Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3384: , All destruction! (two

Qiu Canghai thought he could break the sword formation on his own!

However, what shocked him was that under such a strong attack, the sword array stopped except after trembling violently for a while!

As for the sword formation, there is no damage at all!

Qiu Canghai's eyes widened, his mind was humming as he watched this scene in disbelief!

His own strength is Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, and in the secret realm, he can even burst out of the strength of the Majestic Realm. But why can't even a sword formation played by a master of the Divine Martial Realm be defeated? !

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe such a thing!

Not only Qiu Canghai, but also Crane Biweng, Shao Yunxuan, Fang Hong, and Qin Yang outside the sword formation were shocked!

Regarding Qiu Canghai's strength, although not the strongest among the five of them, it is not weak, and ordinary Xiaocheng martial artists in the prehistoric realm are not his opponents!

But why did Qiu Canghai continue to stumble in the hands of a kid in the Divine Martial Realm?

Moreover, they suddenly thought of it!

Just now, if the four of them did not join forces, I am afraid that the four of them will definitely be trapped in the sword formation now!

In other words, the strength of this kid is far from as simple as they thought!

This kid's sword intent now has long surpassed their cognition. This kind of sword intent is almost already attacking and defending, and has reached a state of extraordinary magic!

It seems that trying to beat this kid is very tricky!

The five Lu Qinghong not far away looked at Ye Fei with admiration, and their eyes looked like gods!

What about the national teacher, in front of Brother Fei, it is not only for surrender!

At this moment, Ye Fei stood outside the sword formation, glanced at Qiu Canghai in the sword formation, then glanced at the four of Hebiweng, and said indifferently: "It's a pity, I almost trapped you all in the sword formation. bingo……"


Crane Biweng snorted coldly, and said, "Smelly boy, you still want to kill us all at once? It's just a dream!"

"Little sword formation, is it rare to live with us?"

Shao Yunxuan smiled disdainfully, and then rushed towards Qiu Canghai in the sword formation and said loudly: "Old Qiu! You attack inside, and we assist outside. We will definitely break the sword formation and save you!"

"Okay! Then I will bother you old friends!!"

Qiu Canghai replied with a trembling voice!

Immediately, Qiu Canghai raised his arms and continuously mobilized the energy in his body!

While he mobilized his own energy, the flame energy in the secret space was also affected, and began to converge toward him!

With the increase and absorption of energy, Qiu Canghai's originally thin figure seemed to swell in a circle!

Standing in the sword formation, Qiu Canghai exerted all his strength, opened his arms, and then suddenly closed, a whirlpool of pale flame appeared between his hands!

Moreover, with the continuous concentration of flame energy elements in the space secret realm, his aura and coercion have long surpassed the strength of the ordinary Xiaocheng martial artist in the prehistoric realm!

Now that they are all on display, it is even more earth-shattering!

As the flame elements continue to converge, there seems to be a ball of energy condensed in his hands that will explode at any time!

The pale flame energy ball has become extremely solid due to its sharp compression and condensation, emitting a dazzling light!

"White Tiger combat skills! Stars burst!"

Qiu Canghai shouted angrily and directly pushed the condensed flame energy ball towards the sword formation barrier!

This ball of pale flame light spun for a while, suddenly erupted, turning into a torrent of raging pale flames, and slammed into the sword formation barrier fiercely!

At this moment, Crane Biweng, Shao Yunxuan, Qin Yang and Fang Hong all attacked at the same time!

Crane Biweng lifted his hands, and the energy in his body and the lightning attribute energy in the secret space were mobilized at the same time!

Rumble! ! ——

A huge white-gold thundercloud gathered in the sky, lightning and thunder sounded everywhere!

"Nine thunders are booming!!"

With his arms pressed down, hundreds of thunder and lightning struck the sword formation below with a flash of "Bang La La" in the violent thundercloud!

"Tiger Howling God Fist! Ten thousand tigers collapsed!!"

Shao Yunxuan shouted angrily, clenched his fists in both hands, condensing an irritable platinum thunder and lightning, and then both fists came out!

Boom! !

At the moment when the two fists were punched, a platinum war tiger condensed from violent thunders made waves of howling tigers, rushed up in anger, and launched an impact toward this sword formation!

