Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3382: , Cruel trial!

I saw that at this time, a pale pillar of fire was burning in the sky a few miles away!

Moreover, in addition to the pillar of fire, there were waves of white-gold thunder and lightning jumping and flickering around the pillar of fire, and there were waves of hurricanes whirring and tsunami-like hurricanes around it!

The entire sky changed color, shining bright blue and white light!


Immediately afterwards, I saw a behemoth rushing down directly from the sky!

Thunder and lightning, flames, and storms haunted this behemoth body. After rushing down, it ran directly towards the location where the six people of Ye Fei were, and rushed in angrily!

Where this behemoth looted, the mountains directly collapsed and turned into ashes, terrifying!

"My God...this...what kind of monster is this?!" Tang Yu trembled.

Lu Qinghong and the others also looked dumbfounded, and didn't even know what it was that was facing them.

However, the speed of this behemoth is very fast, which can be described as a wind speed switch, and in the blink of an eye, it has reached the top of the six Ye Fei!

At the moment when they saw this behemoth clearly, the six of Ye Fei took a deep breath, and felt that the blood all over his body was solidified!

The behemoth in front of you is a giant tiger condensed from the three energy elements of thunder, fire and storm!

The giant tiger is hundreds of meters long and hundreds of meters high. Its limbs are like giants, its claws are sharp, and its fangs are exposed. Its body is burning with pale flames, and there are blue markings on its body, majestic and majestic!

In addition, this giant tiger also has flame wings on its back, the wings spread out, and the coverage area has reached hundreds of meters!

"Is this the sacred beast Baihu?!"

Dongfang Xuanqing couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, this is the sacred beast Baihu!"

Ye Fei nodded, and then said: "It's just that this white tiger is condensed from energy elements. It is not a real beast, the white tiger, just like the divine beast Suzaku we encountered in the Suzaku Secret Realm before!"

"Since it's not a real beast, then we should be able to destroy it easily?" Tang Yu shrank his neck and said.

Ye Fei's face sank and said, "I can feel that the pressure and aura that this white tiger phantom spreads are much stronger than the previous phantoms of Phoenix, Xuanwu, and Suzaku.

I’m afraid it’s not easy to destroy it easily..."

Tang Yu complained very speechlessly: "Unexpectedly, the second trial was just over, and the third trial will come. We don't even have time to rest. This trial in the secret realm is too inhumane, right? "

"Okay, don't complain, now apart from letting go, don't have any chances!"

Ye Fei took a deep breath, then waved his hand, "War!!"


The five of Lu Qinghong didn't say much, they all responded!

Immediately, the six Ye Fei mobilized their true powers at the same time, went up from the sky, and rushed towards the white tiger in anger!

"Sword waves are monstrous!!"

At the moment when the white tiger was approaching, Ye Fei didn't say a word, and directly swung a sword towards the white tiger!

Huh! !

With a sword swung, the sword intent broke out, and the tens of thousands of golden and red flame giant swords turned into a surge of sword waves, like a rushing torrent, rushing toward this white tiger!

"Drop Dragon Palm! Lishe Dachuan!!"

The old beggar raised his arms and slapped his palms at the white tiger!

Boom! !

As soon as the palms came out, the four scarlet flame dragons tumbling in the air, directly slammed into the white tiger!

"Green Lotus Sword Song! Infinite Lotus Ring!!"

Lu Qinghong constantly mobilized the sword intent, and the sword intent spread out from his body, turning into a dense cyan lightsaber!

Immediately, Lu Qinghong stabs the white tiger with a fierce sword!

call out! ! ——

A sword pierced out, and the dense cyan lightsaber swept directly toward the white tiger like a stormy rain!

"Pangu Tomahawk! Open the world!!"

"Five Dragon Dao Code! Palm Hidden Dragon!!"

"Rainbow pear flower needle!!"

At this time, Zhang Baokun, Dongfang Xuanqing, and Tang Yu all launched an offensive!

All of a sudden, six fierce attacks attacked, colorful rays of light bloomed in the sky, brilliant and dazzling, and filled with the coercion of terror!

