongfang Xuanqing all showed their magical powers, and launched a carpet bombing and attack on the giants who rushed in!

It's a pity that there are too many of these lightning, fire and storm giants, and ordinary attacks are useless to them!

Even if ordinary offenses can cut off their hands and feet, they will soon recover!

After all, the lightning, flame and storm energy in this secret space is very abundant. If these giants cannot be destroyed at once, they can always be restored!

Therefore, at this moment, the five of Lu Qinghong are also in a state of anxiety!

At this time, not far away.

Ye Fei also noticed this problem.

Although he has five explosive sword intents, one sword can kill a large number of lightning, flames and storm giants, but he can't destroy them all at once!

Damn, it seems that this is forcing yourself to act!

"Sword intent body! Sword intent six bursts!!——"

Ye Fei opened his arms, and Yang Tian let out a shocking shout!

In an instant, the golden red sword intent brilliance, like a supernova explosion, instantly expanded and spread from Ye Fei's body!

Moreover, Ye Fei did not display the body of the ultimate sword intent, but let the sword intent spread!

Suddenly, Ye Fei's eyes were blazing with golden red light, and his whole body exuded a fierce sword intent, and it burned with a fierce golden red sword intent flame!

Immediately afterwards, a golden red sword with a height of four to five hundred meters stood up from Ye Fei's body, like a giant sword!

As for those giants of lightning, flames, and storms, they looked like children in the eyes of the giant of swords at this moment, and they did not pose any threat to Ye Fei at all!

The golden-red flame giant sword in Ye Fei's hand also spread out the light and shadow of the sword hundreds of meters long!

It's like Ye Fei is holding an Optimus Pillar in his hand, a sword can break the earth!

Ye Fei stood among the giant of the sword, although as small as an ant, he could perfectly control the giant of the sword!

The giant of sword is Ye Fei, and Ye Fei is the giant of sword!

In fact, what Ye Fei thought was very simple, aren't these giants of lightning, flames, and storms huge, then they will become bigger, depending on who is bigger than whom?

Not far away, Lu Qinghong and the five people saw this scene, all of them were dumbfounded, looking at Ye Fei as if they were gods!

"I'll take it...Fei Ge's sword-intent body has been cultivated to this level, can it be expanded and contracted at will?!" Tang Yu swallowed his throat and said.

"It's no wonder that this kid is not afraid of the heavens. I didn't expect that his strength has reached such a realm. I can only wait to see the dust!"

The old beggar was envious again, looked at Ye Fei in awe, and took the sentence.

At this moment, Ye Fei was holding the Great Sword, driving the giant of the sword, just like the real sword **** is alive, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks the Buddha!

No matter what thunder giant, flame giant or storm giant, he broke through with one sword!

"Exit! Extinction! Extinction! ——"

Ye Fei roared sternly, and constantly rushed toward the giants, and brazenly swung the light and shadow giant sword that was wrapped in his hand that was hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The sound of bombardment resounded endlessly!

With every sword Ye Fei wielded, hundreds of lightning, flames and storm giants can be destroyed!

Moreover, because Ye Fei's sword intent was too terrifying, any giant that was destroyed would never be able to recover!

It is simply a unilateral slaughter!

At this moment, perhaps it was that Ye Fei's strength was the most powerful, and the remaining Thunder, Flame, and Storm giants actually gave up attacking the five Lu Qinghong, but all rushed towards Ye Fei!

For a time, the sky, the underground, and in all directions were all giants of thunder, lightning, flames, and storms. There were a total of seven or eight thousand giants, and Ye Fei directly surrounded Ye Fei!

Lu Qinghong, who was not far away, was still anxiously fighting, but suddenly realized that all the "enemies" in front of him had run away!

They turned their heads and looked around one after another, only to realize that all these "enemies" had attacked Ye Fei!

The five of them were panting. Although the pressure was relieved, they were worried in their hearts. I don't know if Ye Fei can destroy these seven or eight thousand giants!

"Big Brother, Bao Kun, Qing Hong, Tang Yu, Xuan Kong, get away quickly!!"

At this moment, Ye Feizhen, who was surrounded by seven or eight thousand giants, gave a shout!

"What the **** does Fei want to do?!"

Tang Yu was a little dazed and didn't understand Ye Fei's intentions.

"Brother Fei must have his own plan, we can just do what we ordered!"

Lu Qinghong took the sentence.

"Yes! Get away quickly! Let's go!!"

The old beggar yelled loudly, and then led Lu Qinghong and the four of them to violently retreat into the distance!

At this time, the sky is far away.