"Tai Cang pointed! Fenyan sword pointed!!"

Qin Yang lifted his hands, and the sword fingers condensed with pale flames struck out with a force of destruction!

"Wind Blade Crazy Knife!!"

Fang Hong was shocked, storm energy swept out, and blue storms blew around his body!

Moreover, these storms instantly compressed and condensed, forming thousands of sharp wind-blade scimitars!


Fang Hong waved his arm!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

These thousands of wind-blade scimitars were directly spinning rapidly, and slashed towards the sword formation!

However, at the moment when Qiu Canghai's five people attacked, Ye Fei's heart moved, and there was a scream in his mouth!

"Emperor Sword Formation! Start!!"

In an instant, I saw that the entire sword formation seemed to be alive!

The dense golden-red flame giant swords raged in and out of the sword formation, and the stegosaurus were also tossing and shuttled in and out of the sword formation, directly facing the attack of the five Qiu Canghai!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The attack from the sword array violently collided with the attack from the five Qiu Canghai, and the entire sword array shuddered violently, as if it could not be supported at any time!

With the sword formation as the center, the colorful real power burst out in all directions!

For a moment, the entire secret space seemed to have become a purgatory on earth, the heavens and the earth were colorful, like the energy impact of the end of the world, and the dazzling light made people almost unable to open their eyes!

The shock wave that was violent, made the five of Lu Qinghong feel the blood churning!

However, they had prepared well in advance, so they worked their best, so that they were not shocked by the impact of the five energies!

As for Ye Fei, he also withdrew hundreds of meters early, resisting the impact of energy with his powerful sword intent!

The dazzling Huaguang, the roaring sound lasted for two or three minutes before stopping.

When the light dissipated, the roar stopped.

Hebiweng, Shao Yunxuan, Qin Yang and Fang Hong all raised their eyes to see if Qiu Canghai was rescued.

However, what made them wonder is that the sword formation in the sky has disappeared, and Qiu Canghai's figure has also disappeared in the sky.

"Since the sword formation is broken, what about Lao Qiu's people?"

Shao Yunxuan asked suspiciously.

Qin Yang's expression changed and he said in astonishment, "I can no longer feel Lao Qiu's breath. Could it be that Lao Qi has been destroyed?!"

Crane Biweng frowned, and said, "It's absolutely impossible that a small sword formation can kill Lao Qiu!"

"Nothing is impossible, this kid's sword intent is too strong, I have already lost..."

At this moment, a weak voice came.

The four of Crane Biweng hurriedly turned around and looked around, and saw that a faint and dim white-gold figure appeared dozens of meters away, and it was Qiu Canghai.

Seeing this scene, the four Crane Bi Weng suddenly stunned, their faces full of incredible colors!

They could feel that Qiu Canghai's energy in his body was extremely weak at this time, and he had lost his combat effectiveness.

In other words, Qiu Canghai failed to withstand the attack of the sword formation and was completely defeated.

Qiu Canghai raised his eyes to look at Ye Fei, with a complex and pleased look on his face, and said faintly: "Boy, I really underestimated you, I didn't expect you to defeat me so quickly.

Although I do take you lightly, but I have to prove your strength.

Originally I thought that you guys could break here purely by luck, but now, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Haha, okay, boy, then I hope you can defeat my old friends with thunder..."

Ye Fei greeted Qiu Canghai's gaze and shook his voice: "Don't worry, Senior Qiu, if we can't beat the remaining seniors, then we will never leave the secret realm!"

Qiu Canghai squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, in fact, as long as you defeat two of us, you can choose whether to continue to challenge or leave the secret realm.

Therefore, as long as you defeat one more person, you will be able to leave, and you don't need to take any risks to continue to challenge. "

"Do not."

Ye Fei shook his head and said firmly in his eyes: "Since we are here, if we can't defeat all the seniors, then we will lose the meaning of entering the White Tiger Secret Realm."

After speaking, Ye Fei asked loudly: "Big Brother, Bao Kun, Qing Hong, Tang Yu, Xuan Qing, you guys think so too, right?"


The five old beggars responded with a shock.

