Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3387: , Crazy killing! (two

These figures standing in the sky are Li Xuankong, Qin Linglong, and Poison King!

After the previous fierce battles, Li Xuankong, Qin Linglong, and Poison King have been seriously injured, and their bodies are dripping with blood!

However, they still did not fall down!

Because the trial is not over yet!

And in front of them, stood a light and shadow old man with white golden light radiating from his body!

This old man is Duan Qian, one of the eight great martial artists of the White Tiger Empire!

Although his strength is slightly inferior to the national teacher of the White Tiger Empire, his cultivation is also a real master of the Divine Martial Realm!

At this time, there were people sitting on two hills a kilometer away.

On one of the hills, sitting on the top of one of the hills were the seven members of the Evil Emperor, Thousand Hands Man Tu, Xingyue Old Monster, Raksha Ghost Monarch, Gongsun Old Ancestor, Ji Family Ancestor, and Qin Family Ancestor.

At this time, the faces of the Seven Evil Emperors were full of worry.

After all, Li Xuankong, Qin Linglong, and Poison King were all seriously injured, and I'm afraid they won't last long.

If even the three of Li Xuankong couldn't defeat Duan Qian, then they would really not be able to get out of the secret realm!

But now, they are all seriously injured, unable to fight anymore, they can only pin all their hopes on the three of Li Xuankong!

As for the other mountain, there are two old men, one fat and one thin.

These two old men are exactly two of the eight great martial arts, one is named Li Chunfeng and the other is named Shi Tiangang.

Li Chunfeng glanced at the front, then glanced at the evil emperor on the side of the mountain, and said inexplicably: "Old stone, our cultivation is also a great achievement in the Divine Martial Realm, but I didn't expect to be defeated by these guys. Not reconciled..."

Shi Tiangang shook his head and sighed: "Who knows that these guys broke through with a fight, we won't be unjustly defeated."

"That said, these guys have quite rich combat experience. Although the cultivation base is not high, the combat effectiveness is indeed quite strong."

Li Chunfeng nodded, then looked into the distance, and said, "Although the young kid with the knife and the old guy who is good at poison have both broken through to Xiaocheng in the Divine Martial Realm, the little girl from the Phoenix family hasn't broken through yet.

However, fortunately, this little girl didn't break through, otherwise, the old man would be really dangerous. "

Shi Tiangang nodded and said, "That's right, this little girl from the Phoenix clan is indeed terrifying, and she has awakened the two bloodlines of Huofeng and Qingluan!

This little girl can be regarded as the proud girl of heaven even if she is among the entire Phoenix clan! "

At this time, the sky in the distance.

Duan Qian looked at the three of Qin Linglong, squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "With your current state, it is almost impossible to defeat me!

You know, although you and I are only a small difference, here is our home court, and my fighting power is enough to compare with the predecessors!

So, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, I will send you out of the secret realm, how? "

Li Xuankong stared at Duan Qian indifferently, and said in a shocking voice: "There are only a handful of things that can make me surrender in this lifetime!

Although you are a senior, you are not yet qualified to make me surrender! ! "

With that said, Li Xuankong was holding a black broadsword, dragging his exhausted body, and rushing directly towards Duan Qiankuang!

"Weeping blood knife technique! Blade's blood shadow!!"

Li Xuankong let out a loud shout, and instantly mobilized all the true power and blade intent of his whole body, and then directly slapped him and slashed it at Duan Qian!

Huh! ! ——

With one knife cut out, thousands of black and red knife shadows spread madly and slashed down, each knife shadow is very solid and contains a strong sword intent!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Before this dense shadow of the knife fell, the mountains below had been split apart, rocks were flying, and smoke and dust danced!

"Even the Xuankong kid didn't admit defeat, how can I, an old man, admit defeat!!"

The Poison King roared, and instantly mobilized all his true power, dragged his shaky body, stepped on his feet in the air, his body soaring into the sky!

After jumping to the sky above Duan Qian, Poison King raised his **** right palm, slammed it down, and slapped Duan Qian down!

"Poison palm shattered the sky!!"

I saw a giant palm burning with jet black flame, like a mountain, crushed down!

The palm wind swept, and the palm raged, the air was squeezed, making sonic booms!

The giant palm has not yet fallen, and the mountains standing around Duan Qian have been crushed inch by inch!

