Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3388: , Breakthrough in adversity! (two

This heavy feeling made it difficult for Ye Fei to refuse.

"Boy, thanks to Miss Qin this time, if it weren't for her, we old guys might really not be able to get out of the secret realm." The Poison King said with emotion.

"Yeah, boy, girl Qin is such a nice person, you must treat her girl well in the future."

Old Monster Xingyue also took the sentence.

Thousands of Hands and Tu Jiren also winked at Ye Fei, a bit old and rude.

Qin Linglong blushed, and said, "Oh, senior Poison King, don't put pressure on your husband."

"Oh my god, I haven't been together yet, are you just thinking about this kid?" The Poison King joked with a smile.

Suddenly, the evil emperor and the others burst into laughter.

Ye Fei smiled knowingly, it seemed that it was time to give this girl an answer.

In the next few minutes, Ye Fei took out some healing pills for Qin Linglong and others to take it.

Afterwards, Ye Fei and his party did not stay in Thunder Valley for a long time, but rose up from the sky one after another, preparing to leave Thunder Valley.

However, Ye Fei and his group had not yet flown a hundred meters away. Suddenly, a group of silhouettes rose into the sky from several hills near Thunder Valley, and then directly swept over, surrounding Ye Fei and his group in the middle!

There are a total of twelve guards wearing white gowns, roaring tiger heads embroidered on their left chests, holding big swords, and looking grim. They look extraordinary!

Ye Fei glanced at the twelve people, and sensed that the twelve guards, each of them's cultivation base was in the Divine Martial Realm!

Such a force, whether it is placed in the major empires or the big sects, is a very powerful existence!

It seems that these twelve people are top-notch even among all the Ouchi guards in the White Tiger Empire!

Unexpectedly, Huangfushang sent so many masters to stop him!

Lu Qinghong and the others glanced at the twelve people, their expressions darkened, and their bodies tensed, ready to fight at any time!

Ye Fei glanced at the twelve people indifferently, and said, "I am in a good mood today, so I don't want to kill anyone. Please get out of it."

The twelve guards heard Ye Fei's arrogant words and couldn't help frowning, obviously very unhappy.

However, when they thought of the emperor's explanation, their brows stretched out, and their expressions returned to their original expressions.

One of the leading face-lift guards glanced at Ye Fei and the others, and said loudly: "We are the twelve tigers and beavers, and we are here to stay here by the order of the emperor!

The emperor said that anyone who passes the trial must first be brought back to the palace!

So, please come with us! "

"Everyone, as long as you come back to the palace with us, the emperor will definitely honor his previous promise and give you generous rewards!"

Another guard took the sentence.

Ye Fei curled his lips and said, "Go back and tell Huangfushang that we don't need his rewards and rewards.

Therefore, we will not go back to the palace with you. "

The leading guard's face sank, and said: "Since your Excellency said that, then we have to forcibly take everyone back!"

As he said, the twelve guards glanced at each other, and then they mobilized the true power in their bodies one after another, their bodies exuded white golden light, and their aura and coercion also whizzed out!

Even if Lu Qinghong, Tang Yu and others have achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation bases, they still felt a strong oppressive force in the face of the coercion of twelve experts in the Divine Martial Realm!

"Why, want to do it?"

Ye Fei raised the corner of his mouth and asked jokingly.

The leading guard looked at Ye Fei arrogantly, and said: "We don't mean to be evil with you. If you can pass the trial of the Secret Realm, you will definitely be appreciated and reused by the Great!

So, please don't embarrass us, come with us! "

"What if we don't go back with you?"

Ye Fei said lightly, and his face suddenly became cold.

"Then don't blame us for being impolite!"

The patience of the lead guard finally ran out, and he waved his hand, "Grab them!"

The voice fell off.

I saw that the twelve Hu Benwei raised their hands one after another, turned them into twenty-four thick ropes with their true power, and swept towards the sixteen Ye Fei!

Cough cough! ! ——

The twelve true power ropes exudes white golden light, and there are thunder lights on them, which makes your heart palpitating!

"court death!!"

Ye Fei burst out with a shout, a surging coercion vented out of his body, and the fierce impact it brought, flying sand and rocks, shocked all the mountains within a radius of ten miles!

