Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3396: , Peerless genius!

boom! ! ——

Moreover, the sword-intent flame that Ye Fei hit hit the white tiger phantom, but couldn't defeat it at all. As for Huangfushang, who was wrapped in the white tiger phantom, he didn't receive any threat!


Huangfushang laughed loudly and shook his voice: "Sword God, you must know that my white tiger power is a combination of powerful speed, strength and defense!

Even if you can turn the sword into flames, you don't want to hurt me any more! "

As he said, Huangfushang mobilized the power of the real power and the white tiger again, and let out a burst of shouts in his mouth!

"Lei Yinhuxiao!!"

Before the sound fell, I saw this white tiger phantom directly opened its blood basin and let out a tiger roar!


The sound of the tiger's roar turned into waves of power, mixed with white-gold thunderbolts, spreading to all directions, shockingly caused the earth to shake and the space to shake!

The mountains were directly shattered and collapsed, raising smoke and dust!

As for the sword flame that came from the impact, it had also collapsed and disappeared into the sky!


As for the people in the distance, they covered their ears and screamed in pain.

Not only did they feel that their eardrums were about to be shattered, but they also felt that the blood in their bodies couldn't help but boil, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Keep going back! Resist your luck!!"

At this time, someone reminded me.

For a while, everyone continued to retreat one after another, moving back while working, condensing a defensive mask, which barely blocked the impact of the sound wave!

In the distance, Qin Linglong and others also mobilized their true powers to form a layer of defense, and only then did they hold the sonic attack!

However, Ye Fei, who was the closest, was most affected by the sound of the tiger's roar!

He felt qi and blood in his body rolling, his face flushed, his veins violently violently, and he almost vomited blood!


Ye Fei volleyed before stepping directly, the sword intent spread, and the space vibrated!

I saw that a huge and thick sword and shield stood up like a mountain, directly blocking the impact of this sound wave!

"Sword God, this defense is useless!"

Upon seeing this, Huangfu Shang said something jokingly, then opened his eyes, and there was a shock in his mouth!


Before the sound fell, the power of the white tiger and the true power suddenly strengthened, and the power of the sonic impact also strengthened!

Boom! ! ——

The sword and shield in front of Ye Fei had not been supported for a few seconds before it shattered!

Without the defense of the sword and shield, the sonic attack hit Ye Fei as much as possible!

It was Ye Fei's body with the ultimate sword intent to resist, and he felt a headache, and his body seemed to explode!

However, Ye Fei kept a trace of reason, trying to break the trick of Huangfushang!

Since Huangfushang can perform sonic attacks, why can't he follow suit?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei forcibly stood still, stabilized his body, and then mobilized a steady stream of true power and sword intent from his dantian to the top of his head!

Although it is dangerous to do so, after all, a person's head is very fragile. If one does not pay attention and the sword intent cuts the tendons and veins on his head, he is very likely to die directly!

However, fortunately, Ye Fei has always practiced "Emperor Overlord Body Art", so the muscles, bones, veins, blood, cells and other tissues have been strengthened several times, so he can withstand the raging sword intent!

Of course, only Ye Fei dared to do this. If he were an ordinary person, his head would explode!

Ye Feiqiang endured the pain and continued to transport his sword intent and true power above his head, without thinking of giving up!

If you can really succeed, then you will undoubtedly have one more nirvana!

Therefore, no failure is allowed, only success!

At the moment when the true power and sword intent were transferred to his head, Ye Fei couldn't bear the pain, so he opened his mouth and let out an angry shout!

"Dragon's Roar!!"

In an instant, a golden red dragon head phantom appeared on Ye Fei's head, lifelike and majestic, like the head of a real dragon!


At the moment when this dragon head phantom appeared, the dragon head opened its huge mouth and made a sound of dragon roar!

The sound of the dragon's roar shook the sky, as if it caused the sky and the earth to tremble.

Boom boom boom! ! ——

One after another contained sword intent, the sound wave of burning flame swept away, and directly launched a fierce collision with the sound wave of tiger roar!