"Hey... why do you bother?"

Duan Qian sighed lightly, and then shook his whole body, directly mobilizing the energy in his body instantly!

Moreover, with the mobilization of energy in his body, the lightning attribute energy in the secret realm space also madly converges toward him!

Boom! !

Rumble! !

For a time, the thunder and lightning gathered on Duan Qian's body more and more, the thunder and lightning jumped on his body, and the lightning flashed in his eyes. The whole person seemed to be wrapped in thunder and lightning, just like the ancient **** of thunder!

Perceiving this increasing coercion, Qin Linglong paled and shouted: "Brother Li! Senior Poison King! Get out of the way! Hurry up!!"

However, at this moment, the Poison King and Li Xuankong had already approached Duan Qian, and they wanted to evacuate, they could no longer do it!

Duan Qian smiled coldly, then stretched out his arms and let out a thunderous shout in his mouth!

"White Tiger combat skills! Thunder Dragon destroys the world!!"

Before the sound fell, I saw that thousands of sturdy Thunder Dragons, centered on Duan Qian, spread directly in all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The sound of the thunder rolling almost spread throughout the entire secret space!

The jet-black flame giant palm that was crushed in the air was directly crushed by the dense Thunder Dragon, and then directly rammed the Poison King himself!

As for the tens of thousands of black and red knife shadows played by Li Xuankong, they were all crushed!


Accompanied by two screams, Li Xuankong and Poison King spouted a mouthful of blood and fell directly from the sky!

"Brother Li! Senior Poison King!!"

Qin Linglong yelled sadly when she saw this!

"Go! Go and save people!!"

"Quick! Quick!!"

At this time, the evil emperor in the distance saw this, they were taken aback by surprise, and they swept over here one after another!

Over the sky.

Duan Qian smiled and looked at Qin Linglong, and said, "Little girl, you are the only one left now. How about, do you want to surrender, do you want to surrender to me?

Still the same sentence, as long as you surrender, as long as you surrender, I will send you out of the secret realm, how? "

However, Qin Linglong lowered her head slightly and did not speak.

He clenched his fists, his whole body was trembling lightly, and tears fell drop by drop, as if he was very scared.

Duan Qian sighed and said, "Little girl, don't be brave and give up... We are the martial arts of the White Tiger Empire. It is not ashamed to lose to us..."

"Shut up!!"

Qin Linglong roared, raised her head suddenly, staring at Duan Qian with a cold expression, and said every word: "I, Qin Linglong, will never admit defeat!!"

With a shout, suddenly, the coercion and aura on Qin Linglong's body increased wildly by geometric multiples!

Originally, only the scarlet phoenix flame and the cyan Luanyan lingered on her body, but now there was a ray of purple flame!


Qin Linglong squeezed both fists and let out a long roar to the sky!

I saw that the red, blue, and purple flames lingering on Qin Linglong's body seemed to form a three-color pillar of fire, rising up into the sky, breaking through the sky!

At this moment, Qin Linglong was in the three-color pillar of fire, and her temperament became more glamorous, noble and indifferent, like a queen looking over the world!

"This... how is this possible?!!!"

The opposite Duan Qian was stunned. He was shaking all over, " did your cultivation level suddenly break through?!

And... and why can you still awaken the power of blood? ! "

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Linglong not only broke through to the Divine Martial Realm, but also once again awakened a bloodline among the five phoenixes, that is, the bloodline of flock!

Not only Duan Qian, everyone in the distance was stunned, completely shocked!

"This little girl is too powerful. Not only did she break through her cultivation base, she also awakened the blood of the flock?!"

Li Chunfeng trembled all over, his eyes full of shock when he looked at Qin Linglong.

"The Destiny Phoenix Girl... This little girl turned out to be the Destiny Phoenix Girl who has never met for thousands of years!!"

Shi Tiangang couldn't help but exclaimed.

As for the evil emperor and others, they were excited at this moment. After learning that Qin Linglong had not only made a breakthrough in her cultivation, but had awakened her bloodline again, her confidence in her heart became stronger!

Over the distance.

Duan Qian bit his teeth, enduring the shock in his heart, and said in a shocking voice: "Little girl, even if you awakened the three bloodlines, what if you are a destiny phoenix girl?

