Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3398: , The power of a sword!

As a result, Ye Fei shook his whole body, mobilizing the sword intent, true power, and physical strength in an instant, and he was running in a limit manner!

Immediately, the golden-red flame burning on Ye Fei's body became more flaming again, like a golden-red flame war god, descending into the world!

Moreover, as the irritable sword intent washed out from Ye Fei's body, the golden-red flame giantswords that had originally disappeared in the sky were once again condensed and formed!

Although thunder and lightning are still bombarding, the speed of bombing is no longer as fast as the speed increased by the giant sword!

Moreover, as the speed of the giant sword increased, Ye Fei waved his hand gently, and the giant sword in the sky began to violently revolve around Huangfushang, as if forming a golden-red sword intent storm, connecting the heaven and the earth. !

Rocks, soil, and vegetation were swept into the sky, and then they were all crushed to pieces! !

"You...what do you want to do?!"

Upon seeing this, Huangfu yelled, and couldn't help but start drumming in his heart, a look of anxiety appeared on his face!

Ye Fei did not respond to Huangfushang's words, but abruptly waved the giant sword in his hand, and there was a shocking cry in his mouth!

"Sword Intent Reorganization! Emperor Sword Formation!!——"

In an instant, the countless golden-red flame giant swords that were originally rotating in the sky began to reorganize directly, forming a huge sword formation, and then shrank instantly, directly besieging Huangfushang inside!

Moreover, at the moment when the sword **** was formed, countless giant swords and stegosaurus in the sword formation began to shuttle and dance, aiming at Huangfushang in the middle!

Klang Klang! ! ——

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The intensive rain of swords and the violent stegosaurus slammed on Huangfushang's body, making thunderous loud noises!

However, Huangfushang was not injured because of the resistance of the White Tiger illusion. However, the White Tiger illusion became more and more bleak under this attack, as if it would disappear at any time!

"This... how could this happen?!"

Huangfushang stood still in the sword formation, a panic appeared on his face for the first time!

Not only Huangfushang, but the onlookers in the distance were all stunned when they saw this scene. The eyes looking at Ye Fei were the same as those looking at the gods!

Just now because Ye Fei was crushed and beaten, they thought that Ye Fei would be defeated before long!

But I don't know that Ye Fei dared to reverse the situation in just a few minutes!

It's incredible!

"Oh my god, you deserve to be a sword god, this control of the sword intent is superb. Any killer move can be used as you want. It's amazing!"

"That's not... I have never seen the Great White Tiger eaten in the hands of anyone!

Although there were rumors that the Great Baihu was defeated by Wu Sheng, no one had seen it with his own eyes and did not know whether it was true or false!

But now, we have witnessed the fall of Emperor Baihu! "

"How strong is the Sword God? It's simply unimaginable!"

Everyone started talking, looking at Ye Fei with awe.

Even a peerless powerhouse like Baihu Great has fallen short, so I am afraid that I and others will not even be able to make a single move in the hands of the Sword God!

As for Qin Linglong and the others, the sentiments are enthusiastic and excited!

"Brother Fei is great!!"

"Come on, husband!!"

"That's it, in one go, defeat this Huangfushang who likes to pretend!!"

Tang Yu, Qin Linglong and others shouted.

They thought that Ye Fei was not Huangfushang's opponent, and they were already ready to escape.

But when I look at it now, it doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.

If this continues, Huangfushang will definitely be defeated!

At this time, the sky in the distance.

Standing outside the sword formation, Ye Fei took a deep breath, staring at Huangfu Shang in the sword formation indifferently, and said: "Mr. Huangfu, haven't you always said that my strength is nothing more than this, what about now?"

Huangfushang sneered, and said: "Sword God, you are less proud, I just underestimate the enemy for a while to be trapped by you!

However, it is still impossible for your little sword formation to defeat me! ! "

With that, Huangfu Shang was shocked, his momentum and coercion skyrocketed in vain!

A wave of true power and the power of the white tiger were mobilized, and fierce platinum thunder and lightning thundered all over the body!

