Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3385: , Join forces to fight! (two

Crane Bi Weng is okay, the light and shadow on his body are still so solid, and the breath and coercion have not weakened!

Qin Yang was affected. The aura and coercion on his body weakened a bit, but the impact was not significant!

Fang Hong was most affected. The breath and coercion on his body were reduced a lot, and his body became much dim!

Although Ye Fei's attack failed to destroy any of the three Crane Bi Weng, the three Crane Bi Weng were still furious!

After all, Ye Fei was fighting against the three of them at the same time!

Moreover, just one move not only destroyed their offense, but also injured Qin Yang and Fang Hong!

At this time, Ye Fei also sensed that Fang Hong's coercion and aura had weakened a lot, so he decided to eliminate Fang Hong first!

Thought of this.

Ye Fei slammed a sword and gave the order!

"Crush him!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The remaining three stegosaurus roared harshly and attacked Fang Hong together!

"Lao Fang! Hurry back! Lao Qin and I will deal with this kid!"

Crane Biweng shouted, and then rushed towards Ye Fei with Qin Yang!

"Thunder in every direction!!"

Crane Biweng lifted it with one hand, and hundreds of white gold thunderbolts fell from the sky, bombarding Ye Fei and the three stegosaurus!

"White Tiger combat skills! Tiger Howl!!"

Qin Yang was shocked, and a huge white tiger phantom emerged from his body!

The moment the white tiger phantom appeared, the tiger opened its mouth and let out a roar!


The tiger roars like thunder, shaking through the entire secret space, and the sound waves spread out and swept towards Ye Fei!

Seeing Crane Biweng and Qin Yang both attacked at the same time, Ye Fei's complexion sank, and with a wave of the giant sword in his hand, the supreme sword intent came out!

In an instant, a huge prismatic sword shield blocked his side, resisting the sonic attack!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Sound waves impacted on the sword and shield, making thunderous explosions, making the sword and shield tremble!

Immediately, Ye Fei lifted his left hand, condensing a group of flaming sword-inspired flames, and proceeded in an extreme way!

After condensing to a point, he lifted his left hand and pushed it out suddenly!

"Sword intent burns wasteland! Burns all the world!!"

Huhuhu! ! ——

I saw that the moment this sword-inspired flame was pushed out, it instantly turned into hundreds of fierce sword-inspired fire waves, meeting the violent thunder in the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The sword intent flame collided violently with the violent thunder above, and the muffled thunder rolled, and the sword intent, flame, and lightning shot wildly in all directions, causing the entire secret space to tremble!

It was precisely because these two tricks blocked the attack of Crane Biweng and Qin Yang that Ye Fei left a gap to continue chasing Fang Hong!

After passing through a burst of flames and thunder and lightning, Ye Fei continued to fly with his sword, letting the thunder hit him, and the flame burned on him, he would rather consume his sword intent, and he would accelerate forward!

Moreover, the stegosaurus in the sky followed Ye Fei and rushed towards Fang Hong!

Fang Hong originally absorbed the energy in the secret space and repaired the light and shadow body, but when he saw that Ye Fei was approaching him, he could only temporarily give up repairing his body and face Ye Fei!

"Boy, I am also the national teacher of the White Tiger Empire anyway, even if I am not the main body, you can never beat me!!"

Fang Hong roared and raised his arms, mobilizing all the energy remaining in the body, and mobilizing all the wind attribute energy in the secret space!

"White Tiger combat skills! Fenglong proud of the world!!"

Accompanied by Fang Hong's burst of shout!

I saw that the blue storm that came together suddenly turned into hundreds of wind dragons with a length of 100 meters!

These hundreds of wind dragons churned in the air and slammed directly towards Ye Fei!

However, at the moment when these hundreds of wind dragons collided, the three stegosauruses seemed to be as alive as Ye Feixin, and directly greeted them!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The golden red flame stegosaurus and the blue wind dragon collided in the sky, making a roar that shook the world!

Suddenly, the whole world was enveloped by golden-red flames and blue brilliance, so that Crane Bi Weng and Qin Yang who came from a distance couldn't see Ye Fei and Fang Hong!