"Interesting and interesting, you guys really have species, I admire you!"

Qiu Canghai praised him, then turned his head to look at the four of Hebiweng and smiled and said: "Lao He, Lao Shao, Lao Qin, Lao Fang, I will leave it to you next, don’t be careless, these young offspring are not easy. !Hahaha!!……"

After speaking, Qiu Canghai laughed and left the battlefield, went to the top of a mountain a kilometer away, sat down, and began to adjust his body.

After Qiu Canghai left, the four of Hebiweng turned and looked at Ye Fei, their eyes full of complexity and incomprehension.

Obviously, he still couldn't understand why Ye Fei defeated Qiu Canghai so quickly.

However, at this moment they didn't think about it anymore. Instead, they were ready to save face and teach these young offspring to let them know who is the real powerhouse!

"Boy, I hope you can have such good luck in the future!"

Crane Biweng sneered, and then said: "Lao Shao, go and deal with those five guys! Lao Qin and Laofang and I deal with this kid!"

"Don't worry, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Shao Yunxuan responded with a smile, and then rushed towards the five old beggars!

Ye Fei glanced at the five old beggars and said, "Brothers, the real experience has already begun!

You have to take this opportunity, don't let these seniors look down upon us! "


The five of Lu Qinghong responded, and then they mobilized their true powers and rushed directly towards Shao Yunxuan!

As for Crane Biweng, Qin Yang and Fang Hong, they quickly surrounded Ye Fei, and the mighty coercion suddenly rose, crushing to Ye Fei!

Therefore, at this moment, the trio of Crane Biweng no longer meant to look down upon Ye Fei, but regarded Ye Fei as a true opponent!

"Lao Qin, Lao Fang, let's get real, but don't let this kid underestimate our old guys!" Crane Bi Weng said loudly.

Both Qin Yang and Fang Hong nodded and agreed.

Crane Bi Weng did not say another word, but raised his arms to instantly mobilize the energy in his body!

The thunder attribute energy in the secret space was also drawn, converging towards him one after another!

In just a few seconds, thunderclouds condensed more and more in the sky over Ye Fei, and they stopped until they covered the sky over a radius of one thousand meters!

In this thick thundercloud, thunder and lightning surged and flashed, like a current maniac whistling inside, causing the world to shake!

Qin Yang did not hesitate, and quickly mobilized the energy in his body!

Moreover, as the energy in his body was mobilized, the flame energy in the secret space was also drawn, and began to converge toward him!

For a time, a pale sea of ​​fire covering an area of ​​hundreds of meters gathered above Qin Yang!

The sea of ​​flames was surging, and the intense high temperature made the air distorted!

Fang Hong on the side also mobilized the energy in his body, raised his hands, grabbed it in the air, and pulled the wind attribute energy in the secret space!

In an instant, in the secret space, the airflow swerved, blowing up hundreds of blue tornadoes!

Shattering! ! ——

This dense tornado seemed to connect the sky and the earth together, and all the gravel and sand below were rolled into the sky!

Suddenly, the world changed color, the momentum was raging, and the sense of killing was even stronger!

You know, among these three people, Crane Biweng's cultivation base is a real great achievement in the prehistoric realm, and Qin Yang and Fang Hong's cultivation bases are in the prehistoric realm Xiaocheng!

However, in this secret realm space, they occupy the right place, and can exert their strength beyond the original cultivation base. The warriors of the same cultivation base will only be exterminated in the face of them!

Therefore, when the three of Crane Bi Weng moves true, the pressure released by ordinary warriors is no longer able to bear. As for the attack, the lethality and destructive power caused by it are extremely fierce!

However, Ye Fei stood still in the sky, watching the thunder and lightning flashing around him, the burning flames and the raging tornadoes, his expression was extremely calm, without any fear!

After all, along the way, I have fought against many strong people!

Gongsun Mingjing, Ji Qingxuan, Tuoba Ye, Mo Beiqin, which one is not the top powerhouse above the real martial arts?

However, facing these people, I have never been afraid!

As for the trio of Crane Biweng, he is even more not afraid!

"Boy, it's quite calm, I just don't know if you are really calm or pretending to be calm!"

Crane Biweng's complexion sank, his arms were raised high, and then he suddenly pressed down!

