Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3395: , One way to defeat!

Ye Fei's face sank slightly, and he continued: "Huangfushang did this to test my true strength in order to plan for the next step.

If my strength can restrain him, then he will definitely not hinder us from leaving.

If not, then he will definitely turn his face right away and take us away forcibly. "

"Tsk tusk, these emperors, each city mansion is really deep!" Tang Yu tusked, sarcastically.

"That's not it, or why should they climb to the position of the master?"

Dongfang Xuanqing took the sentence.

"Well, don't say so much, quickly evacuate here, the farther the better." Ye Fei said.

"Husband, be careful!"

"Brother Fei, if you really can't beat us, let's run!"

"Yes, let's find a convenient place to escape. With our current strength, we may not be able to defeat Huangfushang, but escape should be possible!"

Qin Linglong, Tang Yu and others all reminded them one after another, and then quickly withdrew hundreds of meters away.

After Qin Linglong's fifteen people left, the world suddenly became empty, leaving only Ye Fei and Huangfushang standing opposite each other!

Huangfu Shang looked at Ye Fei with a faint smile, and said loudly: "Your Sword God, since I proposed the discussion, then I will let you make the move first!"

"Okay, I won't be polite to you!"

Ye Fei replied with a trembling sound, and then his whole body was shocked, and his sword intent, true power, and physical strength instantly rose to the state of seven bursts!

After all, Huangfushang is also a five-emperor powerhouse, his cultivation is at least above the prehistoric realm, and he has reached the heaven-recovering realm, and his strength is even more unfathomable!

Therefore, Ye Fei did not entrust him, and directly mobilized the strongest force!

Suddenly, on Ye Fei's body, a golden-red sword intent flame ignited, and the flames in his eyes, a force of majestic pressure, continued to rise!

Ye Fei at this moment, as if the king is over the world, everything is under his feet!

The coercion that it spread out directly swept a few miles around!

Those people hundreds of meters away, as well as Huangfushang's guards, all trembled and couldn't help shaking.

"It turns out that this is the pressure of the Sword God, it's really terrifying..."

"I was still worried that the Sword God would not be the opponent of the Great Emperor, but now I look at it, it seems that I am worried that it is a bit redundant..."

"Yes, the force and aura of the Sword God, even if you compare it to the Great Emperor..."

Everyone started talking, looking at Ye Fei in the distance, as if looking at a god.

As for the twelve injured Hu Benwei, all of them were sluggish.

They thought that Ye Fei had tried his best to hurt them, but now that it is not like this at all.

Although the coercion that Ye Fei radiated when facing them was strong, it was definitely not as strong as it is now. It was so powerful that it was terrifying and palpitating!

They felt lingering fears when they thought that they had been provoking Ye Fei just now.

At this time, the sky in the distance.

"The sword is coming!!"

Ye Feizhen shouted and raised his right hand, the sword intent instantly condensed a golden red flame giant sword!

Immediately, Ye Fei's figure moved, his body turned into a golden red light and shadow, and he swept directly towards Huangfushang!

Huh! ! ——

At the moment when Huangfushang was approaching, Ye Fei didn't have any whistle or extra action, and he slashed directly at Huangfushang!

Although it is just a very ordinary sword, its destructive power and lethality are unprecedentedly terrifying, and its speed and power have reached an incredible realm!

A sword fell, and the golden-red sword flame ignited the sky, as if the morning sun was rising, a touch of morning glory on the horizon, gorgeous, and full of endless murderous intent!

The air and space were all crushed, because the temperature brought by the flame of sword intent was too high in an instant, and white smoke appeared in the sky, as if the air had become hot!

Huangfushang originally thought that Ye Fei's sword would be very common, but now he knew it was a big mistake!

Moreover, because the speed of this sword is too fast, it is so fast that Huangfushang is unable to counterattack and defend, so he can only choose to dodge!

"Nine flashes of wind and thunder!!"

Huangfu sang a loud shout, and the lightning flashed under his feet, and his figure directly turned into a white-blue light and shadow, and it flashed out directly!

The speed has reached the extreme, like electricity like light!