The world often speaks of tiger roar and dragon yin, but dragon yin has absolute suppression of tiger roar, this is the suppression of higher creatures to lower creatures!

Therefore, with the fierce collisions, Huangfushang's tiger's howling sound waves were all defeated!

Moreover, after smashing the tiger's howl sound wave, the dragon's howl sound wave did not disappear as a result, but continued to hit the white tiger illusion, making a roar like a bell!

Under the impact of these dragons and sound waves, the white tiger phantom and Huangfushang both shook violently!

Although Long Xiao Yinbo could not defeat the White Tiger illusion, it really surprised Huangfu Shang!

He never expected that the "Thundery and Tigers" trick he used would be broken by Ye Fei so quickly!

Huangfushang had only heard about the legend of the Sword God before, but now he discovered that the Sword God is stronger than the rumors!

Moreover, not only was Huangfushang shocked, everyone present was shocked!

Obviously everyone did not expect that the Sword God would be able to suppress Huangfu Shang in his moves!

Over the distance.

"Let me go, when will Brother Fei use such a domineering move, so that he can have such a powerful destructive power and lethality just by moving his mouth?" Tang Yu twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

"It's weird. It seems that I have never seen Fei brother use this trick before?"

Dongfang Xuanqing was also puzzled.

"Do you still need to think about it? This kid was useless before, so that means he can't."

The old beggar stared at Ye Fei's back, full of admiration.

He vaguely remembered the first time he met Ye Fei.

At that time, this kid was very weak both in strength and cultivation, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him, and he needed to rely on his own guidance.

Unexpectedly, in just one or two years, this kid has grown so fast, he has already thrown his eldest brother far away.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?" Lu Qinghong asked.

The old beggar said with emotion: "What I mean is, in order to fight against Huangfushang's "Thundery and Tigers", Ye Fei temporarily created a new move."

Qin Linglong and the others were dumbfounded as soon as these words came out, and they went stupid.

However, Qin Linglong and others were already numb because they had seen too many miracles in Ye Fei.

As for creating new moves in battle, it is not surprising.

At this time, Huangfu was shocked and angry when he saw that his trick had been cracked!

"As expected of the sword god, it seems that I really underestimated you!

However, you want to defeat me just by relying on this little strength, it is impossible! "

Huangfu screamed with a stunned shout, displayed his body technique "Nine Flashes of Wind and Thunder", and swiftly rushed towards Ye Fei!

At this moment, Ye Fei was still in the excitement just now and never recovered.

After all, he just tried a new move just now, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!

Moreover, he felt that the power of this "Dragon's Roar" might be more than that!

It seems that I have to study this trick carefully in the future, and strive to transform it into my own nirvana!

However, Ye Fei didn't think about it anymore. Seeing Huangfu Shang rushing towards him, he directly launched an attack!

"Sword waves are monstrous!!"

Ye Fei swept a sword outrageously, and swung a sword in the direction where Huangfu Shang had swept away!

In an instant, a sword wave composed of tens of thousands of golden-red flame giant swords condensed into shape, and then after a violent tumbling in the sky, like an upside down Tianhe, it washed down towards Huangfushang!

Sword waves rushed wildly, sword intent raged, flames roared, the air was crushed every inch, the space was shattered, and there was a harsh sonic boom!

"Rapid thunder!"

Seeing this sturdy sword wave rushing down towards him, Huangfushang raised his arms, condensing the strength of the real power and the white tiger, and waved towards the sky!

Suddenly, above the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rolled!

Rows of white-golden violent thunders are like sturdy dragons, dancing and dancing among the clouds, shocking everyone present!


Immediately, Huangfushang pressed his arms down!

This dense thunder and lightning dragon, with great coercion, rolled down towards the bottom!

Huh! ! ——

Accompanied by the thunderbolt bombardment, the sword wave that rushed down was not able to get close to Huangfushang at all, so it broke and disintegrated and disappeared into the sky...

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