It is also true that they dare not act rashly, worrying that the attack will hurt their own people!

At the moment when Hebiweng and Qin Yang hesitated, suddenly, a loud shout came from above!

"Sword God Huanyu!!"

Accompanied by this shocking shout, immediately afterwards, a surging, vast, vicissitudes, ancient barbaric, and domineering sword intent pressure impacted, making the heart palpitating!

Crane Biweng and Qin Yang looked up one after another with horror on their faces!

I saw that a dazzling supernova pierced through the golden red flame and blue light curtain, and impacted from a kilometer altitude, the speed reached the extreme, the target pointed to a direction in the air!

Just as the golden red flames and blue rays dissipated, Crane Biweng and Qin Yang "cocked" in their hearts, and their faces were full of horror!

Because they saw that the target Ye Fei was pointing at was Fang Hong in midair!

However, because Ye Fei's speed was so fast, they were so fast that they could only see a golden red sword light, and they couldn't even see Ye Fei's figure!

Therefore, they have no time to help!

"Old Fang! Get out of the way!!"

Crane Biweng yelled at Fang Hong in the distance!

At this time, Fang Hong also felt the unprecedented surging sword intent pressure, and the fiery golden red brilliance in front of him made his eyes unable to open!

He knew that it was too late to escape, and he did his best to instantly set up several blue storm barriers above him to withstand Ye Fei's attack!

"Don't want to beat me!!"

Fang Hong roared angrily. At this moment, his old face looked a bit hideous, roaring, his eyes were full of anger and horror!

After all, Ye Fei ignored Crane Bi Weng and Qin Yang, but chased him to fight. This is undoubtedly despising him, how can this make him not angry?

boom! ! ——

Only heard a burst of sky-crashing sound!

Ye Fei's sword has already smashed the first storm barrier!

Fang Hong's eyes were splitting suddenly, and he couldn't accept it at all!

But the next second!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Ye Fei's sword directly smashed the remaining dozens of storm barriers!

The golden red huaguang seems to penetrate the entire earth!

Almost no time for Fang Hong to choose, Ye Fei's "Sword God Universal" had already unreasonably shattered the last layer of defensive mask gathered around Fang Hong's body!

"Do not!!--"

No matter how unwilling Fang Hong is, he only thought of running away now!

However, his speed couldn't avoid such a deadly sword intent. At the moment when the last layer of light on his body shattered, his body was directly penetrated by Ye Fei's sword!

Moreover, after this sword intent penetrated Fang Hong's body, it continued to impact and fell to the ground fiercely!

Boom! ! ——

There was a shock!

At the same time that Fang Hong's body condensed by light and shadow dissipated, the earth he was on was directly punched out of a deep pit with a diameter of 100 meters, which could not be seen at a glance!

At this moment, Crane Biweng and Qin Yang in the distance were completely sluggish, and their eyes on Ye Fei showed unprecedented horror!

They thought that after Ye Fei eliminated Qiu Canghai, his physical strength had reached the limit!

Unexpectedly, this kid wiped out Fang Hong so quickly!

Is this kid's body really beaten with iron? Doesn't he know that he is tired?

Hebiweng and Qin Yang turned their heads blankly, and glanced at the top of the mountain where Qiu Canghai was located a kilometer away.

I saw that a weak light and shadow gradually appeared, it was Fang Hong who was defeated by Ye Fei!

A solemn color appeared on the faces of Crane Biweng and Qin Yang, and they turned to look at Ye Fei firmly!

At this moment, Ye Fei burst into intensive sweat on his forehead, gasping for breath.

Naturally, his body is not made of iron. A series of high-intensity battles and continuous use of nirvana has already exhausted his physical strength, true strength and sword intent to the limit!

Therefore, at this moment, the golden-red flames burning on his body dimmed a lot, the beating flames in his eyes seemed to be extinguished at any time, and the sword intent lingering on him also sharply weakened!

Moreover, at this moment, screams came from behind!

