Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3397: , Must fight!

Moreover, after this dense lightning dragon smashed the sword wave, it continued to crush down, and the target was directed at Ye Fei in mid-air!

Rumble! ! ——

Ye Fei's face sank, and his figure flickered in the air at high speed, avoiding the attacks of these lightning dragons!

After all, Ye Fei clearly perceives that Huangfushang's white tiger bloodline is awakened more thoroughly, and the power of thunder and lightning displayed is how many times stronger than Huangfujin and the great masters in the secret realm!

Therefore, even if Ye Fei's current cultivation base breaks through, and his sword intent has skyrocketed, he dare not use his body to carry it hard!

However, the lightning was too dense, no matter how fast Ye Fei dodges, he was hit by more than a dozen lightning!


Ye Fei snorted, stunned that the blood in his body was tumbling, wisps of black smoke came out of his body, and his body fell a hundred meters directly below!

However, Ye Fei volleyed in the air, and this stabilized his body!

However, as soon as Ye Fei's body stabilized, the shadow fell, and only felt a powerful pressure pressing down like Mount Tai!

"Fentian Tiger Howl Fist!!"

The deep drink resounded!

Ye Fei suddenly raised his head and saw that Huangfu Shang clenched his right hand and smashed it directly at him!

Moreover, at the moment Huangfushang's punch came down, I saw that the white tiger illusion that enveloped him was waving a giant claw and slapped it heavily at Ye Fei!

The overlap of the real fist and the giant claw of light and shadow, the lethality and destructive power do not know how many times it has increased!

The strong wind howled, and the violent force pressed down, causing a big earthquake to tremble and cracking every inch!

Under the pressure of this force, Ye Fei was hunting in a black gown, and there was a knife-like touch on his face!

Fortunately, there is a sword intent to contend with, otherwise Ye Fei would already be covered in scars!

Ye Fei's eyes sank, volleyed a finger, and the sword intent burst out, directly condensing a thick sword and shield in the sky!

At the moment when the sword and shield were formed, Huangfushang's fists and the giant claws of the White Tiger's illusion blasted heavily on the sword and shield!

boom! ! ——

The roar sounded, and the thunder and lightning, sword intent and flame formed a circle of light, spreading towards the release, just like setting off fireworks in the sky!

But in the next second, only a "bang" was heard, this sword and shield couldn't withstand the blow at all, and it shattered!

Without the barrier of the sword and shield, Huangfushang's punch and the white tiger's phantom's claws overlapped with light and shadow, and continued to bombard Ye Fei!

Claws are crushed, not only the power is tyrannical, but the speed is also fast to the extreme!

Ye Fei bit his teeth and quickly raised the giant sword in his hand to resist!

He only heard a "puff" sound of profound iron impact, Ye Fei directly brought a sword with someone, and fell from a height of hundreds of meters like a shooting star, and then fell heavily to the ground with a "bang"!

Suddenly, this space became quiet.

Everyone stared at this scene blankly, a little bit unrecovered!

"No...Is it, Sword God is losing?!"

"It shouldn't have lost yet! Although the Sword God was shot down, the coercion on him has not diminished!"

"Really! Not only did the coercion not weaken, but the sword intent also showed no signs of weakening!!"

"It's worthy of being an extremely strong man who is famous for real martial arts, and he has been able to fight so many rounds of fierce battle with the Great White Tiger without losing!"

At this time, everyone was talking, and they were full of exclamation.

At this moment, they had already believed in the legend of the Sword God, and even after seeing it with their own eyes, they discovered that the Sword God was far more powerful than they thought, and it was a model for young warriors!

As for Qin Linglong and others in the distance, they held their breath and stared closely at the location of Ye Fei's landing.

Therefore, precisely because they also felt that Ye Fei's coercion and breath had not weakened, so even if they were worried, they knew that Ye Fei was not defeated.

At this time, Huangfushang, who was standing in the sky, looked down at Ye Fei below, with an arrogant expression, and said in a shocking voice: "It seems that the rumored sword **** is nothing more than this!

