Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3393: , Do it if you don't accept it!

With the continuous improvement of the true power, the power of thunder and lightning is crazily compressed and condensed, and the lightning flashes and pierces the eyes!

Moreover, just as the lead Hu Benwei mobilized his true power and condensed the power of thunder and lightning, the other eleven Hu Benwei also mobilized the true power, and all began to gather the power of thunder and lightning!

Seeing that the twelve Hu Benwei continued to prepare for trouble, Ye Fei's mouth had a playful smile, but he didn't take the initiative to take the initiative.

After all, his cultivation has just broken through to Xiaocheng in the prehistoric realm, and it is not yet clear to which point his combat effectiveness has increased.

Since these twelve Hu Benwei want to stop him, then he will treat them as grindstones.

Anyway, I didn't plan to be afraid of his hands anymore, even if the Great Emperor Baihu Huangfu came, he would not be afraid.

If Huangfushang is about to stop him, then it's a big deal to fight him, see who is more ruthless!

At this moment, seeing the thunder and lightning ball in front of him condensed and compressed to the extreme, the lead Hu Benwei directly folded his hands into his palms, pushed it out, and let out an angry shout!

"Thunder burst!!"

Boom! ! ——

A muffled sound!

The thunder ball turned into a thunderbolt of pure destruction, with speed and power, faster than the previous attack, and directly bombarded Ye Fei!

"Lei Ji!!"


"Thunder chaos!!"



Just as the lead Hu Benwei attacked, the other eleven Hu Benwei also performed nirvana!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Twelve thunderbolts surged up, as if turned into twelve sturdy thunder dragons, and slammed into Ye Fei's group!

Perceiving the thunder and lightning power contained in these twelve thunder dragons, Tang Yu and the others trembled and felt a surge of pressure!

Anyway, the cultivation bases of these twelve tigers and guards are all in the Divine Martial Realm. They work together, naturally, they should not be underestimated!

"Good job!!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei's eyes flashed, and then he waved his hand directly!

"Crush it!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

The nine stegosaurus uttered fierce dragon roars, and then a dragon wobbled its tail, directly hitting the twelve thunder dragons!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Accompanied by the roar of the sky falling down, I saw the power of sword intent, flames and thunder and lightning raging wildly in the air, flying horizontally and horizontally, causing the space to vibrate, and the sky quaked!

A wave of fierce and violent power ripples spread out in all directions, destroying everything around!

However, because of Ye Fei's sword intent as a barrier, Lu Qinghong and others were not harmed!

However, the Twelve Tigers and Cardinal Guards on the opposite side had no time to defend after they attacked. Therefore, they were all shocked to vomit blood, and their bodies were directly shocked and flew out a hundred meters away!

It took a few minutes.

Until the wind and smoke dissipated, the light in the sky dissipated.

I saw that, except for the nine stegosaurus hovering in the sky, the twelve thunder dragons had disappeared without a trace!

The twelve tigers and Benwei in the distance were holding their chests, watching the scene in front of them, all of them were terrified, and their hearts were cast a shadow!

They couldn't imagine why their twelve consecutive attacks didn't have any effect, but they were easily resolved by this kid every time? !

Is this kid really a sword god? !

Unexpectedly, Twelve Tigers and Benwei had this question in their hearts.

Ye Fei didn't pay attention to what the twelve tigers and guards were thinking. Instead, he glanced at the twelve and said, "Do you have any tricks, please use it!"

However, the Twelve Tigers and Benwei didn't do anything again, but stared at Ye Fei with a look of death.

They thought very well, they and others worked together to perform two great tricks, and they couldn't hurt Ye Fei's hair.

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and continued: "Since you don't want to do it again, then quickly give way.

I don't want to kill you, and I don't want to be an enemy of Huangfu, so you'd better be interested. "

Hu Benwei, who took the lead, spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and said in a shocking voice: "Boy, if you want to kill, you have to do whatever you want, we won't let it go!"

"Hehe, quite loyal."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and his face gradually cooled, "Listen to me. I won't kill you or fight against Huangfu. It doesn't mean that I dare not dare. I'm just afraid of trouble.