Among all the people present, except Qin Linglong, whose cultivation base was Xiaocheng in the Primordial Realm, could see an afterimage, the others couldn't even see the afterimage, only a white and blue light!

boom! ! ! ——

A sword failed, like a Optimus pillar with a length of six to seven hundred meters crushed down, the power is amazing!

The dozens of mountains connected below were instantly cut in half, and then collapsed on both sides!

The rocks are rolling, and the dust is full!

The sun is pouring in, and the wind is howling.

Huangfushang stood still a kilometer away, watching the scene before him, Gu Bo's unsurprised face finally showed a touch of shock.

Especially when he saw a cut in his sleeve, the shock in his heart was even stronger!

With just one sword, a dozen or so mountains were split open, and he also touched himself? !

You must know that as long as you start the "Nine Flashes of Wind and Thunder", you can use the attack of a warrior in the Primordial Realm, and you can't even touch one of your own hairs.

Unexpectedly, I was still touched by this kid's sword!

Is the strength of the Sword God? !

It seems that I have to be serious, otherwise, if I fail to test myself, and instead lose the battle, I will be embarrassed!

Thinking of this, Huangfushang didn't dare to care for it any more, but was shocked, constantly mobilizing his true power!

For a time, Huangfushang's body was beating with platinum lightning, a pale flame burned, and blue storms swept around him!

As for the people in the distance, they were already stupid. They were so frightened that they couldn't even say a word, and the world fell into a weird silence.

Moreover, at the moment when Huangfushang's coercion and aura spread, everyone was stunned as they felt their energy and blood boiled, and they could no longer bear it.

Therefore, these warriors continued to retreat to prevent accidental injury.

"Sword God, I have asked you to move first, now it's my turn!!"

Huangfu Shang screamed, his figure flickered, and the distance of kilometers was close in an instant!

"White Tiger combat skills! Soul dispersal and tiger claws!!"

Huangfushang's hands were claws, and he swung out in the direction of Ye Fei!

Swish! ! ——

In an instant, one by one was huge, shining with platinum thunder, burning with pale flame, and the tiger claws were torn away towards Ye Fei!

The huge claws of thunder, lightning and flames all over the sky struck, as if thousands of mountains were crushed down, and the surrounding mountains collapsed directly before being touched by tiger claws!

Seeing this, Ye Fei slammed his sword out, and there was a loud shout in his mouth!

"Wan Jian is coming!!"

In an instant, tens of thousands of golden red flame giant swords soared into the sky, like tens of thousands of cold stars, filling the sky!


With a big wave of Ye Fei's hand, this tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords slammed into the sky full of tiger claws with a violent sound of breaking through the air!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

In an instant, the tiger's claws all over the sky collided with Ye Fei's sword and burst in mid-air, causing the sky to tremble!

Suddenly, the light dissipated, and I saw that there was nothing in the sky, and the tiger claws and giant swords all over the sky had disappeared without a trace!

Huangfushang's face changed, his face was full of incredible color!

He thought that his tiger claws could smash Ye Fei's sword, but now he saw that the big killer he had hit a tie with Ye Fei, how could he not be shocked? !

The key is that this kid in front of him is no more than Xiaocheng's cultivation base!

However, without waiting for Huangfushang to think about it, Ye Fei's figure flashed, and he attacked Huangfushang again!

"Sword Intent Burns Wasteland!!"

Ye Fei directly swiped a sword towards Huangfu Shang!

With a muffled sound of "bang", the flame of sword intent erupted, turning into a torrent of flames that soared into the sky, rushing towards Huangfushang's chest!

Compared to the time in the Divine Martial Realm, the power of this sword intent flame is now more violent and fierce!

The sword intent screamed, crushed the space, burned with flames, and evaporated the water vapor in the air instantly!

Huangfu Shang saw this sword-inspired flame sweeping toward him, and he didn't rush, the real power and the white tiger's power instantly mobilized!

In an instant, a huge white tiger phantom emerged from Huangfushang's body!

The phantom of this white tiger was shining with white golden light, thunder and lightning jumped, flames burned, solid and lifelike, just like a real white tiger!

Moreover, this white tiger is extremely large, with a length of six to seven hundred meters and a height of three to four hundred meters. It is almost like a huge mountain covering Huangfushang!

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