Qin Yin came to Shengshi Entertainment to work.

There are important documents piled up in her office, and she sits in her office chair and calmly handles official duties.

Not long after, there was a knock on the office door, and Shen Linxi, wearing a suit and tie, entered the room and stood to report on the company's affairs.

The investment amount previously discussed with the director of "The Immortal Rebellion" has been transferred through the company's accounts, and the director is currently recruiting actors again.

It is reported that many powerful actors in the industry have auditioned for the role, and other actors in the crew have also made adjustments. The director is determined to achieve great results in a drastic manner.

"Director Qin, the recording of "Idol Debut" is coming to an end and the final group candidates will be selected the day after tomorrow. The program team sent the company some VIP tickets."

Shen Linxi said and put the ticket on the table.

Qin Yin put down the pen she was using to sign the contract, her eyes fell on the tickets with a glint in her eyes, and she crossed her hands to support her chin.

"How popular is Cen Chen currently?"

"According to the polls, Cen Chen's popularity at the top of the list is comparable to that of Jing Ran who debuted overseas and returned to China. If you didn't think that the C position would be born between the two."

Qin Yin nodded to make it clear.

She stood up and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window. She stood on a high place and looked downstairs. The flow of people or traffic on the ground seemed particularly small in her eyes.

She lightly opened her delicate lips.

"It is scheduled to be on the big screen in Times Square, and it will be played on the night of the group formation to congratulate Cen Chen. If there is a shady scene, and Cen Chen does not form the group, it will be temporarily changed to wish him the end of the recording."

Although according to Cen Chen's current ranking and popularity, he must have a place among the five group quotas, there is no guarantee that he will not have the capital to intervene at the last moment.

"Okay, Director Qin."

Shen Linxi suppressed the surprise in his eyes.

Haishi Times Square is a well-known luxury area. The big screens there are not cheap. They have been priced at one thousand a minute.

"Director Qin, how long will it take to decide?"

Shen Linxi maintains good professional qualities.

Qin Yin said calmly, "In the past two days, you can see that he has made rapid progress during the recording of the show, so just think of it as a surprise for him."

"Bring Cen Xi and the others together on the group night, and you can also go to the scene to see and relax."

Shen Linxi did not show his refusal.

On the night of the group formation, there were countless spectators. The program team chose the largest stadium in Hai City, which can accommodate 50,000 people.

There were huge crowds of people, and fans of every trainee brought cheering sticks and light signs.

Qin Yin was worried about the crowds. Some people squeezed into the young brothers Cen Xi, Wen Jinyu and Wen Haoran. They took their tickets and walked to the VIP channel. The road was much wider.

"Sister Yinyin, this place is so big. My brother is so awesome that he can perform in such a big place."

Cen Xi sat obediently in her seat, holding a bucket of popcorn in her hand, grabbing a few and stuffing them into her mouth from time to time.

Wen Jinyu and Wen Haoran, who were sitting next to each other, were each holding a bucket. They had rarely eaten popcorn in hard times before, but at this moment, their mouths were full like pufferfish.

Qin Yin joked with a faint smile on her lips, "Why, your uncle Yanfeng didn't take good care of you during this time?"

Hearing this, Wen Jinyu and Wen Haoran shook their heads immediately.

Wen Jinyu swallowed the food in his mouth and explained, "Uncle Yanfeng cooks for us in different ways every day, but uncle says this kind of food is junk food, and we can only eat it twice a week."

Although we know that junk food is unhealthy in the eyes of adults, children don't eat it often so they are particularly greedy.

"It's true that you can't eat it often, but I won't secretly complain to your uncle Yanfeng about today's meal."

Yan Feng also came to watch the performance today, but he did not follow him to sit in the VIP seats but bought his own ticket at the back.

In his words, being a celebrity manager is easy to get scolded by the artist's fans, and he is worried that he will be recognized and his life will be in danger.

"Sister Yinyin is so kind!"

After hearing Qin Yin's words, the smiles on the lips of Wen Jinyu and the other children deepened, and their eyes narrowed with joy.

The stage lights dimmed suddenly, and then more intense lights hit the stage. A well-known host in the entertainment industry appeared wearing a well-tailored suit and holding a microphone in his hand.

"Good evening to all the audience friends and netizens in front of the screen. Welcome to the "Idol Debut" scene. The stars are shining tonight. We will enter the finals to select the last five members. After day after day, With all the sweat and hard training, who can reach the final destination?”

As the supporters spoke.

The fans at the scene shouted, shouting about the idols they supported. They looked excited and waved cheering sticks or light signs in their hands.

Brother Cen Xi and Wen Jinyu stoppedBefore eating, they first picked their ears in confusion, and then stood up with the people around them.

"My brother! My brother is the best!"

"Brother Cen Chen will definitely win the championship!"

"Xixi's brother is the best!"

Several little guys screamed at the top of their lungs. Because they were small and short, they were short even when they stood up, and their voices were covered by other sounds.

After shouting for a while, they were tired and stopped, and quickly took a sip of the Coke that came with the popcorn.

The camera swept over, and the netizens in the live broadcast room who stayed in Qin Yin's row saw this scene and screamed with the same excitement as the groundhogs at the scene.

[Ahhh beauty! Licking the screen! Fortunately, I took a screenshot quickly so I wouldn't be afraid that the beauty would slip away from under my nose. Hehe.jpg]

[I remember! I remember that this big beauty is Cen Chen's immediate boss. The boss came to the scene to support her. Cen Chen, you have to do your best to get a good result for your mother! 】

[The little kids next to them are so cute. Can they debut as child stars? Children should learn to earn their own tuition and pocket money. 】

[The one upstairs, they are still children. Can you bear to let them work as child laborers? 】

The comments were endless.

Qin Yin sat in her seat.

She was wearing a simple long-sleeved trousers today. The fabric of the clothes was particularly light and thin, so it would not make people feel hot when worn.

She held her chin with one hand and looked at the performance on the stage. It must be said that the trainees who could stay in the finals were very strong.

At least the performance effect this time was obviously much better than the first time.

The first trainee to come on stage brought a sweet little love song. The sweet and sticky singing voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the microphone, rendering the atmosphere of the scene, and people couldn't help but yearn for sweet love.

"I think I want to fall in love..."

The girl sitting next to Qin Yin listened intoxicatedly, covering her heart with her hand.

The friend who watched the performance with the young lady rolled her eyes.

"You don't deserve it. If you're really in a relationship, you'll complain that he's affecting your reading when he invites you out for dinner, when he invites you out to play, when he invites you to the movies or shopping, you'll complain that he's affecting your reading. Listen to me, you deserve to be alone."


The complaints from my bestie were like a basin of cold water poured down my head mercilessly. The urge to fall in love disappeared instantly.

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