After the power of thunder and lightning is condensed, it is continuously compressed and converged, flashing its blazing white golden light!

Moreover, in addition, there are pale flames and blue storms madly sweeping through the sword array, and they have a fierce collision with the dense rain of swords and stegosaurus in the sword array!

When the power of thunder and lightning condensed to a limit, Huangfushang raised his arms, his eyes thundered with platinum and thunder, and there was a shocking shout in his mouth!

"Vientiane Thunder Tribulation!!"

Boom! ! ——

In an instant, Huangfushang's whole person seemed to explode, and the thunder and lightning condensed on him spread out wildly, turning into thousands of white-gold lightning bolts, rushing in all directions!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

Klang Klang! ! ——

Under the bombardment of thousands of thunder and lightning, Jianyu and Stegosaurus in the sword formation were defeated one after another!

Soon, this dazzling white-golden light gradually enveloped the flickering golden-red firelight of the sword array, and then swallowed it!

not good! !

Perceiving this rising power, Ye Fei's face changed drastically, and he quickly retreated toward the rear!

At the moment of quitting!

boom! ! ! ——

A burst of earth-shaking explosions resounded like shattered mountains and rivers, and the irritable shock wave rushed in all directions!

The sky over thousands of meters has been completely shrouded by the white golden radiance, making everyone present squinted subconsciously!

Moreover, under the white golden glow, everyone could no longer see the figures of Ye Fei and Huangfushang!

More than a minute passed.

Until the moment when the white golden light in the sky disappeared, everyone looked up and saw two aloof figures standing proudly in the sky, it was Ye Fei and Huangfushang!

Within a few thousand meters, it has become bald, no grass grows, and everything has been razed to the ground!

Below is a huge charred pit that was blown out!

At this moment, the illusion of the white tiger shrouded in Huangfushang's body had disappeared, and the luxurious white-gold robe had been cut out, and **** sword marks appeared on his body!

As for Ye Fei, there were many **** mouths on his body, and he suffered serious injuries!

Although both of them were injured, this skin trauma was nothing to them, and the aura and coercion on the two of them had not weakened much!

But this is so, everyone present was shocked!

The great emperor Baihu was wounded!

If it weren't for seeing it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe this fact? !

At this time, go up in the air.

Huangfushang stared at Ye Fei with an indifferent expression, and said indifferently: "As expected of the famous sword god, it really hurt me, it's incredible!

My Huangfu has been in the world for so many years, and there are only a handful of people who can hurt me. I really admire you! "

Ye Fei met Huangfushang's gaze and shook his voice: "Since I admire me, why did Mr. Huangfu stop me from leaving?"

Huangfushang laughed loudly and said, "Sword God, I haven't met an opponent for a long time. I met you today, and I naturally want to have a good fight with you!

Come on, Sword God, let me see how much you still have not used! ! "

With that said, Huangfushang raised his arms and continued to continuously mobilize the power of the real power and the white tiger!

As the strength continued to rise, I saw a series of platinum thunderbolts rushing out of his body!

Boom! !

Rumble! !

Thunder and lightning, the wind is surging, the sand and rocks are all over the sky, covering the sky!

The white-gold thunder and lightning flashed and flickered in the dark clouds, as if thousands of white-gold dragons were flying through the dark clouds!

"Lei Jiejian!!"

Huangfushang screamed and raised his right hand, and saw that a platinum thunder and lightning giant sword appeared in his hand!

Immediately afterwards, the thousands of thunder and lightning in the sky suddenly condensed into thousands of white-gold thunder and lightning giant swords, spreading out an incomparable coercion!

Ye Fei's heart moved. He didn't expect Huangfu Shang to have such a move!

He did not hesitate, swiping a sword, and the sword intent was vented wildly!

Suddenly, in his upper air, the sword intent directly condensed thousands of golden and red flame giants!

At this moment, the entire sky was dyed in white gold and golden red!

The thunder and lightning flashed, and the sword intent was raging, which was heart palpitating!

The strong man is angry, the world changes color!

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