Seeing Ye Fei's six people attacking together, this white tiger didn't shrink back at all, but stomped on a volley. The coercion instantly increased, with a big mouth!


The sound of tiger roar shakes the world and spreads throughout the secret space!

I saw that at the moment this white tiger opened its blood basin, it directly expelled a pale flame with a width of 100 meters!

The scorching high temperature reached thousands of degrees in an instant, as if a round of scorching sun appeared in the sky, directly engulfing the attack from the six Ye Fei!

Boom! ! ! ——

Immediately afterwards, only a muffled explosion sounded!

I saw that the attack by the six Ye Fei was directly disintegrated, and Bai Hu's body was not even approached!

Moreover, this thick pale flame did not dissipate after destroying the attack of the six Ye Fei, but continued to rush toward the six Ye Fei, and it was about to engulf the six Ye Fei!


Seeing this, Dongfang Xuanqing couldn't help but explode.

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

Ye Fei's heart shuddered and shouted.

Immediately, Ye Fei's six people dispersed and dodged in all directions!

boom! ! ——

This sturdy flame rushed into the air, and directly smashed a dozen large mountains thousands of meters away from the six people behind Ye Fei, and then they were burned to ashes!

However, this white tiger's attack did not end there!

Seeing the six Ye Fei escape, Bai Hu lifted his claws and stepped forward suddenly!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

I saw that a series of platinum thunder pillars broke through the sky and smashed down toward the six Ye Fei in mid-air!

"Emperor Sword and Shield!!"

With Ye Fei's thoughts, the sword intent rushed out, and dozens of huge prismatic swords and shields were directly condensed in the sky to withstand the thunder pillars that were impacted!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Accompanied by the sound of bursts, although these dozens of swords and shields were destroyed, somehow they blocked the fierce attack of the white tiger!

However, at this moment, the white tiger directly raised a tiger claw, slashed a white gold lightning in the sky, and stepped on Zhang Baokun, the nearest to him!

"Bao Kun get out of the way!!"

Because Ye Fei was too far away from Zhang Baokun, apart from reminding him, he couldn't step forward to help immediately!

Zhang Baokun was also frightened, but his fighting instinct made him suddenly raise the Vermillion Bird's Axe in his hand to resist!

With a loud "poof", the white tiger stepped on its claw, as if a big mountain had been crushed down!


The fierce and violent impact caused Zhang Baokun to spit out a thick blood, and then he fell straight down with an axe!

Then only heard a loud "bang", Zhang Baokun fell heavily and directly smashed the earth out of a huge human pit!

"Bao Kun!!"

"Foolish goods!!"

When the five Ye Fei saw this, they hissed, feeling that their scalp was numb.

This white tiger is obviously just an illusion that can condense the elements, but did not expect the attack power to be so terrifying? !

You know, Zhang Baokun's body is quite strong, even if it is not as good as Ye Fei, it is much stronger than Lu Qinghong and others!

Unexpectedly, Zhang Baokun was stepped on by a paw and he vomited blood!

It's incredible!

If this encounters the real sacred beast, the White Tiger, how terrifying would the attack power be? !


Although Ye Fei was worried about Zhang Baokun's safety, he couldn't get out to check Zhang Baokun's situation at this moment!

He bit his teeth and shouted at Lu Qinghong, "Everyone, pay attention, don't be hit by this white tiger head-on!"


The four of Lu Qinghong responded impassionedly.


Ye Fei roared, and once again launched a rush towards the white tiger! !


The four of Lu Qinghong also followed and launched an impact!

However, before the five of Ye Fei approached, this white tiger shook his wings!

Huh! !

I saw that thousands of blue tornadoes blew directly above the sky, crushing them towards Ye Fei and the five people!

"Naughty animal!!"

Ye Fei roared, full of sword intent flames raging, his arms opened, true power and sword intent quickly converge!

"Sword intent burns wasteland!!"

