Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3392: , New grade!

As soon as this remark came out.

The Twelve Tigers and Benwei were taken aback for a moment, and then the color of doubt on his face became thicker.

In their opinion, although the young man in front of him was somewhat similar to the Sword God, his appearance was completely two people.

Therefore, they are almost certain that the person in front of them is not a sword **** at all.

If so, why didn't he dare to admit it?

Thinking of this, the fear in Twelve Tigers and Benwei's heart suddenly became less.

The lead Hu Benwei glanced at Ye Fei disdainfully, and then said loudly to the other Hu Benwei: "Don't be afraid! Although this kid has a strong sword intent, the twelve of us can hold him together!

Moreover, the emperor must be on his way here, we only need to delay for a while, the emperor will be able to arrive! "

As he said, the lead Hu Benwei raised his arms and mobilized the constant flow of true power!

The other tigers and guards were not to be outdone, and they mobilized their powerful true powers one after another!

In an instant, in front of the twelve tigers and Benwei, the true power gathered and compressed, and then formed twelve lightning spheres shining with blazing white golden light!

Therefore, although they didn't think Ye Fei was a sword god, the sword intent that Ye Fei exploded really frightened them!

Therefore, they did not dare to take it lightly, ready to work together to besiege Ye Fei!

"Leading Thunder! ——"

Hu Benwei, who took the lead, screamed, and directly pushed the lightning ball in front of him towards the top of Ye Fei and the others!

Five more Hu Benwei also pushed the lightning ball in front of them to the sky!

In an instant, in the sky above Ye Fei and the others, six lightning spheres converged and quickly spread, turning into a circular formation covering an area of ​​one kilometer!

Thunder flashes suddenly, thunder and lightning are surging, and the whole sky is full of thunderous sounds, like the sky is rolling!

Moreover, at the moment when six of them pushed the lightning ball in front of them into the sky, the other six tiger card guards did not hesitate to push the lightning ball in front of them downward!

In an instant, six lightning spheres gathered on the ground, and then spread wildly, turning into a huge circular lightning circle, echoing the sky above the circle!

Moreover, because all the earth is covered with rocks, there are many metal minerals in the rocks, so the power of the lightning circle is further strengthened!

Facing the two lightning arrays in the sky and on the ground, Ye Fei just stood quietly in the sky, his face calm!

Although these twelve tigers and guards have joined forces, the combat power is enough to match the warriors of the prehistoric realm, but how can Ye Fei be comparable to the general warriors of the prehistoric realm?

As long as it is a warrior under the Heaven-sweeping Realm, there is no threat to Ye Fei at all!

Therefore, in the face of this unprecedentedly vast and terrifying lightning array, Ye Fei was not afraid at all!

He just waited quietly, wanting to see what tricks these twelve Hu Benwei want to play!

Just at the moment when the two lightning arrays in the sky and the ground formed...

Boom! ! ——

Rumble! ! ——

The thunder was rolling, resounding in the sky, deafening!

For a moment, the magic circle in the sky, a row of white and golden thunder pillars directly slammed down towards Ye Fei and the others below!

The huge thunder pillars complemented each other, as if forming a dense thunder and lightning huge net, to catch Ye Fei and others in one go!

Moreover, just as the magic circle in the sky descended on thunder and lightning, in the magic circle on the earth, thunder and lightning appeared like a dragon, soaring into the sky, taking the sixteen Ye Fei people above!

Suddenly, this world of heaven and earth directly turned into a thunder asura field. You can't advance in, and you can't retreat.

"Do it!"

Seeing this, Li Xuankong also felt a trace of pressure, so he shouted!

"it is good!!"

Everyone responded, ready to mobilize real power to fight!

"Don't be nervous, it's okay."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, motioning everyone not to intervene.

Seeing Ye Fei's face with confidence, everyone couldn't help but stop the transfer of true power.

Since Brother Fei said it was okay, then it must be okay!

Then, Ye Fei thought, his eyes flashed, and he waved his hand gently!

The sword intent is like a volcanic eruption, spreading out again!

