Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3394: ,Not qualified!


Ye Fei was taken aback, "Why don't I understand what martial ancestor grade?

The ranks on the White Tiger Martial God list are from high to low. Isn't there only the seven of Martial God, Martial Emperor, Martial King, Wu Zun, Wu Zong, Martial Master, and Martial Artist?

When did another martial arts grade come out? "

Huangfu Shang smiled faintly, and said slowly: "Boy, forgot to tell you that in addition to the seven ranks on the list of the white tiger and martial gods, there is also a hidden rank, that is, the martial ancestor.

Of course, although the emperor has always known that there is such a hidden rank, no one has ever obtained this rank for thousands of years, and the best rank is only the Martial God rank.

Because the rank of Wuzu surpasses the **** of war, outside of the list, those who can get this rank must have their strength and potential beyond ordinary people, and have the dual recognition of the national teacher and the secret realm..."


Ye Fei was speechless when he heard it.

He thought he would get the first place on the White Tiger Martial God Ranking, which is the "War God" rank.

But I don't know that I have exerted too much power, and I have obtained the hidden "Martial Ancestor" rank.

You must know that your old man also broke through the secret realm back then, when he broke into the white tiger secret realm, he must have obtained the rank of "War God".

Doesn't that mean that his potential surpasses the old man? !

Thinking of this, Ye Fei was still a little excited.

Being able to surpass the old man, it also proves that my experience over the past few months has not been in vain.

However, at this time, after the people who came here to join in the fun heard Huangfushang's words, they all looked at Ye Fei, with countless envy and hatred in their eyes.

"It's awesome, it was this kid who got the rank of'Martial Ancestor'!"

"This kid can get the dual recognition of the national teacher and the secret realm, and he is still so young, as long as he accepts the instructions of the great emperor, I am afraid that this kid can become a top master of Zhenwu in the future!"

"That's not it, don't talk about the Ten Saints, I am afraid that the Five Emperors will be surpassed by him!"

At this moment, those who joined in the excitement started talking, and their words revealed infinite worship.

Huangfu Shang stared at Ye Fei with scorching eyes and said, "So, I want to ask you, who are you?"

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and said, "Mr. Huangfu, I am an unknown person. It doesn't matter who I am."


Huangfushang laughed loudly and said: "If you are an unknown soldier, then what are the hundreds of millions of martial artists in the real martial arts world? Isn't it even worse than an unknown soldier?

Boy, you can hide from others, but you can't hide from me!

You are the sword **** who is in the limelight recently! ! "


As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

"I heard that right?! This kid is the sword **** who has been famous recently in the real martial world?!!!"

"Since even the emperor has said so, it must not be wrong!!"

"I didn't expect the Sword God to be such a young junior, and it is because Jiangshan has talents from generation to generation!!"

Exclamations one after another, everyone looked at Ye Fei as if they had seen their idol.

After all, they have also heard of the deeds of the Sword God, how can they not be excited when they see it with their own eyes?

Hearing Huangfushang's words, although Ye Fei didn't change his face, he couldn't help but "cock" in his heart.

He deserves to be the king of a country, this vision is really old, he has changed his face, he can still see it.

Of course, it is possible that Huangfu Shang was testing himself.

So Ye Fei squinted his eyes and said, "Mr. Huangfu, why are you a sword **** for me?"

"This is very simple."

Huangfushang was confident, and said loudly: "I can feel the powerful sword intent of the king just now from far away!

Moreover, the sword dragon trick you played is one of the famous stunts of the sword god, the "Nine You Emperor Dragon"!

The same is the king's sword intent, and the same will be the "Nine You Emperor Dragon". You are not the sword god, who else will you be? "

Qin Linglong, Li Xuankong and others on the side became nervous when they heard it.

They didn't expect Huangfushang to know Ye Fei so much.

However, Ye Fei didn't change his face, facing Huangfushang's gaze, shrugging his shoulders, and said: "Mr. Huangfu, there are hundreds of millions of warriors in the real martial arts world, and there are tens of thousands of sword repairmen.

Among so many people, isn't there a sword repairman who can comprehend the sword intent of the king and learn the famous skills of the sword god? "

"Your Excellency, Sword God, don't quibble anymore."