Immediately, Ye Fei lifted his left hand, and the sword intent flames crazily condensed and compressed, and then directly pushed forward, and a monstrous sword intent flame burst out suddenly! !

boom! ! ——

The monstrous sword-inspired flame that burst out directly tore a gap in these thousands of tornadoes, and then raged towards the white tiger's body!

However, the white tiger saw the sword-inspired flame sweeping over it, and he didn't panic, opened his blood basin, and swallowed the sword-inspired flame with a "whoop"!

"Sword intent flames dare to swallow, do you want to die?"

Ye Fei couldn't help but sneered.

Sure enough, after this white tiger swallowed the flame of sword intent, sharp sword intents raged wildly in its body, directly piercing the body of this white tiger!


This white tiger seemed to perceive that he couldn't convert the sword flame into his own energy for his own use, so he opened a big mouth and spit it out!

With a loud "bang", a surging flame spewed out from Baihu's mouth, like a torrential mountain torrent!

Moreover, this sword-inspired flame is still lingering with pale flames, which condenses the flame energy of the white tiger!

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

Ye Fei shouted at Lu Qinghong!

He clearly knows how terrifying his sword intent flame destructive power is, and now he also condenses the white tiger's flame element!

If the four of Lu Qinghong were hit, they would be seriously injured even if they were not dead!

Therefore, the four of Lu Qinghong obeyed Ye Fei's order and dispersed quickly!

Seeing Lu Qinghong and the four of them dispersed, Ye Fei quickly turned his sword intent, and then raised his left hand, condensing a group of sword intent flames!

Immediately, Ye Fei pushed with one hand, and the flame of sword intent formed a swirling torrent of flames, directly meeting the flame that the white tiger spit out!

boom! ! ——

The two pillars of fire collided with each other, and a loud noise erupted, sparking out a series of golden red and pale flames!

However, at the moment when the two pillars of fire collided, Ye Fei ran his sword in an extreme way, and there was a scream in his mouth!


In an instant, the pillar of fire that Ye Fei hit continued to expand, forming a whirlpool, and directly absorbed the pillar of fire that the white tiger spit out!

After absorbing the fire column that the white tiger spit out, the sword intent flame that Ye Fei shot directly expanded for a few laps, and the sword intent and flame energy contained in it were multiplied!

"Fight back!!"

Ye Fei screamed, and slammed with one hand, returning this flame together with his supreme sword intent!

A raging flame is like a Tianhe river flowing backwards, rushing towards the white tiger. This time the attack has not only Ye Fei's own sword intent and flames, but also the flame energy spit out by the white tiger!

Therefore, this white tiger did not dare to swallow it raw, but raised two sturdy tiger claws and stepped forward in the air!

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, a series of platinum thunder pillars rose directly from the earth, like a platinum electric dragon, rushing into the sky, and soon an impervious lightning city wall was formed!

Boom! ! ——

The sword flame hit the thunder and lightning city wall heavily, as if hitting a boulder, bursting out flames and lightning!

However, the defense of this thunderbolt city wall was extremely strong, and it abruptly blocked Ye Fei's crit!

"Go! Go and help!!"

At this time, Lu Qinghong, who had retreated not far away, gave a big shout, and then led Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing, and the old beggar, from four directions, towards the white tiger!

"The sword is gone!!"

"Qianlong is in the Yuan!!"

"Seven stars in a row!!"

"Jiaolong is wrong!!"

At the moment when he was close to the white tiger, Lu Qinghong and the four attacked at the same time, each of them rushed towards the white tiger with strong real power energy!


However, this white tiger roared and slammed its wings, bringing out a series of flame tornadoes and a series of storm tornadoes, and crushed them towards Lu Qinghong!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by a burst of sky-shaking bombing, the attacks of Lu Qinghong's four were directly smashed by the flame tornadoes and storm tornadoes!

The powerful impact blasted all the four of Lu Qinghong away!

However, at the moment Lu Qinghong's four were shocked and flew out, suddenly, a small tower-like figure swept up from below, swung a giant axe, and slashed directly at Baihu's body!

"Bao Kun!!"

"Foolish goods!!"

After the four of Lu Qinghong were shocked to fly 100 meters away, they took a closer look and found that Zhang Baokun was rushing up, and they suddenly became excited!