Your cultivation has just broken through, I don't believe you can beat me! ! "

Qin Linglong's face was indifferent and did not respond to Duan Qian's words at all. Instead, her figure flashed, carrying red, blue, purple, and three-color flames, directly rushing towards Duan Qian in anger!

Duan Qian was surrounded by white-gold violent thunder, and greeted him brazenly!

The war is about to start!


At this time, when Qin Linglong and Duan Qian were fighting for the last time, the battle in the space where the six Ye Fei were located had also reached the final juncture!

I saw that in the sky, there was a huge sword tripod with a height of four to five hundred meters, covering an area of ​​five to six hundred meters, composed of nine stegosaurus!

Ye Fei stood proudly under the Nine Dragon Sword Cauldron!

At this moment, although he was already wounded and tired, his pressure and breath weakened, and the golden-red sword-inspired flames surrounding him became more and more bleak, but his face was full of tenacity and indomitability!

Crane Bi Weng, who was surrounded by platinum thunder and lightning, stood a hundred meters away from Ye Fei, his expression indifferent, but the shocking color in his eyes could not be concealed!

Hebi Weng squinted his eyes and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to control the sword intent to such a superb level, even if you compare it to that person in the past, you are even better!

It's a pity that your cultivation is still weaker, so after all, you can't repeat the miracle of that person back then! "

Ye Fei gasped and said in a shocking voice: "Senior Crane, don't make a final conclusion before the last minute!!"


Crane Biweng smiled faintly, and said, "Do you still have hidden strength?"

"not at all……"

Ye Fei took a deep breath and said, "But, even so, I will definitely defeat you and get out of the secret realm!"

With that said, Ye Fei directly waved the giant sword in his hand, making a scream in his mouth!

"Nine Dragon Sword Tripod!! Kill!!"

Before the sound fell, Ye Fei's figure flashed, turning into a golden-red lightning, and swiftly rushing towards Crane Bi Weng!

Accompanied by Ye Fei's swift figure, that sword cauldron also followed Ye Fei, and with lightning speed, it smashed toward Crane Bi Weng!

"It's over!"

Crane Bi Weng screamed and raised his arms, instantly raising the energy of his whole body, and drawing all the lightning attribute energy in the secret space in one brain!

Suddenly, the power of thunder and lightning that spread out from Crane Bi Weng, and the power of thunder and lightning that gathered from all directions quickly gathered and compressed in the sky, as if forming a platinum lightning light ball covering an area of ​​one kilometer!

Rumble! ! ——

The thunder is rolling, the world is shaking, the mountains and rivers are collapsing, the earth is torn, and the momentum is magnificent!

Immediately, Crane Biweng's arms slammed together, and there was a scream in his mouth!

"Sky-swallowing Thunder Beast!!"

In an instant, the group of thunder and lightning that covered an area of ​​one kilometer in the sky condensed and turned into a huge and hideous thunder and lightning behemoth!


Crane Biweng waved his hand and gave the order directly!


I saw that this behemoth of thunder and lightning, which was larger than the Nine Dragon Sword Ding, directly rushed up and hit the Sword Ding fiercely, as if two cosmic stars collided together!

boom! ! ! ——

The golden red flame and the platinum thunder light are intertwined, like a nuclear bomb exploded, the light spread, and the power burst out frantically!

Everything within a few miles will be destroyed!

The sound that broke out made everyone temporarily deaf!


At this moment, amidst the intertwined light in the sky, a sorrowful scream came out!

I saw that a **** body fell directly!

boom! ! ——

The earth is shaken!

This **** body forcibly smashed the bare earth out of a pit that was more than ten meters deep!

Until the dazzling light in the sky dissipated, I saw that the sword cauldron had disappeared, leaving only the incomplete thunder and lightning beast and Crane Pen Weng standing upright in the sky!

However, although the sword cauldron was crushed this time and Ye Fei was shot down, the light and shadow of Crane Biweng's body was also dimmed a bit, and the breath and coercion were also weakened!

Obviously, this time, Crane Bi Weng also paid a big price!

At this moment, Ye Fei was lying in the deep pit, completely exhausted, his strength seemed to be emptied!

The golden red flame on his body has disappeared, and the beating flame in his pupils has also disappeared, almost dying!