In an instant, the tyrannical sword intent above and below Ye Fei sixteen directly condensed a golden red sword and shield covering an area of ​​1,000 meters and a thickness of several tens of meters!

The two swords and shields that appeared above and below, exudes dazzling golden red fire, like two rounds of scorching sun!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The thunder and lightning that descended from above and the lightning that rushed up from below smashed heavily on the sword and shield, bursting with a loud roar!

However, these lightning strikes on the sword and shield, in addition to sparking a circle of flames, did not break the sword and shield at all!

As for the nine stegosaurus hovering in the sky, they were completely unscathed under the intensive thunder and lightning bombardment, as if they were scratching it!

Therefore, with the improvement of Ye Feixiu's base, the defensive power of the "Emperor Sword and Shield" has also increased sharply!

Unless it is to crush Ye Fei's strength, otherwise, it is impossible to crush the sword and shield!

Tang Yu and others were still worried that they would be injured by the lightning, but now they saw that the sword and shield had blocked all the lightning, and they couldn't get close to them at all.

Tang Yu laughed loudly, and yelled triumphantly at the twelve tigers and Benwei: "What are you doing? Did the kids play with the family? Even this little lightning wants to subdue us, do you think too much?"

"Hey, save some face for Biren. No matter how hard they worked, they made a lot of noise."

Dongfang Xuanqing laughed and took the sentence.

At this time, the twelve tigers and Benwei outside the circle saw this scene, and they were dumbfounded, as if they had seen a ghost!

You know, even the warriors of Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm can't carry the "Leading Thunder Formation" hard, but why is this kid in front of him so lightly blocking the attack of the great formation? !

"This... how is this possible?!"

Hu Benwei, who took the lead, trembled, and his heart burst in fright!

Ye Fei calmly looked at the Twelve Tigers and Cardinal Guards, and said: "I thought you could create a little surprise for me, but now it seems that I am thinking too much..."

As he said, Ye Fei waved his hand gently and snorted softly in his mouth!

"Jiuyou Emperor...crush it!"

The voice fell.

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

Nine stegosaurus, with the sound of the sky-shaking dragon, four of them rushed towards the magic circle in the sky, and the other five slammed into the magic circle on the earth!

The nine stegosaurus had a clear division of labor, as if they were similar to Ye Feixin!

Next second.

Boom! ! ! ——

Two crashing sounds rang through the sky, the sky and the earth shook, and violent shock waves formed by lightning, sword intent, and flames rushed out frantically, smashing all the mountains within a few miles!

The wind and smoke are everywhere, the rocks are flying, the dust is surging, and it is full of destructive destruction!

It took less than half a minute.

I saw that the two magic circles in the sky and on the ground had been smashed and disappeared without a trace!

The nine sword dragons were done, and they flew over Ye Fei unscathed, hovering, with the dragon head high, overlooking the twelve tigers and beavers in mid-air!

At this moment, the Twelve Tigers and Benwei's face turned pale, and his whole body trembled, and his soul almost got out of his body with fright!

"This... how is this possible?!"

Hu Benwei, who took the lead, trembled, "Why did the twelve of us join forces to display a large array, so even this kid's move could not be held up, so it just collapsed?!"

"Boss, this kid is too evil, let's leave first, wait until the emperor comes to make plans!" A Hu Benwei swallowed his throat and suggested.


Hu Benwei, who took the lead, shook his head directly, gritted his teeth and said: "If we leave now, these guys will definitely take advantage of this to escape. Then the task assigned to us by the emperor will fall short, and we will all be severely punished!

Therefore, we must not run away, we must hold them back and wait for the emperor to arrive! "

When the other eleven tigers heard this, their hearts sank, and no one proposed to escape.

The lead Hu Benwei glanced at the other Hu Benwei and shook his voice: "Come on, let's continue, I don't believe this kid can really withstand the attack of the twelve of us!"

"it is good!!"

Other Hu Benwei also responded loudly!

Immediately, the lead Hu Benwei raised his arms, mobilizing all the real power in his body, and then Shuangsou suddenly gathered!

Suddenly, a group of dazzling and flaming platinum thunder and lightning lights condensed between his hands, which was even stronger than just now!

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