Ye Fei was startled, turned his head and looked around, and saw that Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu and Dongfang Xuanqing had fallen from a high altitude!

Only the old beggars covered in blood are still fighting!

not good!

Lu Qinghong and the others are in danger, if they don't help, I'm afraid they will really die!

However, Crane Biweng and Qin Yang also saw the worry on Ye Fei's face!

The two jokingly laughed, and their figures flashed, directly blocking Ye Fei's rescue path!

Hebi Weng smiled and said: "Boy, you are already **** yourself, but you still want to save people? What dreams do you want?"

Qin Yang also looked at Ye Fei in awe and fear, and said: "Boy, I have to say, I really admire you, and I can defeat Lao Qiu and Lao Fang with the momentum of thunder...

However, I think you are now at the end of the battle. With your current physical strength, it is impossible to defeat the two of us..."

"Who said it's impossible?"

Ye Fei took a breath, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"What's the meaning?"

Qin Yang stunned, frowning and said, "Do you still have hidden strength?"

Ye Fei didn't speak much, but took out a bottle of pill from the space ring like a trick!

Crane Biweng and Qin Yang looked at each other, as if they didn't understand where Ye Fei got the pill from?

However, they didn't think too much, they just looked at Ye Fei with contempt, as if they didn't care whether Ye Fei took out the medicine.

Crane Biweng jokingly laughed: "Boy, even if you take one or two pills, how much energy can you add?"

"Who said I only took one or two pills?"

Ye Fei replied, a crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What do you mean? Don't you..."

Crane Biweng's eyes widened, as if thinking of an extremely incredible situation!

Ye Fei didn't talk any more nonsense, but directly opened the porcelain bottle and swallowed the whole bottle of pill with his head up!

"You... are you crazy?!"

Crane Bi Weng was dumbfounded. Just now he saw the pill in the porcelain vase fall into Ye Fei's mouth one by one. When you count, there are more than ten or twenty pill, right?

"Hey, boy, if you take so many pills, don't you be afraid of exploding and dying?"

Qin Yang was also shocked by Ye Fei's crazy behavior.


Ye Fei stunned, and grinned: "Two seniors, don't worry about me, but worry about yourself..."

The voice did not fall.

The medicinal properties of the medicine began to spread, it was like a pack of powerful explosives, ready to move, to break Ye Fei's whole person!

In fact, ordinary warriors would have exploded and died a long time ago after taking so many pills. Only Ye Fei, because his body is strong enough, dare to try this way!

Moreover, Ye Fei has tried this many times before, so now he can withstand the effect of this medicine!

However, Ye Fei just took a bottle in order to prevent himself from becoming frenzied!

But that's the case, Ye Fei also felt that his sword intent, true strength, and physical strength were recovering at an extreme speed!

Therefore, Ye Fei directly raised the sword intent layer by layer, and the sword intent and coercion continued to increase, as if it could not stop!


Ye Fei raised up to the sky and let out a long howl!

Boom! ! ——

The irritable sword intent rushed out of his body, causing the entire secret space to shake!

Immediately, the golden-red flames that had dimmed Ye Fei's body burned again, and the flames in his eyes almost burst out!

Moreover, because the medicinal effect was too strong, Ye Fei did not stop the improvement of the sword intent, but directly promoted the sword intent to the strongest state of the seventh burst!

Suddenly, Ye Fei felt that every cell in his body seemed to be covered with hot oil, and there seemed to be inexhaustible power in his body!

"Come on! Fight!!"

Ye Fei roared, his figure flashed, and suddenly turned into a golden red lightning, directly attacking Crane Biweng and Qin Yang!

Crane Biweng and Qin Yang, who were still in shock, immediately came back to their senses!

Seeing Ye Fei rushing towards them, Crane Bi Weng shouted loudly, "Boy, even if your physical strength recovers!

As long as your cultivation is still in the Divine Martial Realm, it is impossible to defeat the two of us! ! "

With that said, Crane Biweng and Qin Yang instantly mobilized all the energy in their bodies, and drew the lightning and fire energy elements in the secret space, directly rushing towards Ye Fei...

