Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3389: ,create a miracle! (two

"Seniors, there will be a period later!"

The six Ye Fei greeted Crane Bi Weng, then swept back into the beam of light, and disappeared into the secret realm in the blink of an eye...

When the five of Ye Fei left, Crane Biweng yelled "Oh!"

"Lao He, what's wrong with you?" Qiu Canghai asked.

"I've been thinking about asking the sword repair kid what his name is, but I suddenly forgot." Hebi Weng smiled bitterly.

"It's really a pity."

Qiu Canghai curled his lips and said with emotion: "That kid is really not easy, maybe he will be the next Martial Saint."

"By the way, do you think that kid's sword intent and cultivation mentality are a bit like Wu Sheng?" Qin Yang asked.

"Old Qin, when you say this, it seems a bit like it."

Fang Hong nodded and said something.

Crane Biweng opened his eyes and trembled: "You said...Is this kid Wu Sheng's apprentice?"

Qin Yang swallowed his throat and said, "It's... it's possible... it's really possible!"

Qiu Canghai put his arms around his chest and analyzed: "Do you think there is a second possibility."


He Biweng and the others looked at Qiu Canghai.

"Will that kid be Wu Sheng's son?" Qiu Canghai asked rhetorically.

The four of Crane Biweng's hearts "cocked", and then their complexions changed drastically, and they said in unison: "It's possible!!"

After speaking, the five Hebiweng looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They all remembered the fear of being dominated by Wu Sheng.

"If this kid is really Wu Sheng's son, then I won't be wronged." Qiu Canghai said with a sigh.

"Old man, how do we judge their trial results this time?"

Qin Yang looked at Crane Biweng and asked.

Crane Biweng thought for a while, and said, "We don't know the strength of the five guys who played against Lao Shao.

So, let Shao judge the results of those five guys. "

Lao Shao patted his chest and said, "I am clear about the strength of those five guys. Don't worry, I will definitely give the most fair judgment."

"Old man, what grade should we give Wu Sheng's son?" Fang Hong asked.

"Lao Qiu, Lao Fang, Lao Qin, do you have any good suggestions?"

Hebi Weng looked at Qiu Canghai and asked.

"Why don't you give him a grade of'King Wu'?" Qin Yang suggested.

"No, no, no, the rank of'King Wu' only ranks third on the'White Tiger God of War List', I think it's a bit low."

Qiu Canghai replied, and then said: "I think he should be given a grade of'Wu Huang'."

"But I think'Wu Huang' is still a bit low. According to my opinion, he should be given a grade of'War God'.

This kid alone fought the four of us alone, and he deserved the first place. "Fang Hong said.

"Is it better for that kid to get first place?"

"I don't think it's low. With that kid's strength, he is definitely the number one worthy of this trial!"

"You think it's high, but why do I think it's still low?"

For a time, Fang Hong, Qiu Canghai and Qin Yang argued, and there was no unanimous opinion.

The Crane Bi Weng on the side thought for a while, and said: "Okay, don't fight, I already know it in my mind."

"Old man, what grade are you going to give that kid?"

Fang Hong asked a question.

Crane Bi Weng smiled mysteriously and uttered two words: "Secret."

Outside the Secret Realm, White Tiger City.

Six days have passed since the secret realm opened to this day.

At this time, it was noon.

The people in White Tiger City are still doing what they should do as usual.

But at this moment, the entire land of White Tiger City shook, as if an earthquake was coming, and the houses on the streets and alleys began to shake!

"What's going on? Could it be an earthquake?!"

"No! This is not an earthquake! Look there!"

"That...what is that?!"

People in the streets raised their heads and looked towards the same place, which is the direction where the White Tiger Square is located.

I saw the direction of the White Tiger Square. At this moment, a platinum beam of light rushed to the sky, as if connecting the sky and the earth!

Huaguang is magnificent, gorgeous and dazzling, so people can't open their eyes!

"What happened on Baihu Square? Why is this happening?"

"Could it be that someone came out of the secret realm?!"

"Yes, someone must have come out of the secret realm, it must be!"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and have a look!"

For a while, people on the streets and alleys noticed the anomaly in Baihu Square, so they ran in the direction of Baihu Square!

The entire White Tiger City suddenly became a sensation!

at the same time.

On the White Tiger Square.

The huge square was enclosed by the inner three floors and the outer three floors. There were more people than when the secret realm opened the other day.

At this moment, the square was full of voices and very noisy.

Everyone looked at the "White Tiger Martial Arts List", each one was dumbfounded, and their eyes were full of shock and shock.

I saw that on the "White Tiger and Martial God List", on the "Wu Zong" column, two groups of pale flames were burning at this moment!

On the upper column of "Wu Zun", two groups of pale flames also burned!

"My God, I didn't expect four people to pass the trial of the Secret Realm this year? This is incredible!"

"The point is, of these four, two have obtained the rank of'Wu Zong', and two others have obtained the rank of'Wu Zun'. This has never happened in the past 100 years!"

"However, this may also be because the Great Emperor changed the rules this year and allowed team trials, so so many people passed the trials!"

"Even so, if the individual strength is not good, it will be difficult to form a team to pass the trial, okay?"

When everyone was talking about it, suddenly, above the "Wu Zun" column, and on the "Wu King" column, a cloud of platinum flame was burning!

There was an uproar in the audience!

"This... how is this possible? How can anyone get the rank of'King Wu'?!"

"Uh, dear, it seems that this year is really a lot of talents, even the third place'King Wu' has been won!"

"Great! Great!"

However, just as everyone was amazed, suddenly the whole square ground shook again!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that in the blank space above the "War God" column at the top of the "White Tiger Martial God List", there appeared two big characters burning with white gold flames and flashing thunder!


Therefore, these two characters are exactly the two characters "Wu Zu", a brand new grade!

The word "wuzu" burned on the list, and thunder and lightning flickered wildly, surpassing the seven major ranks on the list, just like a king who scorned the common people!

The entire square suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at the stone tablet blankly as if their souls had gone out of their bodies and had seen a ghost!

After a full minute, the entire square boiled like boiling water!

"Martial ancestor?! What grade is this? It has never appeared before! Is it higher than the "War God"?!"

"Does this still need to be asked?! The rank of'Martial Ancestor' has exceeded the list, okay? The point is that this brand new rank is above the rank of'War God'. Isn't this enough to explain the problem?"

"Uh, Nianglai... actually has a higher rank than'War God'?! This should be the first time the White Tiger Secret Realm has appeared in history, right?"

"That's not right, you know, the Wu Sheng Ye Hetu only got the first rank of'War God', okay?"

"Impossible, how can there be a martial artist with martial arts and talents? If there is, I am afraid this person has already caused a sensation in the entire real martial arts world?"

Everyone was very excited and talked about it. Some believed this fact, while others expressed disbelief.

At the periphery of the square, several guards with knives in white gowns saw this scene, they were shocked and dumbfounded, and hadn't recovered for a long time!

"Why does the Baihu Martial Gods list have such a rank as'Wuzu'? Isn't this too strange?!" A guard said with a puzzled expression.

"There is a vision in the Baihu Wushen Bang, you have to report it to the emperor as soon as possible!"

Another guard said quickly.

The other guards nodded, then prepared to turn around and leave the square.

At this moment, suddenly, a powerful force struck from a distance, making everyone's heart startled!

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