Super Master of Female President

Chapter 3399: , Temporary intention!

"Sky Thunder Tribulation! Go!!!"

"Sword Broken Galaxy! Go!!!"

In an instant, Huangfushang and Ye Fei simultaneously waved their swords and issued orders!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ——

Suddenly, thousands of platinum thunder and lightning giant swords and golden red flame giant swords broke through the air, and a fierce collision was directly launched in the sky!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

The lightning giant sword and the flame giant sword collided in the sky, like thousands of meteorites hitting, sparking flames and lightning apertures, shaking the world!

However, when the giant swords in the sky collided, Huangfushang did not stop. Instead, his figure flashed, drawing a blue and white light and shadow, and the thunder sword in his hand made a sharp sound of breaking through the sky. Fly away with Ye Fei!

Ye Fei did not back down either, holding the golden red flame giant sword, the speed is not slow at all, the golden red flame giant sword in his hand brings out the scorching flames, and meets Huangfushang!

Cang Dang! ! ——

A fierce collision sounded, and the sword in Ye Fei's hand and the sword in Huangfushang's hand violently collided together!

Immediately, the two directly turned the remote attack into an offensive, and a fierce battle began!

The sky, the ground!

The figures of the two were so fast that only light and shadow trails were left. The power generated by each confrontation caused the surrounding mountains to collapse and a large area of ​​chaos appeared!

Bang bang bang! ! ——

Accompanied by the thunder and loud noises, huge craters on the ground, just like being hit by a meteorite, continue to appear!

The surrounding forests also collapsed in large areas, either being chopped into coke by thunder and lightning, or cut into pieces by sword intent, and then burned into residue by flames!

Every collision is earth-shattering and shocking the mountains and rivers!

Everyone present could still see the afterimages of the two people at first, but when they got to the back, everyone could not even catch the afterimages of the two people. They could only see the collision of two white-gold and golden-red rays of light!

It wasn't until the thousands of thunder swords and golden red flame giant swords all disappeared in the sky that Ye Fei and Huangfushang, who had fought hundreds of moves, bounced a hundred meters away!

The old wounds of the two of them have not been healed and new ones have been added, but the momentum of the two of them has not weakened!

At this moment, a blood stain appeared on Ye Fei's brows, and the blood overflowed and flowed down, and his eye sockets were dyed blood red!

Perhaps because of the stimulation of the blood, Ye Fei felt the blood rolling all over, his heartbeat accelerated, and he felt an inexplicable excitement!

"Come on! Go on!!"

Ye Fei roared at Huangfu Shang, with blood flowing across his face, extremely hideous, like a demon returning from purgatory!

When everyone in the distance saw this scene, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to speak!

Huangfu Shang was also shocked. He didn't expect that the kid in front of him would become more and more courageous, and there was no sign of weakness at all!

You know, this kid dared to come out from the secret realm, and his physical strength should have been consumed a lot, but now, it seems that this is not the case at all!

This kid's body is really weird!

Moreover, he faintly felt that Ye Fei's breath made him feel familiar. As for why he was familiar, he couldn't understand it for a while!

However, without waiting for him to think about it, Ye Fei had already dragged the giant sword and rushed towards him again, really having an endless posture!

Huangfushang's face sank, he was not thinking about it, but suddenly raised the power of the true power and the white tiger to 90%!

With the eruption of Huangfushang's whole body strength, bursts of dark clouds condensed in the sky instantly!

Between the sky and the earth, blue tornadoes, with lightning and thunder and scorching flames, raging wildly between the sky and the earth!

This movement caused everything within a few miles to be affected, the mountain collapsed, the forest collapsed, and countless rare and exotic animals fled everywhere!

It is conceivable that if such a trick is used in some cities, everyone in a city will inevitably be wiped out!

When the strength was raised to the extreme, Huangfushang waved his arms and let out a loud cry in his mouth!

"The sky catastrophe!!"

In an instant, thousands of white-gold thunder and lightnings, the sweeping blue sky wind, and the blazing flame tornado rushed towards Ye Fei!

The sky and the earth shook, the color of the wind and clouds changed, the earth tore, and deep chasms appeared!

The destructive power and lethality have been raised to the extreme!