"Still lost?"

Ye Fei murmured, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

However, Ye Fei was still very unwilling.

After experiencing untold hardships and breaking into the last trial of the White Tiger Secret Realm, how could he fall here?

Can't fall down!

Never fall down! !

Ye Fei gritted his teeth fiercely, clenched his fists with the last bit of strength, and then began to run the "Stopping Good Fortune Secret Art"!

Therefore, Ye Fei decided to try a breakthrough now!

After all, not long ago, he had already touched the threshold of breakthrough, and he was just a step away!

As long as the cultivation base can break through, then he can definitely turn defeat into victory!

Perhaps it was because of Ye Fei's firm belief that the remaining drop of true power in the dantian was sensed and began to spread wildly!

As this drop of true power spread, this drop of true power turned into a small ditch!

Soon, the small canal continued to spread and turned into a small stream, and then from a small stream to a big river, and then from a big river to a big river!

Until the moment when the river turned into the sea, the true power was like a vast ocean, spreading to Ye Fei's limbs, skeletal meridians, eight meridians, internal organs, and explosive power instantly poured into his body!

At this moment, the Crane Bishop in the sky thought that Ye Fei was dead, and was about to turn around and leave to help Shao Yunxuan.

But at this moment, there was a "boom" from the whole earth, and the golden-red ripples swept out of the pit, brilliant and dazzling!


Crane Pen froze for a while, turned and looked at the deep hole below, frowning.

But at this moment, a shocking shout rang out!

"Ten Thousand Swords are coming!!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw a golden-red flame giant sword rising from the deep pit, like dazzling stars, sweeping up, as if there was no intention to stop!

These thousands of golden and red flame giant swords, not only speed but also sword intent, have gained an unprecedented surge, and it is no longer the sword intent that can be exploded by the sword repair of the Divine Martial Realm Dacheng!

cough! ! ——

Moreover, at the moment when the tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords lifted into the sky, Ye Fei re-burned with more flaming golden-red flames. Crane Biweng looks at each other!

Crane Bi Weng stared at Ye Fei blankly, trembling all over, his face was full of horror, " could your cultivation level break through at this time?!"

Therefore, he can't understand at all, Ye Fei stepped into the prehistoric realm in one fell swoop when he was dying? !

Ye Fei looked at Crane Biweng arrogantly, and said loudly: "Senior Crane, thanks to you, I realized the opportunity for a breakthrough...

Now, it is indeed time to end..."

The voice did not fall.

Ye Fei suddenly waved the giant sword in his hand, and there was a shocking cry in his mouth!

"Destroy! Sword Broken Galaxy!!"

In an instant, the tens of thousands of golden red flame giant swords hovering and flying in the sky, with an indomitable killing force, are like thousands of golden red flame mad dragons, and thousands of diamond stars dragging a long flame tail, directly Rolled to Crane Bi Weng!

Moreover, I thought that the speed of these tens of thousands of giant swords was raging too fast, so fast that Crane Bi Weng couldn't even catch the afterimage!

boom! ! ! ——

Before Crane Biweng could react, he saw that the Sky-Swallowing Thunder Beast was directly pierced by thousands of giant swords, and then it collapsed, turned into a bit of thunder light, and dissipated in the sky!

As for Crane Biweng himself, countless holes appeared on his body, and Guangying's body was suddenly torn apart.

He lowered his head in a daze, glanced at his body, his face was full of shock and fear!

How fast is this kid's sword?

I just froze for a second, and my body was crushed?

However, without waiting for Crane Bi Weng to think about it, his shattered light figure shattered and disappeared into the sky!

It was at the same time that Ye Fei defeated Crane Bi Weng.

boom! ! ! ——

A loud noise came from far away!

Ye Fei turned his head abruptly, and saw that a dazzling group of colorful light burst out in the distance, which made him squint his eyes!

It took a few minutes.

Until the light on both sides dissipated, until the roar stopped.

I saw that there were no other people standing in the sky except Ye Fei, Old Beggar, Lu Qinghong, Zhang Baokun, Tang Yu, and Dongfang Xuanqing!

The ground within a few miles has become a mess!

So far, the five great national divisions, Hebiweng, Shao Yunxuan, Qiu Canghai, Fang Hong, and Qin Yang have all been defeated!

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