"White Tiger combat skills! Drive thunder and switch off electricity!!"

Rumble! ! ——

In an instant, the thousands of current maniac pythons in the thundercloud that had long been unable to hold back fell directly into the sky, and slashed towards Ye Fei!

The sound of thunder resounded throughout the world!

"White Tiger combat skills! All directions are raging!!"

Qin Yang raised one arm and waved suddenly!

Wow! ! ——

Suddenly, the pale sea of ​​fire hovering above him was like a volcanic eruption, and like a ferocious flame beast, directly surging towards Ye Fei!

The sea of ​​fire swept across, the water vapor in the air was evaporated, and white smoke came out!

At this moment, Fang Hong also opened his arms and let out a shocking shout in his mouth!

"White Tiger Combat Skills! Hurry and Fury!!"

Suddenly, this tornado of tens of thousands of tons of sand and dust, like hundreds of wind dragons constantly shuttled, smashed directly towards Ye Fei!

Facing the three-way attack, Ye Fei's eyes dazzled, and his sword intent was instantly elevated to a state of seven bursts!

Immediately, Ye Fei's heart moved, and there was a shocking cry in his mouth!

"Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

Accompanied by the sound of dragons, nine sword dragons made up of thousands of golden and red flame giant swords soared into the sky!

These nine stegosaurus rose into the sky, each of which was five to six hundred meters long, directly protecting Ye Fei inside!

Nine stegosaurus, the dragon head is high, the sword tail is swinging, staring at Crane Bi Weng, Qin Yang and Fang Hong, it is like a real divine dragon overlooking the tiny human!

Feeling the dragon power and sword power of the nine stegosaurus, the trio of Crane and Biweng were so frightened that their faces were dull, and their eyes were full of horror!

"Sword Dragon... Sword Intent Transforms Dragon?! This kid has realized the sword intent to such a high level, you know, only Qinglong Great Emperor can make sword intent transform into Dragon!"

Fang Hong's heart was beating wildly, and his body trembled. He couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's interesting... It seems we still underestimated the strength of this kid..."

Crane Biweng's long and narrow eyes narrowed, and then said: "Even if this kid has a profound understanding of the sword intent, what about it?

After all, his cultivation is only a great achievement in the Divine Martial Realm, I don't believe what storm he can cause! "

"Yes! You know, the three of us joined forces, enough to fight against the master of the heavens, it is not more than enough to deal with this kid!"

Qin Yang also answered aloud.

However, Ye Fei did not pay attention to the trio of Crane Biweng, but directly waved the giant sword in his hand and shouted!


The voice fell.

The nine stegosauruses centered on Ye Fei, rushing directly in angrily in all directions, and greeted the attack from the three of Crane Bi Weng!

Therefore, Ye Fei at this time also clearly realized that his physical strength and sword intent were consumed too quickly!

After all, the two previous challenges and the elimination of Qiu Canghai had already consumed a considerable amount of Ye Fei's physical strength and sword intent!

Now, Ye Fei once again used the "Nine You Emperor Dragon", which consumed more sword intent and physical strength!

However, Ye Fei had no other choice, if he wanted to defeat the trio of Crane Bi Weng, it would be useless to make a small fight!

Therefore, Ye Fei had to perform a lore, and one person who can kill is one person!

At this moment, the Nine Stegosauruses had already started a fierce collision with the attacks of the three Hebiweng trio!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Huaguang is everywhere, and a group of dazzling brilliance erupts between the heaven and the earth!

The sound of explosions and roars one after another, the shock wave swelled away, and there was a thunder-like loud noise!

The rubble flies, the wind and sand dance wildly, this world seems to be turned into a purgatory on earth!

Lu Qinghong and the others, who were fighting fiercely in the distance, could no longer see the figures of Ye Fei and Crane Biweng at this moment, only the flashing bright light and the thick dust covered!

Just one minute later!

The wind and smoke are gone!

I saw that six of the nine stegosauruses had collapsed, and only three incomplete stegosaurus were still hovering in the sky, but the sword intent on their bodies had weakened a lot!

As for the trio of Crane Bi Weng, they were all affected more or less under the impact just now!

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