Everyone present felt unsafe even if they had retreated a kilometer away, so they continued to retreat!

Therefore, Huangfushang has already made a plan, relying on the last move to determine the outcome!

Seeing Huangfushang's devastating ultimate move, Ye Fei didn't keep his hands anymore!

As a result, Ye Fei also instantly elevated his sword intent, true power, and physical strength to the peak state!

With the unprecedented increase in power, Ye Fei felt that the power in his body seemed to be a thousand gods collapsing wildly, and his blood was boiling!

Long! ! ——

As the sword intent rushed out wildly, a low sound came from the whole earth, and a force made the earth tremble! !

"Jiuyou Emperor Dragon!!"

Ye Fei raised up to the sky and let out a loud howl, and slammed a sword!

"Ho **** ho ho!!!!!"

In an instant, nine huge stegosaurus condensed into shape, and directly smashed into Huangfushang's attack!

Boom boom boom! ! ——

A burst of earth-shattering impact sounded, and the spreading shock wave directly shattered the boulder and lifted up countless sand and dust into the sky!

However, under the crush of thousands of thunderbolts, sky wind tornadoes and flame tornadoes, these nine stegosauruses could not defeat them at all, but were pushed back steadily!

"Sword God, this little power is not enough to fight the'Hall of Heaven'!

Give up, Sword God!

You, but so! Hahaha! ! ..."

Huangfushang stood still in the sky, looked at Ye Fei, and laughed.

"Shut up!!!"

Ye Fei roared and continued to vent the sword intent in his body, and then directly swung the giant sword in his hand!

"Nine You Emperor Dragon! Reorganization! Nine Dragon Sword Tripod!!"

Accompanied by a loud shout!

In an instant, the nine sword dragons that were about to disappear directly regrouped, forming a huge sword cauldron covering the sky and the sun!

The whole sword tripod is composed of nine stegosaurus, the head of the dragon is the tripod ears, and the tail of the trip is the tripod feet. It is six to seven hundred meters high and covers an area of ​​five to six hundred meters!

Because of the reorganization of the nine stegosaurus, the sword intent has been overlapped, and it has got an incredible surge!

Everyone in the distance has been completely dumbfounded, and can't imagine what miracle they have seen!

Is this a battle between warriors?

This is simply a battle between the gods! !

After the sword ding took shape, it directly collided with Thousands of Thunderbolt, Skywind Tornado, and Flame Tornado, and they were even indifferent! !

Boom! ! ! ——

After contending for a full minute or so, the two forces have reached their extremes and exploded in the sky, as if the space above was shattered! !

The colorful Huaguang flashed in the sky, spreading, dazzling and dazzling, making everyone close their eyes subconsciously!

Everything in the high sky is no longer visible, except for the roar of the sky thunder in the ears, which cannot be stopped for a long time!

A few minutes later.

When the wind and smoke cleared, everything finally subsided.

When everyone opened their eyes again, the thunder, sky wind, flames, and sword cauldron that had just dimmed in the sky were all gone at this moment!

As the sun sets, the sunset glows down, allowing everyone to see the two figures standing in the sky!

Everyone suddenly realized that Huangfushang and Ye Fei had reached the sunset from noon!

At this moment, Ye Fei and Huangfushang looked at each other and said nothing for a long time!

Everyone didn't know who had won this battle, but Ye Fei and Huangfushang didn't talk, and they didn't dare to talk too much.

However, there is no doubt that after today, this battle will inevitably spread throughout the real martial arts world, causing an uproar!

At this time, Huangfushang and Ye Fei both had more scars on their bodies due to the explosion just now. The blood was dripping and flowing, and they gasped for breath.

Ye Fei swallowed his throat, looked at Huangfushang, hissed and roared: "Huangfushang, you, do you not accept it!

If you are not convinced, continue to fight! ! "

Huangfushang did not respond to Ye Fei's words, only a complex color appeared on his face.

Although continue to fight, he may win narrowly, but he feels it is not worth it.

It's enough to explore here.

Zhenwu Realm respects the strong, and this kid in front of him deserves his respect.

At this time, everyone in the distance saw that Ye Fei and Huangfushang didn't intend to continue fighting, so they leaned over.

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