At this time, Zhang Baokun slashed out with a heavy axe, and a crimson Suzaku sacred fire rushed out and rolled towards the white tiger!

However, this white tiger didn't wait for Zhang Baokun to approach at all. With a flap of wings, flames, lightning, and storm tornadoes were like dragons, and they swept towards Zhang Baokun together!

The triple energy elements are intertwined, and its lethality and destructive power are even more terrifying!

Therefore, Zhang Baokun's heavy axe was not only blocked, but even the Suzaku Shenhuo that swept out was crushed into sparks and disappeared into the sky!

When Zhang Baokun saw this, his whole body was dumbfounded!

He didn't understand that such a ferocious blow would not have any effect? !

However, without waiting for Zhang Baokun to think more, I saw that the flames, thunder and lightning and storm tornadoes were crushed directly towards Zhang Baokun, Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu, Dongfang Xuanqing and the old beggar!

Upon seeing this, Ye Fei knew that he could no longer keep his hands!

Otherwise, the five of Lu Qinghong might really be killed!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei instantly raised his sword intent to a state of seven-fold explosion, and then he slammed his sword and swung it at the white tiger brazenly!

"Ten Thousand Swords are coming!!"

In an instant, thousands of gold and red flame giants were condensed in the sky, spreading a strong sword intent coercion!


Immediately, Ye Fei waved his hand!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

These thousands of golden and red flame giant swords rushed directly towards the white tiger, the sword swept through the wind, and swept up a storm of sword intent!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

I saw that the flame tornado, thunder and lightning tornado and storm tornado that swept over were all smashed into pieces!

Next second.

Puff puff! ! ——

I only heard the sound of piercing, and I saw that the huge body of this white tiger was punched out one by one!

"It's now! Let's go together!!"

Seeing this scene, the old beggar immediately shouted and rushed out towards the white tiger!

The four Lu Qinghong also launched an impact at the same time!

Immediately, at the moment when the white tiger was approaching, the five old beggars quickly mobilized their true powers, each showed their magical powers, and greeted the white tiger one by one with smashing skills!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Accompanied by the sound of bombardment, the body of this white tiger is already fragmented, and it will shatter at any time!


When the five of Lu Qinghong saw this, their hearts suddenly became excited!

However, Ye Fei faintly felt that the three energies of thunder, fire and storm contained in the body of this white tiger were like nuclear bombs, and they could explode at any time!

"Quickly get out of the way!!"

Ye Fei's face changed drastically, and he shouted, then his heart moved!

In an instant, those golden red flame giant swords hovering in the sky directly condensed into a thick heavy sword shield with a length of five to six hundred meters and a width of three to four hundred meters, blocking him and Lu Qinghong!

At the moment when the sword and shield were condensed...

Boom! ! ! ——

The fragmented body of Baihu exploded directly, and a dazzling fire flashed in the sky, dazzling people's eyes!

The energy elements of thunder, fire and storm rushed out in all directions!

The world shook wildly, the wind swept across, the earth tore, and the mountains collapsed and collapsed!

Even if they were resisted by their swords and shields, the six Ye Fei still felt this powerful impact, as if they were about to destroy everything!

It took a few minutes.

When everything subsided, the sword and shield in front of the six Ye Fei had completely shattered!

Looking up, I saw that on the earth, everything in a radius was razed to the ground!

The mountains were all crushed and the stones were all crushed to pieces!

"My God... the energy contained in this white tiger's body is too terrifying, right?"

Tang Yu swallowed his throat, his voice trembling.

Lu Qinghong and the others also felt lingering fears, and their whole bodies were trembling.

If Ye Fei hadn't condensed a sword and shield defense with seven layers of explosive sword intent just now, I am afraid that none of them would survive at this moment.

However, because of this, the five talents of Lu Qinghong deeply realized that the strength of the trials in the White Tiger Secret Realm far exceeded the difficulty of the trials in the Vermillion Bird Secret Realm.

If ordinary warriors come in, I am afraid they will only have to die...

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