The sharp and domineering sword intent raged out, and Ye Fei's body was burning with flaming golden red flames, and the flames of his pupils were beating, as if to come out of his eyes!

Under the raging sword intent, within a kilometer of a radius below, the mountains were directly cut to pieces by the sword intent, and then they collapsed!

Suddenly, the dozens of mountains that had originally towered underneath were all turned into rubble at this moment, and there was nothing left!

As for the 24 true power ropes released by the Twelve Tigers and Benwei, they were directly cut into pieces by the sword intent before they got close to Ye Fei and his party!

Moreover, it's not over yet!

Along with the catharsis of the sword intent, I saw that in the sky above Ye Fei, countless golden and red flame giants were condensed in an instant!

Immediately, these countless giant swords flew and hovered in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they reorganized in an instant, forming nine stegosaurus!

Moreover, because of Ye Fei's improvement in cultivation base and sword intent, these nine stegosaurus became larger than before, each reaching a kilometer in length, directly covering the sky over several thousand meters!

Nine sword dragons stood proudly in the air, and the eruption of sword power and dragon power was unstoppable, causing the twelve tigers and Benwei on the opposite side to panic and pale!

At this moment, in the eyes of Twelve Tigers and Benwei, Ye Fei looked like a **** standing upright, unable to look directly!

Not only the Twelve Tigers and Cardinal Guards, but even Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and Poison King ten people were shocked!

Moreover, because of Ye Fei's sword intent, the coercion spread by the twelve tigers and cardinal guards has been crushed, so that they can't feel the slightest pressure!

"Boy, you... have your cultivation base and sword intent improved?!"

The Poison King looked at Ye Fei with a full face, and asked with a trembling voice.

Ye Fei just picked the corner of his mouth and nodded.

The Poison King and the others took a cold breath, looked at Ye Fei's gaze, full of awe, and they couldn't wait to throw their bodies to the ground and worship.

As for Qin Linglong, she stared at Ye Fei's profile blankly, her heart trembled, her eyes shining.

Worthy of being a man in my fancy!

Indomitable, unparalleled!

She even felt that with Ye Fei's current strength, even her father would have the power to fight!

At this moment, the momentum on each of the twelve tigers and Benwei suddenly weakened to the extreme, and the arrogance and arrogance on his face disappeared.

"Your Excellency... is it the Sword God?!"

The leading guard looked at Ye Fei in horror, and quivered.

Therefore, the sword intent and coercion erupted by Ye Fei made them think of the sword **** who is in the limelight recently!

As the Hu Benwei of the White Tiger Emperor, they have been working abroad, so they know more about the Sword God.

Sword God, one person fights the Eight Martial Arts alone, kills the seven strong of the Eight Martial Arts, and saves Fengming Temple from the water and fire!

The Sword God, through the three secret realms of Phoenix, Xuanwu and Suzaku, won the first place in the three secret realms!

Sword God, alone in the wild empire, overwhelming many powerful people in the wild empire, wounded the wild great emperor, and retreated!

The sword god, with the power of one person, killed the three great masters of the Yinhuangjiao, defeated the elders of the Tianshamen, and conquered the Yinhuangjiao and the Tianshamen, all of the two sects, surrendered for them!

Pulling out each of these things alone is enough to shock the entire Zhenwu Realm, but so many earth-shattering events are all done by one person!

This is the Sword God!

They originally thought that such a powerful man who turned out to have nothing to do with them is very far away.

But who thought, it appeared in front of me! ?

However, at this time, a tiger Benwei swallowed his throat and said, "Although this kid has a strong sword intent, he doesn't look like the Sword God. Is he really the Sword God?"

As soon as this remark came out, the other Hu Benwei also looked at Ye Fei carefully, and their faces showed doubts.

After all, they had inquired about the appearance of the sword **** from other populations before, but the person in front of him was completely different from the sword god.

Thinking of this, the leading guard pressed the fear in his heart and asked, "Is your Excellency really the Sword God?"

Ye Fei looked at the Twelve Tigers and Benwei with an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "Isn't I a sword god, you are not qualified to know..."

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