Since you are so reluctant to listen, then I have to say sorry to you..."

With that said, Ye Fei waved his hand lightly and let out a soft drink in his mouth!

"Crush them!"

The nine stegosaurus uttered a violent dragon roar, and then one tossed, straddling hundreds of meters directly, and slammed into the twelve tigers and guards!

The irritable sword intent was close to Longwei, and the twelve tigers and Benwei were so scared that their faces were pale and trembling all over, let alone counterattack and defense, they couldn't even escape!

However, just as the nine stegosaurus was about to hit the twelve tigers and beavers, suddenly, they saw a huge thunder and lightning shield that was hundreds of meters high on one side and tens of meters thick in front of them, like a mountain of thunder and lightning. generally!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Nine stegosaurus slammed on this huge thunder and lightning shield frantically, making loud noises like the collapse of the sky!

Thunder and lightning, sword intent, and flames spread, flashing its dazzling light, dazzling people's eyes!

At the moment when Huaguang dissipated, I saw that the nine stegosaurus had been shattered, and the huge thunder and lightning shield had also shattered and disintegrated!

When the twelve Hu Benwei saw this, the cold sweat on their foreheads couldn't help but burst out!

They did not expect that at a critical time, they and others would be saved!

At this moment, Ye Fei squinted his eyes slightly and said indifferently: "Huangfu Shang, here comes."

Lu Qinghong and the others froze for a moment, and then turned around one after another.

I saw that several figures were rushing from a distance, and they had reached Ye Fei's group in the blink of an eye!

Standing at the forefront is Huangfu Shang, who is dressed in white gold and white tiger totem robe, looks majestic and majestic!

Behind him are six personal guards!

Moreover, in addition to the arrival of the six Huangfushang people, a large crowd of black and heavy people swarmed behind!

Some Yukong, some Yujian, there are a lot of people, there are tens of thousands of people!

"Fuck! What's the situation? How come so many people suddenly come?!"

Tang Yu was stunned when he saw this.

Lu Qinghong and the others were also dumbfounded. They didn't understand why so many people came here. Why did these people come here?


Not only were Tang Yu, Lu Qinghong and others dumbfounded, but Ye Fei was also dumbfounded.

However, Ye Fei quickly reacted, it seems that the trial has caused too much noise, that's why it attracted so many people.

Therefore, these tens of thousands of people came from the White Tiger Square.

They also want to see who is the character who has obtained the rank of "Martial Ancestor" and is even more talented than Martial Saint.

However, when they saw Ye Fei sixteen, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"My God, how come there are sixteen people? Did they all pass the trial?!"

"This...this is too powerful. Sixteen people have passed the trial. This hasn't happened in thousands of years, right?!"

"By the way, who is that peerless genius among these sixteen people?"

"Who knows, just look at it."

Just as these people were talking about it, the twelve Hu Benwei saw Huangfu Shang's arrival, as if they had seen a savior, and hurried away from the sky.

"Meet the emperor!!"

The twelve tigers and Benwei bend down and bow their heads respectfully.

Huangfushang glanced at the twelve people, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter, why are you so badly hurt?"

"Great Emperor, this kid is too strong, and we are not his opponents when the twelve of us joined forces, so we were injured by him!"

Hu Benwei, who took the lead, told Ye Fei.

"Great Emperor, this kid doesn't put you in his eyes at all, you must teach this kid a lesson!"

Another Hu Benwei pointed at Ye Fei, furious.

"Don't you feel embarrassed that you can't beat even one of the twelve?"

Huangfushang felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and he coldly shouted, "Get out!"


The twelve Hu Benwei trembled with fright, and quickly retreated behind Huangfushang.

Huangfushang raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Fei's sixteen people, and finally his gaze fell on Ye Fei's body.

After all, he saw it at a glance, among the sixteen people, only Ye Fei's breath and coercion were the most powerful.

Moreover, Ye Fei easily injured his Hu Benwei, so he confirmed his guess.

"Boy, if I guessed correctly, you are the peerless genius who got the rank of'Martial Ancestor', right?" Huangfushang asked in a deep voice.

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