The lightning, flames, and storms released by these giants swept up towards Ye Fei with a devastating force, directly engulfing Ye Fei!

However, these giants did not stop there, but waved the Thunder Giant Fist, the Flame Giant Fist, and the Storm Giant Fist, blasting towards Ye Fei!

However, Ye Fei relied on the body of the sword intent to forcibly block these lightning, flames and storms, and with one arm, he continuously mobilized the six-burst sword intent! !

"Ten Thousand Swords are coming!!"

In an instant, with Ye Fei as the center, tens of thousands of golden-red flame swords with a handle of a hundred meters long and a width of several tens of meters rushed towards all directions, targeting the lightning, flame and storm giants that besieged Ye Fei. !

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, the bodies of the remaining seven or eight thousand giants were all pierced, and holes with a diameter of several tens of meters appeared!

Some giants who were stabbed with a few swords just fell to pieces!

However, what surprised Ye Fei was that although this move "Ten Thousand Swords" penetrated the bodies of these giants, it failed to destroy them all at once!

"'s kind of tenacious."

Ye Fei smiled coldly, stretched his arms, and uttered a quake in his mouth again!

"Sword intent burns wasteland!! Burning all the world!!"

Wow! ! ——

In an instant, the golden-red sword-inspired flames appeared to burst into a flood, rushing out of Ye Fei's body, instantly engulfing all the giants surrounded by them!

For a time, the entire sky and the ground where Ye Fei was was ignited by golden red flames, burning wildly and raging!

Sword intent, flame shock waves, like ferocious flame monsters, roar and roar!

The mountains below and around are basically fragile like bubbles, and when they are touched by this sword-inspired flame, they will collapse and disintegrate!

Moreover, this sword intent and flames are still spreading, there is no meaning to stop at all!

"I'm going! Withdraw! Continue withdrawing!!"

Tang Yu exclaimed, and then realized that even after quitting a kilometer, it was still unsafe!

Ever since, the five of Tang Yu continued to withdraw thousands of meters back, and then they stopped!

It took a few minutes.

The sword intent flame that ignited the heavens and the earth, spreading to a radius of two to three kilometers, slowly dissipated!

The five of Lu Qinghong looked around and saw that the remaining seven or eight thousand thunder and lightning, flames and storm giants had disappeared without a trace!

What's more, everything in this land of thousands of meters has been reduced to ashes, razed to the ground, and there is no more towering mountain!

As for the bottom of the sky above Ye Fei, there was a scorched pit with a diameter of several hundred meters and a depth of several tens of meters!

The five of Lu Qinghong stared at this scene blankly, shocked in their hearts!

If they were replaced by them, they might not be able to destroy all the giants if they were exhausted!

But Ye Fei easily wiped out seven or eight thousand giants... the strength gap was too great!

Dongfang Xuanqing scratched his head helplessly, and said: "I thought that after accepting the guidance of the ancestors and the guidance of those hidden powerhouses, my strength has improved a lot, and the gap with Fei should be shortened.

But when I look at it now, I realize that not only has the gap not narrowed, it's actually getting bigger and bigger. "

Tang Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, don't laugh at yourself. Fei is different from us."

At this moment, after Ye Fei wiped out these seven or eight thousand giants, his figure flashed and came to Lu Qinghong's five people.

After Ye Fei landed, he glanced at the injuries on Lu Qinghong's five people and said, "How about it, doesn't it matter?"

"Brother Fei, this little injury is nothing!"

Lu Qinghong shook his head and replied.

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "Everyone should take a pill to replenish physical strength and spiritual energy.

After all, the second trial has just ended, presumably the following trials will be more difficult, everyone must always maintain their peak state. "

The five of Lu Qinghong also thought it made sense, so they all took out the pills and took them.

"Brother Fei, do you think there will be any trials waiting for us next?" Tang Yu asked.

"I don't know about this."

Ye Fei shook his head and said, "Although the four mysteries of Phoenix, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and White Tiger seem to be somewhat similar, the challenges inside are not the same..."

However, Ye Fei hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, he heard a loud "rumbling" from the sky and the earth, as if the entire sky and the earth were shaking!

Lu Qinghong's five faces changed drastically, and they turned to look at the source of the shock!

I saw that the mountains in the distance couldn't bear the shock at all. The huge rocks on the mountains kept rolling down, and some just collapsed directly!

"What's the matter? Are there still thunder and lightning, flames and storm giants?!"

"Isn't it, come again?!"

The five Tang Yu suddenly became nervous.

"Look over there!"

Ye Fei frowned and pointed to the sky a few miles away!

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