The world calls you the sword god, but in the eyes of this emperor, you are just slightly stronger than ordinary sword repairers! "

However, as soon as Huangfushang's voice fell, his face suddenly changed!

I saw that a golden-red flame giant sword rose from the earth, like thousands of missiles shot into the sky, all the targets were directed at Huangfushang!

Moreover, with the rise of these tens of thousands of giant swords, the speed is still accelerating!

Generally speaking, only the falling speed will get faster and faster, but now, it has exceeded the scope of physics, which makes Huangfushang feel incredible!

There is only one explanation, that is, the sword intent of the Sword God has improved again! !

The dense golden red giant sword is like a forest of swords, and it is like countless flying meteors falling in the sky, directly blocking the route of Huangfushang's dodge, and a complete carpet bombing!

The sword intent swept across and raged, and a fierce sword intent storm blew up within a radius of several thousand meters, and everything around was cut to pieces!

Under this kind of large-scale attack, even if Huangfu's body is against the sky, he can't instantly avoid the encirclement and bombardment of these tens of thousands of giant swords!

Huangfushang's face sank, and a wave of real power and white tiger power was gathered, and he waved directly below!

"Nine Sun Thunder Shield!!"

In an instant, a huge thunder shield flashed with thunder and thunderbolt, blocking his body and resisting the impact of the dense sword rain!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

A burst of earth-shattering impact sounded one after another, bursting out flames and a halo of lightning!

Although Huangfushang's defensive technique is very powerful, it is still difficult to withstand the constant impact of thousands of giant swords!

Therefore, it lasted less than half a minute, and with a "bang", this thunder shield shattered directly!

Without the defense of swords and shields, this dense Bengtian sword rain swept towards Huangfushang!

However, because of the resistance of the White Tiger illusion, this intensive rain of swords could not defeat it even though the lethality and destructive power were terrifying!

However, if this continues, Huangfushang also feels that the White Tiger Illusion may not be able to hold it!

He clearly saw that the solid light and shadow of the White Tiger's phantom had dimmed a bit at this moment!

Thinking of this, Huangfushang's face sank, his arms were opened, he instantly mobilized the power of the real power and the white tiger, and then he waved his arms violently!

"Nine days of thunder!!"

Boom! ! ——

Rumble! ! ——

In an instant, the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if it had turned into a dark, ferocious beast, crawling on the sky!

Strips of white and gold lightning flashed across the sky, flickered and moved in the dark clouds, and then slashed directly towards the sword rain below!

Moreover, in addition to the thunder and lightning falling in the sky, even the earth seems to be covered by a thick layer of thunder and lightning, and a series of thunder pillars also soared from the earth, pointing directly to Jian Yu and Ye Fei in the sky!

Previously, the twelve tigers and beavers could only perform similar moves together, but Huangfushang could perform it by himself, and the power would have to be dozens of times stronger than the twelve tigers and beavers!

At this moment, in the sky and the earth with a radius of one thousand meters, in addition to the flying golden red flame giant sword, there is also that dense platinum thunder and lightning!

The intertwining of the giant sword and thunder and lightning makes this world seem to be a purgatory on earth, full of endless meaning of killing!

Everyone present was dumbfounded at this moment, held their breath, and did not dare to blink their eyes!

After all, it's hard to see a battle like this kind of super strong!

This is not only a visual feast, but also a lot of inspiration for everyone in the practice of martial arts!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Under the bombardment of the dense violent thunder between the world and the earth, a huge sword raging in the sky was shattered, turned into sparks and disappeared in the sky!

Moreover, in less than a few seconds, half of the giant swords had disappeared in the sky, and they were even declining!

Upon seeing this, Huangfu laughed loudly and said in a shocking voice: "Sword God, your moves are endless. One move is more powerful than one, and it really opened my eyes!

However, you still can't beat me, you can't even hurt me!

I still said that... Sword God, but so! "


Ye Fei suddenly became furious, his face gloomy as ice!

Although he knew that Huangfushang was deliberately agitating himself, his purpose was to test out his true strength!

However, Ye Fei did not intend to bear with and keep his hands!

If the tiger doesn't show off his power, he is really a sick cat?

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