At this time, the sky in the distance.

Shao Yunxuan looked at the blood-stained old beggar, and laughed wildly: "Old beggar, although you are very similar to the old Qi Gong, you are not Qi Gong himself after all!

Now that all your companions have fallen, it is impossible for you to defeat me alone! "

The long gray hair with a few braids on the side of the beggar flew in the air. He stared at Shao Yunxuan closely, and said hoarsely: "Even if I am alone...I will fight you to the end!!"


As he said, the old beggar clenched his fists and let out a roar to the sky!

I saw that a crimson fire dragon rushed out of his body, and crimson flames suddenly ignited all over his body!

At this moment, the old beggar's eyes were already covered with bloodshot eyes, but the aura and coercion erupting from his body had soared!

This is no longer the power that the warriors of the Royal God Realm can burst!

Therefore, at this moment of pushing to the extreme, the old beggar finally realized that his cultivation level has also stepped into the martial arts realm in one fell swoop! !

Shao Yunxuan was taken aback for a moment, then squinted and smiled: "Old beggar, it's not easy, he can break through in battle...

It's a pity, what can you do with the cultivation base of your Divine Martial Realm Xiaocheng, you still can't change the current situation! "

"Who said it can't be changed!!"

At this time, a roar came from below!

The old beggar and Shao Yunxuan looked down at the same time!

I saw that Dongfang Xuanqing, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, and Tang Yu stood up with their scarred bodies at this moment!

Although they were stained with blood and looked weak, their momentum was surging and shocking!

Immediately, the four of Dongfang Xuanqing looked at each other, and there was a hint of excitement and excitement in their eyes!

Dongfang Xuanqing took a deep breath, clenched both fists, slammed his foot on the ground, and let out a long roar against the sky!


Boom! ! ——

The whole earth was shaken!

Immediately afterwards, the black glow that originally lingered on Dongfang Xuanqing's body had undergone a qualitative change at this moment, and it was directly turned into strands of lacquered black flames!

The black flame scorched and burned, and then it soared wildly, turning into a black pillar of fire, like a black flame dragon, rushing to the sky!


At this time, Lu Qinghong also stepped out, clenched his fists with both hands, and screamed to the sky!

Boom! ! ——

The whole earth shook again!

I saw that the cyan light lingering on Lu Qinghong's body had also undergone a qualitative change at this time, turning into a cyan sword-inspired fire shadow, rising into the sky, as if piercing the sky!

Shao Yunxuan in the sky saw this scene, his eyes widened and his face was full of shock!

He never expected that the old beggar, Dongfang Xuanqing and Lu Qinghong would break through the battle one after another!

Even though the old beggars only broke through to the Xiaocheng of the Divine Martial Realm, and Dongfang Xuanqing and Lu Qinghong broke through to the Dacheng of the Royal God Realm, they said that the pressure and aura that broke out far exceeded their cultivation base!

This is what makes him feel scared the most!

However, just after the old beggar, Dongfang Xuanqing and Lu Qinghong broke through, there were two more shouts!



I saw that both Zhang Baokun and Tang Yu took a step forward, and the white golden light and purple light lingering on their bodies also changed qualitatively, turning into platinum flames and purple flames, and then rushed to the sky. !

For a time, the entire sky seemed to be ignited, burning colorful flames, gorgeous and dazzling, filled with fearful coercion!

Shao Yunxuan was completely sluggish, and was already speechless!

"Hahaha! Good! They are all good!!!"

The old beggar is ecstatic, his chest is full of passion and pride!

In fact, the five old beggars had already touched the threshold of breakthrough after Mo Beiqin and Tang Yin's guidance, but they never found the opportunity!

Recently, the five of them were in adversity and were pushed to the limit, so they all had a complete epiphany, and then they broke through one after another!

It seems unexpected, but in fact it is inevitable!

"Brothers, go!"

Tang Yu was so excited, he waved his hand pretendingly, and then directly Yukong rushed into the sky!

However, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, and Dongfang Xuanqing cooperated well with Tang Yu. They all followed Yukong and followed!

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