Huangfu sneered and said, "Do you think the sword intent of the king is so easy to understand?

Among so many warriors in the real martial arts world, only Qinglong Great Emperor Xuanyuan Zhantian, Wusheng Yehetu and Demon Sword Saint Dugu seek defeat that can comprehend the king's sword intent!

Apart from that, there is no one else!

Of course, there is now an extra sword god, who understands the king's sword intent, that is, you standing in front of my eyes!

It’s just that I’m very curious, how did your appearance change, Lord Sword God? "

At this moment, all the people present who came here to join in the fun have believed what Huangfushang said.

After all, what Huangfushang said was justified and well-founded, so they had to believe it.

Hearing what Huangfushang said, Ye Fei knew that it wouldn't help to keep it secret.

What's more, Ye Fei didn't intend to conceal any more, let alone fear it.

"Hehe, you deserve to be the Great White Tiger, really smart enough."

Ye Fei smiled faintly, and then suddenly exploded, and said domineeringly: "Yes, I am the sword god!"

With that said, Ye Fei raised a hand and pressed a few times on the muscles on his face. Suddenly, a completely new face appeared in front of everyone!

Qin Linglong and others saw that Ye Fei had revealed their identities, and they did the same, removing the disguise and showing their true colors.

Suddenly, everyone present saw that the sixteen Ye Fei had changed their appearance like a trick, and they boiled again.

Ye Fei looked at Huangfushang indifferently, and said: "Mr. Huangfu, my friend and I just want to borrow your White Tiger secret realm for cultivation, and have never thought about getting any rewards and rewards from you, nor have they thought about joining your White Tiger Empire.

So, Mr. Huangfu, don't put your idea on us, let us go. "

"Your Sword God, don't you really think about it?"

Huangfushang was a little unwilling, so he asked.

"Don't think about it."

Ye Fei shook his head.

"Hey, what a pity..."

Huangfu Shang sighed, but his face was not too disappointed.

After all, he had already thought that Ye Fei would refuse his invitation on his way.

However, he still wanted to give it a try.

If the strength of the sword **** is not up to the point where he respects him, then he will use force to take it away.

On the contrary, he will make friends with him and let him go.

Thinking of this, Huangfushang smiled and said: "Your Sword God, if you want to go, I won't force you to stay.

However, with so many people present, everyone wants to see how strong the rumored Sword God is and why he has attained the rank of "Martial Ancestor".

Therefore, I would like to invite the Lord of Sword God to discuss with this emperor, so as to satisfy everyone's wish. "

When everyone present heard it, they became excited and excited!

The battle between the Sword God and the Great White Tiger was absolutely brilliant!

"Your Excellency Sword God, we support you!!"

"His Sword God, let everyone open their eyes!!"

"Sword God! Sword God! Sword God!!!..."

For a while, everyone present became noisy, and when they came back, everyone shouted the title of "Sword God" in unison!

Huangfushang hit the iron while it was hot, smiling and saying: "Your Sword God, you see everyone is so interested, just agree.

Don't worry, this emperor will definitely keep his hands and won't really hurt you. "

Ye Fei squinted his eyes, naturally knowing that Huangfu Shang wanted to test himself.

If his strength is not good, it will definitely become the fish on the chopping board, let this guy kill.

If so, then fight him.

As long as this guy can be scared, then this matter will spread to the Azure Dragon Empire, and the Azure Dragon Great Emperor will probably not come here to make trouble for himself because of his concerns.

Thought of this.

Ye Fei met Huangfushang's gaze, and said in a shaking voice: "Okay, I promise you!"

"Haha!! I really have the courage, I am worthy of being a sword god!!"

Huangfu smiled loudly and waved his big hand, "Everyone backs away. If you hurt you later, it's not good!"

When everyone present heard it, they all withdrew hundreds of meters away.

Ye Fei also rushed to Qin Linglong and the others: "You also evacuate here!"

"Husband, do you have to fight this battle?" Qin Linglong said worriedly.

"You have to fight."

Ye Fei nodded, his eyes flashed with determination.

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